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During the May 21, 2003 M w 6.8 Boumerdes earthquake, in the “Cité des 102 Logements” built on a hilltop, in Corso, heavy damages were observed: near the crest, a four-story RC building collapsed while others experienced severe structural damage and far from the crest, slight damage was observed. In the present paper, we perform a 2D slope topography seismic analysis and investigate its effects on the response at the plateau as well as the correlation with the observed damage distribution. A site-specific seismic scenario is used involving seismological, geological, and geotechnical data. 2D finite element numerical seismic study of the idealized Corso site subjected to vertical SV wave propagation is carried out by the universal code FLUSH. The results highlighted the main factors that explain the causes of block collapse, located 8-26 m far from the crest. These are as follows: (i) a significant spatial variation of ground response along the plateau due to the topographic effect, (ii) this spatial variation presents high loss of coherence, (iii) the seismic ground responses (PGA and response spectra) reach their maxima, and (iv) the fundamental frequency of the collapsed blocks coincides with the frequency content of the topographic component. For distances far from the crest where slight damages were observed, the topographic contribution is found negligible. On the basis of these results, it is important to take into account the topographic effect and the induced spatial variability in the seismic design of structures sited near the crest of slope.  相似文献   
A destructive earthquake of magnitude Mw = 6.8 hit the region of Boumerdes and Algiers (Algeria) on May 21, 2003. This is among the strongest seismic events of the mediterranean region and the most important event in the capital Algiers since 1716. It caused a widespread damage in the epicentral region, claimed 2271 human lives, injured 10000, about 20000 housing units affected and left about 160000 homeless. The main shock was felt about 250 km far from the epicenter and triggered sea waves of 1–3 m in amplitude in Balearic islands (Spain). Based on field observations and press report an intensity IX (MSK scale) is attributed to the epicentral area. The main shock was followed by many aftershocks among them several are of magnitude greater than 5.0, which added panic to inhabitants. The main shock triggered ground deformation, particularly liquefaction whose features are in different forms and sizes and caused damage and collapse of roads. The focal mechanism determined by worldwide institutions yield a pure reverse faulting with a compressional axis striking NE-SW. The epicenter is located offshore about 7 km from the Boumerdes-Dellys coast. Field observations show 0.7 m of coseismic uplift of shoreline between Boudouaou and Dellys. This uplift is about a half of the extracted coseismic slip from the seismic moment. On the other hand there is no clear surface break onshore, confirming hence, that the causative active fault is offshore. However, the rupture may propagate onshore to the SE near the Boudouaou region where ground cracks showing reverse faulting are observed a long a corridor of about 1 km wide. These fissures may correspond to a diffuse coseismic deformation.  相似文献   
— The first empirical duration magnitude (MD) formula is developed and tested for the Northern Morocco Seismic Network (NMSNET). This relationship is obtained by relating the IGN (Instituto Geografico National, Madrid) body-waves mbLgIGN to the duration (), and the epicentral distance (), at 25 analogue stations of the NMSNET for 479 earthquakes with 2.5 mb 5.4, from March 1992 to February 2001. MD estimates are significantly more precise while introducing a correction term for each of these stations, cStaj. The magnitude for the ith event (MD)i is the mean value of individual MDij=–0.14+1.63log10(ij)+0.031(ij)+cStaj. The cStaj corrections reduce considerably the local site effects which influence the recorded durations and cause stations to either overestimate, or underestimate MD up to 0.5 magnitude units. Average station MD residuals (–cStaj) are found to be independent of the distance from the epicenter to at least 10 degrees. It seems evident that regional geological features in the immediate behavior of stations have a systematic effect on the corresponding obtained residuals: older well-consolidated Precambrian crystalline rocks produce high negative residuals (shorter durations), younger unconsolidated sediments produce high positive residuals (longer durations), whereas, intermediate MD site residuals appear to be the result of the effect of various factors, principally age and state of consolidation of the bedrock, combined with the local tectonic.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to perform an experimental analysis of the amplitude of full‐scale spatial variability of seismic motions with regard to earthquake engineering. The LSST‐Lotung array in Taiwan provides a good set of records for this type of study. Of interest are the free‐field torsional seismic components induced by the spatial variability of seismic motions. In this study, three events have been considered: LSST‐06, LSST‐07 and LSST‐16. In time domain analysis, the experimental results obtained show that when the separation distance increases, the induced torsion decreases, and the normalized differential motion parameter increases. Also, the results show that the stronger the event, in terms of maximum PGA, the larger the induced torsional amplitude and the smaller the induced normalized differential motion parameter. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Nowadays, most of the site classifications schemes are based on the predominant period of the site as determined from the average horizontal to vertical spectral ratios of seismic motion or microtremor. However, the difficulty lies in the identification of the predominant period in particular if the observed average response spectral ratio does not present a clear peak but rather a broadband amplification or multiple peaks. In this work, based on the Eurocode-8 (2004) site classification, and assuming bounded random fields for both shear and compression waves-velocities, damping coefficient, natural period and depth of soil profile, one propose a new site-classification approach, based on “target” simulated average \( H/V \) spectral ratios, defined for each soil class. Taking advantage of the relationship of Kawase et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 101:2001–2014, 2011), which link the \( H/V \) spectral ratio to the horizontal (\( HTF \)) over the vertical (\( VTF \)) transfer functions, statistics of \( H/V \) spectral ratio via deterministic visco-elastic seismic analysis using the wave propagation theory are computed for the 4 soil classes. The obtained results show that \( H/V \) and \( HTF \) have amplitudes and shapes remarkably different among the four soil classes and exhibit fundamental peaks in the period ranges remarkably similar. Moreover, the “target” simulated average \( H/V \) spectral ratios for the 4 soil classes are in good agreement with the experimental ones obtained by Zhao et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:914–925, 2006) from the abundant and reliable Japanese strong motions database Kik-net, Ghasemi et al. (Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 29:121–132, 2009) from the Iranian strong motion data, and Di Alessandro et al. (Bull Sesismol Soc Am 106:2, 2011.  