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Variations in sulfur mineralogy and chemistry of serpentinized peridotites and gabbros beneath the Lost City Hydrothermal Field at the southern face of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) were examined to better understand serpentinization and alteration processes and to study fluid fluxes, redox conditions, and the influence of microbial activity in this active, peridotite-hosted hydrothermal system. The serpentinized peridotites are characterized by low total sulfur contents and high bulk δ34S values close to seawater composition. Low concentrations of 34S-enriched sulfide phases and the predominance of sulfate with seawater-like δ34S values indicate oxidation, loss of sulfide minerals and incorporation of seawater sulfate into the serpentinites. The predominance of pyrite in both serpentinites and gabbros indicates relatively high fO2 conditions during progressive serpentinization and alteration, which likely result from high fluid fluxes during hydrothermal circulation and evolution of the Lost City system from temperatures of ∼250 to 150 °C. Sulfate and sulfide minerals in samples from near the base of hydrothermal carbonate towers at Lost City show δ34S values that reflect the influence of microbial activity. Our study highlights the variations in sulfur chemistry of serpentinized peridotites in different marine environments and the influence of long-lived, moderate temperature peridotite-hosted hydrothermal system and high seawater fluxes on the global sulfur cycle.  相似文献   
Pressures of Crystallization of Icelandic Magmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iceland lies astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and was createdby seafloor spreading that began about 55 Ma. The crust is anomalouslythick (20–40 km), indicating higher melt productivityin the underlying mantle compared with normal ridge segmentsas a result of the presence of a mantle plume or upwelling centeredbeneath the northwestern edge of the Vatnajökull ice sheet.Seismic and volcanic activity is concentrated in 50 km wideneovolcanic or rift zones, which mark the subaerial Mid-AtlanticRidge, and in three flank zones. Geodetic and geophysical studiesprovide evidence for magma chambers located over a range ofdepths (1·5–21 km) in the crust, with shallow magmachambers beneath some volcanic centers (Katla, Grimsvötn,Eyjafjallajökull), and both shallow and deep chambers beneathothers (e.g. Krafla and Askja). We have compiled analyses ofbasalt glass with geochemical characteristics indicating crystallizationof ol–plag–cpx from 28 volcanic centers in the Western,Northern and Eastern rift zones as well as from the SouthernFlank Zone. Pressures of crystallization were calculated forthese glasses, and confirm that Icelandic magmas crystallizeover a wide range of pressures (0·001 to 1 GPa), equivalentto depths of 0–35 km. This range partly reflects crystallizationof melts en route to the surface, probably in dikes and conduits,after they leave intracrustal chambers. We find no evidencefor a shallow chamber beneath Katla, which probably indicatesthat the shallow chamber identified in other studies containssilica-rich magma rather than basalt. There is reasonably goodcorrelation between the depths of deep chambers (> 17 km)and geophysical estimates of Moho depth, indicating that magmaponds at the crust–mantle boundary. Shallow chambers (<7·1 km) are located in the upper crust, and probablyform at a level of neutral buoyancy. There are also discretechambers at intermediate depths (11 km beneath the rift zones),and there is strong evidence for cooling and crystallizing magmabodies or pockets throughout the middle and lower crust thatmight resemble a crystal mush. The results suggest that themiddle and lower crust is relatively hot and porous. It is suggestedthat crustal accretion occurs over a range of depths similarto those in recent models for accretionary processes at mid-oceanridges. The presence of multiple stacked chambers and hot, porouscrust suggests that magma evolution is complex and involvespolybaric crystallization, magma mixing, and assimilation. KEY WORDS: Iceland rift zones; cotectic crystallization; pressure; depth; magma chamber; volcanic glass  相似文献   
Sediments from Lake Pepin on the Mississippi River, southeastern Minnesota, are used as provenance tracers to assess variations in hydrology and sediment-transport during the middle Holocene. Three rivers contribute sediment to Lake Pepin, and each catchment is characterized by a distinctly different geologic terrain. The geochemical fingerprint for each drainage basin was determined from the elemental composition of heavy minerals in the silt-sized fraction of modern sediment samples. Down-core elemental abundances were compared with these fingerprints by use of a chemical-mass-balance model that apportions sediment to the source areas. We observed a decreased contribution from the Minnesota River during the interval ~6700–5500 14C yr BP, which we attribute to decreased discharge of the Minnesota River, likely controlled by a combination of precipitation, snow melt, and groundwater input to the river. This hydrologic condition coincides with the mid-Holocene prairie period recorded by fossil pollen data. The occurrence of this feature in a proxy record for hydrologic variations supports the hypothesis that the mid-Holocene prairie period reflects drier conditions than before or after in midwestern North America.  相似文献   
