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Plane motions of spin particles in the Schwarzschild field are investigated. Cases of parallel transport of spin tensor (PTS) and of geodesic motion (GM) as well as of the motion under additional Pirani (PC) and Dixon (DC) conditions are considered. Using these assumptions analogues of the Binnet formula are obtained. In the case of PTS and PS the stability of circular orbits the way Liapunov interprets it is examined.  相似文献   
In this research, variability of spring (from 1 March to 30 May) and flash (from 1 June to 30 November) floods in rivers of different regions was analysed. The territory of Lithuania is divided into three regions according to hydrological regime of the rivers: Western, Central, and Southeastern. The maximum river discharge data of spring and flash floods [a total of 31 water gauging stations (WGS)] were analysed. Comparison of the data of four periods (1922–2013, 1941–2013, 1961–2013, and 1991–2013) with the data of the reference period (1961–1990) was performed. Analysis included the longest discharge data set of the Nemunas River at Smalininkai WGS (1812–2013) as well. Mixed patterns of flood changes in Lithuanian rivers were detected. The analysis of flood discharges of the Nemunas River indicated that both spring and flash floods in Lithuania were getting smaller.  相似文献   
In this paper various models of mass motions in solar prominences and flares, such as expansion, contraction and rotation without or with depth gradients, are considered. The variation of the source function with depth is also taken into account. Under these conditions the profiles of the first Balmer lines are calculated. The various effects of mass motions on spectral lines are studied. We have established four methods for the derivation of the velocities of motions as well as their gradients from the corresponding spectral features. These methods have been preliminarily applied to observational data, mainly those of the spectra-spectroheliograph (SSHG) of the Yunnan Observatory.  相似文献   
We investigated population dynamics, growth and feeding of an omnivorous mysid, Paramysis lacustris, performing seasonal horizontal migrations in the Curonian Lagoon. In autumn, increased predation pressure and deteriorated feeding conditions, due to zooplankton and phytoplankton decline in the open water, forces mysids to migrate to the shoreline, where large amounts of decaying submersed vegetation occur at the end of plant growth season. Using stable isotope analysis and mixing models, we evaluated relative importance of decaying submersed macrophytes, lagoon phytoplankton and mesozooplankton in the diet of mysids during this period. In September–November, mysids actively grew and produced three cohorts. Specific growth rates of adults (10.9 ± 1.9 mm) and subadults (6 ± 0.5 mm) were 3 and 9% DW d−1, respectively, resulting in population somatic production of 36 g DW m−2. Both δ15N and δ13C of mysids varied in concert with those in suspended and bottom particulate organic matter (POM) and mesozooplankton. The mixing models estimated that 45% of mysid diets were composed of bottom POM originated from the decaying macrophyte Potamogeton perfoliatus, 45% by suspended POM largely consisting of phytoplankton, while mesozooplankton contributed less than 10% of the diet. This diet composition differs from that in summer, when mysids rely mostly on zooplankton and phytoplankton. Therefore, mysid horizontal migrations and their ability to efficiently utilize littoral detritus improve the efficiency of macrophyte detritus transfer up the food chain and inshore/offshore habitat coupling in the Curonian Lagoon.  相似文献   
Photoelectric Vilnius seven-color photometry is presented and analyzed for a sample of 24 red giant branch and clump stars in the open cluster NGC 7789. For each star we have determined photometric spectral type, absolute magnitude, interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metallicity, and surface gravity. From averages over the stars in the sample we find the mean reddening to the cluster E YV = 0.21± 0.02 (s.d.), or E BV = 0.25, and the apparent distance modulus (mM) V = 12.21± 0.10 (s.d.), which yield a distance of 1840 pc. The mean overall metallicity is found to be [Fe/H] = −0.18± 0.09 (s.d.). The clump stars, on average, appear to be slightly more metal-rich than the other red giants, which is most probably caused by evolutionary changes of carbon and nitrogen molecular bands falling in the photometric passbands. A difference in mass between the two groups of stars has also been detected, which suggests that the clump stars might have undergone extra mass loss before reaching their core He-burning phase of evolution.  相似文献   
