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Contaminant migration behaviour in the unsaturated zone of a fractured porous aquifer is discussed in the context of a study site in Cheshire, UK. The site is situated on gently dipping sandstones, adjacent to a linear lagoon historically used to dispose of industrial wastes containing chlorinated solvents. Two cores of more than 100 m length were recovered and measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), inorganic chemistry, lithology, fracturing and aquifer properties were made. The results show that selecting an appropriate vertical sampling density is crucial both to providing an understanding of contaminant pathways and distinguishing whether CHCs are present in the aqueous or non-aqueous phase. The spacing of such sampling should be on a similar scale to the heterogeneity that controls water and contaminant movement. For some sections of the Permo-Triassic aquifer, significant changes in lithology and permeability occur over vertical distances of less than 1 m and samples need to be collected at this interval, otherwise considerable resolution is lost, potentially leading to erroneous interpretation of data. At this site, although CHC concentrations were high, the consistent ratio of the two main components of the plume (tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene) provided evidence of movement in the aqueous phase rather than in dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL).  相似文献   
The European Research Project AquaDEB (2007–2011, http://www.ifremer.fr/aquadeb/) is joining skills and expertise of some French and Dutch research institutes and universities to analyse the physiological flexibility of aquatic organisms and to link it to ecological and evolutionary processes within a common theoretical framework for quantitative bioenergetics [Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 2000. Dynamic energy and mass budgets in biological systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge]. The main scientific objectives in AquaDEB are i) to study and compare the sensitivity of aquatic species (mainly molluscs and fish) to environmental variability of natural or human origin, and ii) to evaluate the related consequences at different biological levels (individual, population, ecosystem) and temporal scales (life cycle, population dynamics, evolution). At mid-term life, the AquaDEB collaboration has already yielded interesting results by quantifying bio-energetic processes of various aquatic species (e.g. molluscs, fish, crustaceans, algae) with a single mathematical framework. It has also allowed to federate scientists with different backgrounds, e.g. mathematics, microbiology, ecology, chemistry, and working in different fields, e.g. aquaculture, fisheries, ecology, agronomy, ecotoxicology, climate change. For the two coming years, the focus of the AquaDEB collaboration will be in priority: (i) to compare energetic and physiological strategies among species through the DEB parameter values and to identify the factors responsible for any differences in bioenergetics and physiology; and to compare dynamic (DEB) versus static (SEB) energy models to study the physiological performance of aquatic species; (ii) to consider different scenarios of environmental disruption (excess of nutrients, diffuse or massive pollution, exploitation by man, climate change) to forecast effects on growth, reproduction and survival of key species; (iii) to scale up the models for a few species from the individual level up to the level of evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
In February 2008, cruise P362/2 was undertaken aboard R/V Poseidon to the Giza and North Alex mud volcanoes (MVs) on the upper slope of the western Nile deep-sea fan. Emitted fluids were strongly depleted in chloride and rich in hydrocarbons, predominantly of thermogenic origin. In-situ sediment temperature measurements indicate extremely high and moderate levels of activity for the North Alex MV and Giza MV, respectively, and suggest rapid changes from dormant to active stages. Both the physical properties of core sediments (e.g., color and magnetic susceptibility), and their assemblages of micro- and nannofossils point to different sources for the two mud volcanoes. Biostratigraphic dating suggests source depths of 2,100–2,450 mbsf for the Giza MV and 1,150–1,550 mbsf for the North Alex MV. Very high temperatures of up to 70°C in shallow sediments at the North Alex MV can be explained only if the fluid source were warmer and deeper than the sediment source.  相似文献   
The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is an ecologically important predator in temperate coastal environments. Their populations fluctuate seasonally, serving as sinks of nutrients during periodic blooms, but as sources via excretion and during population collapse. Ctenophores were analyzed for elemental composition (C, N, and P) during 2008 and 2009 in Great South Bay, NY, USA. Salt-free weight percent C, N, and P correlated positively with ctenophore sizes and zooplankton prey abundances. Nitrogen and P were higher at the onset of blooms than during collapse when prey were substantially fewer. Ctenophores collected during average to high zooplankton densities had atomic ratios averaging C/N ~6:1 and C/P ~66:1, but became C- and P-depleted (C/N ~5:1, C/P ~128:1) with decreasing zooplankton. Incubations demonstrated rapid remineralization of ctenophore biomass (as NH4 +, HPO4 2?), following first order kinetics (e.g., k ~0.1–0.4 day?1) with enriched stoichiometric N and P fractionation relative to biomass under both oxic and anoxic conditions. Based on reported excretion rates, nutrient regeneration from excretion by active populations greatly exceeds nutrients remineralized during population crashes. To our knowledge, this is the first study documenting natural seasonal patterns in ctenophore elemental stoichiometry as a function of ctenophore size and prey availability.  相似文献   
