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排序方式: 共有167条查询结果,搜索用时 62 毫秒
The distribution of U has been studied in two metamorphic rock-series with a gradient of regional metamorphism. One series ranges from the lowest greenschist to amphibolite facies and the other one shows increasing metamorphic grade from amphibolite to granulite facies. Several medium and high pressure granulitic inclusions from alkali basalts were also analyzed. The abundances of U in the rocks do not appear to be affected by metamorphism below the granulite facies grade. Granulites are depleted in U in comparison with equivalent rocks of amphibolite facies grade. There are also differences in their U distribution, as the bulk of U in amphibolite facies rocks is located along the fractures and cleavage planes of ferro-magnesian minerals and in U-rich accessories, while in granulites, most of the U resides in accessory minerals. It seems that the depletion of U in granulites is due to a loss of U which is not located in accessory minerals or in the crystal structure of rock-forming minerals and may also be related to a migration of hydrous fluids, perhaps during dehydration.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Ediacaran–Ordovician Meguma Supergroup was thrust over Avalonia basement prior to the intrusion of post-Acadian, ca. 370 Ma, S-type...  相似文献   
We review the presence and signatures of the non-equilibrium processes, both non-Maxwellian distributions and non-equilibrium ionization, in the solar transition region, corona, solar wind, and flares. Basic properties of the non-Maxwellian distributions are described together with their influence on the heat flux as well as on the rates of individual collisional processes and the resulting optically thin synthetic spectra. Constraints on the presence of high-energy electrons from observations are reviewed, including positive detection of non-Maxwellian distributions in the solar corona, transition region, flares, and wind. Occurrence of non-equilibrium ionization is reviewed as well, especially in connection to hydrodynamic and generalized collisional-radiative modeling. Predicted spectroscopic signatures of non-equilibrium ionization depending on the assumed plasma conditions are summarized. Finally, we discuss the future remote-sensing instrumentation that can be used for the detection of these non-equilibrium phenomena in various spectral ranges.  相似文献   
Collapse of loess upon wetting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feda, J., 1988. Collapse of loess upon wetting. Eng. Geol., 25: 263–269.

The results of a series of tests conducted on loess samples from one locality, tested under the condition of confined and hydrostatic compression are presented and analyzed. The samples are of different water content and saturation and display different degrees of collapse upon wetting.

Based on the experimental results, a collapse surface is depicted and the phenomenon hypothetically generalized for other types of collapse. The structural collapse causes the mechanical behaviour of samples to be more uniform.

The effect of the hydrostatic stress conditions is reflected in the tendency of samples to deform isotropically, although, originally, they are anisotropic. The phenomenon of collapse cannot be explained by the principle of effective stresses.  相似文献   

