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To be able to understand year-round river channel evolution both at present and in the future, the spatial variation of the flow characteristics and their sediment transport capabilities under ice cover need to be detected. As the measurements done through cross-sectional drill holes cover only a small portion of the river channel area, the numerical simulations give insight into the wider spatial horizontal variation of the flow characteristics. Therefore, we simulate the ice-covered flow with a hydrodynamic two-dimensional (2D) model in a meandering subarctic river (Pulmanki River, Finland) in mid-winter conditions and compare them to the pre-winter open-channel low flow situation. Based on the simulations, which are calibrated with reference measurements, we aim to detect (1) how ice-covered mid-winter flow characteristics vary spatially and (2) the erosion and sedimentation potential of the ice-covered flow compared to open-channel conditions. The 2D hydrodynamic model replicated the observed flow characteristics in both open-channel and ice-covered conditions. During both seasons, the greatest erosional forces locate in the shallow sections. The narrow, freely flowing channel area found in mid-winter cause the main differences in the spatial flow variation between seasons. Despite the causes of the horizontal recirculating flow structures being similar in both seasons, the structures formed in different locations depended on whether the river was open or ice covered. The critical thresholds for particle entrainment are exceeded more often in open-channel conditions than during ice-covered flow. The results indicate spatially extensive sediment transport in open-channel conditions, but that the spatial variability and differences in depositional and erosional locations increase in ice-covered conditions. Asymmetrical bends and straight reaches erode throughout the year, whereas symmetrical, smaller bends mainly erode in open-channel conditions and are prone to deposition in winter. The long ice-covered season can greatly affect the annual morphology of the submerged channel. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Potential links between the Arctic sea-ice concentration anomalies and extreme precipitation in China are explored. Associations behind these links can be explained by physical interpretations aided by...  相似文献   
During the Middle Pleistocene late Saalian glaciation of northern central Europe numerous pro‐glacial lakes formed along the southwestern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Little is known about the drainage history of these lakes, the pathways of glacial lake outburst floods and their impacts on erosion, sedimentation and landscape evolution. This study investigated the impact of the late Saalian Weser and Münsterland Lake (Germany) outburst floods. In particular, we reconstructed the routing and flow dynamics of the lake outburst flood and analysed the flood related sediments. We employed one‐dimensional hydraulic modelling to calculate glacial lake outburst flood hydrographs. We modelled the flow pathway and local flow conditions along the pathway based on the boundary conditions of two different hydrographs and two different ice‐margin positions. The modelling results were compared with geomorphological and sedimentological field data in order to estimate the magnitude and impact of the flood on erosion and sedimentation. Two major lake drainage events are reconstructed for the study area, during which approximately 90–50 km3 of water was released. Modelling results indicate that the lake outburst floods created a high‐energy flood wave with a height of 35–50 m in confined valley areas that rapidly spread out into the Lower Rhine Embayment eventually flowing into the North Sea basin. The sedimentary record of the outburst floods comprises poorly sorted coarse‐grained gravel bars, long‐wavelength bedforms and sandy bedforms deposited by supercritical and subcritical flows. Some parts of the sandy flood deposits are rich in reworked mammoth bones or mammoth and horse teeth, pointing to reworking of older fluvial sediments, hydraulic concentration and subsequent re‐sedimentation of vertebrate remains. These deposits are preserved in sheltered areas or at high elevations, well above the influence of postglacial fluvial erosion. The flood‐related erosional features include up to 80‐m‐deep scour pools, alluvial channels and streamlined hills.  相似文献   
