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The total organic carbon(TOC)in the marine source rock of the Ordos Basin mostly ranges from 0.2%to 0.5%.The industrial standard commonly states that the TOC value has to be no less than 0.5%(0.4%for high mature or over-mature source rock)to form large petroleum reservoirs.However,gas source correlation indicates that the natural gas in the Jingbian gas field does receive contribution from marine source rocks.In order to determine the effect of carboxylate salts(or called as organic acid salts)on TOC in highly mature source rocks with low TOC value,we sampled the Ordovician marine source rock and the Permian transitional facies source rock in one drilled well in the southern Ordos Basin and performed infrared and GC-MS analysis.It is found that both kerogen-derived organic acids and carboxylate salt-conversed organic acids exist in both marine and transitional facies source rocks.The carboxylate salt-conversed organic acids mainly come from the complete acidification of carboxylate salts,which confirms the presence of carboxylate salts in the marine source rocks.Although the C16:O peak is the main peak for the organic acids both before and after acidification,the carboxylate salt-conversed organic acids have much less relative abundance ahead of C16:O compared with that of the kerogen-based and free organic acids.This observation suggests that the kerogen-based and free organic acids mainly decarboxylate to form lower carboxylic acids,whereas the carboxylate salt-conversed organic acids mainly break down into paraffins.By using calcium hexadecanoate as the reference to quantify the kerogen-derived and carboxylate salt-conversed organic acids,the high TOC(>2.0%)marine source rocks have low carboxylate salt content and the low TOC(0.2%–0.5%)marine source rocks contain high content of carboxylate salt.Therefore,for the marine source rocks with 0.2%–0.5%TOC,the carboxylate salts may be a potential gas source at high maturity stage.  相似文献   
By measuring carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions for C1, C2 and C3 of 74 gas samples, natural gases from the Tarim Basin can be divided into six groups on the basis of their origins: (1) coal-type gas derived from coal measures; (2) coal-type gas generated from the T-J lacustrine mudstones; (3) oil-type gas derived from the Cambrian and low Ordovician marine source rocks; (4) oil-type gas from the source rocks deposited in the marine-transitional facies; (5) mixing gas between gas derived from the Carboniferous transitional source rocks and the Mesozoic humic gas, and (6) mixing gases of thermal genetic gas and little deep gas in the Southwest depression of the Tarim Basin. The δ D values of methane in natural gases originating from different type kerogens are affected by both palaeo-environments of the source rock formation (kerogen types) and thermal maturity, with sedimentary environment (kerogen type) as the main controlling factor. Under the similar thermal maturity, the hydrogen isotope composition of methane is more enriched in deuterium in marine environments than lacustrine one. With the increase of thermal maturity and the increase of carbon atomic numbers of gaseous alkanes, the hydrogen isotopes become enriched in deuterium. The δ D values of ethane and propane (δ D2, δ D3) are controlled mainly by thermal maturity and to a lesser degree by sedimentary environment of the source rock formation. The partial reversal of hydrogen isotopes for gaseous alkanes would be related to the microbial oxidation, mixing of sapropelic and humic gases and / or mixing of gases from similar kerogen sources with various thermal maturities. In the oil-type gas, the sulfate reduction reaction would result in the reversed order of δ D1 and δ D2 (e.g. δ D1>δ D2).  相似文献   
According to gas compositional and carbon isotopic measurement of 114 gas samples from the Kuqa depression, accumulation of the natural gases in the depression is dominated by hydrocarbon gases, with high gas dryness (C1/C1–4) at the middle and northern parts of the depression and low one towards east and west sides and southern part. The carbon isotopes of methane and its homologues are relatively enriched in 13C, and the distributive range of δ 13C1, δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 is ?32‰–?36‰, ?22‰–?24‰ and ?20‰–?22‰, respectively. In general, the carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes become less negative with the increase of carbon numbers. The δ 13 \(C_{CO_2 } \) value is less than ?10‰ in the Kuqa depression, indicating its organogenic origin. The distributive range of 3He/4He ratio is within n × 10?8 and a decrease in 3He/4He ratio from north to south in the depression is observed. Based on the geochemical parameters of natural gas above, natural gas in the Kuqa depression is of characteristics of coal-type gas origin. The possible reasons for the partial reversal of stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes involve the mixing of gases from one common source rock with different thermal maturity or from two separated source rock intervals of similar kerogen type, multistages accumulation of natural gas under high-temperature and over-pressure conditions, and sufficiency and diffusion of natural gas.  相似文献   
