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Abstract— Outside the Earth's atmosphere, silica aerogel is one of the best materials to capture finegrained extraterrestrial particles in impacts at hypervelocities. Because silica aerogel is a superior insulator, captured grains are inevitably influenced by frictional heat. Therefore, we performed laboratory simulations of hypervelocity capture by using light‐gas guns to impact into aerogels finegrained powders of serpentine, cronstedtite, and Murchison CM2 meteorite. The samples were shot at >6 km s?1 similar to the flyby speed at comet P/Wild‐2 in the Stardust mission. We investigated mineralogical changes of each captured particle by using synchrotron radiation X‐ray diffraction (SR‐XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE‐SEM). SR‐XRD of each grain showed that the majority of the bulk grains keep their original mineralogy. In particular, SR‐XRD and TEM investigations clearly exemplified the presence of tochilinite whose decomposition temperature is about 300 °C in the interior of the captured Murchison powder. However, TEM study of these grains also revealed that all the samples experienced melting and vesiculation on the surface. The cronstedtite and the Murchison meteorite powder show remarkable fracturing, disaggregation, melting, and vesiculation. Steep thermal gradients, about 2500 °C/μm were estimated near the surface of the grains (<2 μm thick) by TEM observation. Our data suggests that the interior of >4 μm across residual grains containing abundant materials that inhibit temperature rise would have not experienced >300 °C at the center.  相似文献   
Takamoto  Okudaira 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):373-385
Abstract The Ryoke metamorphic belt of southwestern Japan is composed of Cretaceous Ryoke granitoids and associated metamorphic rocks of low-pressure facies series. The Ryoke granitoids are divided into sheet-like bodies (e.g. Gamano granodiorite) and stock-like bodies. The Gamano granodiorite intruded concordantly into the high-grade metamorphic rocks without development of a contact metamorphic aureole, and the intrusion ages of the granodiorite are similar to the ages of thermal peak of the low pressure (low-P) metamorphism. It is suggested that the low-P Ryoke metamorphism resulted from the intrusion of the Gamano granodiorite. In this study, a simple 1-D numerical model of conductive heat transfer was used to evaluate the thermal effects of emplacement of the Gamano granodiorite. Calculated temperature-time ( T-t ) paths are characterized by a rapid increase of metamorphic temperature and a relatively short-lived period of high temperature. For example, the T-t path at the 15-km depth is characterized by a rapid average increase in temperature of 1.4 × 10-3°C/year and high temperatures for < ca 0.5 Ma. The calculated peak temperature for each depth is nearly equal to the petrologically estimated value for each correlated metamorphic zone. The results suggest that the magma-intrusion model is one possible thermal model for low-pressure facies series metamorphism.  相似文献   
In order to understand the penetration process of projectiles into lower-density targets, we carry out hypervelocity impact experiments using low-density (60 mg cm?3) aerogel targets and various types of projectiles, and observe the track formation process in the targets using a high-speed camera. A carrot shaped track, a bulbous, and a “hybrid” one consisting of bulbous and thin parts, are formed. The results of the high-speed camera observations reveal the similarity and differences on the temporal evolution of the penetration depth and maximum diameter of these tracks. At very early stages of an impact, independent of projectile type, the temporal penetration depth is described by hydrodynamic models for the original projectiles. Afterward, when the breakup of projectiles does not occur, intact projectiles continue to penetrate the aerogels. In the case of the breakup of projectiles, the track expands with a velocity of about a sound velocity of the aerogel at final stages. If there are large fragments, they penetrate deeper and the tracks become a hybrid type. The penetration of the large fragments is described by hydrodynamic models. Based on these results, we discuss the excavation near the impact point by shock waves.  相似文献   
Devolatilization reactions during prograde metamorphism are a key control on the fluid distribution within subduction zones. Garnets in Mn-rich quartz schist within the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of Japan are characterized by skeletal structures containing abundant quartz inclusions. Each quartz inclusion was angular-shaped, and showed random crystallographic orientations, suggesting that these quartz inclusions were trapped via grain boundary cracking during garnet growth. Such skeletal garnet within the quartz schist formed related to decarbonation reactions with a positive total volume change (?V t > 0), whereas the euhedral garnet within the pelitic schists formed as a result of dehydration reaction with negative ?V t values. Coupled hydrological–chemical–mechanical processes during metamorphic devolatilization reactions were investigated by a distinct element method (DEM) numerical simulation on a foliated rock that contained reactive minerals and non-reactive matrix minerals. Negative ?V t reactions cause a decrease in fluid pressure and do not produce fractures within the matrix. In contrast, a fluid pressure increase by positive ?V t reactions results in hydrofracturing of the matrix. This fracturing preferentially occurs along grain boundaries and causes episodic fluid pulses associated with the development of the fracture network. The precipitation of garnet within grain boundary fractures could explain the formation of the skeletal garnet. Our DEM model also suggests a strong influence of reaction-induced fracturing on anisotropic fluid flow, meaning that dominant fluid flow directions could easily change in response to changes in stress configuration and the magnitude of differential stress during prograde metamorphism within a subduction zone.  相似文献   
