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The study focuses on clinopyroxene from mantle xenolith-bearing East Serbian basanites and suggests that dissolution of mantle orthopyroxene played an important role in at least some stages of the crystallization of these alkaline magmas. Five compositional types of clinopyroxene are distinguished, some of them having different textural forms: megacrysts (Type-A), green/colourless-cored phenocrysts (Type-B), overgrowths and sieve-textured cores (Type-C), rims and matrix clinopyroxene (Type-D), and clinopyroxene from the reaction rims around orthopyroxene xenocrysts (Type-E). Type-A is high-Al diopside that probably crystallized at near-liquidus conditions either directly from the host basanite or from compositionally similar magmas in previous magmatic episodes. Type-B cores show high VIAl/IVAl≥1 and low Mg# of mostly <75 and are interpreted as typical xenocrysts. Type-C, D and E are interpreted as typical cognate clinopyroxene. Type-D has Mg#<78, Al2O3?=?6–13?wt.%, TiO2?=?1.5–4.5?wt.%, and Na2O?=?0.4–0.8?wt.% and compositionally similar clinopyroxene is calculated by MELTS as a phase in equilibrium with the last 30?% of melt starting from the average host lava composition. Type-C has Mg#?=?72–89, Al2O3?=?4.5–9.5?wt.%, TiO2?=?1–2.5?wt.%, Na2O?=?0.35–1?wt.% and Cr2O3?=?0.1–1.5?wt.%. This clinopyroxene has some compositional similarities to Type-E occurring exclusively around mantle orthopyroxene. Cr/Al vs Al/Ti and Cr/Al vs Na/Ti plots revealed that Type-C clinopyroxene can crystallize from a mixture of the host basanite magma and 2–20?wt.% mantle orthopyroxene. Sieve-textured Type-C crystals show characteristics of experimentally produced skeletal clinopyroxene formed by orthopyroxene dissolution suggesting that crystallization of Type-C was both texturally and compositionally controlled by orthopyroxene breakdown. According to FeO/MgOcpx/melt modelling the first clinopyroxene precipitating from the host basanite was Type-A (T?~?1250?°C, p?~?1.5?GPa). Dissolution of orthopyroxene produced decreasing FeO/MgOmelt and crystallization of Type-E and sieve-textured Type-C clinopyroxene (0.3–0.8?GPa and 1200–1050?°C). The melt composition gradually shifted towards higher FeO/MgOmelt ratios precipitating more evolved Type-C and Type-D approaching near-solidus conditions (<0.3?GPa; ~950?°C).  相似文献   
Charismatic wildlife can be difficult to manage due to the controversies they generate among stakeholders, which may be rooted in their symbolic meaning. Using construal-level theory, we coded the images of gray wolves mentioned by respondents to a national survey (n?=?621) and an issue public survey (n?=?447) as symbolic (abstract) or corporeal (concrete). We analyzed the relationship between these representations of wolves and several perceptions that may perpetuate social conflict. Most people thought of wolves abstractly, and abstract thoughts were associated with positive feelings toward wolves and agreement with existence beliefs regarding wolves. Concrete representations were associated with identifying as a gun or property rights advocate, hunter, or farmer/rancher. Given these disparate views of wolves, engaging stakeholders through collaborative processes designed to foster a shared understanding of this species, while addressing the concerns of those groups, could be useful in reducing conflict concerning wolf management.  相似文献   
The adsorption properties in terms of cation exchange capacity and their relation to the soil and sediment constituents (clay minerals, Fe-, Mn-, and Al-oxyhydroxides, organic matter) were investigated in loess, soil-loess transition zone, and soil at four loess-soil sections in North-Western Croatia. Cation exchange capacity of the bulk samples, the samples after oxalate extraction of Fe, Mn and Al, and after removal of organic matter, as well as of the separated clay fraction, was determined using copper ethylenediamine. Cation exchange capacity (pH~7) of the bulk samples ranges from 5 to 12 cmol c /kg in soil, from 7 to 15 cmol c /kg in the soil-loess transition zone, and from 12 to 20 cmol c /kg in loess. Generally, CEC values increase with depth. Oxalate extraction of Fe, Mn, and Al, and removal of organic matter cause a CEC decrease of 3–38% and 8–55%, respectively, proving a considerable influence of these constituents to the bulk CEC values. In the separated clay fraction (<2 μm) CEC values are up to several times higher relative to those in the bulk samples. The measured CEC values of the bulk samples generally correspond to the clay mineral content identified. Also, a slight increase in muscovite/illite content with depth and the vermiculite occurrence in the loess horizon are concomitant with the CEC increase in deeper horizons, irrespective of the sample pretreatment.  相似文献   
The Danish island of Bornholm is located at the southwestern margin of the Fennoscandian Shield, and features exposed Precambrian basement in its northern and central parts. In this paper, we present new U–Pb zircon and titanite ages for granites and orthogneisses from 13 different localities on Bornholm. The crystallization ages of the protolith rocks all fall within the range 1,475–1,445 Ma (weighted average 207Pb/206Pb ages of zircon). Minor age differences, however, may imply a multi-phase emplacement history of the granitoid complex. The presence of occasional inherited zircons (with ages of 1,700–1,800 Ma) indicates that the Bornholm granitoids were influenced by older crustal material. The east–west fabric observed in most of the studied granites and gneisses, presumably originated by deformation in close connection with the magmatism at 1,470–1,450 Ma. Most titanite U–Pb ages fall between 1,450 and 1,430 Ma, reflecting post-magmatic or post-metamorphic cooling. Granitoid magmatism at ca. 1.45 Ga along the southwestern margin of the East European Craton has previously been reported from southern Sweden and Lithuania. The ages obtained in this study indicate that the Bornholm magmatism also was part of this Mesoproterozoic event.  相似文献   
