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The northeastern Tibetan Plateau began to grow during the Eocene and it is important to understand the climatic history of Asia during this period of so-called ‘doubthouse' conditions. However, despite major advances in the last few decades,the evolutionary history and possible mechanisms of Eocene climate change in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau remain unclear.The Xining Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau contains a continuous sequence of Early to Late Eocene non-marine sediments which provides the opportunity to resolve long-term climate changes during this period. In this study, we report the results of analyses of lithofacies, sediment color and geochemistry of bulk samples collected from the Xijigou section of the Xining Basin. An abrupt lithofacies change between the Early(~52–40 Ma) and Late Eocene(~40–34 Ma) indicates a change in the depositional environment from a shallow lake to a playa lake in response to a significant climatic shift. During ~52–40 Ma,higher values of sediment redness(a*), redness/lightness(a*/L*) and higher modified Chemical Index of Weathering(CIW′)indicate a relatively warm and humid climate, while from ~40–34 Ma the lower values of a*, a*/L*and lower CIW′ imply subhumid to semi-arid climatic conditions. The paleoclimatic records indicate a long-term(~52–34 Ma) trend of decreasing chemical weathering, consistent with global climate change. An abrupt sharp excursion of the proxy records during ~42–40 Ma suggests a relatively brief warm interval, corresponding to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum(MECO). We suggest that global cooling substantially reduced humidity in inner Asia, resulting in sub-humid to semi-arid climatic conditions after 40 Ma in the Xining Basin, which may have been responsible for the long-term trend of decreasing chemical weathering during the Eocene.  相似文献   
In this paper a family of two-component non-isothermal hydrostatic models are elaborated in order to simulate clusters of galaxies in which a dark background exists. The influence of an invisible component on the dynamical analysis is examined. We show that the mass-to-light ratio MLR is not linearly related to the actual amount of the unseen mass, leading to the conclusion that the MLR is not a reliable indicator of the amount of dark matter in clusters of galaxies. The determination of the mass depends strongly on the relative concentration of both the luminous and the dark component. This is the so-called Limber effect which is quantified on the ground of our two-component hydrostatic models. The asymptotic behaviour of the density profile of both components is investigated. We found that they allow useful information to be obtained on the distribution of the unseen component and on its thermodynamical state. We also show that intra-cluster medium (ICM) can not mimic the dark matter and consequently one has to invoke the dark matter to explain the high MLRs in galaxy clusters.  相似文献   
Flood is the most common disaster in the world and has acute or chronic health consequences including psychological sequels. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the main consequences. This study aimed to explore the psychological impacts (PTSD) in two flooded cities of Mazandaran Province, Neka and Behshahr, in the southeastern Caspian region that experienced flooding in 2012. A cross-sectional community-based study was performed on randomly selected samples of 400 individuals using GIS-based sampling from 139931 residents of the two flooded cities. The PTSS-10 questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that the overall stress disorder mean score among the participants was 2.59 out of 6. PTSD prevalence in the affected population was 64%. It was also found that stress scores significantly increased in younger people, male gender, the divorced, the widows or the widowers, and those who lost their properties (p < 0.05). Study findings showed that flood is a considerable stressor which develops PTSD. This finding should be taken into account in all four phases of disaster management cycle, and subsequently, specialized post-disaster mental health services must be provided for the afflicted population.  相似文献   
In the design process of berm breakwaters, their front slope recession has an inevitable rule in large number of model tests, and this parameter being studied. This research draws its data from Moghim’s and Shekari’s experiment results. These experiments consist of two different 2D model tests in two wave flumes, in which the berm recession to different sea state and structural parameters have been studied. Irregular waves with a JONSWAP spectrum were used in both test series. A total of 412 test results were used to cover the impact of sea state conditions such as wave height, wave period, storm duration and water depth at the toe of the structure, and structural parameters such as berm elevation from still water level, berm width and stone diameter on berm recession parameters. In this paper, a new set of equations for berm recession is derived using the M5'' model tree as a machine learning approach. A comparison is made between the estimations by the new formula and the formulae recently given by other researchers to show the preference of new M5'' approach.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The presence of the Bashkirian–Moscovian (lower Pennsylvanian) sequence with mixed siliciclastics and fossil-rich carbonates has long been known from...  相似文献   
On December 12th, 1999, the oil tanker Erika sank off the southern coast of Brittany (France), releasing 20000-30000tons of heavy oil in the open sea. Among the affected coastal habitats were important nurseries for numerous flatfish species and particularly for the common sole, Solea solea. To investigate the potential impact of the spill on this economically significant resource, we employed Fry's concept of metabolic scope for activity to assess the deleterious effect of fuel exposure on the functional integrity of juvenile sole. Fish were captured from uncontaminated areas and experimentally exposed to contamination conditions mimicking those encountered during the weeks that followed the Erika spill. Using respirometry techniques we measured basal and active metabolic rates, and calculated aerobic metabolic scope, in control and fuel-exposed sole. We then compared the ability of control and fuel-exposed sole to face an episode of reduced oxygen availability. We found that whereas basal metabolic rate was not altered in fuel-exposed fish, active metabolic rate (-27%), and therefore aerobic metabolic scope, were impacted. These changes in metabolic scope were viewed as indicating changes in fishes' ability to face environmental contingencies. Finally the ability of sole to face an episode of reduced oxygen availability was found to be significantly altered following fuel exposure as indicated by a 65% increase in the critical oxygen level. It is concluded that fuel-exposed sole are functionally impaired and less able to face environmental challenges. The link between these results and the recently reported fall in the abundance of the year class that suffered the Erika oil spill is discussed.  相似文献   
