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A luciferase cell culture-based bioassay, developed to detect 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-like activity of halo-genated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, was optimized to detect refined petroleum products and to determine their relative inducing potency. Quality control standards from 32 refined products (gasolines and diesels, jet fuels, lubricating oils, fuel oils and weathered products) and three commercial products were evaluated. Induction equivalents (I-EQs) were determined by direct comparison of the EC50 and EC20 values (based on the median and 20% TCDD maximal response, respectively) from dose-response curves for each product to those obtained with TCDD. Most petroleum products were active in the luciferase bioassay, with those products composed of fractions produced later in the distillation process (i.e. fuel oils) inducing higher levels. Additionally, weathering of products reduced their induction potency. Based on the high I-EQ estimates of many products, biological effects associated with exposure may have been previously underestimated using other diagnostic methods.  相似文献   
I INTRODUCTIONTurbulence models for single-phase fluid flows have been developed and widely applied in mechanical,aeronautical, environmental and hydraulic engineering, and other fields. The closure techniques for theReynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for various levels of models including the simple turbulencemodel, one-equation turbulence model, k-s turbulence model and turbulence stress/flux model have beenverified to be physically reasonable and have acceptable accuracy in app…  相似文献   
Assessing changes in food-web structure provides a useful monitoring tool for gauging the resilience of ecosystems in the face of climatic impacts. We consider the ecological resilience of a large estuarine lake (St Lucia Estuary, South Africa) in the wake of an extreme climatic event (prolonged drought). Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, food-web structure was assessed at five sites across the estuary during the winter and spring of 2013. Sampling occurred approximately three years after heavy rains flooded the system and returned it to a relatively diluted state following an almost decade-long drought that decimated food webs in the upper parts of the estuary due to hypersalinity effects. Comparisons of niche width and variance of consumer food webs among sites revealed a general homogenisation of food webs across the entire system, contrasting with the spatial differentiation of food webs documented during the drought phase. Our results indicate that the estuary is able to maintain ecological resilience at the whole-system level in the face of an extreme drought. This is likely facilitated by source pools of species residing in the relatively stable lower estuary, which are able to rapidly recolonise areas denuded by drought in the upper estuary.  相似文献   
On the basis of K/Ar muscovite and biotite ages, and of Rb/Sr whole-rock, muscovite, and feldspar ages, the last cooling of granites from Snares and Auckland Islands on the Campbell Plateau took place in early Late Cretaceous times. The original emplacement is unlikely to have been older than Late Jurassic. These results from the basement rocks of the Campbell Plateau conform with data from Fiordland and southern Stewart Island in southern New Zealand and from Ford Range and other localities in West Antarctica. Two gabbros from Auckland Island yield Miocene K/Ar ages.  相似文献   
The propagation of database parameter uncertainty has been assessed for aqueous and mineral equilibrium calculations of uranium by Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo simulations in simple inorganic solution compositions. The concentration output distributions of individual chemical species varies greatly depending on the solution composition modelled. The relative uncertainty for a particular species is generally reduced in regions of solution composition for which it is predicted to be dominant, due to the asymptotic behaviour imposed by the mass balance constraint where the species concentration approaches the total element concentration. The relative uncertainties of minor species, in regions where another species comprising one or several of the same components is predicted to be dominant with a high probability, also appear to be reduced slightly. Composition regions where two or several species are equally important tend to produce elevated uncertainties for related minor species, although the uncertainties of the major species themselves tend to be reduced. The non-linear behaviour of the equilibrium systems can lead to asymmetric or bimodal output distributions; this is particularly evident close to equivalence points or solubility boundaries. Relatively conservative estimates of input uncertainty can result in considerable output uncertainty due to both the complexity of uranium solution chemistry and the system interdependencies. The results of this study suggest that for some modelling scenarios, “classical” speciation calculations based on mean value estimates of the thermodynamic values may result in predictions of a relatively low probability compared to an approach that considers the effects of uncertainty propagation.  相似文献   
A background indoor air study has been completed which includes the collection of indoor air samples from office buildings and schools. The anonymous study was designed with input from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The sampling was implemented in 2013, 2014, and 2015 and included the collection of 25 school building samples and 61 office building samples. The study generated 14,668 new indoor air background data points, with samples collected from buildings located in 26 cities in 18 states, including Arizona, California, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and Washington. Indoor air background concentrations of target compound volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ranged from less than the laboratory method reporting limit of 0.044 μg/m3 to concentrations up to 1190 μg/m3, with hydrocarbon ranges from less than the reporting method limit of 10 μg/m3 to concentrations up to 3000 μg/m3. Some VOCs were identified ubiquitously in indoor air background, and some were identified at concentrations which exceeded risk-based regulatory screening levels. These study results provide useful and updated information on indoor air background and air quality in offices and schools and can be used in future regulatory guidance update considerations, for further examination of relationships between these data and residential study data, in human health risk assessments and risk communication, and in planning future studies.  相似文献   
The mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Proterozoic Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, were examined in view of experimentally determined phase equilibria applicable to granitic systems in order to place constraints on the progenesis of peraluminous leucogranites and commonly associated rare-element pegmatites. The granite was emplaced at 3–4 kbar as multiple sills and dikes into quartz-mica schists at the culmination of a regional high-temperature, low-pressure metamorphic event. Principally along the periphery of the main pluton and in satellite intrusions, the sills segregated into granite-pegmatite couplets. The major minerals include quartz, K-feldspar, sodic plagioclase and muscovite. Biotite-{Mg No. [Molar MgO/(MgO+FeO)]=0.32-0.38} is the predominant ferromagnesian mineral in the granite's core, whereas at the periphery of the main pluton and in the satellite intrusions tourmaline (Mg No.=0.18–0.48) is the dominant ferromagnesian phase. Almandine-spessartine garnet is also found in the outer intrusions. There is virtually a complete overlap in the wide concentration ranges of SiO2, CaO, MgO, FeO, Sr, Zr, W of the biotite- and tourmaline-bearing granite suites with no discernable differentiation trends on Harker diagrams, precluding the derivation of one suite from the other by differentiation following emplacement. This is consistent with the oxygen isotope compositions which are 11.5 ± 0.6 for the biotite granites and 13.2 ± 0.8 for the tourmaline granites, suggesting derivation from different sources. The concentrations of TiO2 and possibly Ba are higher and of MnO and B are lower in the biotite granites. The normative Orthoclase/Albite ratio is extremely variable ranging from 0.26 to 1.65 in the biotite granites to 0.01–1.75 in the tourmaline granites. Very few sample compositions fall near the high-pressure, watersaturated haplogranite minima-eutectic trend, indicating that the granites for the most part are not minimum melts generated under conditions with =1. Instead, most biotite granites are more potassic than the water-saturated minima and eutectics and in analogy with experimentally produced granitic melts, they are best explained by melting at 6 kbar, <1 and temperatures 800°C. Such high temperatures are also indicated by oxygen isotope equilibration among the constituent minerals (Nabelek et al. 1992). Several of the tourmaline granite samples contain virtually no K-feldspar and have oxygen isotope equilibration temperatures 716–775°C. Therefore, they must represent high-temperature accumulations of liquidus minerals crystallized under equilibrium conditions from melts more sodic than the water-saturated haplogranite minima or during fractionation of intruded melts into granite-pegmatite couplets accompanied by volatile-aided differentiation of the alkali elements. The indicated high temperatures, <1, the relatively high TiO2 and Ba concentrations and the relatively low values of the biotite granites suggest that they were generated by high-extent, biotite-dehydration melting of an immature Archean metasedimentary source. The ascent of the hot melts may have triggered low-extent, muscovite-dehydration melting of schists higher in the crust producing the high-B, low-Ti melts comprising the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions. Alternatively, the different granite types may be the result of melting of a vertical section of the crust in response to the ascent of a thermal pulse, with the low- biotite granites generated at a deeper, hotter region and the high- tourmaline granites at a higher, cooler region of the crust. The low-Ti and high-B concentrations in the high- melts resulted in the crystallization of tourmaline rather than biotite, which promoted the observed differentiation of the melts into the granitic and pegmatitic layers found along the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions.  相似文献   
伽师地震区地壳细结构及发震断层的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
199年至1998年伽师地区共出现9次震级为6.1-6.8级的强震. 在一个非常短的时间间隔内和非常小的地区范围内接连出现这么多次震级非常接近的地震,确实非常罕见. 为研究伽师强震区的深部构造背景和孕震机制,本文对伽师地震区的余震观测资料进行了分析处理. 利用联合反演技术同时得到了地震震源位置和地震区地壳三维速度结构. 余震震中沿一北北东向条带分布,与强震分布的两个条带中的北东向条带位置基本重合. 三维反演得到的速度结构结果表明,在地下12 km以下存在一条北北东向和一条北北西向的低速条带. 上述两低速条带与强震分布的两个条带位置很接近. 初步推测,低速条带对应了地壳深部的两条断裂. 在我们观测期间,北北东向断裂有微震活动,北北西向断裂相对平静.  相似文献   
We observed 1938-155, a broad line radio galaxy (BLRG), with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 90cm with an angular resolution of 6.8" × 4.0". The source consists of two components separated by 4 arcsec (- 20kpc, for H0 = 65km s-1 Mpc-1, q0 = 0.5) along the SE-NW direction. Both components show steep-spectra with a similar spectral index α - 0.83 ± 0.07 (Sv ∝ v-α). The bright double components are surrounded by a low-brightness cocoon. The radio properties of the two bright components are consistent with the hot spots produced by twin jets. An upper limit of - 0.0008 for the core dominance parameter (R) is inferred, suggesting there is no prominent radio core in the source. Assuming a modest viewing angle 30f77, a jet velocity is estimated - 0.07 c, based on the jet to counter-jet brightness ratio (J). The lower limit in jet speed inferred is consistent with no Doppler beaming effect on the jet. The radio galaxy 1938-155 could be an exceptional BLRG with no prominent radio core or jet.  相似文献   
Lutz creek is a small (9.69 ha) catchment located on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), a 1500-ha island in Lake Gatún, the principal freshwater reservoir (425 ha, 26 m above sea level) of the Panama Canal watershed in central Panama. In 1972, a concrete V-notch weir was installed on the creek, located at 9°09′42.8358″N, 79°50′15.6699″W, and hydrological record keeping began. The island was first established as a research station in 1923 and precipitation data collection was initiated in 1925. A meteorological tower, installed in 1972 and located a few meters from the weir, is currently instrumented to collect air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, evapotranspiration and solar radiation. In addition, since 1972, gravimetric soil moisture has been measured at least biweekly at 10 sites located throughout the Lutz Catchment above the location of the weir. Data collection and the administration of BCI are the responsibility of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI; https://stri.si.edu ) which funds the data collection and storage. Data are in the public domain, entitled ‘Lutz Watershed And Meteorological Tower’ and are available at the STRI Physical monitoring website https://biogeodb.stri.si.edu/physical_monitoring/ .  相似文献   
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