We propose a novel pragmatic approach of in situ 15N and 13C isotope labelling of trees for subsequent litter decomposition and turnover studies under field conditions. Using this method the labelling of even large trees under natural conditions is possible and compared to tree labelling under artificial conditions in greenhouses the in situ approach is less expensive. 13C and 15N labelling were carried out simultaneously via photosynthesis by tree gassing with 13CO2 and by stem injection of 15NH415NO3. The aims of this study were: (i) to produce a sufficient quantity of labelled plant material for subsequent field incubation studies and (ii) to investigate the effectiveness and distribution of in situ 15N (15NH415NO3) and 13C (13CO2) labelling of Podocarpus falcatus, Croton macrostachys, Prunus africana and Cupressus lusitanica. The following targets need to be achieved: (i) Assuming almost natural litter fall conditions, enough labelled plant material must be produced in situ for the turnover experiment; (ii) intra-plant tracer enrichment shall be homogeneous; (iii) tracer enrichment should be comparable for different tree species; and (iv) tracer enrichment must be sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies using the stable isotope approach. Our results clearly demonstrated that several kilograms of labelled plant material can be produced in situ. For many ecosystems, this amount is sufficient for a long term litter turnover experiment on a field scale under almost natural litter fall conditions. However, intra-plant label uptake of 13C and 15N was heterogeneous so that only leaves (litter) should be used for the turnover study. It could be shown that only a part of the labile C and N fraction in the leaves was labelled. Nevertheless, label uptake was sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies.  相似文献   
The degradation of the Jobourg fault-scarp occurred by cryoclastic processes in a periglacial environment during a part of Quaternary time. An attempt of quantification indicates a bulk scarp erosion of about 39 m3 m?2, while the head accumulated at the bottom of the fault scarp only represents 4.6 m3 m?2. To cite this article: M. Font et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 171–178.  相似文献   
Species of the macroalgae Caulerpa sp. are increasingly being observed in meadows of the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, and in particular Caulerpa taxifolia, has been considered as an invasive species leading to seagrass decline. Studies have so far failed to reveal the underlying mechanisms of the success of the macroalgae, and here, we examine how biogeochemical changes of the environment associated to indigenous (Caulerpa prolifera) and non-indigenous (Caulerpa racemosa and C. taxifolia) species affect the habitat of P. oceanica. Two of the species (C. prolifera and C. racemosa) affect the sediment biogeochemical conditions by increasing organic matter pools, microbial activity, and sulfide pools of the sediments, and limited effects were found for C. taxifolia. Biomass of the macroalgae contributed to the extent of impacts, and high sulfide invasion into the seagrasses and regression of the meadow were pronounced at the location with the highest Caulerpa biomass. This suggests that Caulerpa invasion contributes to seagrass decline probably because Caulerpa thrives better than the seagrasses in the modified environment.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to study seasonal variation of histopathological and histochemical markers in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) exposed to pyrogenic PAH contaminants. Mussels were collected in January, June, September and October from a sampling site in the vicinity of the discharge from an aluminium smelter and from a clean reference site. Histopathological analysis was carried out on the digestive gland (DG) and the gonads, lipofuscin and neutral lipids were analysed in the DG. Clear responses in lipofuscin and neutral lipids were detected in the DG of mussels collected from the polluted site at some sampling times. Moreover, these mussels presented atrophy in digestive tubules and haemocytic aggregates in the gonad and DG. However, in all parameters studied, the magnitude of the response showed clear seasonal variation.  相似文献   
Histopathological characteristics of specific organs express condition, and represent time-integrated impacts on the organism stemming from alterations at lower levels of biological organisation. As integrative parameters, histochemical investigations have proved to be sensitive tools to detect effects of chemical compounds. The objective of this study was to determine changes in the tissues of mussels collected at a PAH contaminated site compared to a reference site using histopathological and histochemical parameters: lipofuscin (LF) accumulation in mussel digestive gland, and lysosomal membrane stability (LMS), and using additional information provided by body burden analysis to compare the sensitivity of these parameters. The histochemical measurements for both LF and LMS gave a clear indication of a high level of stress in animals from the PAH contaminated site. This LF accumulation in lysosomes is the result of peroxidation of autophagocytosed proteins associated with protein aggregates and oxidatively damaged organelles. These measurements were able to detect the effects of PAHs, and showed a strong relationship with the body burden results.  相似文献   
Histopathological characteristics of specific organs express condition, and represent time-integrated impacts on the organism stemming from alterations at lower levels of biological organisation. As integrative parameters, histochemical investigations have proved to be sensitive tools to detect effects of chemical compounds.The objective of this study was to determine changes in the tissues of mussels collected at a PAH contaminated site compared to a reference site using histopathological and histochemical parameters: lipofuscin (LF) accumulation in mussel digestive gland, and lysosomal membrane stability (LMS), and using additional information provided by body burden analysis to compare the sensitivity of these parameters.The histochemical measurements for both LF and LMS gave a clear indication of a high level of stress in animals from the PAH contaminated site. This LF accumulation in lysosomes is the result of peroxidation of autophagocytosed proteins associated with protein aggregates and oxidatively damaged organelles. These measurements were able to detect the effects of PAHs, and showed a strong relationship with the body burden results.  相似文献   
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