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A structural interpretation of the Ziarat block in the Balochistan region (a part of the Suleiman Fold and Thrust Belt) has been carried out using seismic and seismological data. Seismic data consists of nine 2.5D pre‐stack migrated seismic lines, whereas the seismological data covers the Fault Plane Solution and source parameters. Structural interpretation describes two broad fault sets of fore and back thrusts in the study area that have resulted in the development of pop‐up structures, accountable for the structural traps and seismicity pattern in terms of seismic hazard. Seismic interpretation includes time and depth contour maps of the Dungan Formation and Ranikot group, while seismological interpretation includes Fault Plane Solution, that is correlated with a geological and structural map of the area for the interpretation of the nature of the subsurface faults. Principal stresses are also estimated for the Ranikot group and Dungan Formation. In order to calculate anisotropic elastic properties, the parameters of the rock strength of the formations are first determined from seismic data, along with the dominant stresses (vertical, minimum horizontal, and maximum horizontal). The differential ratio of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses is obtained to indicate optimal zones for hydraulic fracturing, and to assess the potential for geothermal energy reservoir prospect generation. The stress maps indicate high values towards the deeper part of the horizon, and low towards the shallower part, attributed to the lithological and structural variation in the area. Outcomes of structural interpretation indicate a good correlation of structure and tectonics from both seismological and seismic methods.  相似文献   
从目前的研究来看,二阶垂直导数(X和Y两个方向)的求解方法较简单,它采用的五个因子的数字滤波的最小二乘法来优化数据。但是在较小区域面积时(对工程和环境应用中的重力数据),重力异常很容易放大和被区域重力场掩盖,我们认为产生的缘由是表示重力场的x和y方向上的二次多项式引起的。因此,为了逼近重力水平方向的偏导可以设计一个好的滤波器来拟合在xy平面的重力场值,再得出想要的重力垂直方向偏导,文中最后对提出的方法在前人经典模型上和野外实践进行了验证。  相似文献   

Bangladesh, with its small but rich agricultural land (total area 9 million ha) and large population (80 million) is faced with an acute food crisis. The economy of Bangladesh is dependent mainly upon agriculture which, in turn, is dependent upon rainfall. An increase in crop acreage and productivity during the pre-monsoon season, March to May, offers a partial solution to the problem. The water available from the rainfall of this season could be utilized through proper planning for better agricultural uses. The present study is an attempt at an inventory of such pre-monsoon rainfall, both monthly and seasonally, and its variability over time and space. The technique employed is that of trend surface mapping.  相似文献   
Soil contamination by heavy metals has been a major concern for last few decades due to increase in urbanization and industrialization. The main objective of this research was to identify the heavy metal contaminated zones in the study area. Twenty five soil samples collected throughout the agriculture, residential and industrial areas were analysed by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) for trace metals and major oxides. These metals can affect the quality of soil and infiltrate through the soil, thereby causing groundwater pollution. Based on the chemical analysis of major oxides (SiO2, Al2O3, ?Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5) and their distribution; it is observed that these soils are predominantly siliceous type with slight enrichment of alumina component in the study area. Correlation matrix (CM) and factor analysis (FA) is employed to the heavy metal variables, viz., Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Y, Zn and Zr of the soil to determine the dominant factors contributing to the soil contamination in the area. In the analysis, five factors emerged as significant contributors to the soil quality. The total contribution of these five factors is about 90%. The contribution of the first factor is about 45% and has significant positive loadings of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn. The contribution of second factor is 22% and has significant positive loadings of Rb, Sr and Y. The contribution of third, fourth and fifth factors is 10, 8 and 5% and show positive loadings for lead, molybdenum and barium respectively to the soil contamination. The spatial variation maps deciphering different zones of heavy metal concentration in the soil were generated in a GIS (geographic information system) based environment using ArcGIS 9.3.1. The results reveal that heavy metal contamination in the area is mainly due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have produced corundum-bearing residues through the evaporation of natural and synthetic hibonite samples. The sequence of major element losses as well as volatility related trace element fractionations in these residues are similar to those previously observed in residues from the evaporation of chondritic starting material, which suggests that the processes by which these fractionations occur may be largely independent of the starting material used. However, the mineralogy of the residues does depend on the composition of the starting material and, to some extent, on the conditions under which evaporation took place. Similarly, the degree of isotopic mass fractionation observed in the residues is composition-dependent. This observation means that it may be possible to use isotopic data for several elements to constrain the compositions of precursor materials of Ca-Al-rich inclusions, which have an evaporation origin. Although corundum-bearing inclusions are known, their origins are complex and variable, and the scarcity of such inclusions indicates that melting of hibonite, with or without concomitant evaporation, must have been a rare process in the solar nebula. By evaporating mixtures of synthetic oxides of the rare earth elements, we have reproduced the patterns of Group III inclusions and some of the characteristics of ultrarefractory patterns. However, the extreme conditions required to do so indicate that refractory inclusions with these patterns probably have a condensation rather than evaporation origin.