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Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an electromagnetic technique for measurements of water and solute transport in soils. The relationship between the TDR-measured dielectric constant (Ka ) and bulk soil electrical conductivity ([sgrave]a) to water content (θW) and solute concentration is difficult to describe physically due to the complex dielectric response of wet soil. This has led to the development of mostly empirical calibration models. In the present study, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are utilized for calculations of θw and soil solution electrical conductivity ([sgrave]w) from TDR-measured Ka and [sgrave]a in sand. The ANN model performance is compared to other existing models. The results show that the ANN performs consistently better than all other models, suggesting the suitability of ANNs for accurate TDR calibrations.  相似文献   

Regressions between concentrations of major inorganic constituents and either specific conductance or streamflow discharge characterize chemical-quality conditions at a sampling site or of an area and can be used to estimate streamflow chemical-quality composition over time and in space where information is lacking or deficient. In this manner, less costly water quality network operations may be achieved for a given programme, enabling available resources to be reallocated to the collection and analysis of data where information is deficient.

The SYSLAB system is a sequential set of documented special-purpose computer programs for statistically and graphically analysing historical water-quality records and deriving relevant regression relationships based upon this analysis. These computer programs have been applied under a variety of hydrological conditions to characterize regional chemical-quality patterns across the United States and in Pakistan. Case-study results using the proposed methodology are presented for Nigeria, Japan, and Pakistan.  相似文献   

This paper aims at initiating a fundamental understanding of the suspended load transport of river sediment in unsteady flow. Laboratory erosion tests as well as artificial flood experiments are used to evaluate the influence of the transient regime on the transport efficiency of the flow. The erosion experiments reveal that the transport capacity is augmented when the unsteadiness of the flow increases. However, the influence of the transient regime is counteracted by the cohesive properties of the river bed. Field experiments with artificial floods released from a reservoir into a small canal confirm these findings and show a relationship between the friction velocity and the suspended load transport. An appropriate parameter β is proposed to evaluate the impact of the transient regime on the transport of suspended sediment.  相似文献   

The transformation of rainfall into runoff is one of the most important processes in hydrology. In the past few decades, a wide variety of automated or computer-based approaches have been applied to model this process. However, many such approaches have an important limitation in that they treat the rainfall-runoff process as a realization of only a few parameters of linear relationships rather than the process as a whole. What is required, therefore, is an approach that can capture not only the overall appearance but also the intricate details of the nonlinear behaviour of the process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of understanding the dynamics of the rainfall-runoff process from a new perspective, as a chaotic process. The possible existence of chaotic behaviour in the rainfall-runoff process is studied by investigating the rainfall and runoff time series: (a) separately; and (b) jointly (using the runoff coefficient). Monthly rainfall and runoff observed over a period of 131 years (January 1807-December 1937) at the Göta River basin in the south of Sweden are analysed. The correlation dimension method is employed to identify the presence of chaos. The correlation dimensions obtained for the rainfall and runoff time series are 6.4 and 5.5, respectively. The finite dimensions obtained for the rainfall and runoff time series indicate the possible existence of chaos in these processes, implying that the joint rainfall-runoff process might also exhibit chaotic behaviour. The correlation dimension of about 7.8 obtained for the runoff coefficient also indicates the possible presence of chaos and supports the above results.  相似文献   
l INTRODUCTIONThe theories and formulas of sediment dynamics were established based on steady and uniform flows.These theories and formulas often fail to aPply in engineering projects because, in nthee, sediment istransported often by unsteady and non-uniform fiows (Wang et al., l997).TWo cases ofnon-stationarity can be distinguished f long-tertn and short-term (Plate, l994). Long-termnon-stationarity tfansport can be defined as a sediment process which can be treated by sequences ofstat…  相似文献   
The origin and environmental dependencies of lamination in stalagmites from Katerloch, common in speleothems from other cave sites, are examined in detail. Petrographic observations and chemical analyses (including isotopes) of stalagmites and modern calcite were combined with multi‐annual cave monitoring. All investigated stalagmites are composed of low‐Mg calcite and show white, porous laminae and typically thinner, translucent dense laminae. The binary lamination pattern results from changes in the calcite fabric: white, porous laminae are characterized by a high porosity and abundant fluid inclusions and also by enhanced vertical growth and thinning towards the flanks. Translucent, dense laminae exhibit a compact fabric and constant thickness of individual growth layers. U‐Th dating supports an annual origin of the lamination and the seasonally changing intensity of cave ventilation provides a robust explanation for the observed relationships between lamination, stable C isotopic compositions and trace elements (Mg, Sr and Ba). The seasonally variable air exchange, driven by temperature contrasts between the cave interior and outside atmosphere, modulates the rate and amount of CO2 degassing from the drip water and affects the hydrochemistry and consequently the fabric of the precipitating calcite. Although cave air composition and drip rate are both major variables in controlling CO2 degassing from the drip water, the seasonally changing ventilation in Katerloch exerts the primary control and the results suggest a secondary (amplifying/attenuating) influence of the drip rate. Drip rate, however, might be the controlling parameter for lamina development at cave sites experiencing only small seasonal cave air exchange. Importantly, the seasonally variable composition of drip water does not reflect the seasonal cycle of processes in the soil zone, but results from exchange with the cave atmosphere. The alternating porous and dense calcite fabric is the expression of a variable degree of lateral coalescence of smaller crystallites forming large columnar crystals. The white, porous laminae represent partial coalescence and form during the warm season: low calcite δ13C values are linked to low δ13C values of cave air and drip water during that time. This observation corresponds to times of reduced cave ventilation, high pCO2 of cave air, low drip water pH, lower calcite supersaturation and typically high drip rates. In contrast, the translucent, dense laminae represent more or less complete lateral coalescence (inclusion‐free) during the cold season (high calcite, drip water and cave air δ13C values), i.e. times of enhanced cave ventilation, low cave air pCO2, increased drip water pH, relatively high calcite supersaturation and typically low drip rates. In essence, the relative development of the two lamina types reflects changes in the seasonality of external air temperature and precipitation, with a strong control of the winter air temperature on the intensity of cave‐air exchange. Thick translucent, dense laminae are favoured by long, cold and wet winters and such conditions may be related closely to the North Atlantic Oscillation mode (weak westerlies) and enhanced Mediterranean cyclone activity during the cold season. Studies of speleothem lamination can thus help to better understand (and quantify) the role of seasonality changes, for example, during rapid climate events.  相似文献   

Clayey and saline soils have been shown to be problematic for time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements. This study presents some of these problems and discusses solutions to them. Thirteen solute transport experiments were carried out in three undisturbed soil columns of swelling clay soil from Tunisia, labelled S1, S2, and S3 respectively. The columns were collected at three different physiographical regions within a catchment. Water fluxes ranged from 1.2 to 7.2 cm day?1. The large solute transport heterogeneity and large tailing indicated that preferential flow was most pronounced in S1. The preferential flow took place in voids between structural elements and in wormholes. In S3, preferential flow was also evident, but not to the same extent as in S1. In S2, the solute transport was more uniform with little preferential flow. The heterogeneity of the solute transport increased with the water flux in S1 and to a smaller extent in S3, whereas it remained constant in S2. In a previous dye experiment in the field, preferential flow in cracks was observed at those sites where S1 and S3 were collected. In the column experiments, preferential flow in these cracks was less due to the higher initial water content compared to the dye experiments, indicating that the desiccation cracks were closed by the swelling clay.  相似文献   
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