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The discharge of radioactive waste, from nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities, into the coastal waters of north-west Europe has resulted in a significant increase in the inventories of a number of artificial radionuclides in the North Atlantic. Radiocaesium, 90Sr and 99Tc, which behave conservatively in seawater, have been used widely as tracers of water movement through the North Sea, Norwegian Coastal Current, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, Fram Strait, Eurasian Basin, East Greenland Current and Denmark Strait overflow. These studies are summarised in the present paper. It has been estimated that 22% of the 137Cs Sellafield discharge has passed into the Barents Sea, en route to the Nansen Basin, via the Bjomoya-Fugloya Section, with another 13% passing through the Fram Strait. This amounts to 14 PBq 137Cs. Quantifying the influx of other radionuclides has been more problematic. The inflowing Atlantic water now appears to be diluting waters in the Arctic Basin, which were contaminated in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a result of the substantial decrease in the discharge of reprocessing wastes. Sellafield (U.K.) has dominated the supply of 134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr, 99Tc and Pu, whereas La Hague (France) has contributed a larger proportion of 129I and 125Sb.  相似文献   
On 12 August 1997, the lower part of Diadem Glacier in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia fell into Queen Bess Lake and produced a train of large waves. The waves overtopped the broad end moraine at the east end of the lake and ?ooded the valley of the west fork of Nostetuko River. The displacement waves also incised the out?ow channel across the moraine. Stratigraphic and sedimentologic evidence supports the conclusion that the ?ood had two phases, one related to wave overtopping and a second to breach formation. Empirical equations were used to calculate the peak discharge of the ?ood at various points along the west fork of the Nostetuko valley and to describe the attenuation of the ?ood wave. The velocity of the ?ood was also calculated to determine the time it took for the ?ood to reach the main fork of Nostetuko River. The highest peak discharges were achieved in the upper reach of the valley during the displacement phase of the ?ood. Peak discharge declined rapidly just below the moraine dam, with little change thereafter for approximately 7 km. Empirical formulae and boulder measurements indicate a rise in peak discharge in the lower part of the west fork valley. We suggest that ?ow in the upper part of the valley records the passage of two separate ?ood peaks and that the rise in discharge in the lower part of the valley is due to amalgamation of the wave and breach peaks. Hydraulic ponding in con?ned reaches of the valley extended the duration of the ?ood. In addition, erosion of vegetation and sediment in the channel and valley sides may also have exerted an in?uence on the duration and nature of ?ooding. Sediments were deposited both upstream and downstream of channel constrictions and on a large fan extending out into the trunk Nostetuko River valley. This study extends our understanding of the variety and complexity of outburst ?oods from naturally dammed lakes. It also shows that simple empirical and other models for estimating peak discharges of outburst ?oods are likely to yield erroneous results. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   
Paleovegetation maps were reconstructed based on a network of pollen records from Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America for 18 000, 12000, 9000, 6000, and 3000 BP and interpreted in terms of paleoclimatic patterns. These patterns permitted us to speculate on past atmospheric circulation in the South Pacific and the underlying forcing missing line mechanisms. During full glacial times, with vastly extended Australasian land area and circum-Antarctic ice-shelves, arid and cold conditions characterized all circum-South Pacific land areas, except for a narrow band in southern South America (43° to 45°S) that might have been even wetter and moister than today. This implies that ridging at subtropical and mid-latitudes must have been greatly increased and that the storm tracks were located farther south than today. At 12000 BP when precipitation had increased in southern Australia, New Zealand, and the mid-latitudes of South America, ridging was probably still as strong as before but had shifted into the eastern Pacific, leading to weaker westerlies in the western Pacific and more southerly located westerlies in the eastern Pacific. At 9000 BP when, except for northernmost Australia, precipitation reached near modern levels, the south Pacific ridges and the westerlies must have weakened. Because of the continuing land connection between New Guinea and Australia, and reduced seasonality, the monsoon pattern had still not developed. By 6000 BP, moisture levels in Australia and New Zealand reached their maximum, indicating that the monsoon pattern had become established. Ridging in the South Pacific was probably weaker than today, and the seasonal shift of the westerlies was stronger than before. By 3000 BP essentially modern conditions had been achieved, characterized by patterns of high seasonal variability.Contribution to Clima Locarno — Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate Program  相似文献   
