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This paper evaluates the analytical precision, accuracy and long‐term reliability of the U‐Pb age data obtained using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) with a frequency quintupled Nd‐YAG (λ = 213nm) laser ablation system. The U‐Pb age data for seven standard zircons of various ages, from 28 Ma to 2400 Ma (FCT, SL13, 91500, AS3, FC1, QGNG and PMA7) were obtained with an ablation pit size of 30 μm diameter. For 207Pb/206Pb ratio measurement, the mean isotopic ratio obtained on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SRM610 over 4 months was 0.9105 ± 0.0014 (n = 280, 95% confidence), which agrees well with the published value of 0.9096. The time‐profile of Pb/U ratios during single spot ablation showed no significant difference in shape from NIST SRM610 and 91500 zircon standards. These results encouraged the use of the glass standard as a calibration standard for the Pb/U ratio determination for zircons with shorter wavelength (λ = 213 nm) laser ablation. But 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages obtained by this method for seven zircon standards are systematically younger than the published U‐Pb ages obtained by both isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID‐TIMS) and sensitive high‐resolution ion‐microprobe (SHRIMP). Greater discrepancies (3–4% younger ages) were found for the 206Pb/238U ages for SL13, AS3 and 91500 zircons. The origin of the differences could be heterogeneity in Pb/U ratio on SRM610 between the different disks, but a matrix effect accuracy either in the ICP ion source or in the ablation‐transport processes of the sample aerosols cannot be neglected. When the 206Pb/238U (= 0.2302) newly defined in the present study is used, the measured 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages for the seven zircon standards are in good agreement with those from ID‐TIMS and SHRIMP within ±2%. This suggests that SRM610 glass standard is suitable for ICP‐MS with laser ablation sampling (LA‐ICP‐MS) zircon analysis, but it is necessary to determine the correction factor for 206Pb/238U by measuring several zircon standards in individual laboratories.  相似文献   
A dropstone‐bearing, Middle Permian to Early Triassic peri‐glacial sedimentary unit was first discovered from the Khangai–Khentei Belt in Mongolia, Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The unit, Urmegtei Formation, is assumed to cover the early Carboniferous Khangai–Khentei accretionary complex, and is an upward‐fining sequence, consisting of conglomerates, sandstones, and varved sandstone and mudstone beds with granite dropstones in ascending order. The formation was cut by a felsic dike, and was deformed and metamorphosed together with the felsic dike. An undeformed porphyritic granite batholith finally cut all the deformed and metamorphosed rocks. LA‐ICP‐MS, U–Pb zircon dating has revealed the following 206Pb/238U weighted mean igneous ages: (i) a granite dropstone in the Urmegtei Formation is 273 ± 5 Ma (Kungurian of Early Permian); (ii) the deformed felsic dike is 247 ± 4 Ma (Olenekian of Early Triassic); and (iii) the undeformed granite batholith is 218 ± 9 Ma (Carnian of Late Triassic). From these data, the age of sedimentation of the Urmegtei Formation is constrained between the Kungurian and the Olenekian (273–247 Ma), and the age of deformation and metamorphism is constrained between the Olenekian and the Carnian (247–218 Ma). In Permian and Triassic times, the global climate was in a warming trend from the Serpukhovian (early Late Carboniferous) to the Kungurian long and severe cool mode (328–271 Ma) to the Roadian to Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) warm mode (271–168 Ma), with an interruption with the Capitanian Kamura cooling event (266–260 Ma). The dropstone‐bearing strata of the Urmegtei Formation, together with the glacier‐related deposits in the Verkhoyansk, Kolyma, and Omolon areas of northeastern Siberia (said to be of Middle to Late Permian age), must be products of the Capitanian cooling event. Although further study is needed, the dropstone‐bearing strata we found can be explained in two ways: (i) the Urmegtei Formation is an autochthonous formation indicating a short‐term expansion of land glacier to the central part of Siberia in Capitanian age; or (ii) the Urmegtei Formation was deposited in or around a limited ice‐covered continent in northeast Siberia in the Capitanian and was displaced to the present position by the Carnian.  相似文献   