Since the discovery of the Tahe oilfield, it has been controversial on whether the main source rock is in the Cambrian or Middle-Upper Ordovician strata. In this paper, it is assumed that the crude oil from the Wells YM 2 and TD 2 was derived from the Middle-Upper Ordovician and Cambrian source rocks, respectively. We analyzed the biomarkers of the crude oil, asphalt-adsorbed hydrocarbon and saturated hydrocarbon in bitumen inclusions from the Lunnan and Hade areas in the North Uplift of the Tarim Basin. Results show that the ratios of tricyclic terpane C21/C23 in the crude oil, asphalt-adsorbed hydrocarbon and saturated hydrocarbon in bitumen inclusions are less than 1.0, indicating that they might be from Upper Ordovician source rocks; the ratios of C28/(C27+C28+C29) steranes in the saturated hydrocarbon from reservoir bitumen and bitumen inclusions are higher than 25, suggesting that they might come from the Cambrian source rocks, however, the ratios of C28/(C27+C28+C29) steranes in oil from the North Uplift are less than 25, suggesting that they might be sourced from the Upper Ordovician source rocks. These findings demonstrate that the sources of crude oil in the Tarim Basin are complicated. The chemical composition and carbon isotopes of Ordovician reservoired oil in the Tarim Basin indicated that the crude oil in the North Uplift (including the Tahe oilfield) and Tazhong Depression was within mixture areas of crude oil from the Wells YM 2 and TD 2 as the end members of the Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician sourced oils, respectively. This observation suggests that the crude oil in the Ordovician strata is a mixture of oils from the Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks, with increasing contribution from the Cambrian source rocks from the southern slope of the North Uplift to northern slope of the Central Uplift of the Tarim Basin. Considering the lithology and sedimentary facies data, the spatial distribution of the Cambrian, Middle-Lower Ordovician and Upper Ordovician source rocks was reconstructed on the basis of seismic reflection characteristics, and high-quality source rocks were revealed to be mainly located in the slope belt of the basin and were longitudinally developed over the maximum flooding surface during the progressive-regressive cycle. Affected by the transformation of the tectonic framework in the basin, the overlays of source rocks in different regions are different and the distribution of oil and gas was determined by the initial basin sedimentary structure and later reformation process. The northern slope of the Central Uplift-Shuntuo-Gucheng areas would be a recent important target for oil and gas exploration, since they have been near the slope area for a long time.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地海相碳酸盐岩层系天然气成藏研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鄂尔多斯盆地两套优质烃源岩,即上奥陶统背锅山组泥灰岩和中奥陶统平凉组中下部页岩,是海相碳酸盐岩层系古油藏原油和现今靖边气田油型气的主要来源。两套优质烃源岩主要分布在盆地的西部和西南部,呈"L"型展布,盆地内部缺失;它们累计厚度约50~350m。平凉泥岩TOC介于0.5%~1.2%,平均0.9%,厚度20~50m,而灰岩TOC主要分布在0.2%~0.4%区间,平均0.3%。背锅山组泥岩有机碳相对较高,TOC介于0.22%~3.3%,平均为0.93%。三叠纪末期,两套优质烃源岩生成的大量液态烃类进入中央古隆起控制的斜坡部位,形成古油藏;侏罗纪-早白垩世,地层持续加深和地温梯度升高,烃源岩热演化程度达到高-过成熟阶段,古油藏温度超过180℃,原油开始热裂解生成天然气。油气的热裂解导致气藏压力不断增大,驱使部分气体进一步扩散运移。晚白垩世燕山运动IV幕,盆地东部大规模持续挤压抬升导致了原有油气藏经历了西高东低转变为东高西低的构造反转,形成构造枢纽。中央隆起带聚集油气的优势被改造,裂解形成的天然气向东或东北方向运移。但是运移过程中,东部盐岩、膏盐、致密碳酸盐岩侧向封堵。在靖边气田中心部位,由于奥陶系顶部缺失石炭系铁铝土岩封盖,使得部分石炭-二叠系生成的天然气沿着不整合面进入风化壳,形成从奥陶系来源的原油裂解气与石炭-二叠系生成的煤型气相混合。  相似文献   
The Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains the broad distribution of natural gas types. So far, several giant gas fields have been discovered in the Upper and Lower Paleozoic in this basin, each having over 1000×108m3 of proven gas reserves, and several gas pools have also been discovered in the Mesozoic. This paper collected the data of natural gases and elucidated the geochemical characteristics of gases from different reservoirs, and then discussed their origin. For hydrocarbons preserved in the Upper Paleozoic, the elevated δ 13C values of methane, ethane and propane indicate that the gases would be mainly coal-formed gases; the singular reversal in the stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes suggests the mixed gases from humic sources with different maturity. In the Lower Paleozoic, the δ 13C1 values are mostly similar with those in the Upper Paleozoic, but the δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 values are slightly lighter, suggesting that the gases would be mixing of coal-type gases as a main member and oil-type gases. There are multiple reversals in carbon isotopes for gaseous alkanes, especially abnormal reversal for methane and ethane (i.e. δ 13C1>δ 13C2), inferring that gases would be mixed between high-mature coal-formed gases and oil-type gases. In the Mesozoic, the δ 13C values for gaseous alkanes are enriched in 12C, indicating that the gases are mainly derived from sapropelic sources; the carbon isotopic reversal for propane and butane in the Mesozoic is caused by microbial oxidation and mixing of gases from sapropelic sources with different maturity. In contrast to the Upper Paleozoic gases, the Mesozoic gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopes of iso-butane than normal butane, which may be caused by gases generated from different kerogen types. Finally, according to δ 13C1-R 0 relationship and extremely low total organic carbon contents, the Low Paleozoic gases would not be generated from the Ordovician source as a main gas source, bycontrast, the Upper Paleozoic source as a main gas source is contributed to the Lower Paleozoic gases.  相似文献   
