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Aiming at defining a valid spatial contamination model, resistivity and induced polarization (IP) measurements were used to investigate contamination plumes in the vicinity of two municipal landfills (Ovar and ílhavo). Previous geophysical surveys and underground water samples confirmed the contamination. However 2D resistivity/IP surveys enabled in obtaining a more accurate spatial model. The Ovar survey consisted of two profiles with nine Wenner soundings each; the ílhavo survey was carried out along two individual lines using a Wenner standard pseudo-section. In both situations, negative IP values were found associated with positive IP values, which can be explained mainly by 2D or 3D geometric effects caused by the presence of the conductive plumes. The data were modelled using a 2D inversion program (RES2DINV) and the resulting resistivity and chargeability distributions were displayed as pseudo-sections. The resistivity and chargeability pseudo-sections define the contamination plumes and the sedimentary structure. These case studies illustrate the advantages of 2D resistivity/IP surveys for the mapping of shape and dimension of contamination associated with landfills.  相似文献   
The validation of land use/land cover (LULC) maps is usually performed using a reference database consisting of a sample of points or regions to which the ‘real’ class is assigned. This assignment is usually performed by specialists using photointerpretation (PI) of high-resolution imagery and/or field visits, which are time consuming and expensive processes. The aim of this article is to assess if the data available in the collaborative project OpenStreetMap (OSM) may be used as a source of data to assist the creation of these reference databases, reducing the time spent and costs associated with their generation. For this aim, two case studies were used, where the validation of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Urban Atlas (UA) was performed. The used methodology requires the harmonization of the data available in OSM with the UA nomenclature, and the subsequent creation of a LULC map from the OSM data. This map was then compared to UA to assess the similarity of the regions mapped in both. To test the usefulness of OSM data to assess the accuracy of UA, a sample of points was created and two reference databases generated, one assigning the data extracted automatically from OSM to the points where these data were available, and PI for the remaining points, and the other using only PI. The accuracy assessment of UA for the two case studies was then made building confusion matrixes and computing accuracy indicators. The results showed that for the two study areas, only low percentages of points had to be photo interpreted in the first reference database (respectively, 12% and 2% for the two study areas), decreasing the work load considerably. The results obtained with both reference databases are comparable for level 1 classes. For level 2 classes, worse results were obtained for some classes, showing that the OSM data used are not enough to create reliable reference data.  相似文献   
Contamination levels and profiles of 7 polychlorinated-p-dioxins, 10 polychlorinated furans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were investigated in juvenile European flounder (Platichthys flesus) captured in different nursery areas in the northeastern Atlantic coast across its geographical distribution range. The toxic equivalent concentrations (WHO-TEQfish) were also determined in order to evaluate which P. flesus population was more exposed to dioxin-like toxicity. Juveniles caught in the Sørfjord (Norway) showed the lowest WHO-TEQfish concentration (0.052 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 wet weight) whereas the highest value was observed in fish from the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands; 0.291 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 ww), mainly due to the greater contribution of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, the most toxic congener. Nonetheless, when comparing the results with existent tissue residue-based toxicity benchmarks, no adverse effects resulting from PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs are expected to occur in flounder from the studied systems.  相似文献   
The seasonal variation of five selected multimetric indices for the determination of the Ecological Quality Status (EQS) of transitional waters was evaluated, as well as the indices’ responses to an extreme drought event that occurred in 2005. The database used regards the Mondego River estuary, which was sampled from June 2003 to August 2006 on a monthly basis. Among the selected indices (EBI - Deegan et al. [Deegan, L., Finn, J.T., Ayvazlan, S.G., Ryder-Kieffer, C.A., Buonaccoesi, J., 1997. Development and validation of an Estuarine Biotic Integrity Index. Estuaries 30(3), 601-617], EDI - Borja et al. [Borja, A., Franco, J., Valencia, V., Bald, J., Muxika, I., Belzunce, M.J., Solaun, O., 2004. Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive from the Basque Country (northern Spain): a methodological approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48(3-4), 209-218], EFCI - Harrison and Whitfield [Harrison, T.D., Whitfield, A.K., 2004. A multi-metric fish index to assess the environmental condition of estuaries. Journal of Fish Biology 65, 683-710], EBI - Breine et al. [Breine, J.J., Maes, J., Quataert, P., Van den Bergh, E., Simoens, I., Van Thuyne, G., Belpaire, C., 2007. A fish-based assessment tool for the ecological quality of the brackish Scheldt estuary in Flanders (Belgium). Hydrobiologia 575, 141-159] and TFCI - Coates et al. [Coates, S., Waugh, A., Anwar, A., Robson, M., 2007. Efficacy of a multi-metric fish index as an analysis tool for the transitional fish component of the Water Framework Directive. Marine Pollution Bulletin 55, 225-240]), the EBI by Breine et al. (2007) was the only that evidenced clear interannual and seasonal variations. The EQS by the several indices ranged from “Low” to “High”, depending on the index considered, evidencing the high level of mismatch between indices. The results are discussed in the scope of the EU Water Framework Directive, regarding monitoring strategies, application of indices and EQS assessment.  相似文献   