https://doi.org/10.1785/0120110084) from the Italian strong motion data. In addition to the 4 EC-8 standard soil classes (A, B, C and D), the superposition of the 4 target \( H/V \) reveals 3 new boundary site classes; AB, BC and CD, for overlapping \( V_{s,30} \) ranges when the predominant peak is not clearly consistent with any of the 4 proposed classes. Finally, one proposes a site classification index based on the ratio between the cross-correlation and the mean quadratic error between the in situ \( H/V \) spectral ratio and the “target” one. In order to test the reliability of the proposed approach, data from 139 sites were used, 132 collected from the Kik-net network database from Japan and 7 from Algeria. The site classification success rate per site class are around 93, 82, 89 and 100% for rock, hard soil, medium soil and soft soil, respectively. Zhao et al. (2006) found an average success for the 4 classes of soil close to 60%, similar to what one found in the present study (63%) without considering the new soil classes, but much smaller if one considers them (86%). In the absence of \( V_{s,30} \) data, the proposed approach can be an alternative to site classification.  相似文献   
Building codes have widely considered the shear wave velocity to make a reliable subsoil seismic classification, based on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of material deposits down to bedrock. This approach has limitations because geophysical data are often very expensive to obtain. Recently, other alternatives have been proposed based on measurements of background noise and estimation of the H/V amplification curve. However, the use of this technique needs a regulatory framework before it can become a realistic site classification procedure. This paper proposes a new formulation for characterizing design sites in accordance with the Algerian seismic building code(RPA99/ver.2003), through transfer functions, by following a stochastic approach combined to a statistical study. For each soil type, the deterministic calculation of the average transfer function is performed over a wide sample of 1-D soil profiles, where the average shear wave(S-W) velocity, V s, in soil layers is simulated using random field theory. Average transfer functions are also used to calculate average site factors and normalized acceleration response spectra to highlight the amplification potential of each site type, since frequency content of the transfer function is significantly similar to that of the H/V amplification curve. Comparison is done with the RPA99/ver.2003 and Eurocode8(EC8) design response spectra, respectively. In the absence of geophysical data, the proposed classification approach together with micro-tremor measures can be used toward a better soil classification.  相似文献   
Scientists are deeply concerned by the state of vulnerability of groundwater reservoirs. It is a complex task because of the difficulties in determining the degree of pollution of the groundwater. Many methods have been adopted like (DRASTIC, GOD, SI, SINTACS…). Another method (Kherici et al. in Geogr Tech 1–14, 2010) is added to identify the vulnerability of groundwater reservoirs and control the evolution of pollutants. The present article targets the determination of the vulnerability and risks of pollution of groundwater reservoirs of a climatic Mediterranean region (Annaba–Bouteldja region). The device used is based on the combination of two criteria: natural factors (thickness of the unsaturated zone, geological facies and degree of self-purification) and the causes of vulnerability and the pollution risks entropic factors (caused by man). The application of Kherici’s method has revealed a distinction between the different degrees of pollution and has allowed a neat classification of the different reservoirs in the study. The results lead to a vulnerability map and the risks of pollution of Annaba–Bouteldja different aquifers. It has also led to the installation of protection areas; sustained by an efficient general evacuation plan of the sewerage net and the construction of treatment station of the sewage effluents in the urbanized areas.  相似文献   
Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Bouhadad  Youcef  Laouami  Nasser 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(3):227-243
This paper deals with the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis carried out in the Oran region, situated in the Northwest of Algeria. This part of Algeriawas historically struck by strong earthquakes. It was particularly affected during theOctober 9, 1790 Oran earthquake of intensity X. The main purpose of this work is to assessseismic hazard on rocks in order to provide engineers and planners with a basic tool for seismicrisk mitigation. The probabilistic approach is used in order to take into account uncertaintiesin seismic hazard assessment. Seismic sources are defined in the light of the most recentresults obtained from seismotectonics analyses carried out in North Algeria.Source parameters such as b-values, slip rate and maximum magnitude are assessed for eachseismic source. The attenuation of ground shaking motion with distance is estimated byusing attenuation relationships developed elsewhere throughout the world (Sadigh et al., 1993; Ambraseys and Bommer, 1991). The two relationships agree well with the local data. Differentchoices of source parameter values and attenuation relationships are assigned weights in alogic tree model. Results are presented as relationships between values of peak groundacceleration (PGA) and annual frequency of exceedance, and maps of hazard for returnperiods of 200 years and 500 years. A maximum peak ground acceleration of 0.42 g is obtainedfor the Oran site for a return period of 500 years.  相似文献   
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