The Xushen gas field, located in the north of Songliao Basin, is a potential giant gas area for China in the future. Its proved reserves have exceeded 1000×108 m3 by the end of 2005. But, the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating. Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source are widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin. According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system, gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper. The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300°C to 550°C, with temperature interval of 50°C. The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions. Results show that δ 13C1 is less than ?20‰, carbon isotope trend of alkane gas is δ 13C1<δ 13C2<δ 13C3 or δ 13C1<δ 13C2>δ 13C3, these features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity, not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous alkanes (δ 13C1>δ 13C2>δ 13C3). These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement, but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir. Thus, the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes. The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0×108–23.8×108 m3/km2, corresponding to R o from 2.0% to 3.5% for organic matter.  相似文献   
Yang  Chun  Luo  Xia  Li  Jian  Li  ZhiSheng  Liu  QuanYou  Wang  YuLin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2008,51(1):140-147

The Xushen gas field, located in the north of Songliao Basin, is a potential giant gas area for China in the future. Its proved reserves have exceeded 1000×108 m3 by the end of 2005. But, the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating. Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source are widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin. According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system, gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper. The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300°C to 550°C, with temperature interval of 50°C. The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions. Results show that δ 13C1 is less than −20‰, carbon isotope trend of alkane gas is δ 13C1<δ 13C2<δ 13C3 or δ 13C1<δ 13C2>δ 13C3, these features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity, not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous alkanes (δ 13C1>δ 13C2>δ 13C3). These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement, but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir. Thus, the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes. The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0×108–23.8×108 m3/km2, corresponding to R o from 2.0% to 3.5% for organic matter.

Hu  AnPing  Li  Jian  Zhang  WenZheng  Li  ZhiSheng  Hou  Lu  Liu  QuanYou 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2008,51(1):183-194

The Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains the broad distribution of natural gas types. So far, several giant gas fields have been discovered in the Upper and Lower Paleozoic in this basin, each having over 1000×108m3 of proven gas reserves, and several gas pools have also been discovered in the Mesozoic. This paper collected the data of natural gases and elucidated the geochemical characteristics of gases from different reservoirs, and then discussed their origin. For hydrocarbons preserved in the Upper Paleozoic, the elevated δ 13C values of methane, ethane and propane indicate that the gases would be mainly coal-formed gases; the singular reversal in the stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes suggests the mixed gases from humic sources with different maturity. In the Lower Paleozoic, the δ 13C1 values are mostly similar with those in the Upper Paleozoic, but the δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 values are slightly lighter, suggesting that the gases would be mixing of coal-type gases as a main member and oil-type gases. There are multiple reversals in carbon isotopes for gaseous alkanes, especially abnormal reversal for methane and ethane (i.e. δ 13C1>δ 13C2), inferring that gases would be mixed between high-mature coal-formed gases and oil-type gases. In the Mesozoic, the δ 13C values for gaseous alkanes are enriched in 12C, indicating that the gases are mainly derived from sapropelic sources; the carbon isotopic reversal for propane and butane in the Mesozoic is caused by microbial oxidation and mixing of gases from sapropelic sources with different maturity. In contrast to the Upper Paleozoic gases, the Mesozoic gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopes of iso-butane than normal butane, which may be caused by gases generated from different kerogen types. Finally, according to δ 13C1-R 0 relationship and extremely low total organic carbon contents, the Low Paleozoic gases would not be generated from the Ordovician source as a main gas source, bycontrast, the Upper Paleozoic source as a main gas source is contributed to the Lower Paleozoic gases.

将天文轨道周期与不同级别的旋回联系起来,旨在使米兰科维奇周期这一高精度时间标尺纳入高频层序地层划分中,实现高精度旋回的识别与划分。以哈萨克斯坦南图尔盖盆地Aryskum地堑Ary301井为例,基于不同沉积特征,分别对卡拉甘塞组I~IV段自然伽马测井数据进行频谱分析和连续小波变换,结果显示沉积地层中保存完好的米兰科维奇旋回,天文轨道周期对Aryskum地堑沉积过程具有明显影响,并将31.9~39.5 m旋回厚度解释为受400 kyr长偏心率周期控制,11.9~14.2 m,6.7~8.8 m旋回厚度分别受125 kyr和95 kyr短偏心率周期控制。对长、短偏心率周期进行滤波分析后,与天文模型理论周期曲线进行对比,建立卡拉甘塞组的浮动天文年代标尺,分别以400 kyr、125 kyr偏心率周期滤波曲线作为中期和短期旋回划分的参考曲线,共识别出11.5个中期旋回和47个短期旋回,为高频旋回划分提供了一种不受人为因素影响的天然标准,保证了研究区旋回划分的科学性和统一性。  相似文献   
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