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Floodplain ecosystems are affected by flood dynamics, nutrient supply as well as anthropogenic activities. Heavy metal pollution poses a serious environmental challenge. Pollution transfer from the soil to vegetation is still present at the central location of Elbe River, Germany. The goal of this study was to assess and separate the current heavy metal contamination of the floodplain ecosystem, using spectrometric field and laboratory measurements. A standardized pot experiment with floodplain vegetation in differently contaminated soils provided the basis for the measurements. The dominant plant types of the floodplains are: Urtica dioica, Phalaris arundinacea and Alopecurus pratensis, these were also chemically analysed. Various vegetation indices and methods were used to estimate the red edge position, to normalise the spectral curve of the vegetation and to investigate the potential of different methods for separating plant stress in floodplain vegetation. The main task was to compare spectral bands during phenological phases to find a method to detect heavy metal stress in plants. A multi-level algorithm for the curve parameterisation was developed. Chemo-analytical and ecophysiological parameters of plants were considered in the results and correlated with spectral data. The results of this study show the influence of heavy metals on the spectral characteristics of the focal plants. The developed method (depth CR1730) showed significant relationship between the plants and the contamination.  相似文献   
Access to information about past states of the environment and social systems is fundamental to understand, and cope with, the challenges of climate change and over-exploitation of natural resources at the onset of the 21st century. The loss of (old) data is a major threat to understanding better and mitigating long-term effects of human activities and anthropogenic changes to the environment. Although this is intuitively evident for old and local literature of any kind, even present-day international publishing of papers without the underlying raw data makes access to basic information a crucial issue. Here, we summarise experience resulting from a EU-funded International Science & Technology Cooperation (INCO) project (CENSOR) addressing Coastal Ecosystem Research and Management in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) context. We show that indeed “Grey Literature” is still one of the most important sources of knowledge about natural science research and management of natural resource systems in Latin American countries. We argue that public archiving of original data of present-day research and old (Grey) Literature and easy public access are important for appreciating today's global environmental challenges caused by human activities, both past and present.  相似文献   
Sleeve-gun, 3.5-kHz, and 12-kHz profiles from the Labrador Slope provide the basis for an analysis of sedimentary facies, processes, and evolution of a continental slope adjacent to an ice margin. The upper slope is deeply incised by numerous canyons reflecting headward canyon branching. The less rugged middle-slope topography has fewer canyons and large slide and slump scars followed downslope by debris-flow deposits. Echo character of seismic profiles reflects the difference in sediment types supplied from mud-dominated sources and sand-, gravel- and till-dominated sources. On the rise, debris-flow deposits are largely confined to canyons. Intercanyon areas are dominated by spill-over turbidites alternating with hemipelagic sediments, which on some of the southern to southwestern levees occur in sediment-wave fields formerly attributed to bottom-current activity.  相似文献   
Magnitudes of comets P/Giacobini-Zinner (1984e), P/Halley (1982i), P/Hartley-Good (1985 1), and Thiele (1985 m) in the bandpasses of the standard IHW comet filters are presented. For comet P/Halley production rates for CN, C3, C2, and solids were derived. For the gaseous components these show a strong dependence on heliocentric distance. The dependence is less steep for the solids which may be due to relatively pronounced backscattering properties in case of comet P/Halley. During one night (1985 Dec. 22/23) intensity profiles along three sections through the coma of comet P/Halley were measured. Compared with theoretical profiles they show a global anisotropy of the coma and possibly local structure.  相似文献   
Longitudinal (linear) sand dunes of the Simpson and Strzelecki dunefields in eastern central Australia present a paradox. Low levels of activity today stand in contrast to luminescence dating which has repeatedly shown deep deposits of sand on dune crests dating to within the late Holocene. In order to investigate the nature of dune activity in the Simpson–Strzelecki dunefield, vegetation and sand mobility were investigated by detailed vegetation survey and measurement of rippled area and loose sand depth of dunes at three sites along a climatic gradient. The response of both vegetation and sand movement to inter-annual climate variability was examined by repeat surveys of two sites in drought and non-drought conditions. Projected plant cover and plant + crust cover were found to have inverse linear relationships with rippled area and the area of deep loose sand. No relationship was found between these measures of sand movement and the plant frontal area index. A negative exponential relationship between equivalent mobile sand depth on dune surfaces and both vascular plant cover and vascular + crust cover was also found. There is no simple threshold of vegetation cover below which sand transport begins. Dunes with low perennial plant cover may form small dunes with slip faces leading to a positive feedback inhibiting ephemeral plant growth in wet years and accelerating sand transport rates. The linear dunefields are largely within the zone in which plant cover is sufficient to enforce low sand transport rates, and in which there is a strong response of vegetation and sand transport to inter-annual variation in rainfall. Both ephemeral plants (mostly forbs) and crust were found to respond rapidly to large (> 20 mm/month) rainfall events. On millennial time-scales, the level of dune activity is controlled by vegetation cover and probably not by fluctuations of wind strength. Land use or extreme, decadal time-scale, drought may destabilise dunes by removing perennial plant cover, accelerating wind erosion.  相似文献   
This study presents a 44-year climatology of potential vorticity (PV) streamers in the Northern Hemisphere based upon analyses of the ERA-40 reanalysis data set. A comparison to an existing 15-year climatology yields very good agreement in the locations of PV streamer frequency maxima, but some differences are found in the amplitude of frequencies. The climatology is assessed with the focus on links between PV streamer frequencies and the synoptic- and planetary-scale variability of the dynamical tropopause.