Abstract   The development of voluminous granitic magmatism and widespread high-grade metamorphism in Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan have been explained by the subduction of a spreading ridge (Kula–Pacific or Farallon–Izanagi plate boundaries) beneath the Eurasian continent and the formation of a slab window. In the present study, the thermal consequences of the formation of a slab window beneath a continental margin are evaluated through a 2-D numerical simulation. The model results are evaluated by comparison with the Mid-Cretaceous geology of southwest Japan. Of particular interest are the absence of an amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphic belt near the Wadati–Benioff plane, and significant melting of the lower crustal-mafic rocks sufficient to form a large amount of granitic magma. Because none of the model results simultaneously satisfied these two geological interpretations, it is suggested that subduction of plate boundaries in Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan was not associated with the opening of a slab window. According to previous studies, and the results of the present study, two different tectonic scenarios could reasonably explain the geological interpretations for Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan: (i) The spreading ridge did not subduct beneath the Eurasian continent, but was located off the continental margin, implying the continuous subduction of very young oceanic lithosphere; (ii) ridge subduction beneath the continental margin occurred after active spreading had ceased. Consequently, in both tectonic scenarios, the subduction of plate boundaries at the Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan was not associated with a slab window, but very young (hot) oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   
Abstract The Ryoke metamorphic belt in south-west Japan consists mainly of I-type granitoids and associated low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic rocks. In the Yanai district, it has been divided into three structural units: northern, central and southern units. In this study, we measured the Rb–Sr whole-rock–mineral isochron ages and fission-track ages of the gneissose granodiorite in the central structural unit. Four Rb–Sr ages fall in a range of ca 89–87 Ma. The fission-track ages of zircon and apatite are 68.9 ± 2.6 Ma and 57.4 ± 2.5 Ma (1σ error), respectively. Combining the newly obtained ages with previously reported (Th–)U–Pb ages from the same unit, thermochronologic study revealed two distinctive cooling stages; 1) a rapid cooling (> 40°C/Myr) for a period (~7 Myr) soon after the peak metamorphism (~ 95 Ma) and 2) the subsequent slow cooling stage (~ 5°C/Myr) after ca 88 Ma. The first rapid cooling stage corresponds to thermal relaxation of the intruded granodiorite magma and its associated metamorphic rocks, and to the uplift by a displacement along low-angle faults which initiated soon after the intrusion of the magma. Uplift by the later stage deformation having formed large-scale upright folds resulted in progress of the exhumation during the first stage. The average exhumation velocity of the stage is ≥ 2 mm/yr. During the second stage, the rocks were not accompanied by ductile deformation and were exhumed with the rate of 0.1–0.2 mm/yr. The difference in the exhumation velocity between the first and second cooling stages resulted from the difference in the thickness of the crust and in the activity of ductile deformation between the early and later stages of the orogenesis.  相似文献   
The SOLAR-A spacecraft has spectroscopic capabilities in a wide energy band from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. The Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS), consisting of three kinds of spectrometers, soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS), hard X-ray spectrometer (HXS) and gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS), is installed on SOLAR-A to investigate plasma heating, high-energy particle acceleration, and interaction processes. SXS has two proportional counters and each counter provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 2–30 keV range every 2 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.25 s. HXS has a NaI scintillation detector and provides 32-channel pulse height data in the 20–400 keV range every 1 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.125 s. GRS has two identical BGO scintillation detectors and each detector provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 0.2–10 MeV range every 4 s and 4-channel pulse count data (0.2–0.7, 0.7–4, 4–7, and 7–10 MeV) every 0.25–0.5 s. In addition, each of the BGO scintillation detectors provides 16-channel pulse height data in the 8–100 MeV range every 4 s and 2-channel pulse count data (8–30 and 30–100 MeV) every 0.5 s. The SXS observations enable one to study the thermal evolution of flare plasma by obtaining time series of electron temperatures and emission measures of hot plasma; the HXS observations enable one to study the electron acceleration and heating mechanisms by obtaining time series of the electron spectrum; and the GRS observations enable one to study the high-energy electron and ion acceleration and interaction processes by obtaining time series of electron and ion spectra.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   
