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杨树沟金矿位于东昆仑成矿省伯喀里克-香日德印支期金、铅、锌、铁、石墨(铜、稀有、稀土)成矿带的东段.矿体严格受近东西向、北东向断裂构造控制.成矿类型为构造蚀变岩型金矿床,成矿时代为印支早期.矿区中已发现的金矿带深部及矿区东南部断裂发育地区具有较好的找矿空间,下一步工作应针对含矿构造破碎带,采用探矿工程与化探工作相结合等手段开展矿区东南部及深部找矿工作,寻找金矿体,争取该矿区找矿的更大突破.  相似文献   
根据祁连山区西部托勒气象站与疏勒河上游昌马堡水文站、鱼儿红雨量站的气温、降水、径流等观测数据,对近50年来疏勒河山区流域气温、降水、径流等水循环要素的变化特征与趋势进行了分析.结果表明,近50年来祁连西部山区年平均气温呈持续上升的态势,并在1990年代中期后出现一个突变,突变后气温上升速率较突变前明显加快.从气温的季节变化上看,冬季升温的幅度明显大于其他各季,从气温的区域变化来看,中低山地带的气温升幅要大于中高山地带.分析结果还显示,祁连山区西部年降水量总体上亦呈增长的态势,但年际波动比较剧烈.少雨年主要在1990年代以前,多雨年在近20 a;从季节变化上看,夏季降水量变化比较稳定,增减趋势不明显,其他各季降水量均有明显的上升趋势,冬季降水量增幅明显.受降水与气温加速上升所带来的冰雪融水增加的影响,疏勒河出山径流的年平均与四季流量亦呈显著增加的态势.考虑到山区夏季降水并未增加,故占年径流量比重较大的夏季径流量的增加主要是冰雪融水的贡献.  相似文献   
Summary Solar radiation intensity has been recorded on a single trace strip chart potentiometer and integrated automatically. The integral can be printed at frequencies from minutes to hours as required. The performance of the integration equipment has been assessed by (1) comparing chart area expected from a calibration of the printed digital output with the area as measured by planimeter and (2) estimating the scatter in the relation of chart area to printed output per hour on a number of days over periods up to a month. The errors (95% limits) are about ±1 cal cm–2 for hourly values and ±4 cal cm–2 for daily values.
Zusammenfassung Die Intensität der Sonnenstrahlung wurde mit einem selbstabgleichenden Millivoltschreiber registriert und automatisch integriert. Das Integral kann nach Bedarf über Zeiten von der Größenordnung von Minuten bis Stunden gebildet werden. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Integrators wurde abgeschätzt 1. durch Vergleich der auf Grund der Eichung des Integrators aus seinen Angaben errechneten Fläche unter der Registrierkurve mit der planimetrierten Fläche und 2. durch Abschätzung der Streuung der Werte des Zusammenhanges zwischen den pro Stunde angegebenen Integratorwerten und der Fläche auf dem Registrierstreifen an einer Anzahl von Tagen aus Perioden von einer Dauer bis zu einem Monat. Der Fehler (bei einer Genauigkeitsgrenze von 95%) liegt bet ±1 cal cm–2 für Stundensummen und bei ±4 cal cm–2 für Tagessummen.

Résumé L'intensité du rayonnement solaire fut enregistrée par un millivoltmètre compensateur et intégrée automatiquement. L'intégration peut s'étendre à des temps allant de la minute à plusieurs heures. L'exactitude de l'intégrateur fut estimée 1) en comparant la surface résultant de ses indications à celle que l'on planimètre, et 2) en calculant la dispersion des écarts entre les valeurs données par heure par l'intégrateur et celles qui résultent de la planimétrie, cela pour un certain nombre de jours choisis dans des périodes pouvant atteindre le mois. L'erreur (pour un domaine de validité de 95%) est de ±1 cal cm–2 pour des sommations horaires, de ±4 cal cm–2 pour des sommations diurnes.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
Early diagenetic K-feldspar in the Triassic Buntsandstein of the Iberian Range (Spain) occurs as pseudomorphs after detrital K-feldspar (Or<93) and plagioclase (Ab<96). These pseudomorphs are chemically pure (Or>99), untwinned, commonly heavily clouded by vacuoles and tiny inclusions, dark-luminescing and are composed of numerous fine euhedral crystals of K-feldspar. The latter property suggests that the pseudomorphs form via dissolution of detrital K-feldspar and plagioclase and precipitation of authigenic K-feldspar. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the authigenic K-feldspar is intermediate microcline.  相似文献   
Hest bien clair que toute reponse a cette question, sera du plus haut interet pour les geologues de la Chine, vu que les resultats de la geodesie semblent bien indiquer que la croute terrestre est divisee en plusieurs blocs independants, juxtaposes et equilibres isostatiquement.  相似文献   
The Late Permian (Wuchiapingian) Alcotas Formation in the SE Iberian Ranges consists of one red alluvial succession where abundant soil profiles developed. Detailed petrographical and sedimentological studies in seven sections of the Alcotas Formation allow six different types of palaeosols, with distinctive characteristics and different palaeogeographical distribution, to be distinguished throughout the South‐eastern Iberian Basin. These characteristics are, in turn, related to topographic, climatic and tectonic controls. The vertical distribution of the palaeosols is used to differentiate the formation in three parts from bottom to top showing both drastic and gradual vertical upwards palaeoenvironmental changes in the sections. Reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental conditions based on palaeosols provides evidence for understanding the events that occurred during the Late Permian, some few millions of years before the well‐known Permian‐Triassic global crisis.  相似文献   
