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We consider the infrared brightness of a flattened comet belt beyond the orbit of Neptune using a disk-like model with a power-law density distribution of comets. We compare this spectrum with the emission from a model zodiacal dust cloud in the ecliptic and with published IRAS data and present some consequences of dust in the comet belt.  相似文献   
H Lammer  P Wurz  R Killen  S Massetti  A Milillo 《Icarus》2003,166(2):238-247
Mercury's close orbit around the Sun, its weak intrinsic magnetic field and the absence of an atmosphere (Psurface<1×10−8 Pa) results in a strong direct exposure of the surface to energetic ions, electrons and UV radiation. Thermal processes and particle-surface-collisions dominate the surface interaction processes leading to surface chemistry and physics, including the formation of an exosphere (N?1014 cm−2) in which gravity is the dominant force affecting the trajectories of exospheric atoms. NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft observed the existence of H, He, and O in Mercury's exosphere. In addition, the volatile components Na, K, and Ca have been observed by ground based instrumentation in the exosphere. We study the efficiency of several particle surface release processes by calculating stopping cross-sections, sputter yields and exospheric source rates. Our study indicates surface sputter yields for Na between values of about 0.27 and 0.35 in an energy range from 500 eV up to 2 keV if Na+ ions are the sputter agents, and about 0.037 and 0.082 at an energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV when H+ are the sputter agents and a surface binding energy of about 2 eV to 2.65 eV. The sputter yields for Ca are about 0.032 to 0.06 and for K atoms between 0.054 to 0.1 in the same energy range. We found a sputter yield for O atoms between 0.025 and 0.04 for a particle energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV protons. By taking the average solar wind proton surface flux at the open magnetic field line area of about 4×108 cm−2 s−1 calculated by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) the resulting average sputtering flux for O is about 0.8-1.0×107 cm−2 s−1 and for Na approximately 1.3-1.6×105 cm−2 s−1 depending on the assumed Na binding energies, regolith content, sputtering agents and solar activity. By using lunar regolith values for K we obtain a sputtering flux of about 1.0-1.4×104 cm−2 s−1. By taking an average open magnetic field line area of about 2.8×1016 cm2 modelled by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) we derive an average surface sputter rate for Na of about 4.2×1021 s−1 and for O of about 2.5×1023 s−1. The particle sputter rate for K atoms is about 3.0×1020 s−1 assuming lunar regolith composition for K. The sputter rates depend on the particle content in the regolith and the open magnetic field line area on Mercury's surface. Further, the surface layer could be depleted in alkali. A UV model has been developed to yield the surface UV irradiance at any time and latitude over a Mercury year. Seasonal and diurnal variations are calculated, and Photon Stimulated Desorption (PSD) fluxes along Mercury's orbit are evaluated. A solar UV hotspot is created towards perihelion, with significant average PSD particle release rates and Na fluxes of about 3.0×106 cm−2 s−1. The average source rates for Na particles released by PSD are about 1×1024 s−1. By using the laboratory obtained data of Madey et al. (1998, J. Geophys. Res. 103, 5873-5887) for the calculation of the PSD flux of K atoms we get fluxes in the order of about 104 cm−2 s−1 along Mercury's orbit. However, these values may be to high since they are based on idealized smooth surface conditions in the laboratory and do not include the roughness and porosity of Mercury's regolith. Further, the lack of an ionosphere and Mercury's small, temporally and spatially highly variable magnetosphere can result in a large and rapid increase of exospheric particles, especially Na in Mercury's exosphere. Our study suggests that the average total source rates for the exosphere from solar particle and radiation induced surface processes during quiet solar conditions may be of the same order as particles produced by micrometeoroid vaporization. We also discuss the capability of in situ measurements of Mercury's highly variable particle environment by the proposed NPA-SERENA instrument package on board ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO).  