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Målingen is the 0.7 km wide minor crater associated to the 10 times larger Lockne crater in the unique Lockne–Målingen doublet. The craters formed at 458 Ma by the impact of a binary asteroid related to the well-known 470 Ma Main Belt breakup event responsible for a large number of Ordovician craters and fossil meteorites. The binary asteroid struck a target sequence including ~500 m of sea water, ~80 m of limestone, ~30 m of dark mud, and a peneplainized Precambrian crystalline basement. Although the Lockne crater has been extensively studied by core drillings and geophysics, little is known about the subsurface morphology of Målingen. We performed magnetic susceptibility and remanence, as well as density, measurements combined with gravity, and magnetic field surveys over the crater and its close vicinity as a base for forward magnetic and gravity modeling. The interior of the crater shows a general magnetic low of 90–100 nT broken by a clustered set of high-amplitude, short wavelength anomalies caused by bodies of mafic rock in the target below the crater and as allogenic blocks in the crater infill. The gravity shows a general −1.4 mgal anomaly over the crater caused by low-density breccia infill and fractured crystalline rocks below the crater floor. The modeling also revealed a slightly asymmetrical shape of the crater that together with the irregular ejecta distribution supports an oblique impact from the east, which is consistent with the direction of impact suggested for the Lockne crater.  相似文献   
This paper describes analytical protocols adopted for calibrating a portable gamma rays spectrometer using a 2? × 2? NaI(Tl) scintillation detector for performing exploration and environmental surveys. The steps involved the determination of counting times with good accuracy, calibration in energy and concentration, and data conversion to effective dose (Ed) for monitoring the radioactivity levels in the air, for indoor and outdoor environments. The χ2 test was applied to the counting rate data acquired for ten different readings, allowing determine the greater accuracy among them. Some standards yielded values above of the detection limit for calibrating the K, eU, and eTh windows, whereas empirical equations provided satisfactory results. The count rates in these windows were obtained in selected environments related to Geology teaching activities in a Brazilian university. Then, they were converted to Ed, showing the applicability of the adopted procedures for environmental surveys. The radiological monitoring showed two sites exhibiting Ed values above the WHO guideline reference value of 1 mSv/year. The first was in a minerals and rocks museum and the second in a deposit (litoteca) dedicated to the rocks storage. Thus, the members of the public are only occasionally exposed to the natural gamma radiation there. Additionally, the Ed values are much lower than the recommended limit of 20 mSv/year for occupationally exposed individuals.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Little is known about what foods/beverages (F&B) are common during natural disasters. The goal of this study was to track high-frequency F&B mentions during four...  相似文献   
First results from the VIRGO experiment (Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations) on the ESA/NASA Mission SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) are reported. The observations started mid-January 1996 for the radiometers and sunphotometers and near the end of March for the luminosity oscillation imager. The performance of all the instruments is very good, and the time series of the first 4–6 months are evaluated in terms of solar irradiance variability, solar background noise characteristics and p-mode oscillations. The solar irradiance is modulated by the passage of active regions across the disk, but not all of the modulation is straightforwardly explained in terms of sunspot flux blocking and facular enhancement. Helioseismic inversions of the observed p-mode frequencies are more-or-less in agreement with the latest standard solar models. The comparison of VIRGO results with earlier ones shows evidence that magnetic activity plays a significant role in the dynamics of the oscillations beyond its modulation of the resonant frequencies. Moreover, by comparing the amplitudes of different components ofp -mode multiplets, each of which are influenced differently by spatial inhomogeneity, we have found that activity enhances excitation.  相似文献   
2020 is the year of wildfire records. California experienced its three largest fires early in its fire season. The Pantanal, the largest wetland on the planet, burned over 20% of its surface. More than 18 million hectares of forest and bushland burned during the 2019–2020 fire season in Australia, killing 33 people, destroying nearly 2500 homes, and endangering many endemic species. The direct cost of damages is being counted in dozens of billion dollars, but the indirect costs on water-related ecosystem services and benefits could be equally expensive, with impacts lasting for decades. In Australia, the extreme precipitation (“200 mm day −1 in several location”) that interrupted the catastrophic wildfire season triggered a series of watershed effects from headwaters to areas downstream. The increased runoff and erosion from burned areas disrupted water supplies in several locations. These post-fire watershed hazards via source water contamination, flash floods, and mudslides can represent substantial, systemic long-term risks to drinking water production, aquatic life, and socio-economic activity. Scenarios similar to the recent event in Australia are now predicted to unfold in the Western USA. This is a new reality that societies will have to live with as uncharted fire activity, water crises, and widespread human footprint collide all-around of the world. Therefore, we advocate for a more proactive approach to wildfire-watershed risk governance in an effort to advance and protect water security. We also argue that there is no easy solution to reducing this risk and that investments in both green (i.e., natural) and grey (i.e., built) infrastructure will be necessary. Further, we propose strategies to combine modern data analytics with existing tools for use by water and land managers worldwide to leverage several decades worth of data and knowledge on post-fire hydrology.  相似文献   
Summary High resolution electron micrographs have been obtained from crystals of two types of tourmaline, aligned in a goniometer stage so that the electron beam is parallel to thec axis. Images having a resolution of about 3 Å taken out of focus show direct indications of the atomic arrangement; they suggest medium-range ordering of the metal atoms in buergerite and unexpectedh31l symmetry in elbaite-schorl solid solution. The appearance of ordering is tentatively explained in terms of electron-irradiation effects.
