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Historical data of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), together with nitrate and phosphate, have been used to model the evolution of these constituents over the year in the Atlantic water of the Norwegian Sea. Changes in nutrient concentration in the upper layer of the ocean are largely related to biological activity, but vertical mixing with the underlying water will also have an impact. A mixing factor is estimated and used to compute the entrainment of these constituents into the surface water from below. After taking the mixing contribution into account, the resulting nutrient concentration changes are attributed to biological production or decay. The results of the model show that the change in CT by vertical mixing and by biological activity based on nutrient equivalents needs another sink to balance the carbon budget. It cannot be the atmosphere as the surface water is undersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide and is, thus, a source of CT in this region. Inasmuch as the peak deficit of carbon is more than a month later than for the nutrients, the most plausible explanation is that other nitrogen and phosphate sources than the inorganic salts are used together with dissolved inorganic carbon during this period. As nitrate and phosphate show a similar trend, it is unlikely that the explanation is the use of ammonia or nitrogen fixation but rather dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphate, while dissolved organic carbon is accumulating in the water.  相似文献   
Framvaren, a super-anoxic fjord in southern Norway, contains 7–8 mmoll−1 of sulphide and a total carbonate concentration of 18.5 mmol kg−1 in the bottom water. The chemistry of calcium has been studied, considering sources, biogenic and chemical processes and sedimentary sinks. Calcium associated with the bacteria biomass at the redox interface (18m depth) appears to be the primary source of dissolved calcium in the deep, anoxic water. Excess calcium and high total carbonate cause supersaturation of calcite, which is precipitated chemogenically. Calcite (and presumably some aragonite) is identified both in sediment trap material and the bottom sediments below the depth of supersaturation.  相似文献   
The strength of the Sun's polar fields   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The magnetic field strength within the polar caps of the Sun is an important parameter for both the solar activity cycle and for our understanding of the interplanetary magnetic field. Measurements of the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field generally yield 0.1 to 0.2 mT near times of sunspot minimum. In this paper we report measurements of the polar fields made at the Stanford Solar Observatory using the Fe i line 525.02 nm. We find that the average flux density poleward of 55° latitude is about 0.6 mT peaking to more than 1 mT at the pole and decreasing to 0.2 mT at the polar cap boundary. The total open flux through either polar cap thus becomes about 3 × 1014 Wb. We also show that observed magnetic field strengths vary as the line-of-sight component of nearly radial fields.  相似文献   
Statistical tests for regional seismic phase characterizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In seismic analysis some assumptions are often made aboutthe data, e.g. stationarity and Gaussianity. This is not obvious for all realseismic data. Here, we use statistical tests for characterization of regionalseismic data. We apply tests for stationarity, symmetry, linearity, andtime-reversibility. In the analysis we use twelve regional seismic events inFennoscandia recorded with the seismic small-aperture arrays NORESS,ARCESS and FINESA at hypocentral distances in the range from 160 to1580 km. For the tests we use the regional phases Pn, secondary P, Sn and Lg-phases and the preceding noise. Two of the eventsare explosions, two are rockbursts and eight are earthquakes. Theperformance and possibilities of using statistical tests based on bispectra, asa complementary tool for conventional analysis of seismic phases isdemonstrated. The preceding noise recorded before the first onset of theP-wave for the twelve events is tested to be spatially stationarybetween each channel within each array and temporal stationary in 21consecutive time windows of 3.2 sec each. Also, the preceding noise issymmetric and linear. The seismic phases defined by the symmetry test asnon-Gaussian (not symmetric) are all linear. This means a linear model canbe used to characterize both the noise and the phases. The first P-phase for the two explosions is characterized as non-Gaussian at thethree arrays. For all 36 possibly first P-phase arrivals at the three arraystations, 23 are non-Gaussian. The second P-phase is non-Gaussian at13 of 36 data records, the S-phase at eleven of 36 and the Lg-phase at nine of 36. For all the four phases more than 32 of possible36 are time-reversible.  相似文献   
Summary In June 1986 mobile air temperature measurements were performed in the Kivik area in Sweden. The measuring trips were repeated each hour during a night with calm and clear weather conditions. Along a loop, 8650 m long and traversing a hilly landscape, the air temperature was measured at four levels (0.2, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 m a g). In this study the results are focused on the measurements at the standard level, 2.0 m a g, in order to make it easier to compare this study with earlier mobile studies.Sudden rises in air temperature at 2.0 m occurred at a number of elevated locations along the loop, at a max. rate of 3.5°C/hour, indicative of the influence of dynamic turbulence. Lower parts of the loop did show a drop in air temperature at the same time, with a max. of 3.8°C/hour, indicative of cold air influence. In most earlier studies the mobile measurements were compensated for the nocturnal cooling in order to make it possible to directly compare the different measurement points. This study highlights the problems due to turbulence as mentioned above. It also stresses the fact that more reference measurements at more than one point along a loop are needed in hilly terrain.With 7 Figures  相似文献   