The methods of sequence analysis have been applied to the onshore Gippsland Basin and in particular to the Latrobe Valley Group coal measures which include up to five coal seams each exceeding 100 m in thickness. The methods appear to provide new depositional concepts to the evolution of these seams, and the development of coal lithotypes. In the eastern half of the Latrobe Valley evidence for marine transgressions into the coal measures are recorded in most of the interseam sediment splits by the presence of contained foraminifera and dinoflagellates. To the west (inland) these splits pinch out into continuous coal. However, they can be followed westwards as enhanced organic sulphur levels along sharply defined boundaries between light coal lithotypes below and dark coal lithotypes above. The dark lithotype immediately overlying each of these boundaries contains the highest sulphur value and warmer climate pollen assemblages (Sluiter et al., 1995, this volume).Colorimeter and lithotype logging strongly supports an upwards lightening cyclicity to coal colour at 12–20 m intervals through the approx. 100 m thick seams, with cycle boundaries defined at sharp planar to undulating surfaces. The lightening upward lithotype cycles together with their unique boundary conditions (i.e. enhanced organic sulphur levels, warm climatic indicators and laterally equivalent marine clay splits) are interpreted as parasequences and parasequence boundaries respectively. Each major coal seam can comprise up to five parasequences and is interpreted to represent deposition during an outbuilding high stand systems tract at one of several maximum periods of Tertiary coastal onlap. The top of each major seam shows evidence of truncation (erosion?) on a regional scale and these surfaces are interpreted to represent the sequence boundaries. The major seams are usually conformably underlain by marine clays and extensive aquifer sands, being deposits of the late transgressive systems tracts. The low stands and early parts of the transgressive systems tracts appear not to be represented in the Latrobe Valley due to its (more) basin margin location, but are probably present down-dip in the equivalent marine facies of the Seaspray Group.Stratigraphic correlation of the sequence boundaries identified in the coal measures to the adjacent, internationally dated marine Seaspray Group, provides a basis for chronostratigraphic correlation of the coal successions to the coastal onlap charts of Haq et al. (Exon Mesozoic-Cenozoic chronostratigraphic chart, version January 1988, and August 1989). From this dating it appears that each major seam is confined to high stands of third order eustatic cycles. It therefore follows that the lithotype cycles (parasequences) that comprise each seam are related to fourth order eustatic cycles. By analogy all the coal cycles may have developed under subtropical conditions as ombrogenous forested peat swamps in a similar manner to the Holocene, though tropical, swamps of Indonesia.  相似文献   
Recent studies have shown that accumulation of 99Tc in seabed sediments labelled by authorised radioactive liquid discharges into the NE Irish Sea from the Sellafield reprocessing complex is greater than previously thought. In this paper, new data on 99Tc concentration profiles in subtidal and intertidal sediments from the eastern and western Irish Sea are provided with a view to elucidating the processes responsible for the incorporation and retention of 99Tc in the seabed. The data show that substantial amounts of 99Tc have accumulated in the fine-grained subtidal sediments off the Cumbrian coast, particularly after increased releases from Sellafield following the commissioning of the Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant (EARP) in 1994. In all the cores taken in this area, 99Tc has been found to be present to depths in excess of 30 cm. Analysis of 137Cs and 241Am profiles, together with other supporting geochemical data, show a high degree of homogenisation of the sediments down to these depths as a result of physical and biological processes, and confirm that incorporation of 99Tc into the sediment compartment is actually the result of mixing and reworking, rather than active sediment accumulation. In contrast, active deposition of material transported from this mixed pool of sediment appears to be the dominant mechanism controlling 99Tc profiles in intertidal areas close to the Sellafield discharge outfall.Data obtained from the analysis of subtidal sediment cores from the western Irish Sea mud basin suggest that similar mixing processes to those occurring in the subtidal sediments of the eastern Irish Sea are also active in this area. Time-series data on 99Tc concentrations in surficial sediments from this basin, gathered in the period 1988–2004, inclusive, show a clear increase in concentrations, by a factor of ~2, between samples collected pre-EARP and post-EARP. The constancy of 99Tc concentrations in surface sediments throughout the 1980s and the early-1990s suggests that little redissolution and export of 99Tc occurred over this extended period. A similar observation applies to the post-EARP period, when concentrations remained relatively constant despite the reported steady decrease in 99Tc concentrations in the overlying waters.This apparent lack of remobilisation is consistent with data from sequential extraction analyses, which indicate that the bulk of the 99Tc is strongly bound to non-labile geochemical phases, with only a small proportion associated with exchangeable and acido-soluble phases. Further, these analyses show that 99Tc is not associated with oxygen-sensitive and highly-reactive acid-volatile sulphides (AVS) to any significant extent.  相似文献   
