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This project was carried out to assess the levels and spatial distribution of organochlorine compounds in the coastal marine environment, using mussels as bioindicators to evaluate the coastal water quality. Levels of polychlorobiphenils (PCB), chlorinated pesticides (DDT isomers, HCH isomers, Aldrin, Dieldrin, alfa-Endosulfan, Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachlorobenzene) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in tissues from mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected along the Apulia Region coasts (Mediterranean Sea). Results indicate that contamination by organochlorine compounds is higher in mussels sampled in the Ionian Sea than in those from the Adriatic Sea, with PCB levels up to seven times higher in mussels from Ionian than from the Adriatic Sea. Although PCB levels were above the maximum values indicated by both European Community (EC) and National regulation in several sample sites, the PCB concentrations were particularly high in some stations, suggesting that these locations require a much specific attention. Conversely, results on the mussel contamination by PBDEs highlight their ubiquitous environmental distribution, and underline the need to establish the maximum level for these compounds in foodstuff, according to European Regulations.  相似文献   
High-altitude platforms (HAPs) are a flexible and attractive technology for providing innovative wireless services. These aerial platforms can be successfully employed for mobile or broadband communications and for disaster monitoring or response. However, one of the open issues is whether HAP stations can provide reliable services without temporal outages owing to stratospheric winds that can cause positional and attitude instabilities thus affecting the communication system operation. To counteract this issue, one possible solution is to use reconfigurable antennas whose pointing direction can be adjusted depending on the platform spatial orientation. However, this would require real-time three-axial attitude data. As a possible solution, this paper will review the potential of GNSS-based attitude determination systems with reference to HAP stations. In particular, it will be shown how the use of a particular class of low multipath and lightweight antennas can provide a high degree of accuracy without altering the avionic ballast.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Debris flows, and landslides in general, are worldwide catastrophic phenomena. As world population and urbanization grow in magnitude and geographic coverage, the need exists to...  相似文献   
Tissue distributions of metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese) were determined in six specimens of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba, Meyen) stranded on the Apulian coasts (Southern Italy) between February and June 1987. Methyl mercury and selenium were also determined in the liver samples. The liver accumulated the highest concentrations of metals, except for cadmium and chromium. Metal levels were higher than those found in dolphins living in the Atlantic, but lower than those recorded in the same species from the French Mediterranean coasts. Necroscopic surveys found that all specimens were affected by haemorrhagic gastritis, but the cause was not clear. While it was not possible to related the death of dolphins to a specific cause, or to contaminants, the accumulation of metals is likely to contribute to the health of the organism and represents a risk factor for dolphins.  相似文献   
Data on the food consumption, feeding activity and periodicity of two burrowing fish, the congrid eel Gnathophis mystax (Delaroche, 1809) and the false moray Chlopsis bicolor Rafinesque, 1810 are presented. In all, 455 specimens were collected by bottom trawl in the central Mediterranean Sea at depths ranging from 140 to 160 m during four 24‐h day–night sampling cycles. The diet of G. mystax and C. bicolor was investigated by means of stomach content analysis. Diet varied significantly with length and maturity stage. During ontogenetic development G. mystax occupied different trophic levels: diet shifted from amphipods, predominantly in the smaller congrid eels [<25 cm total length (TL)] to fish in the larger individuals (>30 cm TL). Before the transition to the icthyophagous phase, the congrid eel showed a more generalistic foraging behaviour where decapods (Solenocera membranacea, Parapenaeus longirostris, Alpheus glaber), cephalopods (Sepiola spp. and Alloteuthis media), benthic (Gobiidae, Callionymus maculatus, Arnoglossus laterna) and benthopelagic fish (Argentina sphyraena) dominated the diet. Smaller C. bicolor (<25 cm TL) fed primarily on amphipods and cephalopods; bigger specimens fed also on decapods both natantian (A. glaber, Processa canaliculata) and reptantian (Medorippe lanata, Goneplax rhomboides). Daily ration values, computed from the Eggers method, ranged from 2.48% to 2.99% wet body weight for C. bicolor and G. mystax, respectively. Diel patterns in stomach fullness and the trophic niche overlap between the two species were also discussed.  相似文献   
