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We have investigated the evolution of an active silicic magma-feedingsystem beneath Usu volcano, Japan, where eight eruptions havebeen recorded since AD 1663. All magmatic products contain similartypes of plagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts that consistof homogeneous cores with uniform compositions, and a zonedmantle that increases in size with time. The compositions ofplagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts vary gradually andregularly with time, as do the bulk-rock compositions. The textureof these phenocrysts also changes systematically, caused byprogressive crystal growth, dissolution and diffusion. On thebasis of these observations, we conclude that the same magma-feedingsystem has persisted at Usu volcano since AD 1663. Compositionalvariation of magnetite phenocrysts differs from that of plagioclaseand orthopyroxene, because magnetite has large diffusion coefficientsand should represent magmatic conditions immediately beforethe eruption. Most pumices from Usu volcano contain two typesof magnetite phenocryst, each with a different composition andcrystallization temperature, indicating that two magmas mixedbefore each eruption (approximately several days before). Theend-members changed with time: rhyolite + basaltic andesite(1663); dacite ± rhyolite (1769, 1822, 1853); dacite± dacite (1977, 2000). The temperature of the magma apparentlyincreases with time, and the increase can be explained by sequentialtapping from a magma chamber with a thermal and chemical gradientin addition to injection of high-temperature magma. KEY WORDS: continuous existence of magma chamber; dacite; dissolution and diffusion of phenocrysts; magma mixing; magnetite  相似文献   
We report Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions for 17 bulk-rocksamples from the submarine Hana Ridge, Haleakala volcano, Hawaii,collected by three dives by ROV Kaiko during a joint Japan–USHawaiian cruise in 2001. The Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios forthe submarine Hana Ridge lavas are similar to those of Kilauealavas. This contrasts with the isotope ratios from the subaerialHonomanu lavas of the Haleakala shield, which are similar toMauna Loa lavas or intermediate between the Kilauea and MaunaLoa fields. The observation that both the Kea and Loa componentscoexist in individual shields is inconsistent with the interpretationthat the location of volcanoes within the Hawaiian chain controlsthe geographical distribution of the Loa and Kea trend geochemicalcharacteristics. Isotopic and trace element ratios in Haleakalashield lavas suggest that a recycled oceanic crustal gabbroiccomponent is present in the mantle source. The geochemical characteristicsof the lavas combined with petrological modeling calculationsusing trace element inversion and pMELTS suggest that the meltingdepth progressively decreases in the mantle source during shieldgrowth, and that the proportion of the recycled oceanic gabbroiccomponent sampled by the melt is higher in the later stagesof Hawaiian shields as the volcanoes migrate away from the centralaxis of the plume. KEY WORDS: submarine Hana Ridge; isotope composition; melting depth; Hawaiian mantle plume  相似文献   
Usu volcano, located in northern Japan, has erupted seven timessince AD 1663. Before these seven eruptions, the volcano hada long repose period ( 5000 yr). The 1663 eruption was thefirstand by far the largest among the seven, producing nearlyaphyric rhyolitic pumice. Small mafic inclusions (‘micro-clots’J,consisting of glass, quenched crystals and abundant vesiclesoccur in the pumice. On the basis of petrological studies ofthe microclots, it is concluded that these are quenched meltsof a mafic magma injected into the rhyolite. The products ofthe 1769 eruption (and those of the following five eruptions)were dacites with abundant (10–15 vol %) microphenocrysts.According to crystal size distribution (CSD) analysis, the newmicrophenocrysts appear to have crystallized at a considerablyhigher cooling rate ( 300 times) than the phenocrysts in the1663 eruptive products. The contrasting petrologic featuresof the aphyric rhyolite and the following microphenocryst-richdacites can be explained by mixing and rapid cooling of a maficmagma injected during the 1663 eruption. We estimate the sizeof the magma chamber beneath Usu volcano just after the 1663eruption, using numerical calculations for a cooling magma chamber.If the magma chamber was sill-like, its thickness is estimatedto have been several hundreds of meters. KEY WORDS: Usu volcano; Japan; magma chamber evolution *Corresponding author. Present address: Geomechanics, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, I-I-I Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan  相似文献   