Three statistical models—frequency ratio (FR), weights-of-evidence (WofE) and logistic regression (LR)—produced groundwater-spring potential maps for the Birjand Township, southern Khorasan Province, Iran. In total, 304 springs were identified in a field survey and mapped in a geographic information system (GIS), out of which 212 spring locations were randomly selected to be modeled and the remaining 92 were used for the model evaluation. The effective factors—slope angle, slope aspect, elevation, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index (SPI), slope length (LS), plan curvature, lithology, land use, and distance to river, road, fault—were derived from the spatial database. Using these effective factors, groundwater spring potential was calculated using the three models, and the results were plotted in ArcGIS. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were drawn for spring potential maps and the area under the curve (AUC) was computed. The final results indicated that the FR model (AUC?=?79.38 %) performed better than the WofE (AUC?=?75.69 %) and LR (AUC?=?63.71 %) models. Sensitivity and factor analyses concluded that the bivariate statistical index model (i.e. FR) can be used as a simple tool in the assessment of groundwater spring potential when a sufficient number of data are obtained.  相似文献   
The contribution of soil organic matter (SOM) to continental margins is largely ignored in studies on the carbon budget of marine sediments. Detailed geochemical investigations of late Quaternary sediments (245-0 ka) from the Niger and Congo deep-sea fans, however, reveal that Corg/Ntot ratios and isotopic signatures of bulk organic matter (δ13Corg) in both fans are essentially determined by the supply of various types of SOM from the river catchments thus providing a fundamentally different interpretation of established proxies in marine sciences. On the Niger fan, increased Corg/Ntot and δ13Corg (up to −17‰) were driven by generally nitrogen-poor but 13C-enriched terrigenous plant debris and SOM from C4/C3 vegetation/Entisol domains (grass- and tree-savannah on young, sandy soils) supplied during arid climate conditions. Opposite, humid climates supported drainage of C3/C4 vegetation/Alfisol/Ultisol domains (forest and tree-savannah on older/developed, clay-bearing soils) that resulted in lower Corg/Ntot and δ13Corg (< −20‰) in the Niger fan record. Sediments from the Congo fan contain a thermally stable organic fraction that is absent on the Niger fan. This distinct organic fraction relates to strongly degraded SOM of old and highly developed, kaolinite-rich ferallitic soils (Oxisols) that cover large areas of the Congo River basin. Reduced supply of this nitrogen-rich and 12C-depleted SOM during arid climates is compensated by an elevated input of marine OM from the high-productive Congo up-welling area. This climate-driven interplay of marine productivity and fluvial SOM supply explains the significantly smaller variability and generally lower values of Corg/Ntot and δ13Corg for the Congo fan records. This study emphasizes that ignoring the presence of SOM results in a severe underestimation of the terrigenous organic fraction leading to erroneous paleoenvironmental interpretations at least for continental margin records. Furthermore, burial of SOM in marine sediments needs more systematic investigation combining marine and continental sciences to assess its global relevance for long-term sequestration of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
To find turbulent flow structure inside meandering channels, three physical models of river meanders representing strongly curved bend, mild bend and elongated symmetrical meander loop were tested in this paper. Instantaneous velocity data in three dimensions were measured using Micro-ADV at different cross sections of these models. Depth averaged velocity vectors, streamwise velocity, secondary currents, turbulent and mean flow kinetic energy were investigated with respect to the sediment deposition pattern. In order to gain more regarding the force acting the sediment particles, three dimensional velocity fluctuations were analyzed in detailed inside the elongated symmetrical meander loop. Occurrence frequency, transition probability and angle of attack for different events were also computed for the points close to the bed. Of the present results, the importance of sweeps and ejections on sediment deposition can be detected. Further, distribution of bursting events is presented through the water column and compared the results with the previous works. Importantly, occurrence of fluctuating velocities in three dimensions at different locations inside the river meanders in addition to the effect of mean flow and turbulent components is responsible for sediment transport. Streamwise velocity distribution through the depth is also compared with some previous mathematical models. Researchers seeking the better control over the river morphology can apply this method without sacrificing much time and cost. This study is also included some insights to be pursued by future works.  相似文献   
Geostatistical simulations have been recently widely used in the geological and mining investigations. Variogram, the fundamental tools of geostatistics, can identify the spatial distribution of the regionalized variable within the area. One of the important issues of geostatistical simulation in seismotectonics is producing uncertainty maps, which could be applicable to predict earthquake parameters through the site locations especially for civil structures like bridges. It can help engineers to design the structure of interest better. Earthquake parameters as for example seismic fault and surface wave magnitude (Ms) have significant impact on the feasibility study of the civil structures. In this research, a method is presented to produce uncertainty maps for seismic fault and surface wave magnitude, Ms. For this aim, information related to surface wave magnitude and fault trace in Zagros region (SW of Iran) has been collected. Then, the relationships between them through the site location have been investigated and analyzed by conditional geostatistical simulation. In order to quantify the uncertainty of each parameter, the uncertainty formula after generating the E-type maps has been provided and discussed. Finally, in “Talgah Bridge” site, these uncertainty maps were produced to interpret the impact of the surface wave magnitude and fault trace in this specific civil structure.  相似文献   
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