A mechanism for the generation of intrathermocline eddies (ITEs) at wind-forced fronts is examined using a high resolution numerical simulation. Favorable conditions for ITE formation result at fronts forced by “down-front” winds, i.e. winds blowing in the direction of the frontal jet. Down-front winds exert frictional forces that reduce the potential vorticity (PV) within the surface boundary in the frontal outcrop, providing a source for the low-PV water that is the materia prima of ITEs. Meandering of the front drives vertical motions that subduct the low-PV water into the pycnocline, pooling it into the coherent anticyclonic vortex of a submesoscale ITE. As the fluid is subducted along the outcropping frontal isopycnal, the low-PV water, which at the surface is associated with strongly baroclinic flow, re-expresses itself as water with nearly zero absolute vorticity. This generation of strong anticyclonic vorticity results from the tilting of the horizontal vorticity of the frontal jet, not from vortex squashing. During the formation of the ITE, high-PV water from the pycnocline is upwelled alongside the subducting low-PV surface water. The positive correlation between the ITE’s velocity and PV fields results in an upward, along-isopycnal eddy PV flux that scales with the surface frictional PV flux driven by the wind. The relationship between the eddy and wind-induced frictional PV flux is nonlocal in time, as the eddy PV flux persists long after the wind forcing is shut off. The ITE’s PV flux affects the large-scale flow by driving an eddy-induced transport or bolus velocity down the outcropping isopycnal layer with a magnitude that scales with the Ekman velocity.  相似文献   
Yves Morel  Leif N. Thomas   《Ocean Modelling》2009,27(3-4):185-197
In this article, the authors study the influence of a constant wind on the displacement of a vortex. The well known Ekman current develops in the surface layer and is responsible for a transport perpendicular to the wind: the Ekman drift.An additional process is, however, evidenced, whose importance is as strong as the Ekman drift. There indeed exists a curl of the wind-driven acceleration along isopycnic surfaces when they are spatially variable (they enter and leave the depth where the wind stress acts), which generates potential vorticity anomalies. This diabatic effect is shown to generate potential vorticity anomalies which acts on the propagation of vortical waves and non linear vortices.It is shown that this effect drastically reduces the effect of the Ekman drift for linear waves and surface intensified vortices, while extending its effect to subsurface vortices. It also generates along wind propagation, whose sign depends on the vortex characteristics.  相似文献   
Although W. Brunner began to weight sunspot counts (from 1926), using a method whereby larger spots were counted more than once, he compensated for the weighting by not counting enough smaller spots in order to maintain the same reduction factor (0.6) as was used by his predecessor A. Wolfer to reduce the count to R. Wolf’s original scale, so that the weighting did not have any effect on the scale of the sunspot number. In 1947, M. Waldmeier formalized the weighting (on a scale from 1 to 5) of the sunspot count made at Zurich and its auxiliary station Locarno. This explicit counting method, when followed, inflates the relative sunspot number over that which corresponds to the scale set by Wolfer (and matched by Brunner). Recounting some 60,000 sunspots on drawings from the reference station Locarno shows that the number of sunspots reported was “over counted” by \({\approx}\,44~\%\) on average, leading to an inflation (measured by an effective weight factor) in excess of 1.2 for high solar activity. In a double-blind parallel counting by the Locarno observer M. Cagnotti, we determined that Svalgaard’s count closely matches that of Cagnotti, allowing us to determine from direct observation the daily weight factor for spots since 2003 (and sporadically before). The effective total inflation turns out to have two sources: a major one (15?–?18 %) caused by weighting of spots, and a minor source (4?–?5 %) caused by the introduction of the Zürich classification of sunspot groups which increases the group count by 7?–?8 % and the relative sunspot number by about half that. We find that a simple empirical equation (depending on the activity level) fits the observed factors well, and use that fit to estimate the weighting inflation factor for each month back to the introduction of effective inflation in 1947 and thus to be able to correct for the over-counts and to reduce sunspot counting to the Wolfer method in use from 1894 onwards.  相似文献   
Strong-motion recordings at 87 sites from 56 different intraplate earthquakes from North America, Europe, China and Australia have been used through a two-step regression analysis to develop new attenuation models for peak ground acceleration, and for pseudo-relative velocity for frequencies of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0 Hz, all for 5 per cent of critical damping. The estimates are obtained along with an analysis of residuals and scatter. A similar regression analysis has been performed also for Fourier spectra of acceleration, in which case the coefficient for the anelastic term has been interpreted in terms of a frequency dependent quality factor Q. The resulting Q-model shows a strong frequency sensitivity with values around 600–700 at 1 Hz, around 2000 at 10 Hz and around 5200 at 25 Hz. These PGA, PSV and Q results depend, however, on the underlying assumption for geometrical spreading, in particular for low frequencies.  相似文献   
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