Mid-shelf sediments off the Oregon coast are characterized as fine sands that trap and remineralize phytodetritus leading to the consumption of significant quantities of dissolved oxygen. Sediment oxygen consumption (SOC) can be delayed from seasonal organic matter inputs because of a transient buildup of reduced constituents during periods of quiescent physical processes. Between 2009 and 2013, benthic oxygen exchange rates were measured using the noninvasive eddy covariance (EC) method five separate times at a single 80-m station. Ancillary measurements included in situ microprofiles of oxygen at the sediment–water interface, and concentration profiles of pore water nutrients and trace metals, and solid-phase organic C and sulfide minerals from cores. Sediment cores were also incubated to derive anaerobic respiration rates. The EC measurements were made during spring, summer, and fall conditions, and they produced average benthic oxygen flux estimates that varied between ?2 and ?15 mmol m?2 d?1. The EC oxygen fluxes were most highly correlated with bottom-sensed, significant wave heights (H s). The relationship with H s was used with an annual record of deepwater swell heights to predict an integrated oxygen consumption rate for the mid-shelf of 1.5 mol m?2 for the upwelling season (May–September) and 6.8 mol m?2 y?1. The annual prediction requires that SOC rates are enhanced in the winter because of sand filtering and pore water advection under large waves, and it counters budgets that assume a dominance of organic matter export from the shelf. Refined budgets will require winter flux measurements and observations from cross-shelf transects over multiple years.  相似文献   
In HEXOS, a programme of coordinated laboratory, field and model studies, an international group of participants has extended the range of measurements of evaporation from the sea and has investigated the role of droplets in the transfer of water to the atmosphere. Predictions of a rapid rise in the evaporation coefficient at wind speeds above 15 m s-1 have not been substantiated. Wind stress measurements showed a relationship with wave age. New methods were developed for coping with flow distortion.  相似文献   
Sediment–water incubations were used to study effects of episodic anoxia on filamentous Ulva sp. Treatments included undisturbed sediment with (AnoxSed) and without (NatSed) exposure to 5 days of anoxia, and cores with only the top 0.5 cm of sediment (SurfSed; no macrofauna, restricted pore-water nutrient pool). All three treatments contained Ulva propagules. An Ulva mat developed in the SurfSed, and after the anoxic period in the AnoxSed cores. No growth was observed in the NatSed treatment. In the AnoxSed, Ulva was progressively removed upon reoxygenation through grazing by Nereis. The results suggest that episodic anoxia stimulates the growth of macroalgal mats not only by increasing the availability of nutrients from the sediment, but also by reducing macrofaunal grazing pressure. Infauna (grazing and bioturbation), benthic microalgae (nutrient competition and retention), and pore-water nutrients appear key components in a biogeochemical network with complex feedbacks controlling the growth of green-algal mats in shallow-water systems.  相似文献   
Benthic microalgae are key contributors to near-shore food webs and sediment stabilization. Temporal variability in microalgal biomass and production throughout the tidal cycle has been well documented; however, due to limitations of traditional methods of analysis patterns of community composition and diversity over such time scales have not been revealed. To explore the latter and better understand how short-term changes throughout the tidal cycle may affect community functioning, we compared benthic diatom composition and diversity over tidal stage shifts. We employed two disparate molecular techniques (denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis with Sanger DNA sequencing of excised bands and high-throughput community metagenome sequencing) to characterize diatom assemblages in representative muddy and sandy intertidal sites in Charleston Harbor, SC, USA. In support of prior studies, we found higher diatom diversity in sandbar as compared to mudflat sediments. Spatial differences were stronger relative to tidal temporal differences, although diversity metrics generally were highest after prolonged tidal immersion as compared to low-tide emersion or just after immersion at flood tide. Composition of the diatom assemblage differed markedly between sites, with species in genera Halamphora, Amphora, and Navicula dominating the sandbar, whereas Cyclotella, Skeletonema, and Thalassiosira were the most prevalent genera on the mudflat. Diatom composition differed by tidal stage, with assemblages during low-tide exposure distinct from samples taken after immersion. Both sandbar and mudflat sediments exhibited increases in relative proportion of epipelic diatoms and decreases in planktonic taxa during low-tide exposure. Our findings of short-term changes in species composition and dominance could inform primary productivity models to better estimate understudied diatom contributions in heterogeneous and highly variable tidal systems.  相似文献   
This article 1) examines the policy context that created a demand for biogeographic information, 2) describes early national and regional experiences in applying biogeographic classifications, 3) extracts lessons about their usefulness, 4) introduces a broad-scale biogeographic classification for the open ocean and deep seabed called the Global Open Ocean and Deep Seabed (GOODS) biogeographic classification and explains its relevance in this policy context. In so doing it highlights potential uses of biogeographic classifications for the open ocean and deep seabed: these include ecosystem-based management approaches, marine spatial planning and identification of representative networks of MPAs. It also discusses approaches for dealing with problems of uncertainty and connectivity. The article concludes with recommendations for the further development of the GOODS and finer-scale biogeographic classifications.  相似文献   
Shi  Feng  Yang  Bao  Linderholm  Hans W.  Seftigen  Kristina  Yang  Fengmei  Yin  Qiuzhen  Shao  Xuemei  Guo  Zhengtang 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3387-3404
Climate Dynamics - Tree growth trends can affect the interpretation of the response of tree-ring proxies (especially tree-ring width) to climate in the low-frequency band, which in turn may limit...  相似文献   
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