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Arctic sea ice mass budgets for the twentieth century and projected changes through the twenty-first century are assessed from 14 coupled global climate models. Large inter-model scatter in contemporary mass budgets is strongly related to variations in absorbed solar radiation, due in large part to differences in the surface albedo simulation. Over the twenty-first century, all models simulate a decrease in ice volume resulting from increased annual net melt (melt minus growth), partially compensated by reduced transport to lower latitudes. Despite this general agreement, the models vary considerably regarding the magnitude of ice volume loss and the relative roles of changing melt and growth in driving it. Projected changes in sea ice mass budgets depend in part on the initial (mid twentieth century) ice conditions; models with thicker initial ice generally exhibit larger volume losses. Pointing to the importance of evolving surface albedo and cloud properties, inter-model scatter in changing net ice melt is significantly related to changes in downwelling longwave and absorbed shortwave radiation. These factors, along with the simulated mean and spatial distribution of ice thickness, contribute to a large inter-model scatter in the projected onset of seasonally ice-free conditions.  相似文献   
The facts: four Northwest Atlantic ecosystems, three cod stock collapses 15 years ago (plus one severely depleted), seals now top predator in all ecosystems, all had cod as a top predator before collapse, groundfish declines in all areas, forage base increased in most systems. No recovery in any system. Have these ecosystems fundamentally changed? Why? The challenge: compare and contrast these four ecosystems. The answer: using mass balance models, empirical data and a suite of ecosystem indicators, we explore how and why these systems have changed over time. At the ecosystem and community level, we see broad similarities between ecosystems. However, structurally and functionally these systems have shifted to an alternate state, with changes in predator structure, trophic structure and flow.  相似文献   
We compared median runoff (R) and precipitation (P) relationships over 25 years from 20 mesoscale (50 to 5,000 km2) catchments on the Boreal Plains, Alberta, Canada, to understand controls on water sink and source dynamics in water‐limited, low‐relief northern environments. Long‐term catchment R and runoff efficiency (RP?1) were low and varied spatially by over an order of magnitude (3 to 119 mm/year, 1 to 27%). Intercatchment differences were not associated with small variations in climate. The partitioning of P into evapotranspiration (ET) and R instead reflected the interplay between underlying glacial deposit texture, overlying soil‐vegetation land cover, and regional slope. Correlation and principal component analyses results show that peatland‐swamp wetlands were the major source areas of water. The lowest estimates of median annual catchment ET (321 to 395 mm) and greatest R (60 to 119 mm, 13 to 27% of P) were observed in low‐relief, peatland‐swamp dominated catchments, within both fine‐textured clay‐plain and coarse‐textured glacial deposits. In contrast, open‐water wetlands and deciduous‐mixedwood forest land covers acted as water sinks, and less catchment R was observed with increases in proportional coverage of these land covers. In catchments dominated by hummocky moraines, long‐term runoff was restricted to 10 mm/year, or 2% of P. This reflects the poor surface‐drainage networks and slightly greater regional slope of the fine‐textured glacial deposit, coupled with the large soil‐water and depression storage and higher actual ET of associated shallow open‐water marsh wetland and deciduous‐forest land covers. This intercatchment study enhances current conceptual frameworks for predicting water yield in the Boreal Plains based on the sink and source functions of glacial landforms and soil‐vegetation land covers. It offers the capability within this hydro‐geoclimatic region to design reclaimed catchments with desired hydrological functionality and associated tolerances to climate or land‐use changes and inform land management decisions based on effective catchment‐scale conceptual understanding.  相似文献   
The Arctic’s rapidly shrinking sea ice cover: a research synthesis   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
The sequence of extreme September sea ice extent minima over the past decade suggests acceleration in the response of the Arctic sea ice cover to external forcing, hastening the ongoing transition towards a seasonally open Arctic Ocean. This reflects several mutually supporting processes. Because of the extensive open water in recent Septembers, ice cover in the following spring is increasingly dominated by thin, first-year ice (ice formed during the previous autumn and winter) that is vulnerable to melting out in summer. Thinner ice in spring in turn fosters a stronger summer ice-albedo feedback through earlier formation of open water areas. A thin ice cover is also more vulnerable to strong summer retreat under anomalous atmospheric forcing. Finally, general warming of the Arctic has reduced the likelihood of cold years that could bring about temporary recovery of the ice cover. Events leading to the September ice extent minima of recent years exemplify these processes.  相似文献   
