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This paper proposed a simple method and rapid to carry out for organizing city phytostructure. Carbon dioxide sequestration was addressed and referred to population number instead of city area. The unit storage of carbon dioxide, which was nothing less than greenspace area, was determined using equivalent method of determining unit storage of water. For various population number (P) of city area in Indonesia, the greenspace unit (GU) was 29P?0.3 ? 3.2, and the greenspace area (GA) was 29P07–3.2P. Greenspace distribution was preferably on wetlands, river lines, top ground level, and north south direction.  相似文献   
CA-FCM方案与其它几种人工增雨评估方案的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对河南省12次飞机增雨作业,分别采用作业区域趋势对比双比分析评估方案、区域趋势相关回归分析方案、区域趋势协变量多元回归分析方案、浮动对比区历史回归分析方案(FCM)、以降水量为协变量的CA-FCM(Cluster-Analysis-based Floating Contro historical regression Method)方案和以降水量和整层大气可降水量为协变量的CA-FCM方案进行效果评估,均得到大于15%的相对增雨量.对结果比较分析表明:协变量由降水量和整层大气降水量两个组成的CA-FCM方案,由于采用了聚类分析提高了对比区和影响区相关系数和引入了整层大气可降水量作为协变量提高了作业区自然降水量估计值的准确性,从而比其它评估方案效果更好.  相似文献   
?????????????????????InSAR???????????????????α??????????????????λ???????λ??????????????????????????????GPS??InSAR??????????????λ????????????????????????м????????????????????????????????????????????  相似文献   
The surface morphology of a rock joint is closely related to its mechanical properties. To reasonably characterize a rock surface, two new roughness parameters were proposed in this paper. One is related to the average slope angle of asperities that contribute to the shear strength, and the other reflects the frictional behavior of asperities that is defined as the maximum possible contact area in the shear direction. Taking the standard joint roughness coefficient profiles as example, these two roughness parameters can be applied to describe the directional characteristics of shear strength. Based on their relationships with initial dilation angles, the proposed roughness parameters were incorporated into a peak shear strength criterion. It is shown that the predicted peak shear strength is consistent with experimental data, and there is a power–law relationship. The application range of new roughness parameters was determined, which may facilitate a measurement process.  相似文献   
Human mobility patterns can provide valuable information in understanding the impact of human behavioral regularities in urban systems, usually with a specific focus on traffic prediction, public health or urban planning. While existing studies on human movement have placed huge emphasis on spatial location to predict where people go next, the time dimension component is usually being treated with oversimplification or even being neglected. Time dimension is crucial to understanding and detecting human activity changes, which play a negative role in prediction and thus may affect the predictive accuracy. This study aims to predict human movement from a spatio-temporal perspective by taking into account the impact of activity changes. We analyze and define changes of human activity and propose an algorithm to detect such changes, based on which a Markov chain model is used to predict human movement. The Microsoft GeoLife dataset is used to test our methodology, and the data of two selected users is used to evaluate the performance of the prediction. We compare the predictive accuracy (R2) derived from the data with and without implementing the activity change detection. The results show that the R2 is improved from 0.295 to 0.762 for the user with obvious activity changes and from 0.965 to 0.971 for the user without obvious activity changes. The method proposed by this study improves the accuracy in analyzing and predicting human movement and lays the foundation for related urban studies.  相似文献   
Various types of satellite (AIRS/AMSU, MODIS) and ground measurements are used to analyze temperature trends in the four vertical layers (skin/surface, mid-troposphere, and low stratosphere) around the Korean Peninsula (123–132°E, 33–44°N) during the period from September 2002 to August 2010. The ground-based observations include 72 Surface Meteorological Stations (SMSs), 6 radiosonde stations (RAOBs), 457 Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) over the land, and 5 buoy stations over the ocean. A strong warming (0.052 K yr?1) at the surface, and a weak warming (0.004~0.010 K yr?1) in the mid-troposphere and low stratosphere have been found from satellite data, leading to an unstable atmospheric layer. The AIRS/AMSU warming trend over the ocean