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The need for building human and institutional capacity has been identified in Agenda 21 of the UNCED conference as well as by a number of international environmental institutions as essential for integrated coastal management (ICM) and sustainable development in developing coastal states. There is a growing need for coastal management practitioners and organizations with expertise in planning and implementation for ICM. The application of strategies for institutional development and building human capacity in coastal management and other fields shows that short-term intensive training efforts and long-term institutional strengthening programs are appropriate to address the issues and needs of ICM. An overview of the experience of the URI/USAID International Coastal Resources Management Program in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Ecuador presents lessons learned for strengthening ICM efforts in developing countries.  相似文献   
Fluvial process and the establishment of bottomland trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of river regulation on bottomland tree communities in western North America have generated substantial concern because of the important habitat and aesthetic values of these communities. Consideration of such effects in water management decisions has been hampered by the apparent variability of responses of bottomland tree communities to flow alteration. When the relation between streamflow and tree establishment is placed in a geomorphic context, however, much of that variability is explained, and prediction of changes in the tree community is improved.The relation between streamflow and establishment of bottomland trees is conditioned by the dominant fluvial process or processes acting along a stream. For successful establishment, cottonwoods, poplars, and willows require bare, moist surfaces protected from disturbance. Channel narrowing, channel meandering, and flood deposition promote different spatial and temporal patterns of establishment. During channel narrowing, the site requirements are met on portions of the bed abandoned by the stream, and establishment is associated with a period of low flow lasting one to several years. During channel meandering, the requirements are met on point bars following moderate or higher peak flows. Following flood deposition, the requirements are met on flood deposits ;high above the channel bed. Flood deposition can occur along most streams, but where a channel is constrained by a narrow valley, this process may be the only mechanism that can produce a bare, moist surface high enough to be safe from future disturbance. Because of differences in local bedrock, tributary influence, or geologic history, two nearby reaches of the same stream may be dominated by different fluvial processes and have different spatial and temporal patterns of trees. We illustrate this phenomenon with examples from forests of plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. monilifera) along meandering and constrained reaches of the Missouri River in Montana.  相似文献   
Carbonate cementation in the surface layer of reefs and beachrock eliminates porosity and partially replaces detrital quartz grains. The uptake and release of CO2 by photosynthesis and respiration in reef communities cause a shift in the carbonate buffer system of seawater. Field studies and experimentation simulating the natural settings show minimum values of CO2 (1.9 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.4 meq 1?1) in association with maximum values of pH (9.8) and O2 (> 100% oxygen saturation) in waters covering corals and algae prior to sunset. The converse is true for these variables prior to sunrise, when minimum values of pH (7.6) and O2 (<66% oxygen saturation) occur with maximum values of CO2 (2.7 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.7 meq 1?1). Experimental tanks containing plain seawater showed almost no diurnal variability in pH (a constant 7.5–7.6) or O2 (80–90% oxygen saturation) measurements. Seawater adjacent to reef biomass, with elevated pH and supersaturated with calcium carbonate, is periodically pumped into the underlying reef and beach sediments due to pressure-buildups between the reef framework or algal zones and open waters. Carbonate precipitation and quartz dissolution follow. As the system equilibrates, pH values progressively decrease.  相似文献   
Deuterium and O18 analyses were made on 25 formation-water samples from Miocene (Temblor Formation) and Eocene (McAdams Formation) reservoir rocks at Kettleman North Dome oil field, California, and on three surface water samples from Reef Ridge located about three miles to the west of the field. The δO18 values obtained generally increase with depth and most probably are due to temperature controlled exchange reactions with carbonate cement and dissolved carbonate species. The δD values obtained seem to be controlled primarily by the membrane behavior of shales modifying the assumed original values. The contribution of isotopic exchange between water and clays cannot be evaluated at present.The isotopic data support the conclusions based on a detailed study of geology, hydrodynamics, and formation water geochemistry (Kharaka, 1971) which indicate that:1. The Temblor Formation waters are probably meteoric in origin concentrated chemically and isotopically by shale membranes, and 2. The McAdams Formation waters were most probably obtained by squeezing the original interstitial marine connate waters of deposition from the underlying Mesozoic sediments.  相似文献   
