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Hofmann  Y.  Jahr  T.  Jentzsch  G.  Bankwitz  P.  Bram  K. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2000,44(4):608-610
The Vogtland and NW Bohemia are characterized geoscientifically by periodically occurrence of swarm earthquakes. The basic geophysical mechanism is not yet sufficiently clarified, just like detail questions to geology in especially the deeper underground. Complex geophysical investigations in the seismoactive region indicate geodynamic phenomena like mass redistribution or stress accumulation and release (Spiák et al., 1998). According to Grünthal (1989) a weakness zone is suggested in the region of the swarm earthquakes. This zone can be caused by fluid-tectonics (Kämpf et al., 1992), a mantle plume (pers. com. J. Svancara, 1999) and/or by the geometry of the geological structures (Neunhöfer & Güth, 1988). A three-dimensional gravimetric model can clear up the underground situation. By means of high-resolution gravimetry a three-dimensional model will be developped for the Vogtland and NW Bohemia region. In the first step a homogeneous Bouguer map of the Vogtland and NW Bohemia was created (fig. 1) containing gravity structures analysed by Ibrmajer & Suk (1989) and Blízkovsky et al. (1985). The used gravimetric data were made available by the Saxonian National Office for Environment and Geology, by the Czech Geological Survey, Prague and by the GGA Hannover. In the context with the interpretation of the deep-seismic profile MVE 90 a two-dimensional gravimetric modeling was carried out (Behr et al., 1994), too. Anomaly-producing source bodies apparently do not offer themselves in a two-dimensional model, because after Jung (1961) the length of a gravimetric source structure must be about four times larger than it's width. The technique of the three-dimensional gravimetric modeling by means of any polyhedrons was developed by Götze (1976, 1984). Gravimetry is a potential method and supplies an infinite number of solutions, so the model has to be developed close to other geoscientific results. The aim is to construct a high-resolution three-dimensional underground model, which includes the upper earth's crust and the deep-seated structures of the middle and lower crust, too. The determination of the mass distribution in the underground supplies contradicting or supporting facts for geodynamic views in the Vogtland and NW Bohemia for example of Bankwitz et al. (1993). The interpretation of the Bouguer map of the Vogtland and a three-dimensional gravimetric model ought to contribute a substantial, also geodynamic part to understand the origin and the emergence of the swarm earthquakes in this region.  相似文献   
Near the city of Greiz in Eastern Thuringia, Germany, there is a stratigraphically non-coherent breccia encased in shales from the Lower Carboniferous that includes larger blocks of Triassic sediments, the so-called Triasscholle. The origin of this breccia has previously been interpreted tectonically. The geophysical methods of geomagnetics and gravimetry have recently been applied to the area. We found that the formation is characterised by a lack of a magnetic anomaly, but it has a distinct, spatially small gravity anomaly of approximately ?2 mGal and whose shape hints at a structure about twice the previously suggested size. Most of the geological information available is derived from older drill cores located in the southwest part near the previously assumed margin. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) investigations on drill core samples from the polymict breccia at different depths show a cataclastic deformation of carbonate grains in the upper parts, while we find hypidiomorphic and idiomorphic zoned carbonate grains featuring a dolomitic/calcitic composition within the core as well as rims of ankeritic composition hinting at intense hydrothermal influence. The breccia itself contains granitoidic xenoliths from greater depths, which indicate upward transport processes. This and plastic deformation below 95m depth, both on macroscopic and microscopic scales, indicates an anomalous increase of heat with depth and material transport from depth. Judging from the gravimetric minimum and the SEM investigations on the breccia samples, we assume the Triasscholle near Greiz to be a deeply eroded maar-diatreme volcano. From pollen analysis results on the matrix, the formation can be considered Santonian or younger in age (≤85 Ma). Most interesting are the alteration of the mainly carbonatic components of the breccia, the deep erosion level of the diatreme and the multidisciplinary approach towards the reinterpretation of this formerly misinterpreted structure.  相似文献   
Approaches to stress monitoring in deep boreholes for future CCS projects   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is no monitoring technology available to observe possible changes of stress in the rock mass of a CO2 reservoir or its cap rock formations. Any development of a stress-monitoring technique must be related to the natural regional stress conditions and must be adjusted to the possibly changing in situ stress conditions due to CCS activity. As a step towards an in situ stress-monitoring probe, a lab scale device was developed and used for investigations on the practicability of a hard-inclusion tool for stress monitoring. In situ stress conditions, as deduced from the Altmark Gas Field, were applied to evaluate the efficiency and the limits of this stress-monitoring technique. At lab-scale the applied stresses resp. stress differences with moderate amounts of 9?C15?% of the vertical stress component Sv coincide sufficiently with the resulting strain answers of the hard inclusion tool (i.e., a steel tube corresponding to the liner in the borehole). Therefore, it was possible to re-calculate the stresses and to compare them with the applied ones. The resulting coincidence, however, can be disturbed at high pressure levels due to rock failure around the borehole with extended deformations. In addition, the results are influenced by the mechanical behaviour of the surrounding rock mass type. Nevertheless, a further development of a hard inclusion probe for monitoring of stress changes in deep boreholes can be successful and may be the only possible way to detect stress changes without fracturing damages in deep boreholes.  相似文献   
