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It is well established that aerosols affect the climate in a variety of ways. In order to understand these effects, we require an insight into the properties of aerosols. In this paper we present a study of aerosol properties such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), single scattering albedo (SSA) and aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) over mega city of Lahore (Pakistan). The data from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) have been used for the period December 2009 to October 2011. The seasonal average values of AOD, asymmetry parameter (ASY) and volume size distribution in coarse mode were observed to be highest in summer. On the other hand, the average values of Angstrom exponent (AE) and imaginary part of refractive index (RI) were found to be maximum in winter. The average value of real part of RI was found to be higher in spring than in all other seasons. The SSA exhibited an increasing trend with wavelength in the range 440 nm–1020 nm in spring, summer and fall indicating the dominance of coarse particles (usually dust). However, a decreasing trend was found in winter in the range 675 nm–1020 nm pointing towards the dominance of biomass and urban/industrial aerosols. As far as aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) is concerned, we have found that during the spring season ARF was lowest at the surface of Earth and highest at top of the atmosphere (TOA). This indicates that the atmosphere was warmer in spring than in all the remaining seasons.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - Regional seismic reflection profiles, deep exploratory wells, and outcrop data have been used to study the structure and stratigraphic architecture of the...  相似文献   
Temperature is one of the variables that influence the elasto-plastic behavior and integrity of rock outcrops. Fluctuations in temperature can trigger alteration of some of the mineral properties and impact the brittle-plastic transition. Initiation and propagation of thermally induced tension cracks tend to weaken most rock types. The principal goal of this study was to anticipate impacts of thermal stress-strain cycles on the dynamic response of representative rock units exposed in the Khewra Gorge of the Salt Range Punjab of Pakistan. Ten types of sedimentary rock units were sampled, including marl, dolomite, three types of limestone, and five different sandstones exhibiting varying characteristics in outcrop. Boulder specimens were collected from the field and transported to the laboratory to prepare 50 drill cores that could be subjected to thermal cycling between 50 and 200 °C in increments of 50 °C. Room temperature core samples were tested using an Erudite resonance frequency meter to measure their Q-factors and the resonance frequency (Fr) at an applied loading frequency of 7 KHz with 0.01 V output voltage. Results suggest that thermal cycling tends to reduce the dynamic Young’s modulus (Ed) and Q-factor. Other parameters, such as damping ratio (ξ), specific damping capacity (Ψ), and loss factor (?) appeared to increase with increasing temperature cycles, likely as a result of developing thermally induced tensile fractures. The resultant values of the null hypothesis (t-critical and t-stats) suggests that the null hypothesis can be discarded because there was no observable difference between the measured and expected values for the cores tested. The observations and data emanating from this study might be useful in designing low-level radioactive waste landfills, nuclear waste repositories, and deep underground excavations where the increased temperature could alter the mechanical behavior of the parent rock mass.  相似文献   
Zulfiqar  Farah  Shang  Jie  Zada  Muhammad  Alam  Qamar  Rauf  Tariq 《GeoJournal》2021,86(6):2767-2776

Based on the survey data of 250 farmers from the Multan district of Southern region of Punjab, Pakistan this study aims to empirically examine the determinants of access to agricultural credit. This study used the probit model to analyze the data. The results revealed that formal education, farm size, level of farm mechanization, farm revenue and landholding size positively and significantly influenced access to agricultural credit while the age of the farmer’s, distance, and off- farm income negatively and insignificantly influenced farmer’s accessibility to agricultural credit. The findings of the current study offer a policy guideline to streamline national policy on agricultural finance. This study also recommends that ZaraiTaraqiati Bank (ZTBL) and other Commercial Banks should improve their agricultural credit schemes to fulfil the diversified needs of small farm holders.

