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正Orogens can generally be divided into two types:accretionary and collisional.The fundamental differences in deep-crustal compositions and architecture from accretion to collision and how to identify them is not well understood.This is one of the major aims of the IGCP 662 project (www.igcp662.org.cn).The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a typical and the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt and the  相似文献   
The Dynamical-microphysical-electrical Processes in Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Hazards(STORM973)project conducted coordinated comprehensive field observations of thunderstorms in the Beijing metropolitan region(BMR)during the warm season from 2014 to 2018.The aim of the project was to understand how dynamical,microphysical and electrical processes interact in severe thunderstorms in the BMR,and how to assimilate lightning data in numerical weather prediction models to improve severe thunderstorm forecasts.The platforms used in the field campaign included the Beijing Lightning Network(BLNET,consisting of 16 stations),2 X-band dual linear polarimetric Doppler radars,and 4 laser raindrop spectrometers.The collaboration also made use of the China Meteorological Administration’s mesoscale meteorological observation network in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.Although diverse thunderstorm types were documented,it was found that squall lines and multicell storms were the two major categories of severe thunderstorms with frequent lightning activity and extreme rainfall or unexpected local short-duration heavy rainfall resulting in inundations in the central urban area,influenced by the terrain and environmental conditions.The flash density maximums were found in eastern Changping District,central and eastern Shunyi District,and the central urban area of Beijing,suggesting that the urban heat island effect has a crucial role in the intensification of thunderstorms over Beijing.In addition,the flash rate associated with super thunderstorms can reach hundreds of flashes per minute in the central city regions.The super(5%of the total),strong(35%),and weak(60%)thunderstorms contributed about 37%,56%,and 7%to the total flashes in the BMR,respectively.Owing to the close connection between lightning activity and the thermodynamic and microphysical characteristics of the thunderstorms,the lightning flash rate can be used as an indicator of severe weather events,such as hail and short-duration heavy rainfall.Lightning data can also be assimilated into numerical weather prediction models to help improve the forecasting of severe convection and precipitation at the cloud-resolved scale,through adjusting or correcting the thermodynamic and microphysical parameters of the model.  相似文献   
A narrowband radio interferometer has been developed and used to locate the entire sources of VHF radiations from a negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharge which contains 19 strokes. This system uses five antennas to form an array consisting of short- and long-baselines along two or- thogonal directions. The system error which comes from frequency conversion is reduced by phase detection through direct high frequency amplifying. An interactive graphic analysis procedure is used to remove the fringe ambiguities which exist inherently in interferometry and to determine the direction of lightning radiation sources in two dimensions (azimuth and elevation) as a function of time at a time resolution of microsecond orders. With the developed system, the whole progression process in time and space of a