The Miocene Kitami rhyolite, consisting of orthopyroxene and plagioclase-phyric lavas and dikes, occurs on the back-arc side of the Kuril arc with coeval basalts and Fe-rich andesites. Temperatures estimated from orthopyroxene–ilmenite pairs exceed 900°C. Although the whole rock compositions of the Kitami rhyolite correspond to S-type granites (i.e., high K, Al, large ion lithophile elements, and low Ca and Sr), Sr–Nd isotope compositions are remarkably primitive, and similar to those of the coeval basalts and andesites. They are distinct from those of lower crustal metamorphic rocks exposed in the area. Comparison of chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns between the rhyolite and the basalts and andesites show that the rhyolite is more light REE enriched, but has similar heavy REE contents than the basalts. All rhyolites show negative Eu anomalies. The geochemical data suggest that did not formed by simple dehydration melting of basaltic rocks or fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas. The features of slab-derived fluids expected from recent high pressure experimental studies indicates that mantle wedge is partly metasomatized with “rhyolitic” materials from subducted slabs; it is more likely that very low degree partial melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge formed the rhyolite magma.  相似文献   
Harutaka  Sakai  Minoru  Sawada  Yutaka  Takigami  Yuji  Orihashi  Tohru  Danhara  Hideki  Iwano  Yoshihiro  Kuwahara  Qi  Dong  Huawei  Cai  Jianguo  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):297-310
Abstract   Newly discovered peloidal limestone from the summit of Mount Qomolangma (Mount Everest) contains skeletal fragments of trilobites, ostracods and crinoids. They are small pebble-sized debris interbedded in micritic bedded limestone of the Qomolangma Formation, and are interpreted to have been derived from a bank margin and redeposited in peri-platform environments. An exposure of the Qomolangma detachment at the base of the first step (8520 m), on the northern slope of Mount Qomolangma was also found. Non-metamorphosed, strongly fractured Ordovician limestone is separated from underlying metamorphosed Yellow Band by a sharp fault with a breccia zone. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of muscovite from the Yellow Band show two-phase metamorphic events of approximately 33.3 and 24.5 Ma. The older age represents the peak of a Barrovian-type Eo-Himalayan metamorphic event and the younger age records a decompressional high-temperature Neo-Himalayan metamorphic event. A muscovite whole-rock 87Rb–86Sr isochron of the Yellow Band yielded 40.06 ± 0.81 Ma, which suggests a Pre-Himalayan metamorphism, probably caused by tectonic stacking of the Tibetan Tethys sediments in the leading margin of the Indian subcontinent. Zircon and apatite grains, separated from the Yellow Band, gave pooled fission-track ages of 14.4 ± 0.9 and 14.4 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. These new chronologic data indicate rapid cooling of the hanging wall of the Qomolangma detachment from approximately 350°C to 130°C during a short period (15.5–14.4 Ma).  相似文献   
The Plio-Quaternary Balhaf–Bir Ali volcanic field (BBAVF) constitutes one of the largest volcanic fields in SE Yemen, covering some 500 km2. It comprises cinder cones complexes associated with vesicular lava flows and scoria–spatter cones. In many places, ultramafic xenoliths are encountered within these volcanics. The explosive volcanism is mainly of alkaline character including alkali olivine basalt, hawaiite and mugearite together with subordinate tuffaceous trachytes. Major, trace and REEs data from the basaltic rocks of the BBAVF are interpreted in terms of a mantle-lithospheric origin in which crustal contribution during the initial stage of rift magmatism has occurred. Magma genesis may have resulted from plume-derived melt introducing into the base of the lithosphere. A mantle plume source is proposed for the Balhaf–Bir Ali basaltic lavas that are here interpreted as having been generated by partial melting of garnet lherzolite in the uppermost part of asthenosphere. The magmatic evolution of Balhaf–Bir Ali volcanic field may be accounted for by the recent models developed for plume structure.  相似文献   