A comprehensive overview is provided on where (zonally) and when (seasonally) short-term variability throughout the extra-tropical and sub-tropical tropopause is enhanced or reduced. Several key processes that influence this variability are discussed. Baroclinic processes, for example, determine the variability in the storm-track areas in winter, whereas the Asian summer monsoon significantly influences the variability over Asia.
The paper also describes links between the frequency of PV streamers in the extra-tropical and subtropical tropopause and three major northern hemisphere teleconnection patterns. The observed changes in the PV streamer frequencies are closely related to concomitant variations of PV and its gradient within the tropopause region. During opposite phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation the location of the streamer frequency maxima shifts significantly in the Atlantic and European region in both the extra-tropics and subtropics. The influence of ENSO on the streamer frequencies is most pronounced in the subtropical Pacific.  相似文献   
The Uintjiesberg kimberlite diatreme occurs within the Proterozoic Namaqua–Natal Belt, South Africa, approximately 60 km to the southwest of the Kaapvaal craton boundary. It is a group I, calcite kimberlite that has an emplacement age of 100 Ma. Major and trace element data, in combination with petrography, are used to evaluate its petrogenesis and the nature of its source region. Macrocryst phases are predominantly olivine with lesser phlogopite, with very rare garnet and Cr-rich clinopyroxene. Geochemical variation amongst the macrocrystic samples (Mg# 0.85–0.87, SiO2=27.0–29.3%, MgO=26.1–30.5%, CaO=10.9–13.5%) is shown to result from 10% to 40% entrainment and partial assimilation of peridotite xenoliths, whereas that shown by the aphanitic samples (Mg# 0.80–0.83, SiO2=19.1–23.0%, MgO=17.9–23.9%, CaO=16.5–23.7%) is consistent with 7–25% crystal fractionation of olivine and minor phlogopite. Changing trajectories on chemical variation diagrams allow postulation of a primary magma composition with 25% SiO2, 26% MgO, 2.3% Al2O3, 5%H2O, 8.6% CO2 and Mg#=0.85.

Forward melting models, assuming 0.5% melting, indicate derivation of the primary Uintjiesberg kimberlite magma from a source enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) by 10× chondrite and heavy REE (HREE) by 0.8–2× chondrite, the latter being dependent on the proportion of residual garnet. Significant negative Rb, K, Sr, Hf and Ti anomalies present in the inferred primary magma composition are superimposed on otherwise generally smooth primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns, and are inferred to be a characteristic of the primary magma composition. The further requirement for a source with chondritic or lower HREE abundances, residual olivine with high Fo content (Fo94) suggests derivation from a mantle previously depleted in mafic melt but subsequently enriched in highly incompatible elements prior to kimberlite genesis. These requirements are interpreted in the context of melting of continental lithospheric mantle previously enriched by metasomatic fluids derived from a sublithospheric (plume?) source.  相似文献   


The Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) is a continuous-time semi-distributed ecohydrological model, integrating hydrological processes, vegetation, nutrients and erosion. It was developed for impact assessment at the river basin scale. SWIM is coupled to GIS and has modest data requirements. During the last decade SWIM was extensively tested in mesoscale and large catchments for hydrological processes (discharge, groundwater), nutrients, extreme events (floods and low flows), crop yield and erosion. Several modules were developed further (wetlands and snow dynamics) or introduced (glaciers, reservoirs). After validation, SWIM can be applied for impact assessment. Four exemplary studies are presented here, and several questions important to the impact modelling community are discussed. For which processes and areas can the model be used? Where are the limits in model application? How to apply the model in data-poor situations or in ungauged basins? How to use the model in basins subject to strong anthropogenic pressure?
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Perrin  相似文献   
This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   
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