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Increased use of wood can substitute more energy demanding products and thus contribute to a long-term solution to the global warming problem. The aim of this article is to provide an empirical study on this substitution impact, its cost-effectiveness, and which methodological assumptions that are of highest importance for the results obtained. We have made a case study where we compare use of various flooring materials. The results show that floor covering in solid oak causes lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than the other materials. The difference can be ranked in the following order, after their potential for reduction in GHG emissions: Carpet in wool, carpet in polyamide, vinyl, and linoleum. At 2% pro anno discount rate, the avoided GHG emission in tons per m3 of oak flooring used is 0.1–1.9 for linoleum, and 11.8–15.5 for wool carpets. Unless the solution in solid oak is on total less expensive over the lifetime of the building, only the price of avoided emissions from a substitution between solid oak and carpet in wool is reasonable, compared to present carbon fees. The assumptions that influence the result most are choice of discount rate, carbon fixation on forest area, and waste handling. Empirical case studies like this indicate GHG emission reduction potentials caused by substitution, but should be complemented by dynamic input/output analyses and econometric studies. To analyse the flow of CO2 over time, they should also be linked to forest management models.  相似文献   
TritonX-100-5-Br-PADAP光度法测定铜和镍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了非离子型表面活性剂Triton X- 100 存在下,用5 - Br - PADAP 光度法测定铜、镍的方法。结果表明:在pH9 .0 的硼砂缓冲介质中,5 - Br - PADAP 与铜和镍生成紫红色络合物,λCum ax = 575 nm ,εCu = 1 .04 ×105 L·mol- 1·cm - 1 ;λNim ax = 575 nm ,εNi = 1 .14 ×105 L·mol- 1·cm - 1 。铜和镍的质量浓度分别在0 ~560 μg/ L和0 ~440 μg/ L符合比尔定律。加入六偏磷酸钠后,由于偏磷酸镍的形成,镍不再与5 - Br - PADAP 显色,可通过铜及铜镍总量的测定,计算出镍的含量。用该方法实测了钢样中铜和镍的含量,结果与推荐值相符,对铜和镍5 次测定的RSD均小于5 % 。  相似文献   
Severe droughts in the middle-12th and late-13th centuries appear to have affected Anasazi (pre-Columbian Native American) populations. During the first drought most of the great houses in the central San Juan Basin were vacated; the second drought resulted in the abandonment of the Four Corners region. During the first drought, villages may not have been completely abandoned. The multi-year drought periods probably were characterized by reductions in both winter and summer precipitation. Maize is dependent on winter precipitation for its germination and initial growth and on summer (monsoonal) precipitation for its continued growth. Reductions in precipitation are hypothesized to have resulted in low yields of maize, the dietary staple of the Anasazi. A comparison of historic climate data and tree-ring-based reconstructions of precipitation in the Four Corners region with tree-ring-based reconstructions of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) indicate that severe and persistent drought in the Four Corners region occurs when the PDO is negative and the AMO is positive. Historic climate data from the greater San Juan Basin indicate that a negative PDO is characterized by reductions in both water-year and summer precipitation, reinforcing the concept that at least some multi-year droughts involved weakening of the summer monsoon with attendant decreases in the yields of maize.  相似文献   
The carrier of the natural magnetization of deep sea sediments was characterized by mineralogical, electron microscopic, and rock magnetic investigations. Magnetic single domain (SD) and pseudo single domain (PSD) particles which are most important for the stable remanent magnetization were separated from the magnetic »coarse fraction« and concentrated as magnetic »fine fraction«. The magnetic coarse fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite, which often contains exsolution-lamellae of ilmenite. Both minerals are partially maghematized and occur isolated in the sediment or embedded in rock particles, in regionally different concentrations. The magnetic fine fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite and biogenic magnetite (magnetofossils = fossil bacterial magnetosomes), the latter generally maghematized.A graphical method is described which allows the classification and characterization of the magnetic fine fraction by demagnetization of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of whole sediment samples. Three groups with different magnetic properties can be distinguished, characterized by three ARM type-curves: Type A curves are associated with sediments from abyssal plaines. They show nearly identical ARM properties and are typical for magnetofossils.Type B curves are produced by sediments from the vicinity of volcanic regions. Their shapes are variable to a certain degree and indicate two lithogenic magnetic phases.Type C curves are found for sediments from submarine ridges and regions with input of terrigenous detritus. These curves have the largest deviations among each other indicating a magnetic multi-phase assemblage including magnetofossils.