lightning flash can be reconstructed. In this paper, combining the synchronous data of electric filed change and VHF radiation, the whole processes of an example negative CG flash have been studied in detail. It is found that the preliminary breakdown event of the CG flash started from negative charge region and exhibited firstly a downward pregression and then an upward propagation. There were very intense and continuous radiations during stepped leaders which became much stronger when the first return stroke began. In contrast, there were less and only discrete radiations during dart leaders. Stepped leader and dart leader may transform to each other depending on the state of the ionization of the path. The progression speed of initial stepped leaders was about 105 ms?1, while that was about 4.1×106 and 6.0×106 ms?1 for dart leaders and dart-stepped leaders, respectively. M events produced hook-shaped field changes accompanied by active burst of radiations at their begin- nings. Followed these active radiation processes, M events appeared to contact finally into conducting main discharge channels. The mean progression speed of M events was about 7×107 ms?1, greater than that of the dart leaders and dart-step leaders. K events and attempted leaders were essentially the same as dart leaders except that they could not reach the ground and initiate return strokes.  相似文献   
杨静  郄秀书  赵阳  张其林 《气象科技》2007,35(Z1):14-17
对2006年山东人工触发闪电实验中获取的一次传统触发闪电的电流及60 m处的磁感应强度变化波形对比分析的结果表明,Rogowski线圈和磁场测量系统记录到的波形很类似.这次闪电共包含两次回击,回击的时间间隔约为34 ms.两次回击的电流幅值很大,分别为41.6 kA和29.6 kA,在60 m处产生的磁感应强度变化分别为133μT和97μT,通过磁感应强度反演得到两次回击的电流分别为39.8 kA和29.1 kA,与Rogowski线圈的实测结果基本一致.另外,回击之前放电过程中仅出现了两个脉冲,利用所测磁感应强度反演得到两个脉冲对应的电流分别为2.11 kA和2.7 kA,与Rogowski线圈的实测结果2.1 kA和2.8 kA基本一致.  相似文献   
基于S波段多普勒天气雷达基数据、北京闪电定位网全闪定位数据和北京地区降雹的人工观测结果,对比分析Gatlin和σ两种闪电跃增算法在不同配置下对北京地区2015—2018年共177次冰雹天气过程的预警效果。结果表明:不同倍数的σ算法预警结果差别很大,2σ(要求当前闪电频数变化率超过之前平均闪电频数变化率两倍标准差)在σ算法中的预警效果最佳;不同N(总闪频数变化率的数量)配置下的Gatlin算法的预警结果差别不大,其中当N=6时的预警效果最佳。2σ算法的命中率、虚警率和临界成功指数分别为80.2%,41.6%和51.1%,N=6的Gatlin算法的相应结果分别为82.5%,62.0%和35.2%。另外,详细分析了一次多单体雷暴过程和一次飑线过程中两种算法的应用情况,结果也表明Gatlin算法比2σ算法的命中率略高,但虚警率偏高很多,临界成功指数偏低。综合Gatlin算法和σ算法对冰雹预报结果评估情况,发现2σ闪电跃增算法更适于对北京冰雹天气的预警,对提升闪电数据在北京地区冰雹预报业务的可用度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
富碱侵入岩具有深源浅成的属性,是示踪地幔组成的窗口。位于东天山与塔里木克拉通北缘交界处的阔克塔格以西出露一处以正长岩为主体、包含少量中—基性岩石单元的富碱侵入岩。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb测年显示其侵位于227~224 Ma之间,为印支期岩浆作用产物。该岩体具有富碱(Na2O+K2O=7. 93%~ 12. 28%)、富铝(Al2O3=15. 62%~18. 67%)、贫镁(MgO=0. 12%~4. 01%)、贫钛(TiO2=0. 14%~1. 63%)的特征,属于准铝质的(A/CNK=0. 78~1. 00)高钾钙碱性—钾玄岩系列。微量元素表现出高场强元素Nb、Ta、Th、U、Zr、Hf的富集,不相容元素Sr、P、Ti的亏损特征;轻重稀土分馏明显((La/Yb)N=15. 09~34. 90),表现为轻稀土强烈富集的右倾型曲线,Eu异常变化较大(δEu=0. 12~1. 72)。在同位素组成上,富碱侵入岩呈现相对宽泛但总体富集的全岩Sr- Nd和锆石Hf同位素特征,(87Sr/86Sr)i=0. 70489~0. 70581,εNd(t)=14. 56~6. 74,εHf(t)=11. 48~+3. 06,锆石δ18O值(5. 49‰~6. 87‰)略高于地幔值(5. 3‰±0. 6‰)。阔克塔格西富碱侵入岩具A1型花岗岩特征,形成于板内伸展构造环境中。基于主、微量元素及Sr- Nd- Hf- O同位素特征,笔者认为该杂岩体为同源岩浆演化产物,源于富集岩石圈地幔的原始岩浆上升并经历AFC(同化混染- 分离结晶)过程。晚三叠世塔里木克拉通北缘—东天山—北山地区处于板内构造体制,A1型花岗岩和正长岩差异化的时空分布特征很可能记录了古亚洲洋自西到东 “剪刀式”的闭合过程。  相似文献   
利用低光度相机首次观测到了2013年7月31日华北地区一次中尺度对流系统(MCS)上空产生的中高层Sprite放电现象。结合闪电定位、天气雷达等同步观测, 对一次MCS诱发的Sprite的形态学特征及其对应的母体闪电和雷暴系统的雷达回波特征等进行了详细分析。研究除发现了2例圆柱型、3例胡萝卜型和1例舞蹈型 Sprite外, 还发现了2例发光主体发育不完全的Y字型Sprite。估算的Sprite的底部平均高度低于61.8±3.5 km, 顶部平均高度为84.3±6.8 km。Sprite持续时间算术平均值为25.7±9.8 ms, 几何平均值为24.4 ms。Sprite的母体闪电均为正地闪, 峰值电流在+62.5~+106.2 kA之间, 算术平均值为+77.1±22.2 kA, 是本次MCS所有正地闪平均峰值电流的1.4倍。Sprite母体闪电的脉冲电荷矩变化(iCMC)在+475~+922 C km之间, 几何平均值为+571.0 C km。Sprite母体闪电发生在MCS雷达回波25~35 dBZ的层状云降水区, 弱回波(<30 dBZ)面积的突然增加对Sprite的产生有重要指示作用。Sprite易发生在MCS成熟—消散阶段正地闪比例(POP)显著增加的时段。在本次MCS消散阶段中, 有两个时间段可能有利于产生Sprite。在Sprite集中发生时间段, 北京闪电综合探测网(BLNET)探测到的正地闪比例为54.2%, 正地闪连续电流比例70.24%, 连续电流持续时间为58.17±50.31 ms, 有利于Sprite的产生。  相似文献   