Hochauflösende Elektronenmikroskopie von Turmalinkristallen
Zusammenfassung Hochauflösende Elektronen-Mikrographien wurden von zwei Typen von Turmalinkristallen, die auf einer Goniometereinrichtung so orientiert waren, daß der Elektronenstrahl parallel zurc-Achse verlief, erhalten. Bilder mit einer 3 Å-Auflösung, die entfokusiert aufgenommen wurden, geben direkte Hinweise auf die Atomanordnung; sie deuten auf Ordnung mittlerer Reichweite der Metallatome in Buergerit und zeigen unerwarteterweiseh31l-Symmetrie bei Elbait-Schörl-Mischkristallen. Das Auftreten von Ordnung wird als vermutlicher Elektronenbestrahlungseffekt gedeutet.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
Summary Sonoraite, FeTeO3(OH)·H2O, is monoclinic,P 21/c, witha=10.984(2),b=10.268(2),c=7.917(2) Å, =108.49(2)°. For 8 formula units per cell the calculated density is 4.179(2) g/cm3; the observed value is 3.95(1) g/cm3. The Supper-Pace automated diffractometer was used to collect 1884 independent reflections which were corrected for absorption. The structure was determined by an automated symbolic addition procedure. It was refined to a residualR of 6.2% using anisotropic temperature factors for the cations and isotropic temperature factors for the oxygen atoms. Chains of octahedra about Fe extend along [101]; edge-sharing pairs of these octahedra are joined by corner sharing. The Fe–Fe distances across the shared edges are 3.05 and 3.20 Å, short enough to suggest magnetic interactions. All but one H2O are involved in the chains. The Te4+ ions have a pseudotetrahedral coordination, with three oxygen ions forming one face of the tetrahedron and the lone electron pair of Te occupying the fourth corner. The O–Te–O average bond angle is 95°. The Fe chains are tied together by Te–O bonds in all three dimensions.
Die Kristallstruktur von Sonorait, Fe3+Te4+O3(OH).H2O
Zusammenfassung Sonorait, FeTeO3(OH)·H2O, ist monoklin, P 21/c, mit den folgenden Zelldimensionen:a=10,984(2),b=10,268(2),c=7,917(2) Å, =108,49(2)°. Mit 8 Formel-Einheiten errechnet man eine Dichte von 4,179(2) g/cm3; die gemessene Dichte beträgt 3,95(1) g/cm3. Das Supper-Pace automatische Diffraktometer wurde zur Sammlung von 1884 unabhängigen Reflexen benutzt, welche für Absorption korrigiert wurden. Die Struktur wurde mit Hilfe eines vollständig automatischen Programms für symbolische Addition bestimmt. Mit anisotropen Temperaturfaktoren für die Kationen und mit isotropen Temperaturfaktoren für die Sauerstoff-Atome wurde ein Residuum von 6,2% erreicht. Ketten von Eisen-Oktaedern erstrecken sich entlang [101]; Oktaeder-Paare mit gemeinsamen Kanten sind über Eckenverknüpfung verbunden. Die Fe–Fe-Abstände über die gemeinsamen Kanten betragen 3,05 und 3,20 Å, kurz genug, um zu magnetischer Wechselwirkung führen zu können. Nur ein H2O-Molekül ist nicht Teil einer Kette. Die Te4+-Ionen befinden sich in pseudotetraedrischer Koordination; drei Sauerstoff-Ionen bilden eine Fläche des Tetraeders, die vierte Ecke wird durch das einsame Elektronenpaar von Te besetzt. Der Mittelwert des O–Te–O-Bindungswinkels beträgt 95° Die Fe-Ketten werden durch Te–O-Bindungen dreidimensional verbunden.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
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