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Summary Wind data collected during the Great Plains Turbulence Field Experiment of 1953 are used to study the relative performances of various types of cup anemometers subjected to air flow of known gustiness. Scatter diagrams which relate differences in the indicated mean speeds of two anemometers to gustiness are prepared. Although the instruments compared represent a wide range of moments of inertia, no relationship between gustiness and anemometer performance is noted. This result is examined in light of Schrenk's parameter which describes anemometer performance.
Zusammenfassung Windbeobachtungen, welche während des Great Plains Turbulence Field Program im Jahre 1953 gewonnen wurden, werden zu einem Vergleich verschiedener Typen von Schalenkreuzanemometern in einem Windfeld von bekannter Böigkeit verwendet. Die Ergebnisse werden in Form von Streubildern veranschaulicht, in denen die Geschwindigkeits-unterschiede von verschiedenen Anemometern als Funktion des Böigkeitsgrades aufgetragen sind. Obgleich die verglichenen Anemometer erheblich verschiedene Trägheitsmomente besitzen, ergibt sich keine Abhängigkeit der Anzeigedifferenzen von der Böigkeit des Windes. Dieser Befund wird mit Hilfe des Schrenkschen Parameters näher beleuchtet.

Résumé Les observations anémométriques effectuées dans le cadre du Great Plains Turbulence Field Program en 1953 sont utilisées ici dans le but de comparer différents types d'anémomètres à cupules placés dans un champ de mouvement de turbulence connue. Les résultats sont donnés sous forme d'essaims de points dans un système de référence: écarts individuels de l'indication et degré de turbulence. Bien que les instruments comparés présentent des moments d'inertie notablement différents, les écarts observés ne dépendent pas de la turbulence du vent. Ce résultat est encore examiné à l'aide du paramètre de Schrenk.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
The “Big Dry”, a prolonged dry period in Australia from 1997 to 2009, dried out much of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) and resulted in large agricultural losses and degraded river ecosystems. Climate projections are that dry conditions in the MDB are likely to be more regular and severe than ever before, and recent policy initiatives are likely to reduce consumptive water use and redirect water to ecosystem management. This paper aims to develop an understanding of the interactions between water policy and irrigation practices by deriving lessons from drought management in irrigated agriculture of the MDB during the Big Dry, and furthermore, to draw out lessons to enhance the preparedness of irrigated agriculture for a future drier climate and reduced water availability. Reviews of irrigation farmers’ practices, attitudes and capacity to manage during prolonged droughts in the MDB, and the evolution of agricultural water policy in Australia since 1990 were made. It is clear that farmers could be better prepared to deal with a drier climate if their water management practices, e.g. irrigation methods and soil moisture measuring tools are improved, if the impediments to the uncertainty of water allocation and low water availability could be overcome, and if well-targeted research and extension could assist farmers to use water more wisely. It is also clear that Australian water policy could be better prepared in terms of assisting irrigated agriculture to deal with a drier climate. Key areas are reduction of barriers and distortions to water trading, optimizing the environmental water allocation, and seeking mutual benefits between environmental water allocation and irrigated agriculture, improvement of the cost-effectiveness of investments in water supply infrastructure, facilitating carryover and capacity sharing at larger scales, and provision of accurate, accessible and useful water information at different scales. An approach to irrigation practice and water policy is proposed based on past experience and potential opportunities. The approach is a set of linked strategies for more robust agricultural production and a more sustainable environment under a drier climate and reduced water availability.  相似文献   
Produced water is one of the largest waste products routinely discharged into the ocean from offshore oil and gas platforms. This study analyzed bacterial communities and metals in the produced water, surrounding seawater, and sediment around the Thebaud platform. The bacterial community within the produced water was different from the seawater (SAB = 13.3), but the discharge had no detectable effect on the bacterial communities in the seawater (SAB > 97). In contrast, genomic analysis of sediments revealed that the bacterial community from 250 m was different (SAB = 70) from other locations further from the discharge, suggesting that the produced water had a detectable effect on the bacterial community in the sediment closest to the discharge. These near-field sediments contained elevated concentrations of manganese and iron that are associated with the produced water effluent. The results suggested that the discharge of produced water has influenced the bacterial community structure of sediments adjacent to the platform.  相似文献   
Few studies exist in the geologic literature that show the distribution of seismic facies and depositional sequences within a lacustrine basin. The Pannonian Basin of Central Europe offers a unique opportunity to evaluate the influence of the eustatic signal on lacustrine deposition.