西藏著名圣湖之一的当惹雍错,是藏北高原腹地内陆封闭大湖,对湖泊面积变化的长时间序列研究较少,本文通过高分辨率陆地资源卫星Landsat TM/ETM+数据源,利用遥感和地理信息系统软件,通过人工目视解译方法对1977-2014年当惹雍错湖泊面积变化进行系统分析,并结合流域临近气象站资料,流域冰川等辅助数据对其湖泊面积变化原因进行综合分析.结果表明,1977-2014年当惹雍错湖泊平均面积为835.75 km~2,1977-2014年湖泊面积总体呈上升趋势,1970s湖泊平均面积为829.15 km~2,1980s和1990s湖泊平均面积分别为827.50和826.42 km~2,2000年之后湖泊面积明显增加,2000s湖泊平均面积与1970s相比,增幅为8.04 km~2.当惹雍错湖泊空间变化特点是,位于最大河流入口处达尔果藏布的湖泊东南部扩大明显,湖泊西南部小湖1于2014年9月开始明显扩大并与当惹雍错有相连趋势;流域冰川融水是当惹雍错主要补给源,近40 a当惹雍错湖泊面积变化是在气温升高的背景下,冰川、降水量和蒸发量三者共同变化作用的结果.  相似文献   
The new process of automatic determination of seismic velocities by well to well measurements (Bois et al., 1971, Geophysical Prospecting 19, 42-73) gives the possibility to increase the knowledge of oil reservoirs, by detecting large inhomogeneities between wells. It can also give useful informations on the mechanical properties of rocks in mining exploitation and civil engineering, by gallery to gallery measurements. An application of the method is given to the search for the proper location of an underground hydroelectric power plant, where the problem was to investigate the rock properties in a horizontal plane between two exploration galleries.  相似文献   
Influence of earthquakes on the stability of slopes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Earthquakes are a major trigger for instability of natural and man-made slopes. Often the instability of slopes due to an earthquake causes more destruction and kills more people than the actual earthquake itself. A comparison is made between different methodologies to analyze the potential stability of slopes during earthquakes. Theoretically, it seems simple to calculate the stability of a slope during an earthquake. In reality, however, the stability is influenced by so many parameters that are either not known or which influence is so poorly known that a decent estimation of stability cannot be made. Offshore the situation is worse because proper data required for stability calculations are even less available than onshore. On- and offshore, erosion and weathering create continuously slopes that may become unstable during a future earthquake, offshore also sedimentation creates continuously new slopes. Another fundamental problem in stability analysis is the complicated and largely unknown behavior of seismic waves in three-dimensions in natural materials. The lack of accurate data and the unknown behavior of seismic waves in three-dimensions make estimations of slope stability during an earthquake unreliable.  相似文献   
Ice krill is the keystone species in the neritic ecosystem in the Southern Ocean,where it replaces the more oceanic Antarctic krill. It is essential to understand the variation of target strength(TS in d B re 1 m 2) with the different body size to accurately estimate ice krill stocks. However,there is comparatively little knowledge of the acoustic backscatter of ice krill. The TS of individual,formalin-preserved,tethered ice krill was measured in a freshwater test tank at 38,120,and 200 k Hz with a calibrated split-beam echo sounder system. Mean TS was obtained from 21 individual ice krill with a broad range of body lengths(L :13–36 mm). The length( L,mm) to wet weight( W; mg) relationship for ice krill was W =0.001 218×103 × L 3.53( R 2= 0.96). The mean TS-to-length relationship were TS3 8 k Hz =-177.4+57log 10( L),( R 2 = 0.86); TS 120 k Hz =-129.9+31.56 log 10( L),( R 2 =0.87); and TS 200 k Hz =-117.6+24.66log1 0( L),( R 2 =0.84). Empirical estimates of the relationship between the TS and body length of ice krill were established at 38,120,and 200 k Hz and compared with predictions obtained from both the linear regression model of Greene et al.(1991) and the Stochastic Distorted Wave Born Approximation(SDWBA) model. This result might be applied to improve acoustic detection and density estimation of ice krill in the Southern Ocean. Further comparative studies are needed with in situ target strength including various body lengths of ice krill.  相似文献   
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