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Increasing our understanding of the small scale variability of drop size distributions (DSD), and therefore of several bulk characteristics of rainfall processes, has major implications for our interpretation of the remote sensing based estimates of precipitation and its uncertainty. During the spring and summer of 2002 the authors conducted the DEVEX experiment (disdrometer evaluation experiment) to compare measurements of natural rain made with three different types of disdrometers collocated at the Iowa City Municipal Airport in Iowa City, Iowa in the Midwestern United States. This paper focuses on the evaluation of the instruments rather than analysis of the hydrometeorological aspects of the observed events. The comparison demonstrates discrepancies between instruments. The authors discuss the systematic and random effects in terms of rainfall quantities, drop size distribution properties, and the observed drop size vs. velocity relationships. Since the instruments were collocated, the effects of the natural variability of rain are reduced some with time integration, isolating the instrumental differences. The authors discuss the status of DSD measurement technologies and the implications for a range of hydrologic applications from remote sensing of rainfall to atmospheric deposition to soil erosion and sediment transport in the environment. The data set collected during the DEVEX experiment is made available to the research community.  相似文献   
In this study we investigate the effect of forcing the land surface scheme of an atmospheric mesoscale model with radar rainfall data instead of the model-generated rainfall fields. The goal is to provide improved surface conditions for the atmospheric model in order to achieve accurate simulations of the mesoscale circulations that can significantly affect the timing, distribution and intensity of convective precipitation. The performance of the approach is evaluated in a set of numerical experiments on the basis of a 2-day-long mesoscale convective system that occurred over the US Great Plains in July 2004. The experimental design includes multiple runs covering a variety of forcing periods. Continuous data integration was initially used to investigate the sensitivity of the model’s performance in varying soil state conditions, while shorter time windows prior to the storm event were utilized to assess the effectiveness of the procedure for improving convective precipitation forecasting. Results indicate that continuous integration of radar rainfall data brings the simulated precipitation fields closer to the observed ones, as compared to the control simulation. The precipitation forecasts (up to 48 h) appear improved also in the cases of shorter integration periods (24 and 36 h), making this technique potentially useful for operational settings of weather forecasting systems. A physical interpretation of the results is provided on the basis of surface moisture and energy exchange.  相似文献   
The Pagassitikos Gulf in Greece is a semi-enclosed bay with a maximum depth of 102 m. According to the present-day bathymetric configuration and the sea level during the latest Pleistocene, the gulf would have been isolated from the open sea, forming a palaeolake since ~32 cal. ka b.p. Sediment core B-4 was recovered from the deepest sector of the gulf and revealed evidence of a totally different depositional environment in the lowest part of the core: this contained light grey-coloured sediments, contrasting strongly with overlying olive grey muds. Multi-proxy analyses showed the predominance of carbonate minerals (aragonite, dolomite and calcite) and gypsum in the lowest part of the core. Carbonate mineral deposition can be attributed to autochthonous precipitation that took place in a saline palaeolake with high evaporation rates during the last glacial–early deglacial period; the lowest core sample to be AMS 14C dated provided an age of 19.53 cal. ka b.p. The palaeolake was presumably reconnected to the open sea at ~13.2 cal. ka b.p. during the last sea-level rise, marking the commencement of marine sedimentation characterised by the predominance of terrigenous aluminosilicates and fairly constant depositional conditions lasting up to the present day.  相似文献   
A series of submarine canyons on the southwest slope of Orphan Basin experienced complex failure at 7–8 cal ka that resulted in the formation of a large variety of mass-transport deposits (MTDs) and sediment gravity flows. Ultra-high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles and multiple sediment cores indicate that evacuation zones and sediment slides characterize the canyon walls, whereas the canyon floors and inner-banks are occupied by cohesive debris-flow deposits, which at the mouths of the canyons on the continental rise form large, coalescing lobes (up to 20 m thick and 50 km long). Erosional channels, extending throughout the length of the study area (<250 km), are observed on the top of the lobes. Piston cores show that the channels