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Timing of the Nihewan formation and faunas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetostratigraphic dating of the fluvio-lacustrine sequence in the Nihewan Basin, North China, has permitted the precise timing of the basin infilling and associated Nihewan mammalian faunas. The combined evidence of new paleomagnetic findings from the Hongya and Huabaogou sections of the eastern Nihewan Basin and previously published magnetochronological data suggests that the Nihewan Formation records the tectono-sedimentary processes of the Plio-Pleistocene Nihewan Basin and that the Nihewan faunas can be placed between the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal and the onset of the Olduvai subchron (0.78-1.95 Ma). The onset and termination of the basin deposition occurred just prior to the Gauss-Matuyama geomagnetic reversal and during the period from the last interglaciation to the late last glaciation, respectively, suggesting that the Nihewan Formation is of Late Pliocene to late Pleistocene age. The Nihewan faunas, comprising a series of mammalian faunas (such as Maliang, Donggutuo, Xiaochangliang, Banshan, Majuangou, Huabaogou, Xiashagou, Danangou and Dongyaozitou), are suggested to span a time range of about 0.8-2.0 Ma. The combination of our new and previously published magnetostratigraphy has significantly refined the chronology of the terrestrial Nihewan Formation and faunas.  相似文献   
Dynamic Response Behaviors of Upright Breakwaters Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
- The dynamic response behaviors of upright breakwaters under broken wave impact are analysed based on the mass-damper-spring dynamic system model. The effects of the mass, damping, stiffness, natural period, and impulse duration (or oscillation period) on the translation, rotation, sliding force, overturning moment, and corresponding dynamic amplifying factors are studied. It is concluded that the ampli-ying factors only depend on the ratio of the system natural period to impulse duration (or oscillation period) under a certain damping ratio. Moreover, the equivalent static approach to breakwater design is also discussed.  相似文献   
火山渣丘,是火山区内的一种特殊的地质现象,以前地其成因国内外尚无详细探讨和描述,有的学者曾经统称为副火山。笔者通过实地调查,对这一结论提出新的见解,认为火山渣丘的形成是一复杂的地质现象,其成因具有多元性。这对探讨火山喷发规律,对火山地质地貌的准确描述与具有积极作用。  相似文献   
含煤层地质环境下地震波场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对含低速煤层地质环境下弹性波场多波多分量地震资料进行了二维数值模拟研究,对人工边界反射进行了有效处理,频散效应得到了有效的压制,对几种不同激发与观测排列方式下的弹性波资料进行了模型计算与分析。  相似文献   
本文主要通过对比分析研究热泉软泥中的金含量与有机质及含硫化合物的相关性。并测定泉水及软泥中含金量和软泥中有机碳含量,以及对抽提物中的饱和烃和芳烃族组分进行色谱—质谱分析,最后得出的结论:有机质的沉积环境为还原—强还原,有机质属于腐泥-腐殖型,接近和达到了成熟阶段。软泥中金含量与有机质的性质无明显相关关系,与有机碳含量也无明显相关关系,而与其成熟度相关密切。样品分析证实软泥中含硫化合物与金含量呈正相关性。对比分析了水及软泥中金含量,认为两者之间也无明显相关关系  相似文献   
This paper estimates the coefficients of volume compressibility from variation in compressible layer thickness and changes in piezometric heads by using detail ground surface surveys and a multilayer monitoring well at a selected site (Shigang) within the Choshui River alluvial fan in west Taiwan. The paper integrates various types of in situ monitoring tools, including leveling surveys, continuous global position system (GPS) stations, multilevel layer compression and groundwater pressure head-monitoring wells, to investigate the situation and progress of the subsidence problem in the region. The results from the cross-analyses of the measured data show that surface settlement caused by the compression of strata is between the depths of 60 and 210 m where the clayey stratum within 120-180 m was most pronounced and contributes up to 53% of the total compression. The results indicate that the clayey stratum is under normal consolidation. The results also reflect the fact that 20% of settlement contribution comes from the sandy stratum within 90-120 m; the elasto-plastic behavior of this sandy stratum is clear. The coefficients of volume compressibility of the clayey and sandy stratum analysed from the stratum's compression records; they were 6.38×10−8 and 5.71×10−9 m2/N, respectively. Ultimately, this parameter estimation would permit to control and predict land subsidence based on change in pressure head which are related to groundwater extraction.  相似文献   
Sedimentation rates in the Wanggang salt marshes, Jiangsu   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 IntroductionLand-ocean interaction in coastalzone is one of the key m atters of the International G eosphereand Biosphere Program (IG BP). The key problem s of the second phase in the next decadeinclude the m aterial cycle, the system evolution process …  相似文献   
湘西北地区发育寒武系下统牛蹄塘组、志留系下统龙马溪组两套富有机质黑色页岩。通过合成地震记录和已知地质特征推断反射层位的方法,对两套含烃黑色页岩层的地震地质特征、波组层位识别、波组特征进行了分析对比,总结出湘西北地区页岩层地震反射波所具有的典型特征:龙马溪组存在3~4个强相位,主频集中在30Hz左右;牛蹄塘组存在3个强反射界面,因深度加大,其主频集中在20Hz左右。由于龙马溪组和牛蹄塘组二组地层间距达2 500~3 000m,因此在湘西北地区将二组地层的反射波视作一个波系,其二维地震剖面存在3个波组4个反射层位或3个波组3个反射层位,三个波组分别为龙马溪组,中寒武底界及牛蹄塘组。另外因龙马溪组砂质泥岩段具有低速、低密度、低电阻率、高放射性等特征,其界面波阻抗差异较大,可作为本区的地震波标志层位。  相似文献   
红粘土的磁学性质研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文对陕西宝鸡剖面红粘土上部进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,确定了该地区红粘土的主要磁性矿物是磁铁矿。赤铁矿相对含量很少,对剩余磁性贡献较小。磁性质不稳定的磁赤铁矿存在于红粘土中,但不影响剩磁稳定性。特征剩磁载体主要是磁铁矿。磁性矿物的粒度是以准单畴为主。红粘土的短时间弛豫粘滞剩磁很强,因此在零磁空间进行退磁和剩磁测量是非常重要的。  相似文献   
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