Obsidian hydration dating of volcanic events had been compared with ages of the same events determined by the 14C and KAr methods at several localities. The localities, ranging in age from 1200 to over 1 million yr, include Newberry Craters, Oregon; Coso Hot Springs, California; Salton Sea, California; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; and Mineral Range, Utah. In most cases the agreement is quite good. A number of factors including volcanic glass composition and exposuretemperature history must be known in order to relate hydration thickness to age. The effect of composition can be determined from chemical analysis or the refractive index of the glass. Exposure-temperature history requires a number of considerations enumerated in this paper.  相似文献   
Analytical techniques of improved sensitivity have revealed details of the concentrations and isotopic compositions of light elements for a comprehensive suite of samples from the Apollo 12 regolith. These samples show a wide spread in maturity, although maximum contents observed for solar wind elements are less than observed at other sites, possibly reflecting relative recency of craters at the Apollo 12 site. Isotopic composition of nitrogen is consistent with the idea that 15N/14N in the solar wind has increased with time, at least a major part of this increase having occurred in the past 3.1 Gyr. Sulfur isotope systematics support a model in which sulfur is both added to the regolith, by meteoritic influx and lost, by an isotopically selective process. Most soils from this site are heavily contaminated with terrestrial carbon.  相似文献   
The common belief currently shared by many geoscientists concerning the climatic interpretation of limestones is that a warm-water environment is essential. This concept is not necessarily true because the rate and extent of terrigenous sediment dilution, rather than water temperature, is the primary factor determining whether or not a limestone forms at nearshore or continental shelf depths. Because carbonate productivity is lowest in cold climates, however, CaCO3 abundance and the thickness of carbonate accumulations tend to be least at high latitudes. In this regard present-day continental shelves and beaches offer a poor model for comparing cold-water and warm-water carbonates because of the generally emergent continental tectonic framework, recent eustatic sea-level changes, and the presence of ice caps at the modern poles.Typically, the influence of climate on non-reef continental shelf and beach environments cannot be clearly distinguished by the presence or absence of major taxonomic groups. Faunal diversity and equitability are more sensitive in this regard. The absence of shelf-depth inorganic carbonate precipitates, micrite envelopes, and peloids may also point to the cold-water origin of a rock. Skeletal mineralogy and oxygen isotopes of certain unrecrystallized carbonates may be good paleoclimatic indicators; however, trace elements and physical-textural attributes of the carbonate fraction are probably temperature insensitive.Previous studies of high-latitude continental shelves have concentrated merely on the abundance of calcareous material and there is seemingly a disproportionate amount of information with respect to low-latitude carbonate studies. Further research on cold-water carbonates may open up new avenues for alternative paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   
Cognitive regions are regions in the mind, reflecting informal ways individuals and cultural groups organize their understanding of earth landscapes. Cognitive region boundaries are typically substantially vague and their membership functions are substantially variable – the transition from outside to inside the region is imprecise or vague, and different places within the region are not equally strong or clear as exemplars of the region. Methods for assessing and cartographically depicting cognitive regions, as with other vague geographic regions, have traditionally implied an inappropriate level of boundary sharpness and membership uniformity, such as when boundaries are mapped as precise lines. Research in recent decades has explored methods for assessing and depicting boundary vagueness and membership variability, either within or across individuals, but has still assumed homogeneity and regularity in the vagueness and variability. In this article, we present two studies that assess the cognitive regions of ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ California, and, for comparison, ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ Alberta. The first study uses a standard boundary-drawing task; the second uses a novel task in which participants rate cells of a high-resolution grid laid over an outline map. This technique allows us to assess and depict vagueness and nonuniformity that is heterogeneous and irregular across different areas. Differences in the conceptualization of ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ regions in California, as compared to those in Alberta, point to thematic influences on cognitive regions in California but not in Alberta. As is often true with cognitive regions, Northern and Southern California are about attitude, not just latitude.  相似文献   
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