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to measure: (1) Irgarol and GS26575 (major metabolite) during the peak 2004 boating season at selected marinas and reference areas in the Carolinian Zoogeographic Province of the Eastern United States; (2) Irgarol and GS26575 at selected stations during the summer months in the Back Creek/Severn River area in Maryland in 2003 and 2004; and (3) structural and functional characteristics of resident phytoplankton communities concurrently with Irgarol and GS26575 monitoring in Back Creek/Severn River area. Irgarol concentrations from 14 marinas in the Carolinian Province ranged from non-detectable (<1 ng/L) to 85 ng/L; concentrations were less than 16 ng/L at all reference sites. The probability of exceeding the plant 10th centile for Irgarol (251 ng/L) was less than 0.6% for all marinas and 0.01% for all reference areas. These data suggest low ecological risk from Irgarol exposure for both marina and reference areas in the Carolinian Province. Irgarol concentrations ranged from 5 ng/L at the Severn River reference site to 1,816 ng/L in Port Annapolis marina during the two year study. Ecological risk from Irgarol exposure was high for the Port Annapolis marina sites based on a probability of exceeding the plant 10th centile. However, risk was low for Severn River and Severn River reference sites. Functional and structural measures of resident phytoplankton communities in the Back Creek and Severn River did not suggest that these target species are impaired in the Port Annapolis marina area where probabilistic analysis predicted adverse effects from Irgarol exposure.  相似文献   
We imaged Mercury in sodium D1 and D2 emission for 6 days during the period 13–20 November 1997 using a 10×10-arc s aperture image slicer coupled to a high-resolution spectrograph. We corrected the sodium images for smearing by the terrestrial atmosphere by computing the actual seeing function from surface reflection images, and used this function to correct the sodium images. During the period of observation, large daily changes took place in both the total amount of sodium and its distribution over the planet. Total sodium increased by a factor of about 3 during this period. The sodium emission was brightest at longitudes near the subsolar longitude in the range 130–150°, with excess sodium at northern latitudes on some days, and excess sodium at southern latitudes on other days. There are no obviously outstanding geologic features at this longitude. The rapid changes observed during this period suggest a connection with solar activity, since the planet itself is apparently geologically inactive. The F10.7 cm solar flux during this period varied only slightly, with an increase of about 15%, probably insufficient to account for the observed changes. However, there were a number of coronal mass ejection (CME) events, some of which were directed towards the general area of Mercury. We suggest that the changes in the visible neutral sodium atmosphere might be a result of the effect of CMEs on Mercury.  相似文献   
The supply rates of Na and K to the atmosphere of Mercury by processes acting on the extreme surface—thermal vaporization, photon-stimulated desorption (PSD), and ion-sputtering—are limited by the rates at which atoms can be supplied to the extreme surface by diffusion from inside the regolith grains. Supply rates to the atmosphere are further regulated by ion retention and by gardening rates that supply new grains to the surface. We consider the limits on supply of sodium and potassium atoms to the atmosphere, and rates of photoion recycling to the surface. Thermal vaporization rates are severely limited by the ability of atoms to diffuse to the surface of the grain. Therefore, the diffusion-limited thermal vaporization rates on Mercury's surface are comparable to or less than the PSD rates. Ion sputtering is primarily due to highly ionized heavy ions, even though they represent a small fraction of the solar wind. We have shown that up to 60% of the Na photoions are deposited on the surface of Mercury. Ion recycling to the surface can have a long-term effect on the regolith abundance if an average recycling pattern persists such that more ions return to a particular area than are launched there. It is unknown whether the formation of latitude bands of >100% ion retention persist on average despite a rapidly changing magnetosphere. The total exospheric column of sodium observed at Mercury between 1997 to 2003 varied by a factor of 2-3 from perihelion to aphelion.  相似文献   
From observations of the metallic species sodium (Na), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg) in Mercury’s exosphere, we derive implications for source and loss processes. All metallic species observed exhibit a distribution and/or line width characteristic of high to extreme temperature - tens of thousands of degrees K. The temperatures of refractory species, including magnesium and calcium, indicate that the source process for the atoms observed in the tail and near-planet exosphere are consistent with ion sputtering and/or impact vaporization of a molecule with subsequent dissociation into the atomic form. The extended Mg tail is consistent with a surface abundance of 5-8% Mg by number, if 30% of impact-vaporized Mg remains as MgO and half of the impact vapor condenses. Globally, ion sputtering is not a major source of Mg, but locally the sputtered source can be larger than the impact vapor source. We conclude that the Na and K in Mercury’s exosphere can be derived from a regolith composition similar to that of Luna 16 soil (or Apollo 17 orange glass), in which the abundance by number is 0.0027 (0.0028) for Na and 0.0006 (0.0045) for K.