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Plasma and field relationships observed across the nightside of Venus evidence a chaotic variety of interactions between the ionosphere and the combined effect of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field draped about the planet. Close examination of these data reveal within the chaos a number of repeatable signatures key to understanding fundamental field-plasma interactions. Observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, (PVO), nightside conditions range from extensive, full-up ionospheres with little evidence of dynamic or energetic perturbations, to an almost full depletion, sometimes described as disappearing ionospheres. Between these extremes, the ionospheric structure is often irregular, sometimes exhibiting well-defined density troughs, at other times complex intervals of either abundant or minimal plasma concentration. Consistently, large B-fields (typically exceeding 5–10 nanoteslas) coincide with plasma decreases, whereas stable, abundant plasma distributions are associated with very low-level field. We examine hundreds of nightside orbits, identifying close correlations between regions of elevated magnetic fields featuring polarity reversals, and (a) exclusive low-frequency or distinctive broadband noise, or both, in the electric field data, (b) turbulent, superthermal behavior of the the ions and electrons. We review extensive studies of nightside fields to show that the correlations observed are consistent with theoretical arguments that the presence of strong magnetic fields within normal ionospheric heights indicates the intrusion of magnetosheath fields and plasma within such regions. We find abundant evidence that the ionosphere is frequently disrupted by such events, exhibiting a chaotic, auroral-like complexity appearing over a wide range of altitude and local time. We show that field-plasma disturbances, widely suggested to be similar to conditions in the Earth's auroral regions, are tightly linked to the electric field noise otherwise attributed to lightning. Owing to the coincidence inherent in this relationship, we suggest that natural, predictable plasma instabilities associated with the plasma gradients and current sheets evident within these events produce the E-field noise. The data relationships argue for a more detailed investigation of solar wind induced E-field noise mechanisms as the appropriate scientific procedure for invoking sources for the noise previously attributed to lightning. Consistent with these views, we note that independent analyses have offered alternative explanations of the noise as arising from ionospheric disturbances, that repeated searches for optical evidence of lightning have found no such evidence, and that no accepted theoretical work has yet surfaced to support the inference of lightning at Venus.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Überblick über die Änderung des Gefüges und der Mischkristalle einer Generation vulkanischer Gesteine gegeben. Die Gesteinsproben lassen sich nach ihren Einsprenglingen in eine genetische Reihenfolge der Schmelzentwicklung gliedern und zeigen dabei eine kontinuierliche Veränderung der Mischkristallphasen der Grundmasse. An Meßreihen für Olivin, Plagioklas und Sanidin und an der Verschiebung der Röntgenreflexe ist dieser Phasenwandel nachgewiesen. Zwölf Abbildungen zeigen den Übergang des Mineralbestandes und des Gefüges in der Grundmasse von Probe zu Probe.
A survey of the changes of the structure and of the mixed crystals in a generation of volcanic rocks is given. According to their accessory minerals (Einsprengunge) the rock samples can be arranged in a genetic sequence of the melting-process; in this they show a continuous change in the phases of mixed crystals of the ground-mass. This change of phase is demonstrated by measuring sequences for Olivine, Plagioclase and Sanidine and by shift of the X-ray reflexes. Twelve figures show the transition of the mineral stock and of the structure in the ground-mass from sample to sample.

Résumé Une vue d'ensemble sur les changes de structure et des cristaux composés d'une génération de roches volcaniques est présentée. Les spécimens de roches peuvent être organisés — selon leurs phénocrystaux — dans une série génétique du procès de fusion; ils montrent une change continuelle des phases de cristaux composés de la matrice. La change des phases ist prouvée par mesurages en séries et par le déplacement des reflexes radiographiques. Douze figures montrent la transition du dépót de minéraux et de la structure dans la matrice d'un spécimen à l'autre.