The Northern Qaidam Basin is located at the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. It contains very thick Cenozoic terrestrial clastic sediments, which records the formation of the northern Qaidam Basin due to compressional deformation during the Indo-Asian collision. In this paper, we used detrital apatite fission-track thermochronology, including 4 sandstones and 2 conglomerates samples from the Lulehe section, to reveal the Cenozoic evolution of the northern Qaidam Basin. Fission-track dating indicated the source region of the Lulehe section has experienced important cooling and uplifting in the Late Cretaceous (at ~85.1 Ma and ~65 Ma) and the Eocene (~52 Ma), respectively. The AFT age distribution on the section suggested that the provenance of Lulehe section sediments were mainly derived from the south Qilian Shan (Qilian Mountains) and Altun Shan (Altun Mountains), and two significantly provenance changes may occur at 43.4-46.1 Ma and ~37.8 Ma, respectively. The results may have strong constrains on the Cenozoic deformation and tectonic evolution of the northern Qaidam Basin and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
The Kern Mountains plutonic complex is composed of multiple intrusions referred as the Cove, Tungstonia and Hoodoo Canyon plutons, whose emplacement was structurally controlled. The plutons are members of the calc-alcaline granite series, leucogranite type that are relatively alkali rich. The complex is of epizone (4–10 km) and was emplaced during Jurassic time into the carbonates and quartzite of Paleozoic age. Trace and major element data indicate that the complex was derived from the partial melting of rocks similar to Canadian Shield rocks. Analysis of variance of chemical data suggets that hydrothermal solutions carried K2O, Na2O and SiO2 and raised the levels of original oxides in the plutons. Hydrothermal activity is evidenced by the occurrence of second generation muscovite, potassium feldspar and quartz in the complex and tungsten and sulphide mineralization in the area.
Zusammenfassung Der plutonische Komplex des Kerngebirges besteht aus mehrfachen Instrusionen, genannt Cove-, Tungstonia- und Hoodoo Canyon-Pluton, deren Platznahme tektonisch kontrolliert wurde. Die plutonischen Gesteine gehören zu den Kalkalkaligraniten; sie sind leucogranitisch und damit ziemlich alkalireich. Der Komplex ist epizonal (4–10 km), er drang während des Jura in die Karbonate und Quarzite des Paläozoikums ein. Spuren- und Hauptelementmeßwerte zeigen an, daß der Komplex von aufgeschmolzenen Gesteinen abgeleitet werden kann, die den Gesteinen des Kanadischen Schildes ähneln. Die Analyse der Variation von chemischen Meßwerten deutet an, daß hydrothermale Lösungen K2O, Na2O und SiO2 enthielten, die das Niveau der ursprünglichen Oxide in den plutonischen Gesteinen erhöhten. Die hydrothermale Tätigkeit wird durch das Vorhandensein von Muskowit, Kaliunifeldspat und Quartz der zweiten Generation innerhalb des Komplexes und durch Wolfram- und Sulfidmineralisation in der Umgebung bewiesen.

Résumé L'ensemble plutonique des montagnes de Kern, consiste en de nombreuses intrusions dénommées plutons du »Cove«, de »Tungstonia«, et du »Hoodoo Canyon« dont la mise en place a été tectoniquement controlée. Ces plutons font partie de la série granitique calco-alkaline; ce sont des leucogranites relativement riches en alcali. L'ensemble est épizonal (4–10 km), et s'est mis en place au cours du Jurassique dans des Calcaires et quartzites d'âge paléozoique. Les données analytiques relatives aux élements majeurs et en trace indiquent que cet ensemble peut provenir de la fusion partielle de roches similaires à celles du Bouclier Canadien.L'analyse de la variation des données chimiques suggère aussi que l'enrichissement de ces plutons en K2O, Na2O, et SiO2 s'est fait à partir de solutions minéralisantes hydrothermales, comme en témoignent non seulement la présence d'une deuxième génération de muscovite, de feldspath potassique et de quartz, mais aussi par la mineralisation en tungstène et en minerais sulfurés à leur voisinage.

, Cove, Tungstonia Hoodoo Canyon, . - ; , , . (4–10 ); . - , , . , K2O, Na2O SiO2, . , .
Water quality and hydrochemistry of Shariatpur district were evaluated in terms of hydrochemical composition and some important physico-chemical parameters. The groundwater of the study area is good for drinking, domestic as well as for irrigation purposes. Among the major ions, shallow tube well waters give higher concentration of Ca2+ which ranges from 24 to 260 mg/L. The deep tubewell waters show higher concentration of Na+ which varies from 74 to 582 mg/L during dry season. Among the trace elements most of the shallow aquifer samples show higher concentration of Fe2+, Mn2+ and As. Concentration of Fe2+ varies from 0.655 to 18.8 mg/L, and Mn2+ from trace to 0.868 mg/L during dry period. Hydrochemical analyses reveal significant seasonal variation in water quality of shallow aquifer. Both the shallow aquifer and the surface water of the study area are predominantly of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type, while the deep aquifer water is mainly of Na–K–Cl–SO4 type with slight inclination to Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. The study area is suitable for groundwater development if comprehensive and holistic approaches towards water resource management are taken into consideration.  相似文献   
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