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地壳对海洋潮汐的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
应用三维动态有限元方法研究了中国北部地区的地壳对邻近的渤海与黄海海平面变化的响应。虽然此应力场过于微弱不足以引发地震,但发现应力集中的位置及应力场变化较大的位置恰好与某些现代地震的震中一致。这一结果表明研究地壳对广泛分布的载荷的响应对研究区域地震构造是有帮助的。  相似文献   
Areview about K-H instability related to comet tail is presented.The effect of dust graing on KHI is theoretically analysed and relations of critical shear to excit KHI with the properties of dust grains both for sheared ion flow and for sheared dust flow re put out.Their possible application in comet tail is suggested.  相似文献   
Based on the Intensive Field Campaign(IFC-1)data of Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study(BOREAS).a three-dimensional meso-β scale model is used to simulate the effect of boreal forests onthe lower atmosphere.A fine horizontal resolution of 2 km×2 km is used in order to distinguish thevegetative heterogeneity in the boreal region.A total of 20×25 grid points cover the entire sub-modeling area in BOREAS' South Study Area(SSA).The ecosystem types and their coverage ineach grid square are extracted from the North American Land Cover Characteristics Data Base(NALCCD)generated by the U.S.Geographical Survey(USGS)and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln(UNL).The topography of the study area is taken from the Digital Elevation Map(DEM)of USGS.The model outputs include the components of the energy balance budget within the canopyand at the ground.the turbulence parameters in the atmospheric boundary layer and the wind.temperature and humidity profiles extending up to a height of 1500 m.In addition to the fine timeand spatial step,the unique feature of the present model is the incorporation of both dynamic andbiological effects of the Boreal forest into the model parameterization scheme.The model resultscompare favorably with BOREAS' IFC-1 data in 1994 when the forest was in the luxuriant growingperiod.  相似文献   
This paper describes the study of a single-column structure used as well-head platform. In order to check the reliability of computation theory and programme, model tests have been carried out. The paper introduces the conclusion of tests and the dynamic properties of single-column platform are obtained.  相似文献   
YANG  Shu-qing 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):527-540
Following Bagnold's approach, a relationship between sediment transport and energy dissipation is developed. The major assumption made in the study is that the near bed velocity plays a dominant role in the process of sediment transport. A general relationship between energy dissipation and sediment transport is first proposed. Then the equations for total sediment transport are derived by introducing the appropriate expression of energy dissipation rate under different conditions, such as open channel flows, combination of wave and current, as well as longshore sediment transport. Within the flows investigated, the derived relationships are fairly consistent with the available data over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   
Observations of fluid mud were made in the lower North Passage of the Yangtze Estuary in February 2000, on 10 -11 August 2000, on 30 - 31 August 2000 (after two strong typhoons), on 21 - 24 August 2000 (neap tide) and on 3 -6 September 2000 (mean tide) respectively. In situ data show that the fluid mud in this area consists of fine cohesive sediment (median size 7.23 μm). The formation and movement of fluid mud varied during the neap-spring and flood-ebb tidal cycle. Observations suggest that fluid mud phenomena in this area may be categorised in a three-fold manner as slack water, storm and saltwedge features. The thickness of the fluid mud layer of slack water during the neap tide ranged from 0.2 to 0.96 m, whereas during the mean tide, the thickness ranged from 0.17 to 0.73 m, and the thickness of the fluid mud layer was larger during slack water than at the flood peak. Shoals cover an area of 800 km^2 with a water depth smaller than 5 m. Erosion of these extensive intertidal mudflats due to storm action provides an abundant sediment source. This is particularly significant in this estuary when the tidal level is lower than 5 m. The lower North Passage is a typical zone of saltwater wedging, so the saltwedge fluid mud has the most extensive spatial range in the estuary.  相似文献   
不同产地龙须菜光合色素的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
龙须菜是一种重要的产琼胶海藻。本文分析了从青岛、石岛、龙须岛采集的龙须菜的光合色素组成、光谱特性、光合作用速率及生长速度,从而研究扑光色素的组成与光合作用、生物物质积累之间的关系。三个龙须菜的产地之间相距上百里到几百里,彼此之间进行遗传物质交流的机会较少,存在着地理隔离的可能性。本研究表明,不同产地龙须菜光合色素的组成有差异:青岛的材料藻红蛋白含量较高,石岛及龙须岛材料叶绿素α含量较高。不同产地的材料荧光光谱也有差异。与其他产地的材料相比,龙须岛材料光补偿点较低,生长速度较快。本文对今后的生产需要提供了一些生物学参数。  相似文献   
基于OFDM核心技术的WiMAX(全球微波接入互操作性)具有4G技术的特点。与3G和WiFi无线通讯技术相比具有明显的高速率、大容量数据传输优势。本文就基于WiMAX的地质灾害应急通讯系统的几种技术方案加以详细论述,说明WiMAX在地质灾害应急指挥中具有广阔前景。  相似文献   
海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷南屯组与松辽盆地孤店CO2气田泉头组发育大量含片钠铝石砂岩。通过偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、茜素红-S染色、X射线衍射、电子探针与INCA能谱分析等,对含片钠铝石砂岩的骨架碎屑组分、胶结物与自生矿物、成岩共生序列等岩石学特征进行了系统研究。研究表明,含片钠铝石砂岩的岩石类型为长石砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,粒度以细粒、细-中粒为主,分选差-中等。砂岩中胶结物主要为次生加大石英、自生石英、片钠铝石、铁白云石和粘土矿物。其中,片钠铝石最高可达砂岩总体积的22%在砂岩中或以放射状、束状、菊花状、杂乱毛发状、毛球状、板状等集合体充填孔隙,或呈束状和板状交代长石和岩屑。电子探针与INCA能谱综合分析表明,片钠铝石主要由Na、Al、O、C等组成。在含片钠铝石砂岩中,成岩共生序列依次为粘土矿物包壳-次生加大石英、自生石英、自生高岭石-油气充注-CO2充注-片钠铝石-铁白云石。其中,CO2注入前形成的自生矿物组合主要为次生加大石英、自生石英和自生高岭石,CO2注入后形成的自生矿物组合主要为片钠铝石和铁白云石。  相似文献   
Quaternary buried ancient river channels are widespread in the shallow-level sediments of the northern shelf of the South China Sea. The sedimentary sequence mainly of fluvial deposits comprise an important component part of the low-stand system tract and transgressive system tract in the study region. The plannar variation and spatial association of the sedimentary features such as incised valley fillings, deltaic foreset wedges and block slides of shelf-marginal fans reflect the palaeogeographic environment during the fall of the regional sea level in the northern part of the South China Sea. Based on the high-resolution seismic reflection data and gelogical data from boreholes, the present paper makes an integrated interpretation of the Quaternary ancient river channels in the shallow sediments of the study area, studies the sedimentary features of the ancient channels such as their spatial distribution, seismic facies reflection indicators, sedimentary facies and sand -body types, and discusses thei  相似文献   
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