Qie  Wenkun  Ma  Xueping  Xu  Honghe  Qiao  Li  Liang  Kun  Guo  Wen  Song  Junjun  Chen  Bo  Lu  Jianfeng 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):112-134
The Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points(GSSPs) for the bases of all seven international Devonian stages have been formally defined and ratified by IUGS till 1996, and nowadays, the main tasks for Devonian stratigraphers include further subdivision of these standard stages, strictly constrained absolute ages for the boundaries, and precise neritic-pelagic and marine-terrestrial correlations using multidisciplinary stratigraphy methods. Establishment of high-resolution Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework and timescale of China would play an important role in improving regional and international correlation, facilitating the recognition of important stratigraphic levels in different paleogeographic settings, and understanding the evolution pattern of biota, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment during this critical interval. Based on well-studied bio-and chronostratigraphy of Devonian in South China and adjacent areas, in combination with recent achievements in carbon isotope stratigraphy, event stratigraphy and radioactive isotope ages, this paper briefly summarize the research history and current status of Devonian chronostratigraphy of China, and for the first time introduce Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework of China.Up to date, few studies have been conducted on the astronomical cyclostratigraphy and high-resolution radioactive isotope dating in Devonian of China, which should be our main focuses in the near future.  相似文献   
To improve regional and intercontinental correlation of the uppermost Devonian–lowermost Carboniferous, we examined the conodont faunas and carbon isotopic records of the Tangbagou Formation in the Qilinzhai section, southern Guizhou, South China. The Tangbagou Formation is a succession of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic rocks that accumulated on a shallow‐water platform under normal marine conditions. Seven conodont zones for shallow‐water biofacies in South China, the Cl. gilwernensis–Cl. unicornis Zone, the Po. spicatus Zone, the Si. homosimplex Zone, the Si. sinensis Zone, the Si. eurylobata Zone, the Ps. multistriatus Zone and the Po. co. porcatus Zone in ascending order, are recognized in the Tangbagou Formation. Although apparently limited in its value for global correlation, this conodont zonation is more applicable to shallow‐water biofacies in South China. Carbonate samples have yielded carbon isotopic signatures consistent with those recorded in Euroamerica sections, in particular showing four distinct characteristics: (1) the peak values of Hangenberg Carbon Isotope Excursion (HICE) during the latest Devonian, (2) a minor positive shift (P1) in the Si. homosimplex Zone during the early Tournaisian, (3) a second minor positive shift (P2) in the Si. sinensis Zone and (4) the middle Tournaisian Carbon Isotope Excursion (TICE) in the middle part of the Tangbagou Formation. The similarity in peak values (~5.5‰) and magnitude of TICE for the Qilinzhai and Belgian sections indicates that the Euro‐asia δ13Ccarb trends may reflect the changes in global mean ocean δ13CDIC, rather than having been overprinted by local carbon cycling. Integration of conodont biostratigraphy and δ13C stratigraphy provides a powerful tool for stratigraphic correlation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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