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粤北笋洞花岗岩的形成时代、地球化学特征与成因   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
笋洞花岗岩体是粤北贵东复式花岗岩体的一个重要组成部分。锆石U-Pb年龄为189.1±0.7Ma,是燕山早期岩浆活动产物。该岩体的主要元素显示富硅、富碱、强过铝质和低 CaO/Na_2O比值等特征;微量元素方面,富集Rb,Th,U,Ce,Sm,Y,亏损 Ba,Sr,P,Ti;LREE轻微富集(LREE/HREE=6.6~8.8,(La/Yb)_N=6.44~10.74),Eu亏损明显(δEu=0.14~0.31);它具有低的ε_(Nd)(t)(-11.4~-9.3),高的δ~(18)O(10.2~12.7‰)、(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr);(0.72949~0.74923)、~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb(18.180~18.488)、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb(15.655~15.661)和古老的Nd模式年龄(1762~1933Ma)。上述这些特征表明,笋洞岩体属于典型的壳源型花岗岩,是在地壳伸展-减薄的构造背景下,通过以泥质成分为主的古-中元古代变质沉积岩部分熔融的方式形成。  相似文献   
Mesozoic tectono-magmatic activities in South China:Retrospect and prospect   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The South China Block was formed through the collisional orogeny between the Cathaysia Block and the Yangtze Block in the Early Neoproterozoic.The northern,western and southern sides of the South China Block were affected by disappearance of the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean during the Paleozoic.The southern and northern sides of the South China Block were respectively collided with the Indo-China Block and North China Block in the latest Paleozoic to form the basic framework of the Eastern China.The Eastern China has been affected by the westward subduction of the Pacific Plate since the Mesozoic.Therefore,the South China Block was influenced by the three major tectonic systems,leading to a superposed compound tectonics.The comparative study of the Mesozoic geology between the South China Block and its surrounding areas suggests that although the Mesozoic South China Block was adjacent to the subduction zone of the western Pacific,no juvenile arc-type crust has been found in the eastern margin.The main Mesozoic geology in South China is characterized by reworking of ancient continental margins to intracontinental tectonics,lacking oceanic arc basalts and continental arc andesites.Therefore,a key to understanding of the Mesozoic geology in South China is to determine the temporal-spatial distribution and tectonic evolution of Mesozoic magmatic rocks in this region.This paper presents a review on the tectonic evolution of the South China Block through summarizing the magmatic rock records from the compressional to extensional tectonic process with the transition at the three juncture zones and using the deformation and geophysic data from the deep part of the South China continental lithosphere.Our attempt is to promote the study of South China’s geology and to make it as a typical target for development of plate tectonic theory.  相似文献   
低流量水平井中,由于存在重力分异,油水两相的流型主要以分层流为主,流体速度场的分布沿重力方向发生变化,致使油田现场生产测井的流量和持水率测量及多相流分相流量解释非常困难.为了充分了解水平井流体流动特征提高生产测井解释精度,本文以低流量水平井油水两相分层流为研究对象,采用流体动态测量实验和数值模拟计算相结合的方法,研究其...  相似文献   
本文研究的闽西南地区晚中生代花岗质岩体中莒舟花岗岩体单颗粒锆石u-Pb年龄为136.0Ma,133.9Ma,黑云母Ar-^39Ar年龄为132.3Ma,菜刀岐石英斑岩单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为117.4Ma,太华花岗岩体全岩Rb-Sr年龄为114.9Ma,都属早白垩世。莒舟花岗岩富Si、K、Rb.Th,Y含量高,铝弱过饱和,贫Sr、Ba、P、Ti、Eu,过渡元素显著亏损而具壳源型花岗岩特征,菜刀岐石英斑岩是其高程度分异演化的产物,并为锡矿床的形成提供了物质基础。莒舟岩体是在岩石圈伸展的底侵作用下所形成的,岩石中有少量幔源组分加入,岩石的εNd(t)偏低(-7.21),tDM偏高(1.52Ga)。太华花岗岩体的εNd(t)稍高(-3.60--3.68),tDM稍低(1.21Ga),岩石中有较多幔源组分加入,是壳幔混合源花岗岩。过铝质壳源型花岗岩可以在与岩石圈伸展作用相关的张性构造环境中形成,壳幔相互作用对锡矿床的形成具有重要的贡献。  相似文献   
叶海敏  叶现韬  张传林 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3389-3401
尼勒克二叠纪火山岩位于伊犁盆地北缘阿吾拉勒山西段,该地区发育一套完整的陆相二叠纪地层。本文对该区二叠纪中下统哈米斯特组和乌郎组火山岩进行了系统的岩相学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素研究。尼勒克火山岩岩石类型多样,有玄武岩、安山岩、粗面岩、流纹岩等,地球化学特征复杂。上火山岩哈米斯特组火山岩具有典型的钾玄岩特征,高K2O(2.81%~3.91%)、Sr(>1000×10-6)、稀土(ΣREE>200×10-6)和(La/Yb)N比值(9.7~11.7),低Nb/La比值(大多<0.2)。下火山岩乌郞组可分为二组,一组具最低SiO2,最高MgO,较低Sr(<500×10-6)、稀土(50×10-6<ΣREE<80×10-6)和(La/Yb)N比值(1.6~2.2),相对较高的Nb/La比值(>0.35),类似富集型洋中脊(E-MORB)特征,暗示其岩浆是浅部源区高程度部分熔融的产物;另一组火山岩有着相对较大的变化,总体特征介于哈米斯特组与第一组火山岩两者之间。尼勒克火山岩有高度亏损的Sr-Nd同位素组成,类似MORB,表明它们源自长期亏损的地幔源区。然而,火山岩高度亏损的Nb-Ta、分异且富集大离子亲石元素的特征暗示,地幔源区受到近期俯冲带流体的交代作用,并受部分熔融程度及结晶分异作用的控制,是不同批次岩浆作用在不同演化阶段的产物。尼勒克大规模玄武质火山岩的形成可能和塔里木二叠纪地幔柱活动有关。  相似文献   
