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The suitability of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic conductivity (K) to length scales commensurate with hydraulic data is difficult to assess. A novel method is presented for evaluating assumed relations between K and geologic interpretations for regional-scale groundwater modeling. The approach relies on simultaneous interpretation of multiple aquifer tests using alternative geologic frameworks of variable complexity, where each framework is incorporated as prior information that assumes homogeneous K within each model unit. This approach is tested at Pahute Mesa within the Nevada National Security Site (USA), where observed drawdowns from eight aquifer tests in complex, highly faulted volcanic rocks provide the necessary hydraulic constraints. The investigated volume encompasses 40 mi3 (167 km3) where drawdowns traversed major fault structures and were detected more than 2 mi (3.2 km) from pumping wells. Complexity of the five frameworks assessed ranges from an undifferentiated mass of rock with a single unit to 14 distinct geologic units. Results show that only four geologic units can be justified as hydraulically unique for this location. The approach qualitatively evaluates the consistency of hydraulic property estimates within extents of investigation and effects of geologic frameworks on extrapolation. Distributions of transmissivity are similar within the investigated extents irrespective of the geologic framework. In contrast, the extrapolation of hydraulic properties beyond the volume investigated with interfering aquifer tests is strongly affected by the complexity of a given framework. Testing at Pahute Mesa illustrates how this method can be employed to determine the appropriate level of geologic complexity for large-scale groundwater modeling.  相似文献   
侯可军  袁顺达 《岩石学报》2010,26(3):888-902
宁芜火山盆地是长江中下游重要的火山盆地之一,在盆地内自下而上依次发育龙王山组、大王山组、姑山组和娘娘山组火山岩和若干个同源次火山岩或小侵入岩体。本文对宁芜盆地火山-次火山岩进行了详细的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素地球化学研究。研究结果表明,大王山组粗安岩锆石U-Pb年龄为130.3±0.9Ma,姑山组两个粗安岩锆石U-Pb年龄分别为128.2±1.3Ma和128.5±1.8Ma,另外三个侵入岩年龄分别为127.1±1.2Ma、128.3±0.6Ma和128.2±1.0Ma,均为早白垩纪。综合前人成果,认为长江中下游地区火山盆地内火山活动的时限在135~124Ma之间,不存在侏罗纪岩浆活动。宁芜盆地火山岩和侵入岩的锆石176Hf/177Hf值在0.282502~0.282673范围内,εHf(t)变化为-6.9~-0.7,显示岩浆源自于岩石圈富集地幔部分熔融并在上升过程中受地壳物质的混染,为岩石圈伸展环境的产物。  相似文献   
Permeameter data verify new turbulence process for MODFLOW   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A sample of Key Largo Limestone from southern Florida exhibited turbulent flow behavior along three orthogonal axes as reported in recently published permeameter experiments. The limestone sample was a cube measuring 0.2 m on edge. The published nonlinear relation between hydraulic gradient and discharge was simulated using the turbulent flow approximation applied in the Conduit Flow Process (CFP) for MODFLOW-2005 mode 2, CFPM2. The good agreement between the experimental data and the simulated results verifies the utility of the approach used to simulate the effects of turbulent flow on head distributions and flux in the CFPM2 module of MODFLOW-2005.  相似文献   
Detecting and quantifying small drawdown at observation wells distant from the pumping well greatly expands the characterized aquifer volume. However, this detection is often obscured by water level fluctuations such as barometric and tidal effects. A reliable analytical approach for distinguishing drawdown from nonpumping water‐level fluctuations is presented and tested here. Drawdown is distinguished by analytically simulating all pumping and nonpumping water‐level stresses simultaneously during the period of record. Pumping signals are generated with Theis models, where the pumping schedule is translated into water‐level change with the Theis solution. This approach closely matched drawdowns simulated with a complex three‐dimensional, hypothetical model and reasonably estimated drawdowns from an aquifer test conducted in a complex hydrogeologic system. Pumping‐induced changes generated with a numerical model and analytical Theis model agreed (RMS as low as 0.007 m) in cases where pumping signals traveled more than 1 km across confining units and fault structures. Maximum drawdowns of about 0.05 m were analytically estimated from field investigations where environmental fluctuations approached 0.2 m during the analysis period.  相似文献   
In situ removal of As from ground water used for water supply has been accomplished elsewhere in circum-neutral ground water containing high dissolved Fe(II) concentrations. The objective of this study was to evaluate in situ As ground-water treatment approaches in alkaline ground-water (pH > 8) that contains low dissolved Fe (<a few tens of μg/L). The low dissolved Fe content limits development of significant Fe-oxide and the high-pH limits As adsorption onto Fe-oxide. The chemistries of ground water in the two aquifers studied are similar except for the inorganic As species. Although total inorganic As concentrations were similar, one aquifer has dominantly aqueous As(III) and the other has mostly As(V). Dissolved O2, Fe(II), and HCl were added to water and injected into the two aquifers to form Fe-oxide and lower the pH to remove As. Cycles of injection and withdrawal involved varying Fe(II) concentrations in the injectate. The As concentrations in water withdrawn from the two aquifers were as low as 1 and 6 μg/L, with greater As removal from the aquifer containing As(V). However, Fe and Mn concentrations increased to levels greater than US drinking water standards during some of the withdrawal periods. A balance between As removal and maintenance of low Fe and Mn concentrations may be a design consideration if this approach is used for public-supply systems. The ability to lower As concentrations in situ in high-pH ground water should have broad applicability because similar high-As ground water is present in many parts of the world.  相似文献   