are partially filled by poorly sorted muddy sand and gravel, capped by inversely to normally graded gravel and sand. Such deposits are interpreted to originate from multi-phase gravity flows, consisting of a lower part behaving as a cohesionless debris flow and an upper part that was fully turbulent.The Holocene age and the widespread synchronous occurrence of these failures indicate a large magnitude earthquake as their possible triggering mechanism. The large debris-flow deposits on the continental rise originated from large failures on the upper continental slope, involving proglacial sediments. Retrogression of these failures led to the eventual failure of marginal sandy till deposits on the upper slope and outer shelf, which due to their low cohesion disintegrated into multi-phase gravity flows. The evacuation zones and slide deposits on the canyon walls were triggered either by the earthquake, or from erosion of the canyon walls by the debris flows. The slides, debris-flows, and multi-phase gravity flows observed in this study are petrographically different, indicating different sediment sources. This indicates that not all failures lead through flow transformation to the production of a multi-phase gravity flow, but only when the sediment source contains ample coarse-grained material. The spatial segregation of the slide, debris-flow, and multi-phase gravity-flow deposits is attributed to the different mobility of each transport process.  相似文献   
On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 07:10:07 (UTC) a strong earthquake struck Lefkas Island (Ionian Sea, Western Greece) with magnitude Mw 6.4, depth of about 6 km and epicenter located 20 km southwest of Lefkas town. It was felt in Lefkas Island and the surrounding region and caused the death of two people, the injury of eight others, many earthquake environmental effects (EEE) and damage to buildings and infrastructures. Secondary EEE were observed in western Lefkas and classified as ground cracks, slope movements and liquefaction phenomena. Primary effects directly linked to surface expression of seismogenic source were not detected in the field. The maximum intensity VIIIESI 2007 was assigned to large-volume slope movements along western coastal Lefkas. Damage to buildings was mainly observed in villages located in Dragano-Athani graben arranged almost parallel to the northern segment of the Cephalonia Transform Fault Zone (Lefkas segment). Among structures constructed with no seismic provisions, the stone masonry buildings and monumental structures suffered most damage, while the traditional buildings of the area with dual structural system performed relatively well and suffered minor damage. Reinforced-concrete buildings were affected not so much by the earthquake itself but by the generation of secondary EEE. The maximum seismic intensities VIIIEMS-98 were assigned to villages located in Dragano-Athani graben due to very heavy structural damage observed on masonry buildings mainly attributed to the combination of the recorded high PGA values, the poor antiseismic design and construction of buildings and the geological and tectonic structure of the affected area.  相似文献   

The concept of “catchment-scale storm velocity” quantifies the rate of storm motion up and down the basin accounting for the interaction between the rainfall space–time variability and the structure of the drainage network. It provides an assessment of the impact of storm motion on flood shape. We evaluate the catchment-scale storm velocity for the 29 August 2003 extreme storm that occurred on the 700 km2-wide Fella River basin in the eastern Italian Alps. The storm was characterized by the high rate of motion of convective cells across the basin. Analysis is carried out for a set of basins that range in area from 8 to 623 km2 to: (a) determine velocity magnitudes for different sub-basins; (b) examine the relationship of velocity with basin scale and (c) assess the impact of storm motion on simulated flood response. Two spatially distributed hydrological models of varying degree of complexity in the representation of the runoff generation processes are used to evaluate the effects of the storm velocity on flood modelling and investigate model dependencies of the results. It is shown that catchment-scale storm velocity has a non-linear dependence on basin scale and generally exhibits rather moderate values, in spite of the strong kinematic characteristics of individual storm elements. Consistently with these observations and for both models, hydrological simulations show that storm motion has an almost negligible effect on the flood response modelling.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Nikolopoulos, E.I., Borga, M., Zoccatelli, D., and Anagnostou, E.N., 2014. Catchment-scale storm velocity: quantification, scale dependence and effect on flood response. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1363–1376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2014.923889  相似文献   
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