A new Bouguer anomaly map is presented for the region of the entire Harz Mountains based on more than 60,000 gravity values. The various gravity anomalies are discussed and interpretation is carried out by high-resolution 3-D gravity modeling. One of the main subjects of interest in the investigation is the northern boundary fault zone of the Harz Mountains, separating the Mesozoic sediments in the north from the Palaeozoic rocks of the Harz in the south. Dip and vertical displacement are determined for this fault zone; mean values are 3400 m and 70°, respectively. Gravity modeling shows that the Brocken and the Ramberg Granites are distinctly different. The Brocken Granite is shallow, whereas the Ramberg Granite has a maximum depth of 8.5 km and a N---S dimension of 37 km. The prominent Benneckenstein Gravity High is explained by two different models, one based on a granodioritic intrusion (2900 kg/m3) with a center-depth of 14 km and the other based on phyllites (2740 kg/m3) on a depth of 3–4 km.

Studies on the geodynamic evolution of the Harz Mountains are carried out using the finite-element method. On the basis of a 3-D model, vertical displacements that can be related to horizontal forces are computed. For the period of the Variscan Orogeny an uplift of 600 m in the Harz area is calculated, for Late Cretaceous and Tertiary 400 m are determined. The total amount of 1000 m is about 1/2 of the vertical displacement of the northern boundary fault zone of the Harz Mountains shown by the gravity modeling. These results do not contradict geological ideas.  相似文献   

The geology of Western and Central Europe is significantly influenced by the Variscan orogen that developed during Devonian and Carboniferous time. Numerical models are essential in understanding and quantifying the involved endogenous and exogenous processes and their interactions. These are mainly based on the large-scale mass redistribution caused by erosion and fluvial sedimentary transport. The sedimentary mass flux leads to changing loads on the lithosphere and affects therefore the evolution of the orogen and the foreland-basin. The complex feedback-mechanism of the surface and tectonic processes is studied by three-dimensional elastic–plastic numerical models. The calculated uplift rates are used to model the interaction between tectonic and surface processes such as erosion and sedimentation. An iterative application of the numerical models for the tectonic and surface processes yields a detailed view of the evolution of the foreland-basin. The tectonic model itself (excluding surface processes) already shows some of the palinspastically reconstructed important features of the lower Carboniferous like the London-Brabant Massif, and the northward propagation of the Variscan deformation front. The results obtained from the coupled analysis can be compared to studies of the sedimentary record (i.e. time, thickness, and sedimentation rates) and other geological concepts (i.e. stability of geological provinces). The results demonstrate that both processes are essential in understanding the complex structural evolution of the Variscides and their foreland. The numerical approach on the tectonic–surface process interaction can also be applied easily to other geological settings.  相似文献   
Results for more than 42 months of observations with the superconducting gravimeter CD-034 at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa are discussed. Moxa observatory is one of the newer stations within the ‘Global Geodynamics Project’ (GGP). A special feature of the gravimeter at Moxa is its dual sensor system; differences in the results obtained from the two sensor recordings are generally well within the standard deviations of the tidal analysis. One significant difference concerns the slightly different drift rates of 31 and 49.5 nm/s2 per year for upper and lower sensor; both sensor drifts can be fitted by a linear function. We find that the noise levels are close to the ‘New Low Noise Model’ for the seismic-modes and are also low in the tidal bands. Due to this low noise, Moxa is a station well suited to search for small geodynamic signals. The long-period variation in the gravity residuals correlates well with the polar motion.The difference signal between the two sensor recordings has a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 6 nm/s2 and shows systematic variations. Its spectrum is characterised by instrumental noise between 0.2 and 0.4 cph. The noise level of the difference and of the sum of the two residual datasets are clearly lower, respectively, higher than the noise contents of the gravity residuals themselves. This is a strong indication for the existence of broadband signals common to the two residual datasets, leading to the conjecture that the reduction of environmental effects is still not sufficient.Our results once more emphasize the necessity to correct the data for barometric pressure effects when analyzing the data for seismic modes. The reduction visibly increases the signal-to-noise ratio in the low frequencies of the mode band and helps to avoid misinterpreations of peaks. Besides the well known barometric pressure influence we can establish hydrological effects in the data which are probably caused by soil moisture and groundwater table variations as well as by batch-wise water movement within the weathering layer. As the major part of the observatory surroundings is above gravimeter level, an anticorrelation between hydrological and gravity changes is observed. In addition, it can be shown that global hydrological effects reach an order of magnitude that makes it necessary to consider these effects when analyzing long-period signals like polar motion. Vice versa these effects are large enough to be detectable in the gravity data. A first joint analysis of five datasets from the GGP network shows no indications for signals related to the Slichter triplet or core modes.  相似文献   