Impact experiments on porous targets consisting of sintered glass beads have been performed at different impact velocities in order to investigate the disruption impact energy threshold (also called Q) of these targets, the influence of the target compressive strength on this threshold and a scaling parameter of the degree of fragmentation that takes into account material strength. A large fraction of small bodies of our Solar System are expected to be composed of highly-porous material. Depending on their location and on the period considered during the Solar System history, these bodies collide with each other at velocities which cover a wide range of values from a few m/s to several km/s. Determining the impact response of porous bodies in both high- and low-velocity regimes is thus crucial to understand their collisional evolution over the entire Solar System history, from the early stages of planetary formation through collisional accretion at low impact velocities to the current and future stages during which impact velocities are much higher and lead to their disruption. While these problems at large scale can only be addressed directly by numerical simulations, small scale impact experiments are a necessary step which allows the understanding of the physical process itself and the determination of the small scale behavior of the material used as target. Moreover, they are crucial to validate numerical codes that can then be applied to larger scales.Sintered glass beads targets of different shapes and porosity have been built and their main material properties, in particular their compressive strength and their porosity, have been measured. The outcomes of their disruptions both at low and high impact velocities have then been analyzed.We then found that the value of Q strongly depends on the target compressive strength. Measuring the particle velocities as a function of their distance to the impact point, we first found that the attenuation rate of the stress wave in our sintered glass bead targets does not depend on the impact velocity regime. Ejecta velocities as a function of the distance from the impact point can thus be well fitted by a power law with an exponent about −2 in both velocity regimes. We then looked for a scaling parameter that can apply to both regimes. We found that the scaling parameter PI, which is related to the initial peak pressure and to the stress wave attenuation can be used to represent the outcome in a general way. Future investigations will be performed to determine whether these results can be generalized to other kinds of porous materials.  相似文献   
In the Kinnerasani area in southeastern India, the terrain boundary between the Archean Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt and the Proterozoic Pakhal Supergroup overlying the Dharwar-Bastar cratons can be observed. We analyzed the mesoscopic and microscopic structural features of the highly deformed pebbles in the basal conglomerate bed of the Pakhal Supergroup that occurs at the terrain boundary. The results of the analysis of the pebbles suggest that: 1) deformation of pebbles resulted from ductile deformation during peak metamorphism 2) the mode of strain is plane strain to constrictive and maximum elongation located to be vertical and 3) the apparent stretch of the pebbles is up to 300%.In the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt, quartz grains constituting the quartz layer of the feldspathized gneiss folded by the last-phase deformation also show vertical maximum stretching in constrictive strain. This observation suggests that the deformational features, at least the mode of strain, during the last-phase deformation is comparable to the deformation forming elongated pebbles of the Pakhal conglomerate. The last-phase deformation structures of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt are well observed near the terrain boundary. This indicates that the Pakhal deformation overprinted the rocks of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt near the boundary, and that their tectonic juxtaposition occurred during or before this deformation period. Because the Pakhal deformation took place during or soon after the peak metamorphism of the Pakhal Supergroup, which is known to be 1000 Ma, and the last metamorphism of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt in the Khammam area were reported to be 1100 Ma. The tectonic juxtaposition between the Pakhal Supergroup and Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt was around 10001100 Ma.  相似文献   
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