Hana Ridge, the longest submarine rift zone in the Hawaiianisland chain, extending from Maui 140 km to the ESE, has a complexmorphology compared with other Hawaiian rift zones. A totalof 108 rock specimens have been collected from the submarineHana Ridge by six submersible dives. All of the rocks (76 bulkrocks analyzed) are tholeiitic basalts or picrites. Their majorelement compositions, together with distinctively low Zr/Nb,Sr/Nb, and Ba/Nb, overlap those of Kilauea lavas. In contrast,the lavas forming the subaerial Honomanu shield are intermediatein composition between those of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The compositionalcharacteristics of the lavas imply that clinopyroxene and garnetwere important residual phases during partial melting. The compositionsof olivine and glass (formerly melt) inclusions imply that regardlessof textural type (euhedral, subhedral–undeformed, deformed)olivine crystallized from host magmas. Using the most forsteriticolivine (Fo90·6) and partition coefficients  相似文献   
After the severest mass extinction event in the Phanerozoic, biotic recovery from the extinction at the Permian–Triassic boundary required approximately 5 my, which covers the entire Early Triassic. It is important to obtain information on the superocean Panthalassa, which occupied most of the world ocean, to explore paleoenvironmental changes during the Early Triassic at the global scale. In order to establish the continuous lithostratigraphy of pelagic sediments in Panthalassa during the Early Triassic, high‐resolution reconstruction of the Lower Triassic pelagic sequence in Japan was conducted for the first time based on detailed field mapping and lithostratigraphic correlation in the Inuyama area, central Japan. The reconstructed Early Triassic sequence is approximately 9.5 m thick, consists of five rock types, and is divided into eight lithological units. For the reconstructed continuous sequence, measurement of carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (δ13Corg) was carried out. Stratigraphic variation of the δ13Corg value shows large‐amplitude fluctuations between ?34.4 and ?21.0‰ throughout the sequence. In order to establish a higher resolution age model for the reconstructed Lower Triassic pelagic sequence, we correlated δ13Corg records in the Inuyama area with high‐resolution isotopic profiles of carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) from shallow‐marine carbonate sequences in southern China based on the similarity in general variation patterns with age constraints by radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy. The result provides a high‐resolution time scale for the pelagic sequence of Panthalassa during the Smithian and Spathian. The age model suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rate during the late Smithian, which should have been caused by the increase in terrigenous input to this site.  相似文献   
A hypothetical model is proposed to explain the origin of compositionaldiscontinuities in the layering observed in orogenic lherzolites.The observed collinearity of the whole-rock peridotite compositionsis best explained in terms of partial melting and melt segregation.The presence of chemical discontinuities implies that melt segregationincludes an abrupt and discontinuous process. A key conceptin the model is the topological transformation of melt geometryin partially molten rocks responding to the equality and inequalityof the fluid pressure and solid pressure, which may be realizedin a gravitational field. It is emphasized that the percolationthreshold is a critical boundary, beyond which a rapid microstructuralchange occurs in response to the change of local fluid pressure,thus causing a rapid increase of permeability. The model impliesthat the mode of melting is closer to batch melting than tofractional melting in the upper mantle. KEY WORDS: critical phenomenon; partial melting; percolation threshold; Horoman peridotite; melt segregation  相似文献   
A new ray-tracing method called linear traveltime interpolation (LTI) is proposed. This method computes traveltimes and raypaths in a 2D velocity structure more rapidly and accurately than other conventional methods. The LTI method is formulated for a 2D cell model, and calculations of traveltimes and raypaths are carried out only on cell boundaries. Therefore a raypath is considered to be always straight in a cell with uniform velocity. This approach is suitable to tomography analysis. The algorithm of LTI consists of two separate steps: step 1 calculates traveltimes on all cell boundaries; step 2 traces raypaths for all pairs of receivers and the shot. A traveltime at an arbitrary point on a cell boundary is assumed to be linearly interpolated between traveltimes at the adjacent discrete points at which we calculate traveltimes. Fermat's principle is used as the criterion for choosing the correct traveltimes and raypaths from several candidates routinely. The LTI method has been compared numerically with the shooting method and the finite-difference method (FDM) of the eikonal equation. The results show that the LTI method has great advantages of high speed and high accuracy in the calculation of both traveltimes and raypaths. The LTI method can be regarded as an advanced version of the conventional FDM of the eikonal equation because the formulae of FDM are independently derived from LTI. In the process of derivation, it is shown theoretically that LTI is more accurate than FDM. Moreover in the LTI method, we can avoid the numerical instability that occurs in Vidale's method where the velocity changes abruptly.  相似文献   
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