This study investigates the impact of flow structure of different discharges on meander point bar morphology. We carried out mobile and terrestrial laser scanning campaigns before and after a flood on two sandy‐bed point bars. Between the scans, the flow structure was examined using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler at three flow stages. The results indicated that a meander point bar both affects and in turn, is itself modified by the flow at different discharges. The lower flow stages also have a significant effect on point bar morphology, especially on deposition over the bar head. Secondary circulation is responsible for scroll bar formation on the point bar margin beyond the apex. Flow separation at the inner bank, by contrast, does not require secondary circulation, but is dependent on flow depth over the point bar. A sudden increase in depth beyond the point bar top causes decreased stream power over the bar tail. The flow separation and decreased stream power cause a slow flow zone and net deposition over point bar tail. The backwater effect, if evident, may strengthen the process. Thus, filling over the bar tail seems generic for point bars and independent on secondary flow. Chutes and chute bars, scroll bars, bar head filling and bar platform filling, by contrast, require special fluvio‐morphological circumstances discussed in this paper. Whilst this paper confirms that the three‐dimensional flow structure has a major effect on point bar morphology, the flow structure seems to depend on how the point bar affects the flow trajectory which, in turn, depends upon the flow stage. Finally, the shape of the bend and the grain size distribution control the impacts of the flow structure, leading to divergent morphologies of point bars with certain generic features. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The boat‐based, mobile mapping system (BoMMS) with a laser scanner allows the derivation of detailed riverine topographical data for fluvial applications. Combined with data acquisition from static terrestrial LiDAR (light detection and range) or mobile terrestrial LiDAR on the ground, boat‐based laser scanning enables a totally new field mapping approach for fluvial studies. The BoMMS approach is an extremely rapid methodology for surveying riverine topography, taking only 85 min to survey a reach approximately 6 km in length. The BoMMS approach also allowed an effective survey angle for deep river banks, which is difficult to achieve with aerial or static terrestrial LiDAR. Further, this paper demonstrates the three‐dimensional mapping of a point‐bar and its detailed morphology. Compared with the BoMMS surface, approximately, 80% and 96% of the terrestrial LiDAR points showed a height deviation of less than 2 cm and 5 cm, respectively, with an overall standard deviation of ± 2·7 cm. This level of accuracy and rapidity of data capture enables the mapping of post‐flood deposition directly after a flood event without an extensive time lag. Additionally, the improved object characterisation may allow for better 3D mapping of the point bar and other riverrine features. However, the shadow effect of the BoMMS survey in point bar mapping should be removed by additional LiDAR data to acquire entire riverine topography. The approach demonstrated allowed a large reach to be surveyed compared with static terrestrial LiDAR and increased the spatial limit of survey towards aerial LiDAR, but it maintains the same or even better temporal resolution as static terrestrial LiDAR. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Field measurements and morphodynamic simulations were carried out along a 5‐km reach of the sandy, braided, lower Tana River in order to detect temporal and spatial variations in river bed modifications and to determine the relative importance of different magnitude discharges on river bed and braid channel evolution during a time span of one year, i.e. 2008–2009. Fulfilling these aims required testing the morphodynamic model's capability to simulate changes in the braided reach. We performed the simulations using a 2‐D morphodynamic model and different transport equations. The survey showed that more deposition than erosion occurred during 2008–2009. Continuous bed‐load transport and bed elevation changes of ±1 m, and a 70–188‐m downstream migration of the thalweg occurred. Simulation results indicated that, during low water periods, modifications occurred in both the main channel and in other braid channels. Thus, unlike some gravel‐bed rivers, the sandy lower Tana River does not behave like a single‐thread channel at low discharge. However, at higher discharge, i.e. exceeding 497 m3/s, the river channel resembled a single‐thread channel when channel banks confined the flow. Although the spring discharge peaks caused more rapid modifications than slower flows, the cumulative volumetric changes of the low water period were greater. The importance of low water period flows for channel modifications is emphasized. Although the 2‐D model requires further improvements, the results were nevertheless promising for the future use of this approach in braided rivers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The affected pixel number distribution of the ISOCAM Long-Wave (LW) detector in cosmic ray-induced glitchesis calculated. The methods employed are Monte Carlo ray-tracing techniques and the taxi metric, which allows direct calculation of the affected pixels based on the knowledge of entry and exit points of the ray. The simulation results are compared with long-term experimental data. Based on the simulations combined with the CREME96 cosmic ray model for solar quiet period, it is estimated that the detector is on average traversed by 0.3 cosmic ray protons per second. For the experimental data, a corresponding minimum bound of 0.14 cosmic ray protons per second is obtained. Deviations in the simulated and measured pixel number distributions are discussed.  相似文献   
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