A general approach to the computation of basic topographic parameters independent of the spatial distribution of given elevation data is developed. The approach is based on an interpolation function with regular first and second order derivatives and on application of basic principles of differential geometry. General equations for computation of profile, plan, and tangential curvatures are derived. A new algorithm for construction of slope curves is developed using a combined grid and vector approach. Resulting slope curves better fulfill the condition of orthogonality to contours than standard grid algorithms. Presented methods are applied to topographic analysis of a watershed in central Illinois.  相似文献   
Summary On the basis of temperature measurements in 190 boreholes we constructed a map of temperature distribution at a depth of 100 m below the terrain level and maps of temperature gradients in different depth intervals below the Earth's surface in the territory of the Bohemian Massif. Investigations were made into the effects of hydrogeological, geomorphological, structure geological and microclimatic factors on the subsurface temperature field in the Bohemian Massif together with an assessment of effects of these factors on heat flow determinations in shallow boreholes 100 – 200 m deep.
Резюме Нa основaнuu uзмеренuя mемnерamуры в 190 сквaжuнaх былa nосmроенa кaрma рaсnре?rt;еленuя mемnерamуры нa ?rt;лубuне 100 м nо?rt; nоверхносmью Землu u кaрmы ?rt;рa?rt;uенma mемnерamуры в рaзных nо?rt;nоверхносmных uнmервaлaх нa mеррumорuu Чешско?rt;о мaссuвa. Иссле?rt;овaлось осложненuе mеnлово?rt;о nоля у nоверхносmu Землu целым ря?rt;ом фaкmоров: эффекmы рельефa nоверхносmu Землu, ?rt;вuженuя nо?rt;земных во?rt;, mеnлоnрово?rt;носmu ?rt;орных nоро?rt;, мuкроклuмamuческuе эффекmы u ?rt;р. u влuянuе эmuх фaкmоров нa uзмеренuе mеnлово?rt;о nоmокa в не?rt;лубокuх сквaжuнaх (100 – 200 м).
Summary The calculation procedures for determining epicentre parameters of weak near shocks with foci in Poland are discussed and tested for explosions with known epicentres.
m m¶rt; ¶rt; n¶rt;u num a uu m num nmua n auauu, u mu a mumuu u, n muu ¶rt;au uu mau. au mam nam (a. 4) nu nuuu na 71 u m ¶rt;u n¶rt; ¶rt; a auu ¶rt;a [11].
The three deformation phases inferred from the detailed structural analysis of the Cesky Krumlov Varied Group record the Hercynian development of the Southern Moldanubian of the Bohemian Massif. The deformation is related to the NW-SE thrusting of the large crustal units including granulites. The formation of the NS and NW-SE trending shear zones is connected with the thrust movement. The structural development begins with F1 isoclinal fold formation, that could originate in unmetamorphosed sediments. In the final stage, they were strongly flattened and B1 boudinage developed in the rocks. Aplite dykes and migmatitization of paragneisses occurred at the same time the rocks were metamorphosed. The D2 deformational phase was produced by the simple shear deformation of the unit and folds of various styles around rigid inclusions and the strike-slip shear zone near the boundary of the granulite and the Varied Group were formed. The F1 and F2 folds are parallel with the stretching and mineral lineation indicating a NS to NW-SE direction of the thrusting. The youngest deformation is characterized by spectacular boudinage and by folding of the vertically oriented planes.
Zusammenfassung Drei Deformationsphasen der variszischen tektonischen Entwicklung sind in der Bunten Gruppe des südlichen Moldanubikums des Böhmischen Massivs enthalten. Die Deformation ist mit der von NW nach SE orientierten überschiebung von gro\en Krusteneinheiten mit Granuliten verbunden. Die Entstehung von jüngeren N-S und NW-SE verlaufenden Scherzonen kann auf die überschiebungsbewegung bezogen werden. Die Strukturentwicklung beginnt mit F1 isoklinalen Falten, die wahrscheinlich den nichtmetamorphisierten Sedimenten aufgeprägt wurden. Während der Abschlu\phase der Formung wurden sie stark geplättet und es entstand die B1 Boudinage. Die Aplitgänge, Migmatitisation der Paragneisse und Metamorphose der Gesteine sind gleichzeitig. Die D2 Deformationsphase wurde durch einfache Scherung der Einheit hervorgerufen und es entstanden Falten verschiedenen tektonischen Stils in der Umgebung starrer Einschlüsse und die Blattverschiebung an der Grenze von Granulit und Bunter Gruppe. Die F1 und F2 Falten liegen parallel zur Streckungslmeation und überschiebungsrichtung ab. Die jüngste Deformation ist charakterisiert durch eine spektakuläre Boudinage und Faltung der senkrecht stehenden Flächen.

Résumé L'étude structurale détaillée de la Série Variée du Moldanubien méridional dans le Massif de Bohème a permis de distinguer trois phases de déformation dans le développement tectonique varisque. Cette déformation est liée au charriage, du Nord-Ouest vers le Sud-Est, de grandes unités crustales comportant des granulites. La genèse de zones de cisaillement plus jeunes, d'orientation N-S et NW-SE peut Être liée au mÊme processus de charriage. Le développement structural commence avec des plis isoclinaux F1 engendrés vraisemblablement dans les sédiments non métamorphisés. Au stade final de leur formation, ils ont été très aplatis et un boudinage B1 est apparu. L'intrusion de filons d'aplite et la migmatitisation des paragneisses sont contemporaines du métamorphisme. La deuxième déformation D2 a été le fait d'un cisaillement simple; à ce moment se sont formés des plis de style tectonique très variés, localisés fréquemment autour d'inclusions rigides. De cette étape date également le décrochement ductile entre les granulites et la Série Variée. Les plis F1 et F2 sont parallèles à la linéation d'étirement (linéation minérale) qui indique la direction N-S à NW-SE du charriage. La déformation la plus jeune comporte un boudinage spectaculaire et le plissement des plans d'attitude verticale.

- , : , . , ( ) ( ). - 502±10 , 0,71174±73. , . 471±9 0,70684±25, , , . - 56±1 . 120–230 , . 37±1 , , . 10,4 14,6, 8,9 11,8. , , , , — .
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