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Quantitative information on vegetation and climate history from the late glacial-Holocene on the Tibetan Plateau is extremely rare. Here, we present palynological results of a 4.30-m-long sediment record collected from Koucha Lake in the Bayan Har Mountains, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Vegetation change has been traced by biomisation, ordination of pollen data, and calculation of pollen ratios. The application of a pollen-climate calibration set from the eastern Tibetan Plateau to Koucha Lake pollen spectra yielded quantitative climate information. The area was covered by alpine desert/steppe, characteristic of a cold and dry climate (with 50% less precipitation than today) between 16,700 and 14,600 cal yr BP. Steppe vegetation, warm (∼ 1°C higher than today) and wet conditions prevailed between 14,600 and 6600 cal yr BP. These findings contradict evidence from other monsoon-influenced areas of Asia, where the early Holocene is thought to have been moist. Low effective moisture on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau was likely due to high temperature and evaporation, even though precipitation levels may have been similar to present-day values. The vegetation changed to tundra around 6600 cal yr BP, indicating that wet and cool climate conditions occurred on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the second half of the Holocene.  相似文献   
During flood events, breaching of flood defences along a river system can have a significant reducing effect on downstream water levels and flood risks. This paper presents a Monte Carlo based flood risk framework for policy decision making, which takes this retention effect into account. The framework is developed to estimate societal flood risk in terms of potential numbers of fatalities and associated probabilities. It is tested on the Rhine–Meuse delta system in the Netherlands, where floods can be caused by high flows in the Rhine and Meuse rivers and/or high sea water levels in the North Sea. Importance sampling is applied in the Monte Carlo procedure to increase computational efficiency of the flood risk computations. This paper focuses on the development and testing of efficient importance sampling strategies for the framework. The development of an efficient importance sampling strategy for river deltas is more challenging than for non-tidal rivers where only discharges are relevant, because the relative influence of river discharge and sea water level on flood levels differs from location to location. As a consequence, sampling methods that are efficient and accurate for one location may be inefficient for other locations or, worse, may introduce errors in computed design water levels. Nevertheless, in the case study described in this paper the required simulation time was reduced by a factor 100 after the introduction of an efficient importance sampling method in the Monte Carlo framework, while at the same time the accuracy of the Monte Carlo estimates were improved.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of PSR J1753−2240 in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey data base. This 95-ms pulsar is in an eccentric binary system with a 13.6-d orbital period. Period derivative measurements imply a characteristic age in excess of 1 Gyr, suggesting that the pulsar has undergone an episode of accretion-induced spin-up. The eccentricity and spin period are indicative of the companion being a second neutron star, so that the system is similar to that of PSR J1811−1736, although other companion types cannot be ruled out at this time. The companion mass is constrained by geometry to lie above 0.48 solar masses, although long-term timing observations will give additional constraints. If the companion is a white dwarf or a main-sequence star, optical observations may yield a direct detection of the companion. If the system is indeed one of the few known double neutron star systems, it would lie significantly far from the recently proposed spin-period/eccentricity relationship.  相似文献   
Abstract   The geological, geochemical and mineralogical data of dismembered ophiolites of various ages and genesis occurring in accretionary piles of the Eastern Peninsulas of Kamchatka enables us to discriminate three ophiolite complexes: (i) Aptian–Cenomanian complex: a fragment of ancient oceanic crust, composed of tholeiite basalts, pelagic sediments, and gabbroic rocks, presently occurring in a single tectonic slices (Afrika complex) and in olistoplaques in Pikezh complex of the Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula and probably in the mélange of the Kronotsky Peninsula; (ii) Upper Cretaceous complex, composed of highly depleted peridotite, gabbro and plagiogranite, associated with island arc tholeiite, boninite, and high-alumina tholeiitic basalt of supra-subduction origin; and (iii) Paleocene–Early Eocene complex of intra-island arc or back-arc origin, composed of gabbros, dolerites (sheeted dykes) and basalts produced from oceanic tholeiite melts, and back-arc basin-like dolerites. Formation of the various ophiolite complexes is related to the Kronotskaya intra-oceanic volcanic arc evolution. The first ophiolite complex is a fragment of ancient Aptian–Cenomanian oceanic crust on which the Kronotskaya arc originated. Ophiolites of the supra-subduction zone affinity were formed as a result of repeated partial melting of peridotites in the mantle wedge up to the subduction zone. This is accompanied by production of tholeiite basalts and boninites in the Kamchatsky Mys segment and plagioclase-bearing tholeiites in the Kronotsky segment of the Kronotskaya paleoarc. The ophiolite complex with intra-arc and mid-oceanic ridge basalt geochemical characteristics was formed in an extension regime during the last stage of Kronotskaya volcanic arc evolution.  相似文献   
Discovery of 28 pulsars using new techniques for sorting pulsar candidates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modern pulsar surveys produce many millions of candidate pulsars, far more than can be individually inspected. Traditional methods for filtering these candidates, based upon the signal-to-noise ratio of the detection, cannot easily distinguish between interference signals and pulsars. We have developed a new method of scoring candidates using a series of heuristics which test for pulsar-like properties of the signal. This significantly increases the sensitivity to weak pulsars and pulsars with periods close to interference signals. By applying this and other techniques for ranking candidates from a previous processing of the Parkes Multi-beam Pulsar Survey, 28 previously unknown pulsars have been discovered. These include an eccentric binary system and a young pulsar which is spatially coincident with a known supernova remnant.  相似文献   
Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine (OC) pesticides and dioxin-like compounds were measured in green-lipped mussels, Perna viridis, collected from seven mariculture zones in Hong Kong between September and October in 2002 in order to evaluate the status, spatial distribution and potential sources of pollution in these areas. Concentrations ranged from 300 to 4400 ng/g lipid weight for total OCs and 170–1000 ng/g lipid weight for total PCBs (based on 28 congeners). Relatively smaller DDT concentrations in mussels compared with previous studies suggest reduced discharges of DDTs from nearby regions into Hong Kong waters. Detection of a mixture of HCH isomers in the mussels indicated that Hong Kong waters were predominantly contaminated by technical HCHs rather than lindane. Mussel samples from all sampling locations elicited significant dioxin-like activity in the H4IIE-luc bioassay. The greatest magnitude of dioxin-like response (39 pg TEQ/g wet wt.) was detected in mussels from Ma Wan in the western waters of Hong Kong, which is strongly influenced by the Pearl River discharge. Human health risk assessment was undertaken to evaluate potential risks associated with the consumption of the green-lipped mussels. Risk quotient (RQ) for dioxin-like compounds was greater than unity suggesting that adverse health effects may be associated with high mussel consumption.  相似文献   
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