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The formation of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt has been widely assigned to a northward subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic slab during the late Mesozoic–Cenozoic. Here we provide an alternate model based on new geological, geochemical and isotopic data. The magmatic activity in the far south of the belt started in the early Campanian with shoshonitic trachyandesites and associated pyroclastics. This sequence is covered by the late Campanian–early Maastrichtian reefal limestones and another stage of high-K volcanism represented by analcimized leucite-rich ultrapotassic rocks of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene (?) ages. The shoshonitic and ultrapotassic rocks, with K2O contents ranging from 0.26 to 6.95 wt.%, display broadly similar rare earth and multi-element distribution patterns. Both rock types are enriched in LILE and LREE and depleted in HFSE (Nb, Ta and Ti), suggesting a subduction-enriched mantle source for the magma generation. Subsequently, during the late Paleocene, a stage of acidic magmatism (SiO2 of 53.25–73.61 wt.%) that shows adakitic geochemical characteristics including high Sr/Y (46–416) and La/Yb (11–51) and low Y (2.6–12.2 ppm), is documented characterized by melting of a mafic source such as the MORB crust with garnet in the residue. The adakitic magmatism began at ~ 56 Ma and migrated toward the north through time, culminating with porphyritic andesites (~ 47 Ma) that were emplaced in the Gumushane–Bayburt line and its vicinity. North of this line, coeval magmas show typical calc-alkaline nature and continued to develop toward further north until the middle to late Eocene. Based on the spatial and temporal variations in the magmas generated in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt, we propose a new geodynamic model to explain the tectonomagmatic evolution of these rocks and correlate the adakitic magmatism to ridge subduction and slab window process within a south-dipping subduction zone. Our model is in contrast to the previous proposals which envisage partial melting or delamination of thickened lower continental crust due to the collision in the south during the Paleocene–Eocene.  相似文献   
Spectroscopic studies of Mars analog materials combining multiple spectral ranges and techniques are necessary in order to obtain ground truth information for interpretation of rocks and soils on Mars. Two hydrothermal rocks from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, were characterized here because they contain minerals requiring water for formation and they provide a possible niche for some of the earliest organisms on Earth. If related rocks formed in hydrothermal sites on Mars, identification of these would be important for understanding the geology of the planet and potential habitability for life. XRD, thermal properties, VNIR, mid-IR, and Raman spectroscopy were employed to identify the mineralogy of the samples in this study. The rocks studied here include a travertine from Mammoth Formation that contains primarily calcite with some aragonite and gypsum and a siliceous sinter from Octopus Spring that contains a variety of poorly crystalline to amorphous silicate minerals. Calcite was detected readily in the travertine rock using any one of the techniques studied. The small amount of gypsum was uniquely identified using XRD, VNIR, and mid-IR, while the aragonite was uniquely identified using XRD and Raman. The siliceous sinter sample was more difficult to characterize using each of these techniques and a combination of all techniques was more useful than any single technique. Although XRD is the historical standard for mineral identification, it presents some challenges for remote investigations. Thermal properties are most useful for minerals with discrete thermal transitions. Raman spectroscopy is most effective for detecting polarized species such as CO3, OH, and CH, and exhibits sharp bands for most highly crystalline minerals when abundant. Mid-IR spectroscopy is most useful in characterizing Si-O (and metal-O) bonds and also has the advantage that remote information about sample texture (e.g., particle size) can be determined. Mid-IR spectroscopy is also sensitive to structural OH, CO3, and SO4 bonds when abundant. VNIR spectroscopy is best for characterizing metal excitational bands and water, and is also a good technique for identification of structural OH, CO3, SO4, or CH bonds. Combining multiple techniques provides the most comprehensive information about mineralogy because of the different selection rules and particle size sensitivities, in addition to maximum coverage of excitational and vibrational bands at all wavelengths. This study of hydrothermal rocks from Yellowstone provides insights on how to combine information from multiple instruments to identify mineralogy and hence evidence of water on Mars.  相似文献   
Mössbauer spectra of a synthetic, pure almandine (Alm100) and a natural almandine-rich garnet (Alm86) were taken at temperatures between 295 and 4.2 K. Different widths and depths of the lines observed in the paramagnetic state require the spectra to be fitted with at least two components of slightly different quadrupole splittings and isomer shifts. Alm100 shows a gradual onset of magnetic order between 10.4 and 9.0 K, with about 50 percent of the sample magnetically ordered at 9.6 K. At 4.2 K both samples have complex spectra that can be fitted by two eight-line magnetic hyperfine patterns of equal intensities. These result from the existence of two different polar angles between the z-axis of the electric field gradient and the direction of the magnetic hyperfine field, or from two distinctly different electric field gradients. The former interpretation, in which the two angles are attributed to a modulated, non-collinear spin arrangement, is considered more likely. Both magnetic components have practically identical quadrupole splittings, 1/2eQV zz (1+η2/3)1/2, that average ?3.70 mm·s?1, and a small asymmetry parameter of η=0.07. Alm100 has a magnetic hyperfine field of 25.7 T at 4.2 K, whereas Alm86 has a hyperfine field of only 23.3 T; the other features of the spectra of both samples are similar.