Raman hyperspectral imaging is becoming a popular technique to analyse geological materials. Autofluorescence can affect the quality of the spectra that comprise hyperspectral data sets. Few studies have addressed potential misinterpretation of Raman images from hyperspectral data sets affected by autofluorescence. Additionally, little work has been done to develop methods for identifying the spatial distribution of spectra affected by autofluorescence. This study illustrates how autofluorescence may lead to misinterpretation of the distribution of materials based on intensity at a point images. A method is proposed utilising signal to axis analysis to create images that identify regions affected by autofluorescence. Post‐processing baseline correction is often used to address autofluorescence, and most software programs utilise a form of partial least squares regression modelling based on a subjective choice of polynomial order. This study shows that an inappropriate choice of polynomial order can introduce error, which may lead to misinterpretation of Raman images. A signal to axis analysis method is proposed to statistically compare seemingly ‘appropriate’ baseline correction trials. Although post‐processing of hyperspectral data sets and creating Raman images seem simple, data quality issues such as autofluorescence must be considered. If baseline correction is deemed necessary, it should be addressed as an experiment involving statistical comparison.  相似文献   
Mass-balance models have been constructed using inverse methodology for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence for the mid-1980s, the mid-1990s, and the early 2000s to describe ecosystem structure, trophic group interactions, and the effects of fishing and predation on the ecosystem for each time period. Our analyses indicate that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by demersal (cod, redfish) and small-bodied forage (e.g., capelin, mackerel, herring, shrimp) species to one now dominated by small-bodied forage species. Overfishing removed a functional group in the late 1980s, large piscivorous fish (primarily cod and redfish), which has not recovered 14 years after the cessation of heavy fishing. This has left only marine mammals as top predators during the mid-1990s, and marine mammals and small Greenland halibut during the early 2000s. Predation by marine mammals on fish increased from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s while predation by large fish on fish decreased. Capelin and shrimp, the main prey in each period, showed an increase in biomass over the three periods. A switch in the main predators of capelin from cod to marine mammals occurred, while Greenland halibut progressively replaced cod as shrimp predators. Overfishing influenced community structure directly through preferential removal of larger-bodied fishes and indirectly through predation release because larger-bodied fishes exerted top-down control upon other community species or competed with other species for the same prey. Our modelling estimates showed that a change in predation structure or flows at the top of the trophic system led to changes in predation at all lower trophic levels in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. These changes represent a case of fishery-induced regime shift.  相似文献   
Migratory contingents, groups of individuals belonging to the same population that adopt different migratory patterns, have been identified in numerous Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) populations along North American East Coast. We tested the hypothesis that migratory contingents may develop early in life to maximize the exploitation of the variety of habitats faced by a recently introduced fish population. Using the discriminatory power provided by otolith chemistry, we studied early-life history stages of Striped Bass in a recently reintroduced population in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Migratory patterns were inferred using multivariate analysis of four otolith trace elements (Sr, Ba, Mn, and Mg) on juveniles (0+ and 1+). Three migratory contingents were identified during early-life history stages: freshwater residents, oligohaline migrants, and mesohaline migrants. This study demonstrates the rapid establishment, in less than 10 years since initial stocking, of three migratory contingents initiated early in life among the St. Lawrence Striped Bass population. We postulate that diversification provided by the establishment of distinct migratory contingents among early-life history stages promotes the rapid colonization of new environments through the exploration and exploitation of an increased number of nursery habitats.  相似文献   