Seismic stratigraphie and sedimentological studies indicate that the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene infill of the transtensional Pannonian Basin was formed by large delta systems. Systematic sequence stratigraphie analysis of 6000 km of reflection seismic data and more than 100 hydrocarbon exploration wells in Hungary allowed the identification of twelve third-order sequence boundaries in the late Neogene sedimentary fill. This number of depositional sequences corresponds to that of the published global eustatic curve for this time period. Furthermore, based on magnetostratigraphic and radiometric data, the ages of these depositional sequences can be tentatively correlated with the global eustatic curve.

The Pannonian Basin became isolated from the world sea at the Sarmatian/Pannonian (11.5 Ma) boundary and formed a large lake. The stratal patterns and sedimentary facies of individual systems tracts within the lacustrine sequences display the same characteristics as marine depositional sequences. The relatively low rate of thermal subsidence and the high rate of sediment supply resulted in a good sequence resolution. Within the third-order sequences higher-order sequences can be recognized with an average duration of about 0.1–0.5 Ma.  相似文献   

As a contribution to the International Polar Year program MERGE (Microbiological and Ecological Responses to Global Environmental change in polar regions), studies were conducted on the terrestrial and aquatic microbial ecosystems of northern Canada (details at: http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/merge/). The habitats included permafrost soils, saline coldwater springs, supraglacial lakes on ice shelves, epishelf lakes in fjords, deep meromictic lakes, and shallow lakes, ponds and streams. Microbiological samples from each habitat were analysed by HPLC pigment assays, light and fluorescence microscopy, and DNA sequencing. The results show a remarkably diverse microflora of viruses, Archaea (including ammonium oxidisers and methanotrophs), Bacteria (including filamentous sulfur-oxidisers in a saline spring and benthic mats of Cyanobacteria in many waterbodies), and protists (including microbial eukaryotes in snowbanks and ciliates in ice-dammed lakes). In summer 2008, we recorded extreme warming at Ward Hunt Island and vicinity, the northern limit of the Canadian high Arctic, with air temperatures up to 20.5 °C. This was accompanied by pronounced changes in microbial habitats: deepening of the permafrost active layer; loss of perennial lake ice and sea ice; loss of ice-dammed freshwater lakes; and 23% loss of total ice shelf area, including complete break-up and loss of the Markham Ice Shelf cryo-ecosystem. These observations underscore the vulnerability of Arctic microbial ecosystems to ongoing climate change.  相似文献   
Using available information on the accretion rates and the bulk chemical compositions of oceanic ferromanganese nodules, it can be shown that the accumulation rate of manganese is proportional to the square of the accumulation rate of iron. This relationship has been used to derive an equation that predicts nodule growth rates from their chemical compositions. The equation accurately predicts growth rates up to about 50 mm/106 yr, but yields incorrect rates for faster-growing concretions. From this relationship nodules underneath water of high primary productivity grow most rapidly and accumulate transition metals most rapidly; however, nodules from regions of highest primary productivity do not have the highest concentrations of nickel and copper. Reduction of manganese within the sediment column and remobilization of a fraction to the surface sediments adds manganese to nodules without substantially augmenting the supply of other transition elements. The addition of remobilized manganese to the nodule dilutes the concentrations of nickel, copper and iron, even though their rates of accumulation are also high.  相似文献   
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