Zusammenfassung Die Träger der Magnetisierung von Tiefseesedimenten wurden mineralogisch, elektronenmikroskopisch und gesteinsmagnetisch untersucht. Magnetische Eindomänen (SD) und Pseudo-Eindomänen (PSD) Partikel, die für eine stabile remanente Magnetisierung wichtig sind, wurden als magnetische »Feinfraktion« von der magnetischen »Grobfraktion« abgetrennt. Die magnetische Grobfraktion besteht aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit die teilweise maghemitisiert sind und teilweise auch Ilmenit-Entmischungslamellen aufweisen. In regional unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen liegen sie frei im Sediment oder in silikatischer Matrix eingebettet vor. Die magnetische Feinfraktion besteht sowohl aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit, als auch aus biogenem Magnetit (Magnetofossilien = fossile bakterielle Magnetosomen); letzterer ist größtenteils maghemitisiert.Es wird eine grafische Darstellungsmethode beschrieben, die anhand von Untersuchungen der anhysteretischen remanenten Magnetisierung (ARM) von Sedimentproben eine Charakterisierung der magnetischen Feinfraktion erlaubt. Es lassen sich dadurch drei Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Eigenschaften unterscheiden, die durch drei Gruppen von ARM-Kurventypen charakterisiert sind.Kurventyp A wird bei Sedimenten aus Tiefsee-Ebenen beobachtet. Die ARM-Daten sind nahezu identisch und zeigen ein Verhalten, wie es für Magnetofossilien typisch ist. Kurventyp B tritt bei Sedimenten aus dem Einzugsbereich vulkanischer Gebiete auf. Er zeigt eine größere Variation und die Form der Kurven spricht für ein System aus zwei lithogenen magnetischen Komponenten.Kurventyp C gehört zu Sedimenten aus submarinen Rücken und dem Einzugsgebiet terrigener Schüttungen. Die Kurvenverläufe sind uneinheitlich und sprechen für ein magnetisches Mehrkomponenten-System mit Beteiligung von Magnetofossilien.

Résumé Les minéraux porteurs du magnétisme dans les sédiments de mer profonde ont été explorés par les méthodes de la minéralogie, de la microscopie électronique et du magnétisme des roches. Les particules qui correspondent à un domaine magnétique unique (SD) et pseudo-unique (PSD), significatives pour un magnétisme rénanent stable, ont été concentrées comme «fraction magnétique fine» après séparation de la «fraction magnétique grossière». Cette dernière consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, qui renferment souvent des lamelles d'exsolution d'ilménite. Ces deux minéraux sont partiellement maghémitisés; ils se présentent isolés ou inclus dans des fragments de roches, avec des concentrations régionales diverses. La fraction magnétique fine consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, ainsi qu'en magnétite biogénique (magnétofossile = magnétosome fossile bactérien), cette dernière ordinairement maghemitisée.Les auteurs présentent une méthode graphique qui permet de caractériser la fraction magnétique fine à partir de l'examen du magnétisme rémanent anhystérique (ARM) de l'échantillon de sédiment. Cette méthode permet de distinguer trois groupes de propriétés magnétiques différentes, caractérisés par trois types de courbes ARM. Les courbes de type A caractérisent les sédiments de plaines abyssales; elles montrent des propriétés ARM presque identiques et sont typiques pour les magnétofossiles. Les courbes de types B sont fournies par les sédiments voisins des régions volcaniques; leurs formes varient dans une certaine mesure et indiquent un système à deux composants magnétiques lithogéniques. Les courbes de type C correspondent aux sédiments des crêtes sous-marines et des régions à apports terrigènes; ces courbes présentent entre elles des différences plus marquées, ce qui indique un système magnétique à composants multiples, comportant des magnétofossiles.

, - . (SD) (PSD) , , » « » «. . . , . , , . » « , , — , , ; . (ARM) , . , ARM. , . - , .
The Cenozoic Krabi Basin in the southern part of peninsular Thailand contains about 112 million tons proven coal reserves. At present, coal is only produced from the Bang Mark mine located in the southern part of the basin, where the main lignite bed is 7-20 m thick. The lignite bed occurs in an overall paralic succession. The present paper investigates the depositional conditions of an approximately 8 m thick lignite bed (main seam) in the Bang Mark mine using organic petrography, including maceral ratios, and geochemistry. The results are further interpreted in a sequence stratigraphic context. The lignite is of low rank and is completely dominated by huminite indicating generally oxygen-deficient conditions in the precursor mire. Very low inertinite contents suggest rare occurrences of wildfires. The lower part of the lignite bed represents a topogenous fresh water peat mire with open water areas that in few cases may have experienced influx of saline water. The peat mire was subjected to periodic inundations and deposition of siliciclastics. Tissue preservation was relatively poor. The upper part of the lignite bed represents a slightly domed fresh water ombrogenous peat mire with a stable watertable and a balance between peat accumulation and accommodation space creation that favoured preservation of plant tissues. In general, the mire vegetation changed from less woody in the topogenous mire to more arborescent in the ombrogenous mire, where plants with suberinised wood cell walls also were more frequent. Decompacted, the lignite bed corresponds to a minimum ~ 11 m thick peat deposit that records from ~ 22,000 to 55,000 years of peat accumulation. Watertable rise in the peat mire was controlled overall by relative sea-level rise. In a sequence stratigraphic context, the lignite bed overlies a terrestrialisation surface (TeS; sensu Diessel, 2007) and the lowermost part records peat formation during a falling watertable and a decreasing accommodation/peat accumulation ratio (terrestrialisation). An accommodation reversal surface (ARS; sensu Diessel, 2007) indicates a change to paludification style of peat formation characterised by rising watertable and a high accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. Another ARS marks a gradual change to a situation with a balanced accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. The overall watertable rise throughout peat formation, but at a gradually slower rate from base to top, suggests that the lignite bed could be located in the late transgressive systems tract (TST).  相似文献   