Today, southeastern Australia experiences a winter-dominated rainfall regime, governed by the seasonal migration of the highly zonal Southern Hemisphere subtropical anticyclone. The late Cenozoic history of this rainfall regime is poorly understood, but it has been widely accepted that its onset was a product of the intensification and northward migration of the subtropical anticyclone, driven by steepening of hemispheric temperature gradients associated with the initiation of extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation, ~2.6 million years ago (Ma). Here, we use fossil beetle remains from Stony Creek Basin, a small palaeolake record in upland southeastern Australia deposited over ~280,000 years between ~1.84 and 1.56 Ma, to quantitatively reconstruct regional climate during the Early Pleistocene. Climate reconstructions based on coexistence of extant beetle taxa indicate that temperatures were consistently 1–3 °C warmer than present, and rainfall as high as or substantially higher than today, throughout the record. In particular, beetle data indicate that rainfall was similar to today during winter, but 2–2.4 times higher than today during summer. This is consistent with the presence of diverse rainforest pollen also present in the record, and indicates that the modern, winter-dominated rainfall regime was not yet in place by ~1.5 Ma, at least one million years later than previously thought. We suggest that the Southern Hemisphere anticyclonic circulation must have been much less intense during the Early Pleistocene than today, rather than shifted meridionally as previously argued.  相似文献   
The Xiangshuyuan Formation (middle Rhuddanian to middle Aeronian stages of the Llandovery Series, lower Silurian) records a shelly fauna representing recovery after the end-Ordovician mass extinction in a well-oxygenated shallow carbonate platform of the Upper Yangtze region, South China Block. Carbon isotope stratigraphy is documented from limestone sequences of the formation at the Qiankou section, northeast Guizhou. The early Aeronian carbon isotope excursion (EACIE, with an amplitude of about 2 ‰ and peak value of 2.44 ‰) is identified in the middle and upper parts of the formation (Ozarkodina obesa conodont Biozone). The EACIE recorded herein correlates well with those in Baltica, Canada, and the United States; together with its records from organic material (δ13Corg) the data verify that the EACIE is a global event. The beginning of the EACIE can be used as a chemostratigraphic marker defining the Rhuddanian/Aeronian boundary in strata that lack high-resolution biostratigraphic constraints.  相似文献   
The Greenland ice core from NorthGRIP (NGRIP) contains a proxy climate record across the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary of unprecedented clarity and resolution. Analysis of an array of physical and chemical parameters within the ice enables the base of the Holocene, as reflected in the first signs of climatic warming at the end of the Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 cold phase, to be located with a high degree of precision. This climatic event is most clearly reflected in an abrupt shift in deuterium excess values, accompanied by more gradual changes in δ18O, dust concentration, a range of chemical species, and annual layer thickness. A timescale based on multi‐parameter annual layer counting provides an age of 11 700 calendar yr b2 k (before AD 2000) for the base of the Holocene, with a maximum counting error of 99 yr. A proposal that an archived core from this unique sequence should constitute the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period) has been ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences. Five auxiliary stratotypes for the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary have also been recognised. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A combination of published and new radiometric dates on uplifted Holocene fossil beaches from northeastern Sicily and southern Calabria (southern Italy) is compared with the altitude of the inner margin of the Last Interglacial (LIg) (Late Pleistocene, 124 ka) and older marine terraces in order to gain a regional-scale outline of uplift rates and their temporal changes in a region which is one of the fastest uplifting sectors of the Central Mediterranean Sea. Late Holocene radiocarbon dates from Ioppolo (southern Calabria) and Ganzirri (northeast Sicily), two newly discovered sites are here presented for the first time. The Holocene uplift rates are highest at St. Alessio and Taormina in eastern Sicily (2.4 mm/y) and at Scilla in southwestern Calabria (2.1 mm/y), two sites located across the Messina Straits and which separate the island of Sicily from mainland Italy. Uplift rates decrease towards the south and north from this centre of uplift. Late Holocene uplift rates show an apparent increase of between 64 and 124% when compared with the longer-term uplift rates calculated from the LIg highstand terraces. Furthermore, we discovered that the locations of fastest Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene uplift rates spatially coincide. To what extent the Holocene increase in uplift rates results from incomplete elastic strain release along the major extensional faults which frame the seismotectonic of the area, or indicate a true change in regional tectonic processes, is not resolved. Nonetheless, the heterogeneity of uplift, with a well-defined centre that crosses the Messina Straits, and its persistence at different time-scales indicates a tight connection between wider regional processes and fault-related displacement in controlling crustal instability in this area.  相似文献   
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