The Western Kunlun Range in northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is composed of the North Kunlun Terrane,the South Kunlun Terrane and the Karakorum-Tianshuihai Terrane. Here we report zircon SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of some metamorphic and igneous rocks and field observations in order to pro-vide a better understanding of their Precambrian and Palaeozoic-early Mesozoic tectonic evolution. Based on these data we draw the following conclusions: (1) The paragneisses in the North Kunlun Terrane are likely of late Mesoproterozoic age rather than Palaeoproterozoic age as previously thought,representing tectonothermal episodes at 1.0―0.9 Ga and ~0.8 Ga. (2) The North Kunlun Terrane was an orogenic belt accreted to the southern margin of Tarim during late Mesoproterozoic to early Neopro-terozoic,the two episodes of metamorphisms correspond to the assemblage and breakup of Rodinia respectively. (3) The Bulunkuole Group in western South Kunlun Terrane,which was considered to be the Palaeoproterozoic basement of the South Kunlun Terrane by previous studies,is now subdivided into the late Neoproterzoic to early Palaeozoic paragneisses (khondalite) and the early Mesozoic metamorphic volcano-sedimentary series; the paragneisses were thrust onto the metamorphic vol-cano-sedimentary series from south to north,with two main teconothermal episodes (i.e.,Caledonian,460―400 Ma,and Hercynian-Indosinian,340―200 Ma),and have been documented by zircon U-Pb ages. (4) In the eastern part of the South Kunlun Terrane,a gneissic granodiorite pluton,which intruded the khondalite,was crystallized at ca. 505 Ma and metamorphosed at ca. 240 Ma. In combination with geochronology data of the paragneiss,we suggest that the South Kunlun Terrane was a Caledonian accretionary orogenic belt and overprinted by late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic arc magmatism.  相似文献   
塔里木西南缘(西昆仑北带)发育新元古代辉绿岩及玄武岩,辉绿岩侵入青白口系而被南华系超覆,玄武岩发育在南华系下部。初步的岩石地球化学研究表明,辉绿岩及玄武岩形成于大陆板内裂解背景,来自EMI型地幔源区。结合对本区格林威尔期造山事件的确定以及新元古代815Ma左右的A型片麻状花岗岩的发现,表明新元古代玄武岩喷发、辉绿岩岩墙侵入等是古塔里木板块作为Rodinia超大陆的一员在新元古代发生裂解的岩浆事件,我们推测超大陆裂解与地幔柱活动有关。  相似文献   
根据主要元素组成,将所研究的22个广东省燕山期花岗岩分为强过铝花岗岩和弱过铝花岗岩两类,后者又区分出分异和未分异两种。它们总体具有较为相似的微量元素和稀土元素组成,即都是以大离子元素明显富集、Ba,Sr,Nb,Ta,P与Ti呈负异常、Eu亏损为特征,但分异弱过铝花岗岩(包括禾洞、大埔、荷泗、白浆岩体)的Ba、Ti呈负异常和Eu亏损更为明显。强过铝和弱过铝花岗岩的Nd同位素组成区别明显:象头山等6个强过铝花岗岩体具有低的εNd(t)值(-13.4~10.0,平均为-12.1)和较老的Nd模式年龄(1.76—2.08Ga,平均为1.96Ga),是由成熟度较高的陆壳部分熔融形成;在弱过铝花岗岩中,石背岩体以及禾洞和大埔两个分异岩体具有高的εNa(r)值(-3.6--4.9,平均为-4.4)和年轻的Nd模式年龄(1.23~1.34Ga,平均为1.3Ga),反映其源区存在一定数量的地幔物质;佛冈等其余12个弱过铝花岗岩体(包括荷泗、白浆2个分异花岗岩)的εNd(t)6t(-12.3~-8.1,平均为-9.7)和Nd模式年龄(1.56~1.94Ga,平均为1.74Ga)都介于上述两类花岗岩之间,但相对较接近于强过铝花岗岩,主要是由成熟度不同程度地低于强过铝花岗岩源区的陆壳变质岩部分熔融形成。广东省燕山期花岗岩主要是在伸展构造及玄武岩底侵条件下,由以沉积变质岩为主的中下陆壳部分熔融形成。  相似文献   

In the process of water displacing oil, the relationship between resistivity and water saturation is the fundament of the quantitative research on the waterflooded grade and the remaining oil saturation with well logging data. A large number of core analysis data and production data are cumulated in the process of oil field exploitation, which offers the basis for the above research. This paper educed two methods from the Archie equation and material balance theory to calculate the quantitative relationships between R z and S w, and between R t and S w. The relationships set up by the two methods are similar to those set up by the real core measurements. The results can be used to analyze influencing factors and determine saturation quantitatively.


Stratified flow is common for the gravity segregation and flow regimes are very complex because of borehole inclination, therefore, all the conventional production logging tools cannot be effectively applied in horizontal wells, thus significantly increasing the difficulties in log interpretation. In this paper, firstly, the overseas progress in updated integration tools for horizontal wells and production profile interpretation methods has been discussed in brief. Secondly, by means of theory study and experimental simulations, we have obtained the production profile interpretation model and experimental interpretation charts, which have been calibrated by the improved downhole technology and optimization methods. Finally, we have interpreted X-well with the production profile interpretation software designed by us, and it proves that the methods are useful for the production profile interpretation in horizontal wells.

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