撒兴昌  高天明  张艳 《地球学报》2023,44(2):341-350
随着新能源产业的快速发展, 全球碳酸锂贸易量逐渐增长, 但其出口集中于少数国家, 这意味着全球碳酸锂供应存在一定的风险。为了深入了解全球碳酸锂贸易格局演变、供应危机传播路径及影响, 本文构建了2000—2021年全球碳酸锂贸易网络和级联失效模型, 概述了主要出口国贸易流向和贸易格局演变过程, 并模拟了不同供应危机来源的雪崩规模、传播路径及其影响。我们得到: (1)20多年来全球碳酸锂贸易集中度逐渐增加, 出口前三位国家保持稳定, 而主要进口大国变化明显, 贸易格局已由南美供应全球转变为南美供应东亚; (2)碳酸锂贸易供应危机的影响范围逐渐扩大, 间接传播逐渐占据主导地位; (3)智利供应危机对中日韩的影响程度逐渐扩大, 但对欧洲的影响时间最长; 阿根廷和中国的雪崩规模在上升、传播次数增加, 而美国则相反。本文将贸易格局演变与危机传播结合, 明确了全球碳酸锂主要贸易国智利、阿根廷、中国、德国等作为供应危机来源的影响程度及其传播路径。以上分析结果将有利于维护全球碳酸锂贸易稳定和主要贸易国采取应对策略缓解供应危机。  相似文献   
The intention of our study was to gain new insight into the complex interplay between different types of eruption of the Stromboli volcano by combining detailed field observation with different geophysical methods. We recorded more than 600 eruptions by use of continuous Doppler radar measurements. We detected the onset of the seismic precursor and the beginning of the visible eruption by use of seismic and infrared data. Two soil samples per day were used to monitor the effect of humidity on the eruptive style. We mapped the crater region as a reference base for the long-term morphological changes of the active region and for the exact positions of our measurement systems. Two distinct types of eruption were distinguished from each other on the basis of seismic and radar data - short, wide-angle Strombolian explosions and pulsating, sharp angle fountain-like eruptions. Data and visual observations imply that weather conditions significantly effect volcanic activity. We also interpret the intensification of eruptive activity during our field study as replenishment of the reservoir with a new batch of magma in late September 2000.  相似文献   
This paper described a procedure for simulation of the outer dynamics in ship collisions.The simulation procedure is derived using the transient equations for the horizontal motion of a ship. The hydrodynamic forces acting on the ships' hull during the collision are calculated by a strip method, where the forces acting on each section are described by means of unit response functions. These functions are determined by cosine transformation of the sectional dampings. The sectional added masses and dampings, and thereby also the sectional unit response functions, are calculated by an approximate method. The deformations of the slip structures during the collisions are modelled as non-linear springs.The resulting system of non-linear equations is solved using a numerical time-integration procedure.A number of different collision situations are simulated by means of the procedure.  相似文献   
The Jan Mayen microcontinent was as a result of two major North Atlantic evolutionary cornerstones—the separation of Greenland from Norway (~54 Ma), accompanied by voluminous volcanic activity, and the jump of spreading from the Aegir to the Kolbeinsey ridge (~33 Ma), which resulted in the separation of the microcontinent itself from Eastern Greenland (~24 Ma). The resulting eastern and western sides of the Jan Mayen microcontinent are respectively volcanic and non-volcanic rifted margins. Until now the northern boundary of the microcontinent was not precisely known. In order to locate this boundary, two combined refraction and reflection seismic profiles were acquired in 2006: one trending S–N and consisting of two separate segments south and north of the island of Jan Mayen respectively, and the second one trending SW–NE east of the island. Crustal P-wave velocity models were derived and constrained using gravity data collected during the same expedition. North of the West Jan Mayen Fracture Zone (WJMFZ) the models show oceanic crust that thickens from west to east. This thickening is explained by an increase in volcanic activity expressed as a bathymetric high and most likely related to the proximity of the Mohn ridge. East of the island and south of the WJMFZ, oceanic Layers 2 and 3 have normal seismic velocities but above normal average crustal thickness (~11 km). The similarity of the crustal thickness and seismic velocities to those observed on the conjugate M?re margin confirm the volcanic origin of the eastern side of the microcontinent. Thick continental crust is observed in the southern parts of both profiles. The northern boundary of the microcontinent is a continuation of the northern lineament of the East Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. It is thus located farther north than previously assumed. The crust in the middle parts of both models, around Jan Mayen island, is more enigmatic as the data suggest two possible interpretations—Icelandic type of oceanic crust or thinned and heavily intruded continental crust. We prefer the first interpretation but the latter cannot be completely ruled out. We infer that the volcanism on Jan Mayen is related to the Icelandic plume.  相似文献   
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