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西准噶尔南部石炭纪地层层序及古地理演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西准噶尔南部石炭系希贝库拉斯组、包古图组和太勒古拉组自创名以来,其地层层序和时代已争论了近半个世纪,其主要原因在于对三个组的岩性组合特征认识不够全面,经常误用其他地质单元中的古生物或年代学证据来限定这三个组的时代,从而导致出现多种层序和时代的划分意见。此次研究在1∶25万野外地质调查的基础上,重新测制了三个组的层型剖面,并结合区域上大量的辅助剖面和路线地质调查,厘定了三个组的定义、特征及分布范围。根据在层型剖面附近组与组界线处发现的冲刷构造和粒序层理等重要的示顶沉积构造,确定了三个组的层序关系自下而上分别为希贝库拉斯组、包古图组和太勒古拉组。三个组中的“化石混杂”现象是由于人为地层划分错误造成的,误将其他地层单元中的化石认作这三个组的内容。经厘定,这三个组中只有早石炭世的化石最为可靠,结合新发现的植物化石材料,希贝库拉斯组的时代为维宪早期,包古图组为维宪晚期,太勒古拉组为维宪末期至谢尔普霍夫期。根据三个组的空间分布及其相互关系,认为西准噶尔南部在早石炭世维宪期浊流流向NE,从维宪末期开始浊流流向SW。在此基础上,讨论了西准噶尔南部石炭纪古地理演化过程,认为西准噶尔南部晚古生代残余洋盆在早石炭世接受充填,希贝库拉斯组的粗碎屑岩代表了充填作用的开始,至太勒古拉组上段粗碎屑岩的出现,表明残余洋盆已经基本填满。西准噶尔残余洋盆最终闭合是在晚石炭世晚期,以佳木河组磨拉石及陆相火山岩的出现为标志。  相似文献   
Guo-Can  Wang  Robert P.  Wintsch  John I.  Garver  Mary  Roden-Tice  She-Fa  Chen  Ke-Xin  Zhang  Qi-Xiang  Lin  Yun-Hai  Zhu  Shu-Yuan  Xiang  De-Wei  Li 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):444-466
Triassic turbidites dominate the Songpan–Ganzi–Bayan Har (SGBH) terrane of the northern Tibetan Plateau. U‐Pb dating on single detrital zircon grains from the Triassic Bayan Har Group turbidites yield peaks at 400–500 m.y., 900–1000 m.y., 1800–1900 m.y., and 2400–2500 m.y., These results are consistent with recently published U‐Pb zircon ages of pre‐Triassic bedrock in the East Kunlun, Altyn, Qaidam, Qilian and Alaxa areas to the north, suggesting that provenance of the Bayan Har Group may include these rocks. The similarities in the compositions of the lithic arkosic sandstones of the Bayan Har Group with the sandstones of the Lower‐Middle Triassic formations in the East Kunlun terrane to the north also suggests a common northern provenance for both. A well exposed angular unconformity between the Carboniferous–Middle Permian mélange sequences and the overlying Upper Permian or Triassic strata indicates that regional deformation occurred between the Middle and Late Permian. This deformation may have been the result of a soft collision between the Qiangtang terrane and the North China Plate and the closure of the Paleo‐Tethyan oceanic basin. The Bayan Har Group turbidites were then deposited in a re‐opened marine basin on a shelf environment. Fission‐track dating of detrital zircons from the Bayan Har Group sandstones revealed pre‐ and post‐depositional age components, suggesting that the temperatures did not reach the temperatures necessary to anneal retentive zircon fission tracks (250–300°C). A 282–292 m.y. peak age defined by low U concentration, retentive zircons likely reflects a northern granitic source. Euhedral zircons from two lithic arkoses with abundant volcanic fragments in the southern area yielded a ~237 m.y. zircon fission track (ZFT) peak age, likely recording the maximum age of deposition. A dominant post‐depositional 170–185 m.y. ZFT peak age suggests peak temperatures were reached in the Early Jurassic. Some samples appear to record a younger thermal event at ~140 m.y., a short lived event that apparently affected only the least retentive zircons.  相似文献   
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