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report major element ratios determined for the S‐class asteroid 433 Eros using remote‐sensing x‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy with the near‐Earth asteroid rendezvous Shoemaker x‐ray spectrometer (XRS). Data analysis techniques and systematic errors are described in detail. Data acquired during five solar flares and during two extended “quiet Sun” periods are presented; these results sample a representative portion of the asteroid's surface. Although systematic uncertainties are potentially large, the most internally consistent and plausible interpretation of the data is that Eros has primitive Mg/Si, Al/Si, Ca/Si and Fe/Si ratios, closely similar to H or R chondrites. Global differentiation of the asteroid is ruled out. The S/Si ratio is much lower than that of chondrites, probably reflecting impact‐induced volatilization and/or photo‐ or ion‐induced sputtering of sulfur at the surface of the asteroid. An alternative explanation for the low S/Si ratio is that it reflects a limited degree of melting with loss of an FeS‐rich partial melt. Size‐sorting processes could lead to segregation of Fe‐Ni metal from silicates within the regolith of Eros; this could indicate that the Fe/Si ratios determined by the x‐ray spectrometer are not representative of the bulk Eros composition.  相似文献   
A.E. Potter  R.M. Killen 《Icarus》2006,181(1):1-12
We observed the Mercury sodium exosphere during the period 1997-2003, collecting images of planetary sodium emission covering the full range of true anomaly angles with only a few small gaps. The distribution of sodium emission over the surface was generally non-uniform and changeable. When the dawn terminator was in view, the terminator was generally brighter than the limb, as expected for evaporation of condensed sodium at the dawn terminator. Also, the excess emission reached its largest values when radiation acceleration reached one or the other of its two maxima, as expected for the effect of radiation acceleration on sodium distribution. When the dusk terminator was in view, the limb was generally brighter than the terminator. The difference was larger than would be expected for a uniform sodium exosphere, suggesting that there is a deficit of sodium near the dusk terminator. There was no apparent effect of radiation acceleration on the ratio, which might be the result of a very large deficit of sodium near the dusk terminator. For the northern and southern hemispheres, excess sodium was observed about a third of the time in one or the other hemisphere, appearing at random intervals of true anomaly and longitude. The random nature of these occurrences suggests an external cause, one not correlated with any characteristic of the planetary orbit or planetary geochemistry. We suggest that the northern or southern excess sodium events are the result of solar weather, whereby solar particles are precipitated to the surface at high latitudes, and produce localized sources of sodium. IMF configurations for which solar particles can precipitate to high latitudes on the surface occur about 30% of the time, in general agreement with the observed frequency of north or south excess emission. Near periods of maximum radiation acceleration, some images displayed two peaks of sodium emission, one peak at high northern latitudes, the other at high southern latitudes. One possible cause could be the accumulation of sodium near the terminator, pushed there by radiation acceleration.  相似文献   
A.E. Potter  R.M. Killen 《Icarus》2008,194(1):1-12
Cross-sections of the sodium emission tail of Mercury were measured at various distances down the tail when Mercury was moving away from the Sun (true anomaly angles <180°), and again when Mercury was moving towards the Sun (true anomaly angles >180°). As predicted in early modeling studies, significant differences were expected between these two cases, as the result of Doppler shifts to higher solar intensity in the former case, and to lower solar intensity for the latter case. For observations with Mercury moving away from the Sun, the sodium tail was observed out to about 40,000 kilometers (16 Mercury radii, RM) downstream, expanding, on average, at a rate of 1.9±0.3 km/s. The source rates for sodium generation from Mercury into the tail were found to be in the range 2-5×1023 atoms/s, corresponding to between 1 and 10% of the estimated total sodium production rate on the planet. The limiting value of radiation acceleration required to produce an observable sodium tail was estimated to be 112±24 cm/s2. For observations where Mercury was moving towards the Sun, the emission intensity in the sodium tail decreased very rapidly with distance downstream, disappearing entirely beyond 12,000 (6 RM) kilometers for radiation accelerations of 128.7 and 135.4 cm/s2. For smaller radiation accelerations, the sodium tail was not detectable at all, yielding a limiting value for tail generation of about 122±2 cm/s2. Interpretation of the limiting radiation acceleration values suggests that the process that generates the sodium tail yields atoms with energies greater than 3 eV. Particle sputtering is the most reasonable source process.  相似文献   
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