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基于Born敏感核函数的VTI介质多参数全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于VTI介质拟声波方程,利用散射积分原理,在Born近似下导出了速度与各向异性参数的敏感核函数,同时结合作者前期研究提出的矩阵分解算法实现了一种新的VTI介质多参数全波形反演方法.矩阵分解算法通过对核函数-向量乘进行具有明确物理含义的向量-标量乘分解累加运算实现目标函数一阶方向或二阶方向的直接求取,从而避免了庞大核函数矩阵与Hessian矩阵的存储,该方法同时可以大大降低常规全波形反演在计算二阶方向时的庞大计算量.为了克服不同参数对波场影响程度的不同,本文利用作者前期在VTI介质射线走时层析成像研究中提出的分步反演策略实现了多参数联合全波形反演.理论模型实验表明,本文提出的基于Born敏感核函数的各向异性矩阵分解全波形反演方法可以获得较好的多参数反演结果.  相似文献   
速度、密度之间的相互耦合使得密度在多参数全波形反演中较难获得.本文将截断高斯-牛顿法用于声介质速度、密度双参数全波形反演,通过考虑近似Hessian矩阵中反映速度、密度相互作用的非主对角块元素,有效解决了多参数全波形反演中速度、密度之间的耦合问题,在不采用反演策略的情况下,仍能够获得精度较高的速度、密度反演结果.常规的截断牛顿类全波形反演通常利用一阶伴随状态法求取目标函数对模型参数的梯度,利用二阶伴随状态法或有限差分法求解Hessian-向量乘,在每一步内循环迭代过程中需要额外求解两次正演问题,计算量较大.本文基于Born近似,将梯度计算中的核函数-向量乘表示为具有明确物理意义的向量-标量乘的累加运算,同时将Hessian-向量乘转化为两次核函数-向量乘,无需额外求解正演问题,有效降低了计算量.数值实验证明了本文提出的方法的有效性.  相似文献   
The large scale Mesozoic magmatism and related metallogeny in the Taihang Mountains (TM) provide important clues for the lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton (NCC). Among the ore deposits, the vein gold mineralization of Shihu in the Fuping region and the skarn ore deposit of Xishimen in the Wu'an region represent typical Mesozoic metallogeny in the TM. In the Shihu gold mine, the Mapeng batholith is dominantly composed of monzogranite and granodiorite, whereas, the Wu'an pluton in the Xishimen iron mine mainly comprises monzonite and diorite. Here we present zircon LA–ICP-MS U–Pb data from 8 samples which reveal the timing of magmatism in the TM as ca. 130 Ma, which is contemporaneous with the large-scale metallogeny in the margins of the NCC. The δ34S values recorded in the sulfide minerals from the Shihu gold deposit and the Xishimen skarn iron deposit show a range of 2.2‰–5.0‰, and 11.6‰–18.7‰, respectively. Helium isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in pyrite from the Shihu gold deposit vary from 0.12 to 1.98 Ra (where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of air = 1.39 × 10? 6), with calculated mantle helium values of 1.4%–25%, whereas, those of the Xishimen skarn iron deposit range from 0.06 to 0.19 Ra, with calculated mantle helium of 0.7%–2.2%. The S–He–Ar isotopic data suggest a lower crustal origin for the ore-forming components, with variable inputs of mantle source. The large population of inherited zircons in our samples, with 207Pb/206Pb ages ranging between 2500 Ma and 1800 Ma, also supports crustal participation. Our data reveal that the Shihu gold deposit witnessed greater mantle input than the Xishimen skarn iron deposit, suggesting that the continental lithosphere is markedly thinner under the Fuping region than that under the Wu'an region. Our interpretation is also supported by published data from two ultra-broadband high-precision magnetotelluric sounding profiles across the TM region showing a variation in the lithosphere thickness from 155 km to 70 km while moving from the south (Wu'an region) to the north (Fuping region). Our study suggests that inhomogeneous lithospheric thinning in the central NCC occurred at least as early as ca. 130 Ma ago.  相似文献   
本文基于球谐展开群速度表达式计算走时关于各向异性参数的Fréchet核函数,利用共轭梯度法对两种参数化方法进行了VTI介质中多参数联合反演方法研究.经过理论分析和数值试验发现,与经典的Thomsen参数化方法相比,垂直慢度、水平慢度与动校正慢度的参数化方式更有利于VTI介质多参数联合走时层析反演.为了克服走时对ε参数的不敏感性,我们采用了两步法进行双参数反演,理论模型试验反演得到了与垂直速度精度相当的ε参数.可以将两步法扩展到三步法以同时反演各向异性介质中的三个参数,数值试验展示了该策略的应用潜力.  相似文献   
The occurrence and phase distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waters at the eight riverine outlets of the Pearl River Delta (China) were examined based on a monthly sampling program from March 2005 to February 2006. The total concentrations of PAHs in the aqueous phase and suspended particulate matter (SPM) combined ranged from 55.5 to 522 ng/L, at the mid level of the global values in rivers and estuaries. No clear temporal and spatial trends of PAH concentrations were found. However, the concentrations of PAHs associated with SPM coincided with the monthly precipitation of Guangzhou, indicating the importance of atmospheric deposition. The PAHs found in the region were likely derived from a combined pyrolytic and petrogenic origin, as suggested by the molecular indices of PAHs. Normalized partition coefficient (K(oc)) between water and SPM was correlated with octanol-water partition coefficient (K(ow)) to understand the environmental behavior of PAHs.  相似文献   
Lei Gui  Peng  Shu-Chuan  Chen  Tian-Hu  Wang  Ji-Zhong 《Water Resources》2019,46(4):614-623
Water Resources - Heavy metal pollution in lacustrine sediments is a worldwide environmental issue. In the present study, eight heavy metals including Zn, Pb, Co, Cr, Cd, Mn, As and Cu in sediment...  相似文献   
提出的角度域叠前时间偏移方法,能够在偏移成像过程中直接生成倾角域成像道集,在倾角成像道集上确定真地层倾角与倾角成像区,获得的最终叠加剖面在保证构造正确成像的同时避免了过大偏移孔径带来偏移噪声的弊端,提高了剖面的信噪比.应用本文方法在南堡凹陷马头营凸起地区取得了较好的应用效果,表明该方法对于信噪比较低、偏移噪声大的地区具有较大的工业应用价值.  相似文献   
变密度声波方程多参数全波形反演策略   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
多参数全波形反演中各参数之间的相互耦合增加了反演的非线性程度.通过分析各参数之间的相互影响,提出合理的多参数反演策略是解决该问题的有效途径.本文从变密度声波方程出发,首先研究了密度在速度反演中的重要作用,然后分析了速度对密度反演的影响程度,进而提出了一种有利于速度、密度分步联合反演的策略.第一步,利用给定的初始模型对速度、密度进行同时反演,得到比较可靠的速度反演结果;第二步,利用第一步反演得到的速度和给定的初始密度作为初始模型,继续进行双参数同时反演,这样可以同时得到比较可靠的速度、密度反演结果.为了进一步提高反演精度,将第二步反演得到的速度、密度作为初始模型,再进行下一轮双参数联合反演.二维理论模型实验结果充分说明了本文提出的这种反演策略的有效性.  相似文献   
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