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Diagenesis has a significant impact on reservoir quality in deeply buried formations. Sandstone units of the Shahejie Formation (Es1 Member) of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China is a typical deeply buried sandstone with large hydrocarbon accumulations. The methodology includes core observations and thin section studies, using fluorescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion and isotope and electron probing analysis as well as the numerical determination of reservoir characteristics. The sandstones consist of medium to coarse-grained, slight to moderate sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. Porosity and permeability values range from 0.5 to 30% and 0.006 to 7000 mD, respectively. The diagenetic history reveals mixed episodes of diagenesis and deep burial followed by uplift. The main diagenetic events include compaction, cementation alteration, dissolution of unstable minerals and grain fracturing. Compaction resulted in densification and significantly reduced the primary porosity. Quartz, calcite and clay are the dominant pore-occluding cement and occur as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Alteration and dissolution of volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution of feldspar grains were the key sources of quartz cement whereas carbonate cement is derived from an external source. Clay minerals resulted from the alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Porosity and permeability data predict a good inverse relationship with cementation whereas leaching of metastable grains, dissolution of cement and in some places formation of pore-lining chlorite enhanced the reservoir quality. The best reservoir is thicker sandstone bodies that are medium to coarse-grained, well-sorted sandstone with low primary ductile grains with a minor amount of calcite cement. The present study shows several diagenetic stages in the Es1 Member, but the overall reservoir quality is preserved.  相似文献   
Subarctic ecohydrological processes are changing rapidly, but detailed and integrated ecohydrological investigations are not as widespread as necessary. We introduce an integrated research catchment site (Pallas) for atmosphere, ecosystems, and ecohydrology studies in subarctic conditions in Finland that can be used for a new set of comparative catchment investigations. The Pallas site provides unique observational data and high-intensity field measurement datasets over long periods. The infrastructure for atmosphere- to landscape-scale research in ecosystem processes in a subarctic landscape has recently been complemented with detailed ecohydrological measurements. We identify three dominant processes in subarctic ecohydrology: (a) strong seasonality drives ecohydrological regimes, (b) limited dynamic storage causes rapid stream response to water inputs (snowmelt and intensive storms), and (c) hydrological state of the system regulates catchment-scale dissolved carbon dynamics and greenhouse (GHG) fluxes. Surface water and groundwater interactions play an important role in regulating catchment-scale carbon balances and ecosystem respiration within subarctic peatlands, particularly their spatial variability in the landscape. Based on our observations from Pallas, we highlight key research gaps in subarctic ecohydrology and propose several ways forward. We also demonstrate that the Pallas catchment meets the need for sustaining and pushing the boundaries of critical long-term integrated ecohydrological research in high-latitude environments.  相似文献   
Macro-scale river-routing schemes first emerged to channel runoff generated as a by-product from land surface models to oceans. In the past decade, as discharge of major rivers was identified as a suitable parameter to test the performance of the macro-scale land surface models, river-routing received significant attention, with development of multiple schemes. As resolution improves, the possibility of river-routing schemes connecting the global models with watershed issues has emerged as an option. Yet, even as results from these schemes become easily available, a comprehensive overview of their scope and limitation when considering regional or watershed-centric applications is lacking. To address this gap, 18 published river-routing schemes are compared by examining their structure, rationale and limitations. Due to the diverse nature of scheme implementations, a direct comparison of performance is not yet possible. However, features and studies geared towards watershed-scale applications are highlighted. Issues of global to local integration are discussed.  相似文献   
Employing Vlasov-Poisson model for nonthermal distributed permeating plasma consisting of electron-positron-ion plasma of our earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind plasma with some fixed streaming velocity, can drive ion-acoustic waves unstable. The growth rates are computed with respect to the variation in spectral index of the kappa or generalized Lorentzian distribution and streaming velocity of the solar wind. It is found that the growth rate increases with the decrease of spectral index and increases with the streaming velocity of the solar wind. The numerical results are also presented by choosing some suitable parameters.  相似文献   
Several studies demonstrate that North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has dominant influence on the variability of climate over Southwest Asia. We deconstruct the NAO into its two components, the Azores High and the Icelandic Low. Regional circulations are influenced by changes not only in the pressure but also the positions of the Azores High and the Icelandic Low. The results presented in this paper exhibit that significantly great portions of interannual variance of winter precipitation over Indo-Pak Region (consists of Northeast Pakistan and Northwest India) can be explained by including the contributions of the Icelandic Low pressure in addition to ENSO and AO. This contribution also explains the physical mechanisms to establish the relationships between the COA and regional climate by examining composite maps of large-scale circulation fields using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.  相似文献   
研究地热储层裂隙岩体中的渗流传热过程对干热岩地热资源的开采具有重要的意义。本文以干热岩地热工程为背景,采用COMSOL Multiphysics数值模拟软件对地热储层单裂隙岩体中渗流传热机理进行了研究,并分析了流体注入速度和温度对岩体温度场的影响及其对干热岩地热工程的影响。研究发现流体参数对岩体温度场的影响主要体现在两个方面:一方面是对岩体温度场受扰动区域以及幅度的影响,另一方面是对岩体温度场达到稳态所需要时间的影响。流体注入速度的提升会降低系统的寿命和寿命期的出口法向总热量值,当考虑出口法向总热通量时,存在最佳流体注入速度,本研究中最佳流体注入速度为0.011m/s。流体注入温度的提升会增加系统的寿命和系统的出口法向总热通量和总热量。研究为干热岩自热资源的开发与利用提供了理论依据,为工程运行参数的设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
Using Boltzmann-Vlasov kinetic model for nonthermal distributed electron-positron-ion plasma of our Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind streaming plasma can drive ion-acoustic waves unstable. It is found that the growth rate increases with the decrease of spectral index and increases with the streaming velocity of the solar wind. The numerical results are also presented by choosing some suitable parameters of magnetospheric plasma.  相似文献   
A black shale sample collected from the Chimiari site(Tarbela) was analyzed for elemental contents.Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry(ICP-OES) was employed to determine major and trace elements in the digests.Precise analysis was accomplished for the black shales,which was better than 2.0%.Result shows that the shales are very rich in Ca(25439 μg·g-1),Fe(13933 μg·g-1),Ti(6932 μg·g-1),Al(5993 μg·g-1) and K(2730 μg·g-1).  相似文献   
The Tortonian–Calabrian strata of Offshore Makran(Pakistan) is investigated for the purpose of reservoir assessment. The stratigraphy and petrophysics indicate that the Neogene sediments have tight reservoir potential with porosities in the range of 3%–9% and 40%–50% water saturation. The mineralogical cross plots indicate a mixed lithology with an abundance of dolomite and calcite, together with minor quartz content and shale. The seismic interpretation demonstrates medium–high amplitude reflec...  相似文献   
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