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Korba aquifer is one of the most typical examples of overexploited coastal aquifer in the Mediterranean countries. In fact, from 1985, a considerable piezometric level drop, water salinization, and seawater intrusion were registered in the aquifer. In December 2008, Tunisian authorities initiated a general plan to groundwater management in order to augment groundwater resources, restore the piezometric levels, and improve water quality. The plan consists of artificial recharge of groundwater used treated wastewater through three infiltration basins. During the first 4 years (from December 2008 to December 2012), 1.41 Mm3 of treated wastewater was injected to the Korba aquifer. This study presents a hydrogeological assessment of groundwater evolution during the recharge processes. In this study, 32 piezometric and chemical surveys of 70 piezometers and observed wells are used to present hydrogeological investigation and water quality evolution of wastewater reuse through artificial recharge in Korba coastal aquifer. The piezometric evolution maps are used to specify the positive effect in groundwater level that exceeding 1.5 m in some regions. The interpretation of salinity evolution maps are used to indicate the improving of groundwater quality.  相似文献   
Teboursouk region, Northwestern Tunisia, is characterized by the diversity of its natural resources (petroleum, groundwater and minerals). It constitutes a particular site widely studied, especially from a tectonic stand point as it exhibits a complex architecture dominated by multi-scale synclinals and Triassic extrusions. It has typical karst landform that constitutes important water resources devoted for human consumption and agriculture activities, besides to the exploitation of the Mio-Plio-Quaternary aquifer (MPQ). Thus, hydrogeological investigations play a significant role in the assessment of groundwater mineralization and the evaluation of the used water quality for different purposes. Hence, the current study based on a combined geochemical–statistical investigation of 50 groundwater samples from the multilayered aquifer system in the study area give crucial information about the principal factors and processes influencing groundwater chemistry. The chemical analysis of the water samples showed that Teboursouk groundwater is dominantly of Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 water type with little contribution of Ca–Mg–HCO3, Na–K–Cl–SO4 and Na–K–HCO3. The total dissolved solids (TDS) values range from 0.37 to 3.58 g/l. The highest values are located near the Triassic outcrops. Furthermore, the hydrogeochemistry of the studied system was linked with various processes such as carbonates weathering, evaporites dissolution of Triassic outcrops and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination). Additionally, the main processes controlling Teboursouk water system were examined by means of multivariate statistical analysis (PCA and HCA) applied in this study based on 10 physicochemical parameters (TDS, pH, SO4, HCO3, pCO2, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl and NO3). Two principal components were extracted from PCA accounting 61% of total variance and revealing that the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the region were acquired through carbonates and evaporite dissolution besides to nitrate contamination. Similarly, according to Cluster analysis using Ward’s method and squared Euclidean distance, groundwater from the studied basin belongs to five different groups suggesting that the geochemical evolution of Teboursouk groundwater is controlled by dissolution of carbonates minerals, chemical weathering of Triassic evaporite outcrops, cation exchange and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination).  相似文献   
Arabian Journal of Geosciences - The present work is concerned with the valorization of clay minerals of the Aleg formation (Coniacian-middle Campanian) in the clinker manufacturing. The studied...  相似文献   
Most of hydrocarbon accumulations within the Gulf of Hammamet foreland basins in eastern Tunisia are reservoired within the Upper Miocene Birsa and Saouaf sandstones. It is the case of Birsa, Tazarka, Oudna, Baraka, Maamoura, Cosmos and Yasmine fields. These sandstones constitute oil and gas fields located on folded and faulted horst anticline highs and described as varying from shoreface to shallow marine and typically exhibit excellent reservoir quality of 30 to 35% porosity and good permeability from 500 to 1100 md. In addition, the fracturing of faults enhanced their reservoir quality potential. However, due to the lack of seismic stratigraphic studies to highlight depositional environment reservoir characterization and distribution, petroleum exploration faces structural and stratigraphic trap types and remains on targeting only high fold closures with limited reserve volumes of hydrocarbons. As an example of the Birsa concession case, syn-sedimentary tectonic structuring and geodynamic evolution during Middle to Upper Miocene Birsa reservoir sequences have guided the distribution of depositional environment of sandstone channel systems around horst and grabens by E-W, NE-SW and N-S strike slip flower faults controlling the subsidence distribution combined with the eustatic sea level variations. Seismic sequence stratigraphy study of Miocene Birsa reservoir horizons, based on the analysis and interpretations of E-W and N-S 3D selected regional lines that were compared and correlated to outcrops and calibrated by well data, permitted to highlight the basin configuration and sequence deposit nature and distribution. Sedimentary infilling of the basin from Langhian Ain Ghrab carbonate to Serravallian Tortonian Birsa and Saouaf sandstone and shale formations is organized in four third-order seismic sequences, limited by regional erosional toplap, onlap and downlap unconformity surfaces and by remarkable chronostratigraphic horizons of forced and normal erosive lowstand and highstand system tracts separated by transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces. Reconstructed sedimentary paleo-environment distribution vary from deltaic fluvial proximal deposits in the northern part of the high central Birsa horst to a delta front and prodelta coastal and shelf shore face and shore line channelized deposits in the surrounding borders of grabens. Distal deposits seem to be distributed from upper to lower slope fans and probably to the basin floor on the flanks of the subsiding grabens. Synthetic predictive paleogeographic depositional reservoir fairway map distribution of Lower, Middle and Upper Birsa sandstone reservoirs highlights four main domains of channelized superposed and shifted reservoirs to explore.  相似文献   