The recruitment variability of the marine fish species Dicentrarchus labrax, Platichthys flesus and Solea solea was evaluated in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) from 2003 to 2007. The relationships between sea surface temperature, NAO index, coastal wind speed and direction, precipitation and river runoff prior to the estuarine colonization and the abundance of 0-group fish were evaluated using gamma-based Generalized Linear Models. Dicentrarchus labrax and P. flesus 0-group decreased in abundance towards the end of the study period, while S. solea, despite low abundance in 2004, increased in abundance in 2007. For D. labrax, river runoff, precipitation and east–west wind were significant; for P. flesus, precipitation, river runoff and both north–south and east–west wind components were significant parameters, while for S. solea only river runoff was important. Results were compared with recent projections for climate change scenarios, to evaluate their effects on future recruitment levels.  相似文献   
Between 2003 and 2006, a severe drought occurred throughout the Mondego River catchment's area, inducing lower freshwater flows into the estuary. As a consequence, both 2004 and 2005 were considered as extreme drought events. From June 2003 to June 2006, the fish assemblage of the Mondego Estuary was sampled monthly in five stations during the night, using a 2 m beam trawl. Fish abundance was standardized as the number of individuals per 1000 m2 per season and the assemblage was analyzed based on ecological guilds: estuarine residents, marine juveniles, marine adventitious, freshwater, catadromous and marine species that use the estuary as a nursery area. A total of 42 species belonging to 23 families were identified, with estuarine residents and nursery species dominating the fish community. Variations in the fish community were assessed using non-metric MDS, being defined as three distinct periods: summer and autumn 2003, 2004/2005 and winter and summer 2006. The main drought-induced effects detected were the depletion of freshwater species and an increase in marine adventitious in 2004/2005, due to an extended intrusion of seawater inside the estuary and a significant reduction in abundance during the driest period of estuarine resident species. Nevertheless, from the management point of view, it could be stated that although some variations occurred due to environmental stress, the main core of the Mondego Estuary fish community remained relatively unchanged.  相似文献   
Ocean Dynamics - The plumes from the rivers of the South Brazilian Bight (SBB) and South Brazil (SB) were studied using a realistic model configuration. River plume variability on continental...  相似文献   

A very high-resolution modelling configuration was created for the estuary of Baía de Todos os Santos – BTS, Brazil (300 to 400 m), and adjacent coastal waters (600 to 1200 m). The adoption of a multi-corner domain approach allowed the variable spatial resolution required to resolve the shelf, the bay and their interactions. Seven years were simulated using realistic oceanic, atmospheric and riverine forcing. Model validation was done against observations showing the model skill to reproduce the thermohaline field, the tidal currents, as well as the variability of the free surface at tidal and sub-tidal time scales. The results provide the first representation of the tidal wave propagation along the bay, in terms of maps of amplitudes, phases and ellipses of the barotropic currents for the main tidal constituents. By analysing the residual currents at different depths, in terms of averages over the simulation period, several prominent structures were identified and named: (i) Salvador eddy (up to 0.2 m s−1); (ii) St Antonio current (up to 0.45 m s−1); (iii) Salvador current (up to 0.5 m s−1); (iv) Itaparica eddy (up to 0.2 m s−1); (v) Ilha dos Frades southern eddy (up to 0.1 m s−1); and (vi) Ilha dos Frades northern eddy (up to 0.2 m s−1). The model set-up proved to be highly efficient and robust simulating the BTS shelf-estuary region and such an approach may be suitable to other estuarine systems.

This paper examines a seemingly anomalous situation in southern Brazil where the dunefields on Santa Catarina Island (e.g. Joaquina Beach) migrate to the NNW, almost completely the opposite direction (c. 160) to the dunefields immediately to the south (e.g. Pinheira Beach), and some much further to the north (e.g. Cabo Frio) which migrate to the SSW. A variety of mechanisms are examined to explain the differences in dunefield migration including grain size variations, topographic effects on local winds, shoreline orientation, and regional wind field changes. The mean grain sizes of the two beaches, Pinheira and Joaquina, are not sufficiently different to restrict aeolian sediment transport in either place, nor to account for a lack of transport from the NNE to the SSW in the case of Joaquina. Some topographic steering of the wind is likely but could not account for the long‐term average difference in migration trends of the island dunefields compared to the mainland dunefields. While the orientation of the shoreline to prevailing winds is an important control on beach and dune sediment transport, it is not the dominant controlling mechanism. An analysis of the regional wind patterns demonstrates that there is a major shift in the regional wind field near the island such that the dominant island winds blow from the SW/SSW while those further south blow from the NE. It is concluded that this is the predominant reason for the divergence in the direction of migration of the dunefields. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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