U-Pb dating of andradite-grossular garnet (grandite) and rutile by LA-ICP-MS can be used to constrain various metamorphic, metasomatic and igneous geological processes. In this study, we examine and compare the impact of different analytical conditions (fluence, pulse width, laser beam size and ablation frequency) on the ablation crater morphology, ablation rates, down-hole fractionation and U-Pb ages of grandite and rutile samples of different compositions. The shapes of grandite ablation craters suggest the mineral ablates by classical evaporation with significant melting that cannot be eliminated even at fluences just above the ablation threshold. Grandite garnets with higher andradite proportions have faster ablation rates. The overall low U contents of grandite require using large laser beam sizes to obtain acceptable precision of U-Pb ages. At such conditions and crater depths < 10 μm, fluences of 2.1 and 3.5 J cm-2, laser pulse width of 5 ns and 20 ns, and ablation frequencies between 3.5 and 6.5 Hz, obtain similar and reproducible ages when the proportion of grossular is < 35%. Rutile ablation crater morphology shows evidence of melt splashing and thermal stress cracking. They have significant crater bottom features, which increase in relief with lower fluences and a higher number of laser shots, indicating the features are probably energy-related and making higher fluences, such as 5 J cm-2, necessary for uniform ablation when using 193 nm excimer lasers. The slow ablation rate at low fluences and then steep increase at around 2.0 J cm-2 suggests a transition in the ablation mechanism from exfoliation to classical vaporisation. Crater bottom features and other ablation behaviour vary between samples, which could be related to their difference in colour. Although the down-hole fractionation patterns of the samples are similar at 5 J cm-2, the U-Pb ages of some samples vary significantly with different analytical conditions and/or measurement sessions, particularly when using laser beam sizes of 30 μm, suggesting differences in mass bias and more variable ablation behaviour. A laser beam size of at least 60 μm is recommended for reproducible U-Pb dating of rutile.  相似文献   
In order to have a global view of ecosystem changes associated with the collapse of groundfish species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the early 1990s, Ecopath mass-balance models were constructed incorporating uncertainty in the input data. These models covered two ecosystems (northern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; NAFO divisions 4RS and 4T), and two time periods (before the collapse, in the mid-1980s, and after it, in the mid-1990s). Our analyses revealed that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by piscivorous groundfish and small-bodied forage species during the mid-1980s to one now dominated only by small-bodied pelagic species during the mid-1990s in both southern and northern Gulf. The species structure in the northern Gulf versus southern Gulf was different, which may explain why these two ecosystems did not recover the same way from the collapse in the early 1990s. Productivity declined in the northern Gulf after the collapse but increased in the southern Gulf. The collapse of groundfish stocks resulted in declines in the mean trophic level of the landings in both the northern and the southern Gulf. Even though fishing mortality was then intentionally reduced, this part of the total mortality was taken up by predation. The temporal changes in the internal structure of both ecosystems are reflected in their overall emergent properties.  相似文献   
The Sørfjord, Norway, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, are two sub-arctic ecosystems with similar trophic structure. However, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, severe exploitation of groundfish stocks has lead to important shifts in the trophic structure. In the Sørfjord, the situation is different: fishing pressure is much lighter. Our hypothesis is that overexploitation leads to changes in the trophic structure and severely alters the resilience of ecosystems. Based on the same modelling approach (Ecopath with Ecosim) the food web structure was compared, using different ecosystem indicators. Patterns of food web structure and trophodynamics were contrasted. Cod was the keystone species in both ecosystems, and forage fish were also important. Even after similar environmental changes in both ecosystems, and after a reduction of fishing pressure in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, there is no recovery of cod stocks in this ecosystem. In the Sørfjord, after different perturbations (but not from the fishery), the ecosystem seems to return to its equilibrium.  相似文献   
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