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锶诱导的氧化胁迫对叉鞭金藻(Dicrateria inornata)的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
李梅  徐瑾  刘志礼  徐俊 《海洋与湖沼》2004,35(5):467-472
采用不同浓度的锶胁迫方法研究了叉鞭金藻生长、叶绿素、MDA含量及三种抗氧化酶SOD、CAT、GPX活性的变化。结果表明,在实验设计的各种Sr^2 浓度内叉鞭金藻均能生长,但Sr^2 浓度较高时生长受到不同程度的抑制,细胞数量比对照组分别减少15.9%和51.0%;叉鞭金藻中叶绿素含量随着Sr^2 浓度的升高而降低,呈负相关关系;叉鞭金藻中MDA含量在较低Sr^2 浓度下稍呈下降趋势,但与对照组相比并无显著差异,而在23.04mmol/L Sr^2 浓度时是对照的1.25倍;低Sr^2 浓度时,叉鞭金藻中蛋白质含量没有大的变化,当浓度超过5.76mmol/L时则引起蛋白质含量下降;叉鞭金藻中抗氧化酶SOD在低Sr^2 时分别降低12.5%、7.5%和9.5%,高Sr^2 时显著升高,为对照组的85.7%;CAT、GPX活性在低Sr^2 浓度时差别不大,但当浓度为23.04mmol/L时升高显著,比对照组分别增加了19.8%和74.4%。  相似文献   
Using meteorological data of field observation in 1990 - 2000, especially polar orbit high-resolution NOAA satellite cloud maps received from the Antarctic expedition vessel since 1997, the formation and development of the Prydz Bay cyclone are studied in this paper. Some new viewpoints are suggested such as: when surround-polar cyclone enters the Prydz Bay, it can also intensify and develop in summer; cyclone can also develop in the easterlies in this bay. These view points revise old uncom-plete view point that the Prydz Bay is a burial ground of cyclone, and also further consummate formation-development theory of surround-cyclone in the Antarctic westerlies and cyclone in the Antarctic easterlies. In this paper, the mechanism of ice-air-sea interaction in the Prydz Bay is studied, and the physical process of cyclone formation-development is explained. By use of wholly dynamic transportation method, an energy exchange case of a cyclone, which explosively developed after entering the Prydz Bay, is calcu  相似文献   
This discussion on a report by Mascle and Mascle provides some information on the structure of the Apenninic orogenic belt. A number of structural scenarios can be recognized in the Apenninic fold belt; chaotic, melange-like, thrusted sheets are or are not associated with deeper compressional structures affecting coherent stratigraphic sequences at least as old as Trias. Variations and combinations of these structural frames cannot be simply summarized by a scheme, but can be used as basic category in a comparison of ocean ic-subduction complexes.  相似文献   
以酪蛋白和明胶为蛋白源 ,添加豆油、鱼油、糊精、纤维素以及适量的维生素和矿物质混合剂配制试验饲料 ,饲料配成5个蛋白质水平 ,每个蛋白水平分别包括5个能量级 ,以体质量增长倍数、蛋白质效率和饲料系数为评判依据 ,对体质量为8.73g±0.79g的中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)的适宜蛋白质含量及其蛋白能量比进行了研究。经过为期8周的试验 ,结果表明 :中华鲟幼鲟配合饲料中的适宜蛋白质含量范围为35.7%~41.8% ,饲料的最佳蛋白能量比范围为21.85~30.05ng/J。当试验饲料蛋白质含量为40.3% ,蛋白能量比为27.85ng/J时 ,试验鲟鱼获得最大体质量增长倍数为11.60±1.20,最低的饲料系数为1.68±0.23,以及最高的蛋白质效率为1.58%±0.14%。  相似文献   
本文通过对陕西南部的佛坪县2002年6月8日——lO日的降水达到了489mm的特大暴雨降水过程的初步分析,对进一步了解大尺度环流背境场下的强降水过程的成因,提高对暴雨天气过程的预报能力是非常有益的;本文收集的降水过程期间的天气图和传真图资料对预报员和海洋工程技术人员有参考价值。  相似文献   
In an annual cycle from March 2005 to February 2006, benthic nutrient fluxes were measured monthly in the Dongtan intertidal flat within the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary. Except for NH4^+, there always showed high fluxes from overlying water into sediment for other four nutrients. Sediments in the high and middle marshes, covered with halophyte and consisting of macrofauna, demonstrated more capabilities of assimilating nutrients from overlying water than the low marsh. Sampling seasons and nutrient concentrations in the overlying water could both exert significant effects on these fluxes. Additionally, according to the model provided by previous study, denitrification rates, that utilizing NO3- transported from overlying water (Dw) in Dongtan sediments, were estimated to be from -16 to 193 μmol·h^-1·m^-2 with an average value of 63 μmol·h^-1·m^-2 (n=18). These estimated values are still underestimates of the in-situ rates owing to the lack of consideration of DN, i.e., denitrification supported by the local NO3^- production via nitrification.  相似文献   
