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Native bismuth in the form of metallic melt has been considered instrumental to the formation of some metallic ore deposits via a mechanism dubbed the “Liquid Bismuth Collector Model.” Here, we provide petrographical documentation of trail‐forming, μm‐sized blebs of native bismuth in cassiterite–quartz veins from the Santa Bárbara greisen Sn deposit in the Rondônia tin province of northern Brazil. These inclusions suggest the trapping of a Bi melt that took place during vein formation, in a mechanism similar to the entrapment of fluid inclusions.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the geotechnical characterization conducted for the design and subsequent analysis of a strutted excavation in “Metro do Porto”. This region is geologically dominated by heterogeneous weathered granite masses with deep residual soil profiles. Local saprolitic soils exhibit, by their nature, a particular behavior characterized by very sensitive and weak relic micro-structures, due to their specific genesis. This study has included the interpretation of a significant volume of in situ test results, triaxial tests over undisturbed samples and monitoring data, giving rise to specific correlations between testing and design parameters. Real time monitoring enabled a back-analysis by FEM of a well instrumented section of the strutted excavation, which was calibrated taking into account the derived correlations and the deformability behavior of this specific geotechnical ambient. This geomaterial, although revealing very high initial stiffness values (for very small strain ranges) has shown low stiffness values for “medium to high” strain levels, reflecting a singular strong non-linearity in the stress-strain behavior.  相似文献   
Uncertainty quantification is not often performed in spatial modeling applications, especially when there is a mixture of probabilistic and non‐probabilistic uncertainties. Furthermore, the effect of positional uncertainty is often not assessed, despite its relevance to geographical applications. Although there has been much work in investigating the aforementioned types of uncertainty in isolation, combined approaches have not been much researched. This has resulted in a lack of tools for conducting mixed uncertainty analyses that include positional uncertainty. This research addresses the issue by first presenting a new, flexible, simulation‐oriented conceptualization of positional uncertainty in geographic objects called F‐Objects. F‐Objects accommodates various representations of uncertainty, while remaining conceptually simple. Second, a new Python‐based framework is introduced, termed Wiggly and capable of conducting mixed uncertainty propagation using fuzzy Monte Carlo simulation (FMCS). FMCS combines both traditional Monte Carlo with fuzzy analysis in a so‐called hybrid approach. F‐Objects is implemented within the Wiggly framework, resulting in a tool capable of considering any combination of: (1) probabilistic variables; (2) fuzzy variables; and (3) positional uncertainty of objects (probabilistic/fuzzy). Finally, a realistic GIS‐based groundwater contamination problem demonstrates how F‐Objects and Wiggly can be used to assess the effect of positional uncertainty.  相似文献   
Talc mineralisation occurs as hematite–talc schist between soft hematite ore and dolomitic itabirite at Gongo Soco, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hematite–talc schist and soft hematite have a prominent tectonic foliation of tabular hematite. Tabular hematite without preferential orientation is superimposed on the tectonic foliation. The talcose schist is enriched in F and has a constant Fe/S ratio. Electron-microprobe analyses indicate trace amounts of S in different generations of hematite. The whole-rock Fe/S ratio possibly represents sulfate S from hematite-hosted fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions in foliation-overprinting hematite and chlorite geothermometry from talcose rocks suggest, respectively, temperatures from <200°C to ~300°C. Tourmaline, a rarely observed mineral in the hematite–talc schist, belongs to the alkali group and falls in the dravite compositional field. Boron-isotope determinations of tourmaline crystals, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, vary from −20‰ to −12‰ δ11B. This compositional isotopic range and the tourmaline chemical composition suggest a meta-evaporitic origin. A non-marine evaporitic setting is the most likely source of acidic, highly oxidising fluids, which resulted in the abundant F-bearing talc and the presence of otherwise immobile Ti in hematite. Oxidising brines were channelled along shear zones and converted dolomitic itabirite into the Gongo Soco soft hematite and the talc mineralisation. The latter is envisaged as the hydrothermal wall-rock alteration of dolomitic itabirite, which gave rise to the soft hematite ore.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Chilean geography exposes the country to high-level risks such as earthquakes and tsunamis. The disasters of 1930, 1960, 2010, and 2014 testify to the continuous link between...  相似文献   
Climate volatility could change in the future, with important implications for agricultural productivity. For Tanzania, where food production and prices are sensitive to climate, changes in climate volatility could have severe implications for poverty. This study uses climate model projections, statistical crop models, and general equilibrium economic simulations to determine how the vulnerability of Tanzania's population to impoverishment by climate variability could change between the late 20th Century and the early 21st Century. Under current climate volatility, there is potential for a range of possible poverty outcomes, although in the most extreme of circumstances, poverty could increase by as many as 650,000 people due to an extreme interannual decline in grain yield. However, scenarios of future climate from multiple climate models indicate no consensus on future changes in temperature or rainfall volatility, so that either an increase or decrease is plausible. Scenarios with the largest increases in climate volatility are projected to render Tanzanians increasingly vulnerable to poverty through impacts on staple grains production in agriculture, with as many as 90,000 additional people entering poverty on average. Under the scenario where precipitation volatility decreases, poverty vulnerability decreases, highlighting the possibility of climate changes that oppose the ensemble mean, leading to poverty impacts of opposite sign. The results suggest that evaluating potential changes in volatility and not just the mean climate state may be important for analyzing the poverty implications of climate change.  相似文献   