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional VSP surveys are often conducted to provide structural illumination of the subsurface away from the borehole. The illumination is achieved through offsetting the source with respect to the downhole geophone. This inevitably gives rise to mode-conversions in both downgoing and upgoing wavefields. Migration of mixed-mode wavefields is complex because the velocity profile used for wavefield extrapolation is valid only for a particular propagation mode; the other mode always propagates at a different velocity. It is therefore advisable to separate the wave-types (P-wave and SV-wave) prior to migration. This may be achieved through wavemode filtering, a multichannel process which exploits the relation between propagation velocity, slowness of events at the recording array and particle motion. The necessary information about particle motion is available only if the VSP data are acquired with a three-component downhole geophone assembly. The wavemode filter partitions wave-types at the recording array; it provides no information about the various changes of propagation mode experienced by the energy as it travels from source to geophone. For the purpose of migration, the intermediate modes of propagation must be deduced. Much of the energy arriving at the receivers is P-wave which has followed the P-wave velocity profile from the source. It can therefore be imaged by conventional (Kirchhoff) migration. As an example of SV-wave imaging, a common mode-code is P-wave from source to reflector and SV-wave from reflector to geophone. Migration of such data calls for back-propagation of the geophone array wavefield, at SV-wave velocity, to the point in the subsurface where it is time-coincident with the forward propagated downwave, at P-wave velocity.  相似文献   
This paper presents a study on Manasbal lake, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir Valley, India. Eighteen water samples were analysed for major ions and trace elements to assess the variability of water quality of the lake for various purposes. Geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, was then used to enhance the dataset and estimate some missing spatial values. Results indicated that the concentration of major ions in the water samples in winter was higher than in summer. The scatter diagrams suggested the dominance of alkaline earths over the alkali elements. Three types of water were identified in the lake that are referred to as Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3 and hybrid types. The lake water was found to be controlled by rock–water interaction with carbonate lithology as a dominant source of the solutes. The major (Ca2 + , Mg2 + , Na + , K + , NO3 and HCO3-{\rm{HCO}}_{3}^{-}, CO3 and Cl) and trace elements of the lake water were within the World Health Organization standards, therefore the lake water was considered chemically safe for drinking purposes. Although NO3 concentration (ranging from 1.72 to 2 mg/L), is within the permissible limit and not very alarming, the gradually increasing trend is not acceptable. It is however, important to guard its spatio-temporal variability as the water is used for domestic as well as agricultural purposes. This study is significant as hydrogeological information on such high altitude lakes in India is scanty.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the depositional facies, diagenetic processes and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine carbonates of the Samana Suk Formation, Kohat Basin, in order to elucidate its reservoir quality. The Samana Suk Formation consists of thin to thick-bedded, oolitic, bioclastic, dolomitic and fractured limestone. Based on the integration of outcrop, petrographic and biofacies analyses, the unit is thought to have been deposited on a gentle homoclinal ramp in peritidal, lagoonal and carbonate shoal settings. Frequent variations in microfacies based sea-level curve have revealed seven Transgressive Systems Tracts (TSTs) and six Regressive Systems Tracts (RSTs). The unit has undergone various stages of diagenetic processes, including mechanical and chemical compaction, cementation, micritization, dissolution and dolomitization. The petrographic analyses show the evolution of porosity in various depositional and diagenetic phases. The fenestral porosity was mainly developed in peritidal carbonates during deposition, while the burial dissolution and diagenetic dolomitization have greatly enhanced the reservoir potential of the rock unit, as is further confirmed by the plug porosity and permeability analyses. The porosities and permeabilities were higher in shoal facies deposited in TSTs, as compared to lagoonal and peritidal facies, except for the dolomite in mudstone, deposited during RSTs. Hence good, moderate and poor reservoir potential is suggested for shoal, lagoonal and peritidal facies, respectively.  相似文献   
The present study quantifies the relationship between ultraviolet-B(UVB) and broadband solar radiation(G) at Qena,Egypt.Data from 10-year hourly integrated totals for both UVB and G on a horizontal surface were used to determine the best fit between the two radiation types.On the basis of the correlation of determination(r2),a second-order polynomial was determined to provide the best fit.For the purpose of developing an empirical model to estimate UVB,all of the cases of UVB and G from a nine-year study from 2001 to 2009 were introduced.Monthly and seasonal empirical models,as well as a general expression,were established for UVB as a function of G.The values of r2 ranged from 0.90 to 0.97.By using a new dataset of G,the estimated and the corresponding measured values of UVB were determined to be in good agreement whereby the values of r2 between the two ranged from 0.91 to 0.98.In addition,the significance and performance of the regression forms were evaluated with the aid of several statistical analysis procedures.The values of the index of modeling(d) and coefficient of modeling efficiency(ME) were close to one.Moreover,the values of RMSE,mean bias error(MBE),and mean absolute error(MAE) were lower than the experimental errors.On the basis of this analysis,it has been determined that the suggested regression forms can be used to estimate UVB when it difficult to obtain measurements or when measurements are available only for limited periods at the studied region.  相似文献   
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