Located in the southeast of Tunisia, on the Mediterranean Sea, Jerba Island has a semiarid climate condition. The surface water scarcity has made groundwater the main source to supply the domestic, touristic, and agricultural water demand. Unconfined aquifer is a vulnerable costal aquifer system that undergoes several phenomena. This work aims at assessing the geochemical and bacteriological groundwater quality, defining groundwater pollution sources and promoting sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resources in Jerba Island. Data were collected after the wet season in 2014 from 79 wells. Electric conductivity, pH, TDS, and major and fecal tracers (total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella) were analyzed. Geochemical modeling including the relationships between geochemical tracers Na+ vs. Cl?, Ca2+ vs. Cl?, K+ vs. Cl?, representative ionic ratios (Br?/Cl?, Na+/Cl?, Mg2+/Ca2+), and statistical analysis were used to specify major process contributing to groundwater pollution and main factors controlling groundwater mineralization in the island. Groundwater varieties were hydrochemically classified into three types in terms of salinity values: group 1 (8.86%) to fresh water, group 2 (27.84%) to brackish water, and group 3 (63.29%) belongs to saline water. In addition, groundwater quality revealed high concentrations in chemical pollution tracers (Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, and NO3 ?) and fecal tracers. Besides, most of the sampled wells were contaminated with nitrate (50.63%). Also, thermotolerant coliforms and E. coli were detected in all groundwater samples (96.2% of wells). Results indicated that the Jerba shallow aquifer was under serious threat from both natural and anthropogenic contamination. However, the wild discharge of domestic effluents, septic tanks, and sewage were the main origins of underground water contamination in Jerba Island. The reduction of fecal sources, through constructing normalized latrines is thus recommended.  相似文献   

The Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul multilayer aquifer system is composed of Mio-Plio-Quaternary and Oligocene groundwater exploited in Sidi Bouzid and Kairouan governorates. Annual withdrawal volumes from El Behira Oligocene groundwater were about 0.37 hm3 in 2005 and 0.36 hm3 in 2008. The present study of the Oligocene reservoir in the Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul basin is based on various data including 2D seismic sections, petroleum wells, field geological cross-sections and geochemical analysis. The gathered data allowed us to establish the tectonic framework and to define its influence on the structure of the aquifers seated in the deep Oligocene sandstone reservoirs. Three Oligocene sub-basin aquifers are defined showing different depth, thickness and petrophysical characteristics: lower salinity (<1.5 g/L) and higher porosity (30%). Two field sections in the northern and in the southern parts of Cherahil anticline exhibit the presence of four to five sandstone levels. The anticlines limit the Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul basin. In addition, the morphostructural configuration controls the piezometry of underground flows in the Oligocene and Mio-Plio-Quaternary unconfined aquifers.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M. Besbes  相似文献   
Much attention has recently been devoted to the fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in the water cycle. Removal of antibiotics in effluents by photo‐treatment or biodegradation is a topic currently under discussion. Degradation and removal efficiencies of sulfisomidine (SUI) by photodegradation and aerobic biodegradability were studied. SUI behavior was monitored during photolysis and photocatalysis (catalyst titanium dioxide) using 150‐W medium‐pressure Hg lamp. Also an aerobic bacterial degradation test from the OECD series (closed bottle test (CBT, OECD 301 D)) was performed. The primary elimination of SUI was monitored. Structures of photo‐degradation products were assessed by chromatographic separation on a C18 column with ultraviolet detection at 270 nm and ion trap MS. The results demonstrate that SUI is not readily biodegradable in CBT. Photo catalysis was more is effective than photolysis. SUI underwent photodegradation and several SUI photoproducts were identified. Accordingly, the photodegradation pathway of SUI was postulated. When reaching the aquatic environment, SUI and its photo products can constitute a risk to the environment.  相似文献   
The Tuareg Shield, located between the Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic Saharan metacraton and the West African craton, is composed of 23 recognized terranes that welded together during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny (750–520 Ma). Final convergence occurred mainly during the 620–580 Ma period with the emplacement of high-K calc-alkaline batholiths, but continued until 520 Ma with the emplacement of alkali-calcic and alkaline high-level complexes. The last plutons emplaced in central Hoggar at 539–523 Ma are known as the “Taourirt” province. This expression is redefined and three geographical groups are identified: the Silet-, Laouni- and Tamanrasset-Taourirts. The Silet-Taourirts are cross-cutting Pan-African island arc assemblages while the two others intrude the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic LATEA metacraton. The Taourirts are high-level subcircular often nested alkali-calcic, sometimes alkaline, complexes. They are aligned along mega-shear zones often delimiting terranes. Mainly granitic, they comprise highly differentiated varieties such as alaskite (Silet-Taourirts) and topaz–albite leucogranite (Tamanrasset-Taourirts). Different subgroups were defined on the basis of REE patterns and major and other trace elements. The Taourirt province displays a wide transition from dominant alkali-calcic to minor alkaline granite varieties. Sr isotopes indicate that these complexes were affected by fluid circulation during the Ordovician along shear zones probably contemporaneous to the beginning of the Tassilis sandstone deposition. Nd isotope systematic indicates a major interaction with the upper crust during the emplacement of highly differentiated melts, particularly in samples showing seagull wing-shaped REE patterns. On the other hand, all Taourirt plutons are strongly contaminated by the lower crust: Nd vary from −2 to −8 and TDM from 1200 to 1700 Ma. This implies the presence of an old crust at depth, also below the Silet-Taourirts, which are emplaced within Pan-African island arc assemblages. A model is proposed for the genesis of the Taourirt province where reworking of the mega-shear zones, which dissected the LATEA metacraton, provoked a linear delamination of the lithospheric mantle, asthenosphere uprise and partial melting of the lower crust (or strong interaction with), giving rise to a mixed source.  相似文献   
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