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Two-dimensional power spectra of solar five-minute oscillations display prominent ridge structures in (k, ω) space, where k is the horizontal wavenumber and ω is the temporal frequency. The positions of these ridges in k and ω can be used to probe temperature and velocity structures in the subphotosphere. We have been carrying out a continuing program of observations of five-minute oscillations with the diode array instrument on the vacuum tower telescope at Sacramento Peak Observatory (SPO). We have sought to establish whether power spectra taken on separate days show shifts in ridge locations; these may arise from different velocity and temperature patterns having been brought into our sampling region by solar rotation. Power spectra have been obtained for six days of observations of Doppler velocities using the Mgi λ5173 and Fei λ5434 spectral lines. Each data set covers 8 to 11 hr in time and samples a region 256″ × 1024″ in spatial extent, with a spatial resolution of 2″ and temporal sampling of 65 s. We have detected shifts in ridge locations between certain data sets which are statistically significant. The character of these displacements when analyzed in terms of eastward and westward propagating waves implies that changes have occurred in both temperature and horizontal velocity fields underlying our observing window. We estimate the magnitude of the velocity changes to be on the order of 100 m s-1; we may be detecting the effects of large-scale convection akin to giant cells.  相似文献   
梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky)为我国北方咸淡水鱼类人工养殖的主要对象,南方也有养殖,属鲻科鱼类,广泛分布于热带和亚热带水域。其中尤以鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus B.)为甚。由于它们中的大多数种类适盐性广、食物链低、生长快和肉味美,因而成为海水,咸淡水,乃至淡水鱼类养殖的很好对象。主要养于印度-太平洋区域、地中海和黑海沿岸。1969年,在保加利亚瓦尔纳召开的国际生物学计划海洋生产力组(IBP/PM)的会议上,与联合国粮农组织(PAO)一道,把鲻科鱼类列为国际性生物研究课题之一,受到有关国家的普遍重视。近十多年,对于鲻科鱼类的人工繁殖研究,在某些种类上已取得较大进展。鲻梭鱼,可期在几年内,进入种苗的生产阶段。 我国劳动人民对鲻科鱼类养殖至少已有四个世纪的悠久历史,积累了极为丰富的生产经验。但自古以来,都是利用天然种苗进行养殖。近年来,由于大量兴修水利,淡水入海的运流量不断减少,天然种苗场受到某些影响,能捕到的天然苗也不如以往丰盛,加之种苗资源本身因受气象的影响各年也有所变动。为了使生产能按计划进行,人工繁殖种苗已成为当务之急。 1967年,我所和原天津淡水渔业公司工农养殖场合作,对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖开始进行研究。并在人工诱导排卵方面取得成功,所获卵子得到受精和孵化。1968年,中国科学院实验生物研究所的部分同志也参加了这项试验。当年共获得一千万卵子,其中有二百万卵子获得受精。孵苗十四万多尾。因受寒潮影响,大量胚卵在即将孵出前,或在孵出仔鱼之后不久死去。最后仅培育九百余尾达2公分以上的梭鱼苗。这一年的试验,为咸淡水养殖梭鱼的全人工繁殖打开了"通途"。1969年,养殖场由地方移交给部队,我所继而与中国人民解放军某部队进行合作,一直到1972年截止。1969年,室外池塘育苗成活率达30%,育成6厘米以上的梭鱼苗二千尾左右。这些苗经过越冬,到第二年春天,体长达20厘米以上。1972年,经过人工诱导排卵的亲鱼,在池塘中自行产卵和受精,并孵出仔鱼。这对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖来说,又迈开了新的一步。 本文总结了六年来(1967-1972)咸淡水养殖梭鱼人工繁殖试验所取得的初步成果。对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的生物学特性以及自然繁殖也作了初步观察。现将这一材料发表,供有关单位参考。  相似文献   
Time sequences of He i and He ii resonance line intensities at several sites within the flare of 15 June, 1973 are derived from observations obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's Slitless Spectroheliograph on Skylab. The data are compared with predictions in six model flare atmospheres based on two values for the heating rate and three for the flux of photoionizing coronal X-rays and EUV. A peak ionizing flux more than 103 times that in the quiet Sun is indicated. For most conditions in flare kernels the He ii L and L lines are found to be formed by collisional excitation, thereby contributing to the local cooling of the plasma at temperatures above 6 × 104 K. Emission in the higher Lyman lines is generally the result of a mixture of collisional excitation at these temperatures and photoionization and recombination at temperatures near 2.5 × 104 K. We discuss implications for the common practice of deriving