surface around the Korean Peninsula is about 2.5 times greater than that over the land surface. The ground measurements from both SMS and AWS over the land surface of South Korea also show a warming of 0.043~0.082 K yr?1, consistent with the satellite observations. The correlation average (r = 0.80) between MODIS skin temperature and ground measurement is significant. The correlations between AMSU and RAOB are very high (0.91~0.95) in the anomaly time series, calculated from the spatial averages of monthly mean temperature values. However, the warming found in the AMSU data is stronger than that from the RAOB at the surface. The opposite feature is present above the mid-troposphere, indicating that there is a systematic difference. Warming phenomena (0.012~0.078 K yr?1) are observed from all three data sets (SMS, AWS, MODIS), which have been corroborated by the coincident measurements at five ground stations. However, it should also be noted that the observed trends are subject to large uncertainty as the corresponding 95% confidence intervals tend to be larger than the observed signals due to large thermal variability and the relatively short periods of the satellitebased temperature records. The EOF analysis of monthly mean temperature anomalies indicates that the tropospheric temperature variability near Korea is primarily linked to the Arctic Oscillation (AO), and secondarily to ENSO (El Niño and Southern Oscillation). However, the low stratospheric temperature variability is mainly associated with Southern Oscillation and then additionally with Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO). Uncertainties from the different spatial resolutions between satellite data are discussed in the trends.  相似文献   
The high-temperature and pressure experimental data of garnet, sillimantite and biotite-bearing potash feldspar gneiss (SGBG, natural block rock) has shown that metamorphic reactions between garnet and melt, and mineral assemblage evolutional features are not only controlled byP-T condition, but also genetically correlate with dehydration-melting of biotite and partial melting of felsic minerals. Combining experimental data with theoretical analyses, the genetic mechanism of metamorphic reaction and its dynamic significance have been demonstrated in the process of metamorphic evolution of khondalite series on the border of Jin (Shanxi Province)-Inner Mongolia. Project supported by the Youth Geologist Foundation of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China, the Post-docter Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49572138).  相似文献   
The present study investigated the phenol utilization kinetics of a pure culture of an indigenous Pseudomonas fluorescence under steady state and non-steady state (washout) conditions. Steady states of a continuous culture with an inhibitory substrate was used to estimate kinetic parameters under substrate limitation (chemo stat operation) Pure cultures of an indigenous Pseudomonas fluorescence were grown in continuous culture on phenol as the sole source of carbon and energy at dilution rates of 0.010 - 0.20/h. Using different dilution rates, several steady states were investigated and the specific phenol consumption rates were calculated. In addition, phenol degradation was investigated by increasing the dilution rate above the critical dilution rate (washout cultivation). The results showed that the specific phenol consumption rate increased with increased dilution rate at steady state and phenol degradation by Pseudomonas fluorescence can be described by simple substrate inhibition kinetics under substrate limitation but cannot be described by simple substrate inhibition kinetics under washout cultivation. Fitting of the steady state data from continuous cultivation to various inhibition models resulted in the best fit for Haldane, Yano and Koga (2), Aiba and Teissier kinetic inhibition models. The rsmax value of 0.229 mg/mg/h obtained from the inhibition model equations was comparable to the experimentally calculated rsmax value of 0.246 mg/mg/h obtained under washout cultivation. Therefore, the biokinetic constants evaluated using these models showed good tolerance and growth of the indigenous organism.  相似文献   