We consider the response of a deep unconfined horizontal aquifer to steady, annual, and monthly recharge. A groundwater divide and a zero head reservoir constrain the aquifer, so that sinusoidal monthly and aperiodic annual recharge fluctuations create transient specific discharge near the reservoir and an unsteady water table elevation inland. One existing and two new long-term data sets from the Plymouth-Carver Aquifer in southeastern Massachusetts calibrate and confirm hydraulic properties in a set of analytical models. [Geohydrology and simulated groundwater flow, 1992] data and a new power law for tritiugenic helium to tritium ratios calibrate the steady recharge that drives the classical parabolic model of steady hydraulics [Applied Hydrogeology, 2001]. Observed water table and gradient fluctuations calibrate the transient recharge models. In the latter regard, monitoring wells within 1 km of Buttermilk Bay exhibit appreciable specific discharge and reduced water table fluctuations. We apply [Trans Am Geophys Union 32(1951)238] periodic model to the monthly hydraulics and a recharge convolution integral [J Hydrol 126(1991)315] to annual flow. An infiltration fraction of 0.79 and a consumptive use coefficient of 1.08×10−8 m/s °C relate recharge to precipitation and daylight weighted temperature across all three time scales. Errors associated with this recharge relation decrease with increasing time scale.  相似文献   
Although commonly utilized in continental geothermal work, the water-hydrogen and methane-hydrogen isotope geothermometers have been neglected in hydrothermal studies. Here we report δD-CH4 and δD-H2 values from high-temperature, black smoker-type hydrothermal vents and low-temperature carbonate-hosted samples from the recently discovered Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Methane deuterium content is uniform across the dataset at − 120 ± 12‰. Hydrogen δD values vary from − 420‰ to − 330‰ at high-temperature vents to − 700‰ to − 600‰ at Lost City. The application of several geothermometer equations to a suite of hydrothermal vent volatile samples reveals that predicted temperatures are similar to measured vent temperatures at high-temperature vents, and 20-60 °C higher than those measured at the Lost City vents. We conclude that the overestimation of temperature at Lost City reflects 1) that methane and hydrogen are produced by serpentinization at > 110 °C, and 2) that isotopic equilibrium at temperatures < 70 °C is mediated by microbial sulfate reduction. The successful application of hydrogen isotope geothermometers to low-temperature Lost City hydrothermal samples encourages its employment with low-temperature diffuse hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
We present a mineralogical assessment of 12 Maria family asteroids, using near-infrared spectral data obtained over the years 2000-2009 combined with visible spectral data (when available) to cover the spectral interval of 0.4-2.5 μm. Our analysis indicates the Maria asteroid family, which is located adjacent to the chaotic region of the 3:1 Kirkwood Gap, appears to be a true genetic family composed of assemblages analogous to mesosiderite-type meteorites. Dynamical models by Farinella et al. (Farinella, P., Gunczi, R., Froeschlé, Ch., Froeschlé, C., [1993]. Icarus 101, 174-187) predict this region should supply meteoroids into Earth-crossing orbits. Thus, the Maria family is a plausible source of some or all of the mesosiderites in our meteorite collections. These individual asteroids were most likely once part of a larger parent object that was broken apart and dispersed. One of the Maria dynamical family members investigated, ((695) Bella), was found to be unrelated to the genetic Maria family members. The parameters of (695) Bella indicate an H-chondrite assemblage, and that Bella may be a sister or daughter of Asteroid (6) Hebe.  相似文献   