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the main uranium ore mineral, pitchblende (uranium dioxide), is a natural analog of synthetic uraninite (also uranium dioxide), which constitutes 96% of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Geochronological studies of the U‐Pb isotope systems in unaltered pitchblende from the orebodies reveal that these systems remained completely closed over the entire period (approximately 135 Ma) since the formation of the deposits. The bulk of the primary uranium ores within the Streltsovskoye ore field was influenced to various degrees by post‐ore hydrothermal solutions that led to pitchblende spherulites being replaced by pseudomorphs of an amorphous phase with a U‐Si composition; this phase also re‐precipitated in veinlets proximal to the pitchblende pseudomorphs. A technique specially developed by the authors was used to carry out quantitative counts of the abundance of uranium minerals by calculating the uranium mass balance in one of the orebodies subjected to hydrothermal alteration. The calculations reveal minimal uranium loss from the orebody. Uranium liberated in the process of the pseudomorphic replacement of pitchblende was immediately fixed, in situ, in the newly formed coffinite‐like amorphous U‐Si phase as a result of the development of an efficient geochemical barrier that prevented the long‐distance migration of uranium. In assessing the long‐term safety of underground SNF repositories, the results of the present study give us confidence that SNF uraninite, in terms of the preservation of its integrity as a mineral phase, provides for the reliable long‐term isolation of uranium, transuranium elements, and fission products that are “sealed” in the uraninite matrix. In the case of the mineral transformation of the uraninite matrix by hydrothermal solutions, the liberated uranium would be efficiently immobilized by the newly formed amorphous U‐Si phase.  相似文献   
The eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a window into continental arc magmatism in the Alpine-Himalayan belt.The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of this belt remains controversial.Here we focus on the nature of the transition from the adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in the Kale area of Gumushane region in NE Turkey where this transition is best preserved.The adakitic lithologies comprise porphyries and hyaloclastites.The porphyries are represented by biotite-rich andesites,hornblende-rich andesite and dacite.The hayaloclastites represent the final stage of adakitic activity and they were generated by eruption/intrusion of adakitic andesitic magma into soft carbonate mud.The non-adakitic lithologies include basaltic-andesitic volcanic and associated pyroclastic rocks. Both rock groups are cutting by basaltic dikes representing the final stage of the Cenozoic magmatism in the study area.We report zircon U-Pb ages of 48.71±0.74 Ma for the adakitic rocks,and 44.68±0.84 Ma for the non-adakitic type,suggesting that there is no significant time gap during the transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism.We evaluate the origin,magma processes and tectonic setting of the magmatism in the southern part of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.Our results have important bearing on the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
The Arzular mineralization is one of the best examples of epithermal gold deposits in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.The mineralization is hosted by the subduction-related basaltic andesites and is mainly controlled by E-W and NE-SW trending fracture zones.The main ore minerals are galena, sphalerite,pyrite.chalcopyrite.tetrahedrite and gold.Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are between 130 and 295℃ for quartz and between 90 and 133℃ for sphalerite.Sulphur isotope values obtained from pyrite,galena and sphalerite vary between 1.2‰ and 3‰.indicating that sulphur belongs to magmatic origin and was derived from the Lutetian non-adakitic granitic intrusions in the region.Oxygen isotope values are between 15.0‰ and 16.7‰ and hydrogen isotope values are between -87‰ and -91‰ The sulphur isotope thermometer yielded temperatures in the range of 244-291℃ for the ore formation.Our results support the hypothesis that the Arzular mineralization is a low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit associated with non-adakitic subduction- related granitic magmas that were generated by slab window-related processes in a south-dipping subduction zone during the Lutetian.  相似文献   
The debate about whether Eocene magmatism is considered to be post-collisional or subduction-related or not still continues. Here we offer new 40Ar-39Ar ad U-Pb zircon geochronology, mineral chemistry, bulk rock and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry data obtained from the southern dike (SD) suite, in comparison with the northern dike (ND) suite, from the Eastern Pontides. The geochronological data indicate that the SD suite erupted between 45.89 and 45.10 Ma corresponding to the Lutetian (Middle Eocene). The magmas of the ND suite are characterised by slightly more alkaline affinity compared to the SD suite. The trace and rare earth element (REEs) content of the SD suite is characterised by large ion lithophile element (LILEs; Sr, K2O, Ba, Rb) enrichment and depletion of Nb, Ta, and TiO2 elements to different degree with high Th/Yb ratios, which indicate that the magmas forming the SD and ND suites were derived from lithospheric mantle sources enriched by mostly slab-derived fluids in the spinel stability field. The Sr, Nd and Pb radiogenic isotope ratios of the dikes support the view that the magma for the hydrous group (H-SD) was derived from a relatively more enriched mantle source than the other SD and ND suites. The ND suite and the anhydrous group (A-SD) display similar geochemical features characterised by moderate light earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios, while the H-SD group has respectively lower LREE/HREE ratios indicating higher melting degree. Detailed considerations of the alkalinity, enrichment and partial melting degree for the source of the studied volcanic rocks indicate that the magmas of the northern dike suite are characterised by slightly more alkaline affinity, whereas the magmas throughout the southern dike suite show increments in the enrichment rate and melting degree. In light of the obtained data and comparative interpretations, the geodynamic evolution and differences in petrogenetic character of the Lutetian magmas from both the northern and southern parts of the Eastern Pontides may be explained by different degrees of melting of a net veined mantle source initially metasomatized by mostly subduction fluids during asthenospheric upwelling due to fragmented asymmetric delamination in a post-collisional extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   
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