Timing, microhabitat selection and behavior from the onset of settlement to recruitment to the adult population of juvenile fishes of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Sparidae) were investigated along a rocky coastline in the Central Mediterranean Sea. The settlement periods in Diplodus sargus and Diplodus annularis were concentrated in spring, between late May and early June, and the recruits leave the nursery grounds in late September–October. Juvenile fishes of Diplodus puntazzo and Diplodus vulgaris showed a partial time overlapping, sharing the same zones in winter and early spring, from February to May. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that sea breams settle in well‐defined habitats. The smallest juveniles of D. sargus and D. puntazzo settled primarily in the shallowest sheltered pebbly areas, located in sciaphilous crannies covered by red algae. Diplodus vulgaris settlers were observed on a wider range of substrata: rock on sand, gravel and pebbles without algal cover or large boulders, generally in deeper waters. The intermediate‐size juveniles of D. sargus, D. puntazzo and D. vulgaris showed a preference for rocky substrata with substantial algal cover, with arborescent structures (Phaeophyceae). Diplodus annularis juveniles showed high fidelity to seagrass beds (Posidonia oceanica). The home range increased over time in all species, highlighting a loss of substrate specificity: larger juveniles were even observed in deeper and different microhabitats outside nursery grounds. This study suggests that shallow infra‐littoral rocky communities with photophilic algae play a key role in recruitment of sparid fishes, affecting the distribution and abundance of juvenile fishes and therefore determining the renewal of populations and the structure of adult assemblages.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the results of an integrated geomorphological, pedological and stratigraphical study carried out along the Ionian coast of northern Calabria (southern Italy). This area is characterised by the occurrence of five orders of alluvial terraces that are striking features of the landscape, where large and steep catchments debouch from the mountain front to the hilly coastal belt.Field investigations indicate that the deposits of all five terraces are suggestive of shallow gravel-bed braided streams.On the basis of the age of the Pleistocene substratum and morphostratigraphic correlation with marine terraces cropping out in the nearby areas, each order has been associated to specific marine oxygen isotope stages.Consequently, we focused on the interplay of allocyclic factors influencing stream aggradation/degradation. Soil features and other climatic proxies suggest that climate didn't play an important role with respect to tectonic and base-level changes in controlling fluvial dynamics.In particular, we recognised that during the middle Pleistocene the study area experienced a period of subaerial landscape modelling, as suggested by the thick and complex alluvial sequence of the highest terrace (T1). The onset of regional uplift marks a change in the geomorphic scenario, with tectonic and eustatically driven changes in base-level working together in causing switches in fluvial aggradational/erosional phases (T2–T5 terraces). Because of the uplift, river dissection occurred during phases of sea level fall, whereas aggradation phases occurred during periods of climate amelioration (sea level rise) just before highstands were attained.As a consequence, the stepped terraces in the study area reflect the interplay between tectonics (uplift) and sea level changes, in which terraces define episodes of relative sea level fall during the late Quaternary.  相似文献   
Abstract On the basis of a detailed cartographic survey carried out by Side Scan Sonar and a towed underwater video camera during 2005, and from a series of historical maps (1959, 1980, 1990), an extensive regression of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile beds was evidenced for a vast area of the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Latium coast, Italy). The total loss of P. oceanica surface was assessed through GIS estimate. In 1959, the Posidonia beds extended over 7290 ha, while in the 2005 survey they had regressed to 2899 ha, a loss of about 60% of their coverage. Also the seagrass lower limit showed a general depth decrease in time. Total seagrass coverage loss and lower limit regression were not uniform along the whole investigated areas and three main sub-areas have been identified with different degrees of regression somehow related with coastal potential human-mediated impacts. From different coverage estimates of the present survey and of the previous maps, minimum sampling areas were calculated through bootstrapping simulation routines from small sampling areas (Landscape Units) to reach the nearest estimate of the observed condition in the different periods.  相似文献   
Multipath error remains the largest error source in many high precision GPS applications. To counteract this problem, solutions at both software and hardware level have been studied. Software processing by means of measurement redundancy or error predictability can be used in order to mitigate the multipath effects. In general, these techniques work properly only when the length of a reflection path exceeds that of the direct path by more than 10–20 m. Unfortunately, in most cases, reflections are generated in the area near the receiving antenna. For this reason, multipath rejection actuated at the antenna level is one of the most valid means to improve the accuracy of GPS systems. The scope of this work is twofold. First, a review of low-multipath reception requirements will be proposed for comparing different classes of high precision GNSS antennas. Based on this discussion, we introduce a quantitative evaluation of multipath rejection capabilities of a GNSS antenna. The proposed assessment technique is focused on the antenna pattern, but, in contrast to other parameters evaluating the antenna radiation characteristics, it is specifically conceived to capture the effects of multipath signals.  相似文献   
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