Multiple Regressive Pattern Recognition Technique (MRPRT) is an adapted approach for improved geologic resource estimation. We developed and tested this approach for the Platinum (Pt) bearing region near Goodnews Bay, Alaska, which presents an example of a complex depositional environment. We applied geospatial and pattern recognition methods to assess the spatial distribution of offshore Pt in the Goodnews Bay area from point data collected by various agencies. We used the coefficient of correlation (r) and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (E) to quantitatively assess the degree of accuracy of the estimated Pt distribution. We split the study area, based on trend analysis, into two regions: inside the Bay and outside the Bay. We could not obtain appreciable estimates from the geospatial and pattern recognition methods. Using MRPRT, we were able to improve r from 0.57 to 0.93 and the E from 28.31 to 92.91 inside the Bay. We achieved improvement in r from 0.55 to 0.61 and E from 28.46 to 34.52 outside the Bay. The reasons for a non-significant improvement outside the Bay have been discussed. The results indicate that the proposed MRPRT has wide application potential in georesource estimation where input data is often scarce.  相似文献   
The magnetic storm on November 2004 was characterized by a high solar wind pressure and thus offers a unique opportunity to test the Hill–Siscoe formula (H–S) for the polar cap potential (PCP). To estimate the polar cap potential, we use the Weimer Statistical Convection Model (WCM), and the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics Model (AMIE), based on ingestion of a number of data sets. H–S is in excellent agreement with WCM, and with AMIE during times when DMSP is used in the latter. The implication is that the AMIE conductivity model yields conductivities that are too high by a factor of 2–3. Both H–S and WCM display saturation effects, although WCM is more severe. The two methods track well until an IEF of about 20 mV/m occurs, where H–S continues to increase while WCM levels off. Even at high electric field values, the pressure increases the denominator of the H–S formula by 60%, keeping the potential lower than its saturation value. There are several H–S points above 250 kV, even up to 400 kV, that are not found in WCM and occur right after a rapid transition from Bz north to south. For Bz north, we find evidence for a saturation effect on the PCP at large IEF, little effect as a function of solar wind velocity, and an increase of the PCP with increasing pressure. This seems to rule out viscous interaction but may involve geometric changes in the high-altitude polar cusp that affect recombination there for Bz north.  相似文献   
本文提出了大气重力波触发Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性并导致大尺度赤道扩展F的理论.重力波作为外部扰动派触发等离子体扰动,这种扰动在Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性的作用下继续增长,经过400s扰动幅度就能增长到50%,经过700s后幅度趋近100%,即为完全的等离子体泡.由于E区的影响,赤道扩展F主要出现于晚上.本文的理论阐明了重力波与Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性相互作用的性质,揭示了大尺度赤道扩展F的产生机制.  相似文献   
The glacial records of the inner-core regions of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) document complex yet coherent patterns reflecting ice-sheet change (e.g. ice-divide migration), providing unique insights into past glacial conditions. This study develops a conceptual model of subglacial dynamics evolution within a major ice-dispersal centre of the LIS in northeastern Quebec, Canada using a GIS-based analysis of the surficial geologic record. Multiple proxies of subglacial conditions (subglacial streamlined landforms, lake density and lake area over thin drift/bedrock) were analysed through grid-overlay techniques and then classified based on different proxy variables ranging from highly mobile warm-based to immobile cold-based conditions. An additional proxy (till blanket) was used to identify areas of thick till deposition, but with few proxies (few lake or landform metrics). Based on local ice-flow reconstructions, the most ‘relict’ glacial terrain zone (GTZ1) has warm-based conditions over 66% of its area and is remarkably well preserved, suggesting laterally extensive warm-based conditions during the oldest identified ice-flow phase. This relict glacial terrain is partially overprinted by two subsequent ice-flow phases in spatially restricted zones in the northeast (73% warm-based), east-central (41% warm-based), and northwest (33% warm-based) of the study area. A zone of more sluggish conditions (only 3% warm-based) was identified in the highlands at the centre of the study area, characterized by thin till cover, few landforms, yet with large patches of relatively abundant small lakes, indicative of areal scouring. No clear evidence of sustained cold-based conditions (i.e. high chemical index of alteration values or high 10Be abundances) was found in the study area. These results suggest that warm-based conditions (active erosion and/or deposition) were uniformly widespread during the earliest ice-flow phase, later becoming more spatially restricted with broader sluggish ice conditions. These spatially restricted regions of warm-based subglacial regimes were likely controlled by surrounding and down-flow ice streaming. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
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