The spatiotemporal distribution of Cretaceous–Paleogene granitic rocks in southwestern Japan is investigated to understand the origin of the granitic batholith belt and to reconstruct the tectonic setting of emplacement. New U–Pb zircon ages for 92 samples collected from a region measuring 50 km (E–W) by 200 km (N–S) reveals a stepwise northward younging of granitic rocks aged between 95 and 30 Ma with an age‐data gap between 60 and 48 Ma. Based on the spatiotemporal distribution of granite ages, we examine two plausible models to explain the pattern of magmatic activity: (i) subduction of a segmented spreading ridge and subsequent slab melting (ridge‐subduction model), and (ii) subduction with a temporally variable subduction angle and corresponding spatial distribution of normal arc magmatism (subduction angle model). We optimize the model parameters to fit the observed magmatism in time and space, and compare the best‐fit models. As to ridge subduction model, the best‐fit solution indicates that the spreading ridge started to subduct at approximately 100 Ma, and involved a 45‐km‐wide section of the ridge segment, a subduction obliquity of 30°, and a slow migration velocity (~1.6 cm/y) of the ridge. These values are within the ranges of velocities observed for present‐day ridge subduction at the Chile trench. On the other hand, the best‐fit solution of subduction angle model indicates that the subduction angle decreases stepwise from 37° at 95 Ma, 32° at 87 Ma, 22° at 72 Ma, to 20° at 65 Ma, shifting magmatic region towards the continental side. These results and comparison, together with constraints on the geometry of the tectonic setting provided by previous studies, suggest that the ridge subduction model better explains the limited duration of magmatism, although both models broadly fit the data and cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Tadahiro  Shibata  Yuji  Orihashi  Gaku  Kimura  Yoshitaka  Hashimoto 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):376-393
Abstract   Growth of an accretionary prism is effected by frontal accretion and deep subsurface underplating at the base of the prism. A systematic oceanward and structurally downward younging of underplated sequences is expected as the prism thickens and grows. To test this hypothesis and explore the processes of underplating, the U–Pb ages of zircon grains contained in underplated mélange sequences or packages of the Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt, southwest Japan, were determined using LA–ICP–MS laser technology. The results document systematic but intermittent younging ages within a single underplated mélange package. This finding suggests that underplating took place episodically during a period of several million years and that between episodes of underplating, a large amount of sediment was subducted to depths much greater than where underplating was occurring.  相似文献   
The Sindong Group forms the lowermost basin‐fill of the Gyeongsang Basin, the largest Cretaceous nonmarine basin located in southeastern Korea, and comprises the Nakdong, Hasandong, and Jinju Formations with decreasing age. The depositional age of the Sindong Group has not yet been determined well and the reported age ranges from the Valanginian to Albian. Detrital zircons from the Sindong Group have been subjected to U–Pb dating using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The Sindong Group contains noticeable amounts of detrital magmatic zircons of Cretaceous age (138–106 Ma), indicative of continuous magmatic activity prior to and during deposition of the Sindong Group. The youngest detrital zircon age of three formations becomes progressively younger stratigraphically: 118 Ma for the Nakdong Formation, 109 Ma for the Hasandong Formation, and 106 Ma for the Jinju Formation. Accordingly, the depositional age of the Sindong Group ranges from the late Aptian to late Albian, which is much younger than previously thought. Lower Cretaceous magmatic activity, which supplied detrital zircons to the Sindong Group, changed its location spatially through time; it occurred in the middle and northern source areas during the early stage, and then switched to the middle to southern source areas during the middle to late stages. This study reports first the Lower Cretaceous magmatic activity from the East Asian continental margin, which results in a narrower magmatic gap (ca 20 m.y.) than previously known.  相似文献   
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