U–Pb single zircon crystallization ages were determined using TIMS and sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) on samples of granitoid rocks exposed in the Serrinha nucleus granite–greenstone terrane, in NE Brazil. Our data show that the granitoid plutons can be divided into three distinct groups. Group 1 consists of Mesoarchaean (3.2–2.9 Ga) gneisses and N-S elongated TTG (Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite) plutons with gneissic borders. Group 2 is represented by ca. 2.15 Ga pretectonic calc-alkaline plutons that are less deformed than group 1. Group 3 is ca. 2.11–2.07 Ga, late to post-tectonic plutons (shoshonite, syenite, K-rich granite and lamprophyre). Groups 2 and 3 are associated with the Transamazonian orogeny. Xenocryst ages of 3.6 Ga, the oldest zircon yet recorded within the São Francisco craton, are found in the group 3 Euclides shoshonite within the Uauá complex and in the group 2 Quijingue trondhjemite, indicating the presence of Paleoarchaean sialic basement.Group 1 gneiss-migmatitic rocks (ca. 3200 Ma) of the Uauá complex constitute the oldest known unit. Shortly afterwards, partial melting of mafic material produced a medium-K calc-alkaline melt, the younger Santa Luz complex (ca. 3100 Ma) to the south. Subsequent TTG melts intruded in different phases now exposed as N-S elongated plutons such as Ambrósio (3162 ± 26 Ma), Araci (3072 ± 2 Ma), Requeijão (2989 ± 11 Ma) and others, which together form a major part of the Archaean nucleus. Some of these plutons have what appear to be intrusive, but are probably remobilized, contacts with the Transamazonian Itapicuru greenstone belt. The older gneissic rocks occur as enclaves within younger Archaean plutons. Thus, serial additions of juvenile material over a period of several hundred m.y. led to the formation of a stable micro-continent by 2.9 Ga. Evidence for Neoarchaean activity is found in the inheritance pattern of only one sample, the group 2 Euclides pluton.Group 2 granitoid plutons were emplaced at 2.16–2.13 Ga in a continental arc environment floored by Mesoarchaean crust. These plutons were subsequently deformed and intruded by late to post-tectonic group 3 alkaline plutons. This period of Transamazonian orogeny can be explained as a consequence of ocean closure followed by collision and slab break-off. The only subsequent magmatism was kimberlitic, probably emplaced during the Neoproterozoic Braziliano event, which sampled older zircon from the basement.  相似文献   
Thermoplastic resin pellets are melted and formed into an enormous number of inexpensive consumer goods, many of which are discarded after a relatively short period of use, dropped haphazardly onto watersheds and then make their way to the ocean where some get ingested by marine life. In 2003 and 2004 pre-production thermoplastic resin pellets and post-consumer plastic fragments were collected and analyzed for contamination for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Samples were taken from the North Pacific Gyre, and selected sites in California, Hawaii, and from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. The total concentration of PCBs ranged from 27 to 980 ng/g; DDTs from 22 to 7100 ng/g and PAHs from 39 to 1200 ng/g, and aliphatic hydrocarbons from 1.1 to 8600 microg/g. Analytical methods were developed to extract, concentrate and identify POPs that may have accumulated on plastic fragments and plastic pellets. The results of this study confirm that plastic debris is a trap for POPs.  相似文献   
The impact of range plant toxins on the reproductive performance of female cattle is economically important to the livestock industry. Nevertheless, there is little information on the significance of toxicosis from range plants on semen quality in domestic ruminants. A total of 18 adult mixed-breed bucks under range conditions were used to evaluate the effect of diet composition (microhistological analysis of fecal samples) on some semen characteristics, and blood and fecal components in April and August. Forages in the buck diets were grouped into 2 classes: low or high levels of each plant in the buck diets. Bucks with higher proportion of Acacia greggii, Flourensia cernua and Lindleya mespiloides in their diets yielded 23–50% less (p<0.05) semen than bucks with low proportion of these shrubs in their diet. Sperm motility was reduced by 3–8 percent units (p<0.05) by high levels of five rangeland shrubs in the buck diets. Bucks consuming high levels of Acacia greggii showed significantly lower percentages of normal sperm (92±10 vs. 96±3; p<0.05) than bucks with low intake of this forage. High proportions of Rhus virens and Solanum elaeagnifolium in the buck diet increased the percentage of normal sperm (5 units, p<0.05) when compared to bucks with low utilization of these forages. Increased intake of Acacia greggii, Dalea bicolor, Opuntia rastrera, Larrea tridentata and Cowania plicata reduced percentage of live sperm by 5 units (p<0.05). Blood metabolites analysis showed that increased levels of Acacia greggii and Parthenium incanum were related to better nutritional status of bucks. Zn (−), Cu (−) and glucose (+) were significant predictors of semen volume (r2=0.30). Cu (−) and cholesterol (−) accounted for 37% of the variation in percentage of normal sperms. Forty-four percent of the variation in secondary abnormalities was accounted by Zn (+) and cholesterol (+), whereas fecal N, serum total proteins and creatinine positively affected percentage of live sperms (r2=0.37). These results indicate that semen quality and metabolic profiles of grazing bucks were sensitive to the ingestion of some Chihuahuan desert forages.  相似文献   
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