Tilt from atmospheric loading has long been known to be the major source of long-period horizontal seismic noise. We try to quantify these effects for seismic data from the Black Forest Observatory (BFO), which is known to be a very quiet station. Experimental transfer functions between local barometric pressure and horizontal seismic noise are estimated for two long time-series by standard methods. Two simple analytical physical models are developed: the local deformation model (LDM) and the acoustic-gravity wave model (TWM). Subsequently these models, with only two free parameters are fit using least squares to the observed seismic noise for time-series of widely differing lengths. The results are variable, sometimes rather dramatic variance reductions are obtained and sometimes the reduction is hardly significant. The method produces the best results when barometrically induced noise is high. The resulting admittances for the LDM are compared to finite element calculations. Since the methods are simple and can result in conspicuous reductions in noise we provide one more reason for installing barometers at even the best broad-band seismic stations.  相似文献   
It is well known that the quality of gravity modelling of the Earth’s lithosphere is heavily dependent on the limited number of available terrestrial gravity data. More recently, however, interest has grown within the geoscientific community to utilise the homogeneously measured satellite gravity and gravity gradient data for lithospheric scale modelling. Here, we present an interdisciplinary approach to determine the state of stress and rate of deformation in the Central Andean subduction system. We employed gravity data from terrestrial, satellite-based and combined sources using multiple methods to constrain stress, strain and gravitational potential energy (GPE). Well-constrained 3D density models, which were partly optimised using the combined regional gravity model IMOSAGA01C (Hosse et al. in Surv Geophys, 2014, this issue), were used as bases for the computation of stress anomalies on the top of the subducting oceanic Nazca plate and GPE relative to the base of the lithosphere. The geometries and physical parameters of the 3D density models were used for the computation of stresses and uplift rates in the dynamic modelling. The stress distributions, as derived from the static and dynamic modelling, reveal distinct positive anomalies of up to 80 MPa along the coastal Jurassic batholith belt. The anomalies correlate well with major seismicity in the shallow parts of the subduction system. Moreover, the pattern of stress distributions in the Andean convergent zone varies both along the north–south and west–east directions, suggesting that the continental fore-arc is highly segmented. Estimates of GPE show that the high Central Andes might be in a state of horizontal deviatoric tension. Models of gravity gradients from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite mission were used to compute Bouguer-like gradient anomalies at 8 km above sea level. The analysis suggests that data from GOCE add significant value to the interpretation of lithospheric structures, given that the appropriate topographic correction is applied.  相似文献   
Geodynamic observatories around the globe continuously monitor signals like gravity, tilt and strain as a function of time. However, global signals are often masked by local effects, caused by the direct surroundings of the station, including the local geological setting. This link is well established for superconducting gravimeters (SG) that observe the gravity field variations at very high resolution. An enhancement of the SG time series by the application of local correction is exemplarily shown here in a very practicable procedure for the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, Germany. We show how the combination of geological and gravimetrical mapping and modelling around Moxa results in a significant correction of the original gravity data, as can be proven by comparison with the satellite-derived gravity field. Detailed geological mapping of the observatory surroundings, including measurements of fold axes, foliations and joints, was the basis of the present study. The fold structure in the area of interest was interpreted by geometrical 3D modelling. The complete representation of different rock types in space also provides a better understanding of the local hydro-geological situation. Using a combination of the 3D geological model with the high-resolution Bouguer map of the observatory surroundings, we developed a 3D density model. This model enables the correction of small gravity effects caused by mass variations close to the SG, in particular local hydro-geological mass changes. Thus, the procedure presented here, based on a close connection of geology and gravimetry, is a powerful tool for the reduction of local gravity effects on SG recordings. It should be applicable to SG stations worldwide, where similar hydrologically driven mass changes can be assumed.  相似文献   
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