Felsic magmatism in the southern part of Himachal Higher Himalaya is constituted by Neoproterozoic granite gneiss (GGn), Early Palaeozoic granitoids (EPG) and Tertiary tourmaline-bearing leucogranite (TLg). Magnetic susceptibility values (<3 ×10?3 SI), molar Al2 O 3/(CaO + Na2 O + K 2O) (≥1.1), mineral assemblage (bt–ms–pl–kf–qtz ± tur ± ap), and the presence of normative corundum relate these granitoids to peraluminous S-type, ilmenite series (reduced type) granites formed in a syncollisional tectonic setting. Plagioclase from GGn (An10–An31) and EPG (An15–An33) represents oligoclase to andesine and TLg (An2–An15) represents albite to oligoclase, whereas compositional ranges of K-feldspar are more-or-less similar (Or88 to Or95 in GGn, Or86 to Or97 in EPG and Or87 to Or94 in TLg). Biotites in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.34–0.45), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.27–0.47), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.25–0.30) are ferribiotites enriched in siderophyllite, which stabilised between FMQ and HM buffers and are characterised by dominant 3Fe\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al, 3Mg\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al substitutions typical of peraluminous (S-type), reducing felsic melts. Muscovite in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.58–0.66), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.31?0.59), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.29–0.42) represent celadonite and paragonite solid solutions, and the tourmaline from EPG and TLg belongs to the schorl-elbaite series, which are characteristics of peraluminous, Li-poor, biotite-tourmaline granites. Geochemical features reveal that the GGn and EPG precursor melts were most likely derived from melting of biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources, whereas TLg melt appears to have formed from biotite-muscovite rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources. Major and trace elements modelling suggest that the GGn, EPG and TLg parental melts have experienced low degrees (~13, ~17 and ~13%, respectively) of kf–pl–bt fractionation, respectively, subsequent to partial melting. The GGn and EPG melts are the results of a pre-Himalayan, syn-collisional Pan-African felsic magmatic event, whereas the TLg is a magmatic product of Himalayan collision tectonics.  相似文献   
The Khut copper skarn deposit is located at about 50 km northwest of Taft City in Yazd province in the middle part of the Urumieh‐Dokhtar magmatic arc. Intrusion of granitoid of Oligocene–Miocene age into carbonate rocks of the Triassic Nayband Formation led to the formation of marble and a calcic skarn. The marble contains high grade Cu mineralization that occurs mainly as open space filling and replacement. Cu‐rich sulfide samples from the mineralized marble are also anomalous in Au, Zn, and Pb. In contrast, the calcic skarn is only weakly anomalous in Cu and W. The calcic skarn is divided into garnet skarn and garnet–pyroxene skarn zones. Paragenetic relationships and microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in garnet and calcite indicate that the compositional evolution of skarn minerals occurred in three main stages as follows. (i) The early prograde stage, which is characterized by Mg‐rich hedenbergite (Hd53.7Di42.3–Hd86.1Di9.5) with Al‐bearing andradite (69.8–99.5 mol% andradite). The temperature in the early prograde skarn varies from 400 to 500°C at 500 bar. (ii) The late prograde stage is manifested by almost pure andradite (96.2–98.4 mol% andradite). Based on the fluid inclusion data from garnet, fluid temperature and salinity in this stage is estimated to vary from 267 to 361°C and from 10.1 to 21.1 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively. Pyrrhotite precipitation started during this stage. (iii) The retrograde stage occurs in an exoskarn, which consists of an assemblage of ferro‐actinolite, quartz, calcite, epidote, chlorite, sphalerite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite that partially replaces earlier mineral assemblages under hydrostatic conditions during fracturing of the early skarn. Fluids in calcite yielded lower temperatures (T < 260°C) and fluid salinity declined to ~8 wt% NaCl equivalent. The last stage mineralization in the deposit is supergene weathering/alteration represented by the formation of iron hydroxide, Cu‐carbonate, clay minerals, and calcite. Sulfur isotope data of chalcopyrite (δ34S of +1.4 to +5.2‰) show an igneous sulfur source. Mineralogy and mineral compositions of the prograde assemblage of the Khut skarn are consistent with deposition under intermediately oxidized and slightly lower fS2 conditions at shallow crustal levels compared with those of other typical Fe‐bearing Cu–Au skarn systems.  相似文献   
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