The present paper deals with the specification of bed erosion flux that accounts for the effects of sediment-induced stratification in the water column. Owing to difficulties in measuring the bed shear stress b and the erosive shear strength s, we suggest a series of methods that combine laboratory and numerical experiments. A simplified turbulent transport model that includes these effects helps to quantify b and s. Focusing on soft stratified beds, the present study considers erosion rate formulas of the form =f exp {[Tb-Ts]} where is a model constant (=1 for Gularte's (1978) formula and =1/2 for Parchure's (1984) formula). First, the bed erosive strength profile s(Z) is adjusted by forcing the turbulent transport model with measured erosion rates. Second, three procedures are suggested to determine the erosion rate formula coefficients f and : a global procedure and two different layer-by-layer procedures. Each procedure is applied to an erosion experiment conducted in a rotating annular flume by Villaret and Paulic (1986). The use of the layer-by-layer procedure based on a least squares fitting technique provides a closer fit than the global procedure. The present study points out the complementarity of experimental and numerical approaches and also suggests possible improvements in laboratory test procedures.  相似文献   
Mapping of lateritic bauxites over the West African rifted margin and analysis of the geomorphic properties of these bauxites, combined with available geological data lead to a discussion of the presence of either two Meso-Cenozoic planation surfaces or a single Eocene surface to account for the morphotectonic and paleoclimatic evolution of the Guinean landforms. At large scale, two stepped bauxitic levels are documented. Ongoing or episodic uplift following Gondwana breakup and Meso-Cenozoic climate change are proposed to have allowed the formation and abandonment of an Early mid-Cretaceous surface today preserved as the higher bauxitic level, and the setting of an Eocene planation surface bearing a second generation of bauxites, making the lower bauxitic level. The single Eocene surface hypothesis requires that Paleogene bauxitization preserved large pre-existing relief to explain two stepped bauxitic levels of the same age. The two-surface hypothesis is favored because it would explain rebauxitization of alluvial pebbles of bauxites under the lower lateritic level.  相似文献   
Fluid flow patterns have been determined using oxygen isotope isopleths in the Val-d’Or orogenic gold district. 3D numerical modelling of fluid flow and oxygen isotope exchange in the vein field shows that the fluid flow patterns can be reproduced if the lower boundary of the model is permeable, which represents middle or lower crustal rocks that are infiltrated by a metamorphic fluid generated at deeper levels. This boundary condition implies that the major crustal faults so conspicuous in vein fields do not act as the only major channel for upward fluid flow. The upper model boundary is impermeable except along the trace of major crustal faults where fluids are allowed to drain out of the vein field. This upper impermeable boundary condition represents a low-permeability layer in the crust that separates the overpressured fluid from the overlying hydrostatic fluid pressure regime. We propose that the role of major crustal faults in overpressured vein fields, independent of tectonic setting, is to drain hydrothermal fluids out of the vein field along a breach across an impermeable layer higher in the crust and above the vein field. This breach is crucial to allow flow out of the vein field and accumulation of metals in the fractures, and this breach has major implications for exploration for mineral resources. We propose that tectonic events that cause episodic metamorphic dehydration create a short-lived pulse of metamorphic fluid to rise along zones of transient permeability. This results in a fluid wave that propagates upward carrying metals to the mineralized area. Earthquakes along crustal shear zones cause dilation near jogs that draw fluids and deposit metals in an interconnected network of subsidiary shear zones. Fluid flow is arrested by an impermeable barrier separating the hydrostatic and lithostatic fluid pressure regimes. Fluids flow through the evolving and interconnected network of shear zones and by advection through the rock matrix. Episodic breaches in the impermeable barrier along the crustal shear zones allow fluid flow out of the vein field.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThe Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution and ki-netics mechanism of the intracontinental orogen are thekey subjects of continental dynamics (Ma Zongjin andGao Xianglin, 2004) and the key to understanding theregional geological tectonics (Qia…  相似文献   
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