Geophysical tools have much to offer users in environmental, water resource, and geotechnical fields; however, techniques such as electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) are often oversold and/or overinterpreted due to a lack of understanding of the limitations of the techniques, such as the appropriate depth intervals or resolution of the methods. The relationship between ERI data and resistivity is nonlinear; therefore, these limitations depend on site conditions and survey design and are best assessed through forward and inverse modeling exercises prior to field investigations. In this approach, proposed field surveys are first numerically simulated given the expected electrical properties of the site, and the resulting hypothetical data are then analyzed using inverse models. Performing ERI forward/inverse modeling, however, requires substantial expertise and can take many hours to implement. We present a new spreadsheet‐based tool, the Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER), which features a graphical user interface that allows users to manipulate a resistivity model and instantly view how that model would likely be interpreted by an ERI survey. The SEER tool is intended for use by those who wish to determine the value of including ERI to achieve project goals, and is designed to have broad utility in industry, teaching, and research.  相似文献   
Radiating anisotropic two-fluid model universes coupled with a scalar field when a slow rotation is introduced in them are studied here, where the anisotropic pressure is generated by the presence of two non-interacting perfect fluids which are in relative motion with respect to each other. Special discussion is made of the physically interesting class of models in which one fluid is a comoving radiative perfect fluid which is taken to model the cosmic microwave background and the second a non-comoving perfect fluid which will model the observed material content of the Universe. Here we take up four analytic solutions. The effects of rotation on these models are studied and the reactions of the scalar and the radiation fields with respect to the rotational motion are discussed. Analysis on the rotational perturbations are also made, in the course of which the amount of anisotropy induced in the pressure distribution by a small deviation from the Friedmann metric is also investigated. It is shown that such anisotropies could grow faster than the expansion of the Universe. The rotating models we obtain here are found to be theoretically satisfactory and they may be taken as physically acceptable models.  相似文献   
Arsenic concentrations can be managed with a relatively simple strategy of grouting instead of completely destroying a selected interval of well. The strategy of selective grouting was investigated in Antelope Valley, California, where groundwater supplies most of the water demand. Naturally occurring arsenic typically exceeds concentrations of 10 µg/L in the water produced from these long-screened wells. The vertical distributions of arsenic concentrations in intervals of the aquifer contributing water to selected supply wells were characterized with depth-dependent water-quality sampling and flow logs. Arsenic primarily entered the lower half of the wells where lacustrine clay deposits and a deeper aquifer occurred. Five wells were modified by grouting from below the top of the lacustrine clay deposits to the bottom of the well, which reduced produced arsenic concentrations to less than 2 µg/L in four of the five wells. Long-term viability of well modification and reduction of specific capacity was assessed for well 4-54 with AnalyzeHOLE, which creates and uses axisymmetric, radial MODFLOW models. Two radial models were calibrated to observed borehole flows, drawdowns, and transmissivity by estimating hydraulic-conductivity values in the aquifer system and gravel packs of the original and modified wells. Lithology also constrained hydraulic-conductivity estimates as regularization observations. Well encrustations caused as much as 2 µg/L increase in simulated arsenic concentration by reducing the contribution of flow from the aquifer system above the lacustrine clay deposits. Simulated arsenic concentrations in the modified well remained less than 3 µg/L over a 20-year period.  相似文献   
谢克家  曾令森  刘静  高利娥 《岩石学报》2010,26(4):1016-1026
打拉二云母花岗岩岩体位于雅拉香波穹隆的东南,侵入到中生代以前的变质岩系(眼球状花岗质片麻岩和石榴黑云母片麻岩)和特提斯沉积岩(页岩和砂岩)中,主要由石英、斜长石、钾长石、黑云母和白云母组成,形成于~44.3Ma。打拉二云母花岗岩地球化学特征表明:打拉花岗岩具有高Al_2O_3(16.0%~17.0%)、Na_2O/K_2O(1.2)以及A/CNK比值(1.05),表明打拉花岗岩为富钠过铝质花岗岩;轻稀土(LREE)富集,重稀土(HREE)相对亏损,HREE中的Ho到Lu元素有变平的特征((Ho/Lu)_N=1.11~1.46);具有微弱或无Eu异常,Eu/Eu~*=0.87~0.95;较高的初始Sr同位素比值(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr(i)=0.71754~0.71785)和较低的初始Nd比值(ε_(Nd)(i)=-9.15~-12.4)。打拉花岗岩具有高Sr含量(为355×10~(-6)~416×10~(-6))和Sr/Y的比值(59.1~71.5)、高La/Yb比值、低Y及HREE亏损的特征,与埃达克质花岗岩类似。上述特征表明打拉花岗岩是在较高压力条件下,以角闪岩为主的深部岩石部分熔融的结果。  相似文献   
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