stellar coronal fluxes from He ii 1640 Å fluxes assuming dominance of the recombination mechanism.Chief, Quantum Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology.Operated jointly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado.Operated by the National Optical Astronomy Observatories of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The 2D horizontal velocity field determined from local correlation tracking of granulation and its divergence have remarkably different appearances. The 2D horizontal velocity shows the classical 32 Mm supergranular cellular outflow bounded by the chromospheric network, whereas the divergence is dominated by distinct long-lived sources and sinks of about 7 Mm size. The 2D horizontal velocity shows no obvious evidence for 7 Mm cells, and the divergence exhibits little power with the 32 Mm scale. However, by mass continuity for a steady 3D flow in a stratified atmosphere, the divergence of the 2D horizontal component is equal to the vertical velocity divided by a height scale. Thus the 3D steady solar flow field at the bottom of the photosphere has a vertical component consisting primarily of 7 Mm sources and sinks, which define the 2D cellular-like 32 Mm continuous horizontal outflows.Simultaneous Doppler vertical velocity measurements verify the mass-continuity relation, and give a height scale equal to the density scale height in the photosphere within observational error. The observational result is consistent with our theoretical expectation. Any height scale other than the density scale height would indicate a vertical velocity thate-folds on a scale comparable to or smaller than the density scale height, which we argue is unphysical near the top of the convection zone. The continuity relation indicates that vortex-free steady horizontal velocities seen at the solar surface, i.e., the horizontal supergranular flow, must diminish with depth due to the increasing density scale height. We estimate that the horizontal supergranular flow cannot extend much more than onee-fold increase in the density scale height below the visible solar surface, about 2.4 Mm. Therefore the convection below the solar surface should be characterized by the scale of the principal steady vertical velocity component, i.e., by vertical plumes having a dimension of 7 Mm - what we have called mesogranulation - rather than closed 32 Mm cells as is widely believed.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
研究了盐度对黄鳍鲷SparuslatusHouttuyn、平鲷Rhabdosargussarba(Forskal)、黑鲷Sparusmacrocephalus(Basilewsky)和真鲷Pagrsomusmajor(TemmincketSchlegel)4种鲷鱼精子活力的影响。对南海区4种鲷鱼精子的适盐性及其活力进行了比较,黄鳍鲷、平鲷、黑鲷和真鲷精子激活所需的最低盐度分别为8、10、>8、>10;激活的最适盐度则分别为21、22、25、25,与之相应的精子活动(涡动)时间分别为14.7、17.7、17.2、18.0min;在高盐条件(盐度40左右)下,黄鳍鲷精子的适应性最强,精子活力最好,其次是黑鲷、真鲷的精子,平鲷精子对高盐条件的适应性最差。  相似文献   
Heights of formation of lines that do not exhibit Zeeman splitting are calculated using an LTE, partial non-LTE, and full non-LTE approach. Non-magnetic (g=0) lines are valuable for velocity investigations in quiet-Sun magnetic field regions, and a knowledge of their formation heights is useful for obtaining three dimensional velocity profiles in these regions. Presently at Sacramento Peak Observatory. Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
从企业地理角度研究我国区域发展的一个分析构架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从我国的国情出发,在企业地理学内容的一个方面--企业对地区经济发展的影响。探讨了仍中国特色的企业地理分析构架,文章说明我于理需要研究区域企业群本身的行为以及区域发展中政府行为对企业群的影响,最后从目前世界范围内跨国公司当地经的战略行为出发进一步指出了从企业地理角度研究区域发展的重要性。  相似文献   
本文就定点符号法表示点状分布事物数量特征的三种连续比率符号和非比率分级符号进行了较深刻的分析与比较,指出了它们各自的特点和适用条件,并结合实例提出了如何改进和正确运用的方法。文中对定点符号如何表示两种相关内容的数量特征也结合实际作了具体分析。  相似文献   
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