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我们业已研发了计算各向异性、非均质介质中P- SV转换波(C-波)的转换点和旅行时的新理论。据此 可以利用诸如相似性分析、迪克斯模型建模、克契 霍夫求和等常规方法来完成各向异性的处理和各向 异性处理,并使各向异性的处理成为可能。这里将 我们的新发展分作两部分来介绍。第一部分为理 论,第二部分为对速度分析和参数计算的应用。第 一部分理论包括转换点的计算和动校正的分析。  相似文献   
Blooms of macroalgal matting are increasingly common within temperate zones and are often comprised of opportunistic species such as Ulva lactuca. Where this algae forms a dense mat, a stressful environment is created in the sediment below, influencing the invertebrate infaunal assemblage. This study was conducted over a six month period during which a dense mat of U. lactuca developed and subsequently dispersed. The algal mat was found to have a significant negative impact on species richness, abundance and biomass of the macroinfauna. However, a faunal community developed within the algal mat which contained several species not previously observed. This community increased the abundance and diversity of the overall invertebrate assemblage. The results are discussed in relation to impacts on the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   
Arne saltmarsh, an RSPB reserve, is situated in Poole Harbour on the English south coast. In recent years, there has been concern about possible changes in the suitability of the site for Redshank (Trigna totanus) due to sika deer (Cervus nippon) grazing. In order to assess these changes, 50 plots were established in three different locations: 20 in grazed areas, 20 in ungrazed areas and 10 fenced enclosures. Deer grazing was found to significantly affect structural and species diversity of the saltmarsh vegetation. Spartina anglica dominated in ungrazed areas whilst Salicornia ramosissima and, to a lesser extent, Puccinellia maritima dominated in grazed sites. In grazed areas the vegetation cover was significantly lower, as was vegetation height and volume. In addition, significant changes were observed in the root biomass, which was lower in grazed areas. Infaunal diversity was generally low throughout the survey area. However, significant variations were observed. Invertebrates abundance was more abundant in grazed plots than in ungrazed plots, and least abundant in fenced plots. The study indicated that in its current condition, localised areas of Arne saltmarsh do not provide adequate habitat requirements for Tringa totanus.  相似文献   
徐家围子断陷构造地质特征研究新进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在徐家围子断陷深层连片三维地震精细解释的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,系统的刻画了深大断裂的性质、产状和时空分布规律。从区域构造应力场着手,详细剖析了徐家围子断陷的构造地质特征,重新构建了深大断裂体系。依据剖面特征和断陷的地质结构,首次在徐家围子断陷内解释出两条深大走滑断裂带,发现深大走滑断裂控制了营城组火山岩的形成和分布。明确了徐家围子断陷"两凹夹一隆、东西分带、南北分块"构造格局的动态演化过程及其控制因素。详细剖析了断陷期地层的沉积发育过程、后期改造过程以及现今赋存特征。为庆深气田火山岩储层分布规律预测奠定了基础。  相似文献   
徐家围子断陷深层结构形成与演化的探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
徐家围子断陷是松辽盆地北部深层最重要的含气断陷。本文根据最新地震和钻井资料综合研究成果,结合前人研究认识,探讨了徐家围子断陷的形成与演化,认为徐家围子断陷在区域构造位置上处于东北地区松辽盆地的北部,处于松辽盆地区域莫霍面隆起的西斜坡上,特定的位置决定了其形成演化的各个阶段受东北地区区域板块构造运动的控制,与松辽盆地的形成与演化具有一定的关系。徐家围子断陷形成与演化可以划分为5个阶段,是太平洋构造域板块间的相互作用和深部热力作用发育演化的结果,这种过程造就了现今南北分块、东西分带、凹隆相间、构造复杂和沉积岩与火山岩并存的地质结构。徐家围子断陷深层现今构造格局受控于近NW向的徐中断裂、近SN向的徐西断裂、近NW向的徐东断裂带和四组近NE向的断裂。本次研究,对以往无法解释的很多地质现象给予了很好的解释,得出了一些崭新的认识,也从宏观上为寻找天然气资源给予了有力指导。  相似文献   
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