Glacial till and inter-till deposits exposed in the Lithuanian coastal region are evidence for multiple glacial advances during the Pleistocene. Stratigraphically, tills are the most important, prominent and well preserved deposits. However, despite the importance of these deposits, there is limited chronological control and it is widely debated whether they belong to one or another Pleistocene glaciation. The aim of the present study was to find features of the glacigenic tills, which allow us to temporally constrain these deposits, which are usually deemed to be undateable by luminescence methods. To achieve the goal, 15 samples from five different till beds and 12 samples from underlying sandy inter-till deposits from the same area were taken for analysis by feldspar-based IR-OSL technique. This paper presents the results, which suggest that the studied deposits, including glacial tills, are mostly of late Pleistocene age (MIS 5 and 4). We discuss analytical data obtained for these materials and implications for stratigraphic subdivision of the till-bearing deposits in the Lithuanian Maritime Region.  相似文献   
The Curonian Lagoon is the biggest fresh water basin in Lithuania influenced by the exchange of the fresh Nemunas and other smaller rivers’ water and saline water of the Baltic Sea. The lagoon ecosystem is influenced by fresh, brackish and brackish water masses. A long-term water balance of the Curonian Lagoon was calculated for the period of 1960–2009. The sum river inflow is 21.784 km3/year, precipitation—1.199 km3/year, evaporation—1.007 km3/year, inflow of brackish water from the Baltic Sea to the Curonian Lagoon—6.171 km3/year, and fresh water runoff from the Curonian Lagoon to the Baltic Sea—27.642 km3/year. The lagoon water balance elements have been influenced by climate change. The water balance forecasting has been performed for the period of 2011–2100. The climate change impact on the water balance of the Lagoon has been evaluated using Global Climate Models (ECHAM5 and HadCM3), greenhouse gas emission scenarios (A2, A1B and B1), and hydrological modelling by Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) software. One scenario was selected for the prediction of the Baltic Sea water level. Considerable changes of the Curonian Lagoon water balance are forecasted in the 21st century. Increase of weather temperature and changes in precipitation will influence the elements of water balance of the Curonian Lagoon. In the period of 2011–2100, the river inflow and outflow from the Baltic Sea into the Lagoon will decrease respectively by 20.4 and 16.6% in comparison with the baseline period (1961–1990). The amount of precipitation and evaporation will increase respectively by 3.8 and 25.1%, while inflow from the Baltic Sea into the Curonian Lagoon will increase up to 39.7% in comparison with the baseline period.  相似文献   
In order to study the impact of produced water (PW) from a North Sea oil field on blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), chemical and biological markers were selected. A laboratory exposure (0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5% of PW) and a field study (6 stations 0.2-2 km from a PW discharge point) were conducted. In the laboratory study, PAH bioaccumulation increased in mussel soft tissue even at the lowest exposure dose. Micronuclei frequency demonstrated a dose-response pattern, whereas lysosomal membrane stability showed tendency towards a dose-response pattern. The same markers were assessed in the field study, biomarker analyses were consistent with the contamination level, as evaluated by mussel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons body burden. Overall, obtained results confirmed the value of an ecotoxicological approach for a scientifically sound characterisation of biological effects induced by offshore oilfield operational discharges.  相似文献   
An investigation of the spatial variability of topsoil contamination level was performed in 49 preschool playgrounds located in Vilnius city and correlated with urban (height and age of the preschools and height of surrounding buildings) and natural (altitude) factors. Composite samples, consisting of 20–30 sub-samples, were collected from 10 cm topsoil layer with a 3–5 m distance from each other. Sieved fraction (< 0.63 mm) was ashed at 400 °C, ground to < 1.0 μm and analysed for the real total concentrations of 22 trace elements (Ag, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, Y, Yb, Zn and Zr) using optical atomic emission spectrophotometry. Information on construction year and height (number of building stories) of preschool and surrounding buildings was acquired from the Centre of Registers of Lithuania. Out of 22 analysed elements, 13 to a greater extent exceeded the background values in several areas and were used to calculate the total contamination index (Zs13). Out of 49 analysed areas, 21 had moderately hazardous to hazardous levels of contamination as indicated by Zs13. The main contaminating elements, exceeding the permissible concentrations were Ag, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sn and Zn, the origins of which coincide with city industry and traffic. Topsoil around the newer preschool buildings, despite their location, contained lower concentrations of contaminants, while areas at higher altitudes were more contaminated than those located at lower altitudes. The latter causality is biased, as the city industry, and hence the highest contamination, is in districts located higher above sea level than the remaining studied sites.  相似文献   
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