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Various tectonic features are present in the Meso-Cenozoic basin units of the Sabina region (Central Apennines, Italy): Mio-Pliocene northeasterly verging thrusts are followed by Plio-Pleistocene, N-S oriented right-lateral strike-slip faults. Stable isotope geochemistry and examination of meso- and microstructures show that strain conditions differed through the course of tectonic history. Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of the calate-filled extensional fractures, the sigmoidal veins present between stylolitic cleavage surfaces, and fault plane surfaces with differing motion, demonstrate those different geneses.
The "C/'" C of the older calcite-filling fractures (present both in the thrust and the strike-slip systems) suggests a deposition from shallow, fresh water circulation. Furthermore, the calcite fill of en echelon systems, that occur in the southernmost Plio-Pleistocene units, is clearly the result of a more recent, right-lateral strike-slip movement, connected with shallow water circulation within Mesozoic limestones.
The sigmoidal vein fills are derived from solid-state pressure solution processes which were the result of strike-slip movement. The deformation pattern related to the older thrust system is similar, but less intense; this also demonstrates general recrystallization processes in a closed system.
This suggests that the total shortening of the deformed sections is lower than that obtained on the basis of solution on stylolitic planes, because a sigruficant volume of dissolved carbonates remained in the system.
Stable isotope analysis also confirms that the deformational history of strongly cleaved rocks in the Sabina region took place in two phases and that extensional fractures formed before stylolithic planes, as suggested by structural and field observations.  相似文献   
In the Alboran domain, two crustal-thickening late-orogenic extension cycles are superposed. The importance of the late Alpine thinning of the Alpujarride-Sebtide crustal section on top of the Beni Bousera peridotites is discussed here in metamorphic petrological terms. The Alpine metamorphism operated first under a HP–LT gradient, and reached the eclogite facies in the Permian–Triassic phyllites, before retrogression under a high geothermal gradient. A contrasting, higher temperature metamorphism characterizes the pre-Permian section, reaching the HP-granulite facies at the bottom of the crustal section. By reference to the western European setting, the granulites relate to the Hercynian orogeny, as supported by the isotopic ages of the enclosed, armoured monazite crystals. Thus, thinning of an overthickened crust might have occurred there during the late Hercynian extension and Tethyan opening, before being reactivated during the late Oligocene.  相似文献   
On periodic flybys of the moon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper considers the plane circular restricted three-body problem for small . Symmetric periodic solutions of the second species (passing near the body of mass ) and their distance from the center of the body of mass are studied by constructing perturbations of arc-solutions (solutions with consecutive collisions) existing for =0. Orbits which also pass near the body of mass 1- are studied in detail. The results are applied to finding periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon system and in the Sun-Jupiter system.Russian version: Preprint No. 91 (1978) of Inst. Appl. Math.; present English translation was made by L. M. Perko and W. C. Schulz (February 1979).  相似文献   
The Borborema Province (BP) of northeastern Brazil is a complex crustal assemblage, which has undergone a polycyclic evolution during the Proterozoic. In the Piancó-Alto Br??gida belt, a metamorphosed leucosome vein inserted in amphibolites has a trace element pattern suggesting a T-MORB protolith. Apatites yield a REE pattern indicating growth in equilibrium with garnet, thus pointing to its metamorphic origin. UPb analyses yield an age of 540±5 Ma interpreted as a cooling age following amphibolite facies regional metamorphism associated with granitic emplacement at ca. 580 Ma. The resulting slow cooling rates (ranging from ca. 2.5 to 5 °C Ma?1) are consistent with underplating of mafic magmas, or crustal thickening caused by nappe stacking, as possible processes governing the metamorphic evolution of the BP. To cite this article: B. Dhuime et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
The room-temperature Raman spectra of aragonite, magnesite and dolomite have been recorded up to 30 GPa and 25 GPa, respectively and no phase changes were observed during compression, unlike calcite. The effect of temperature on the room-pressure Raman spectra of calcite, aragonite, magnesite and dolomite is reported up to 800–1100 K. The measured relative pressure and temperature-shifts of the Raman lines are greater for the lattice modes than for the internal modes of the CO3 groups. These shifts are used to calculate the mode anharmonic parameters of the observed Raman modes; they are negative and their absolute values are smaller (close to 0) for the internal CO3 modes than for the lattice modes (4–17 10?5 K?1). The temperature shifts of the lattice modes in calcite are considerably larger than those for dolomite and magnesite, and a marked non-linear increase in linewidth is observed above 400° C for calcite. This is consistent with an increasing relaxational component to the libration of the CO3 groups about their threefold axes, premonitory to the rotational order-disorder transition at higher temperature. This behaviour is not observed for the other calcite structured minerals in this study. We examine systematic variations in the lattice mode frequencies and linewidths with composition, to begin to understand these differences in their anharmonic behaviour. Finally, we have used a simple Debye-Waller model to calculate atomic displacements in calcite, magnesite and dolomite with increasing temperature from the vibrational frequency data, to provide a direct comparison with atomic positional data from high-temperature structure refinements.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of projecting future climate from ensembles of regional climate model (RCM) simulations using results from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP). To this end, we develop a hierarchical Bayesian space-time model that quantifies the discrepancies between different members of an ensemble of RCMs corresponding to present day conditions, and observational records. Discrepancies are then propagated into the future to obtain high resolution blended projections of 21st century climate. In addition to blended projections, the proposed method provides location-dependent comparisons between the different simulations by estimating the different modes of spatial variability, and using the climate model-specific coefficients of the spatial factors for comparisons. The approach has the flexibility to provide projections at customizable scales of potential interest to stakeholders while accounting for the uncertainties associated with projections at these scales based on a comprehensive statistical framework. We demonstrate the methodology with simulations from the Weather Research & Forecasting regional model (WRF) using three different boundary conditions. We use simulations for two time periods: current climate conditions, covering 1971 to 2000, and future climate conditions under the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A2 emissions scenario, covering 2041 to 2070. We investigate and project yearly mean summer and winter temperatures for a domain in the South West of the United States.  相似文献   
Despite increased application of subsurface datasets below the limits of seismic resolution, reconstructing near‐surface deformation of shallow key stratigraphic markers beneath modern alluvial and coastal plains through sediment core analysis has received little attention. Highly resolved stratigraphy of Upper Pleistocene to Holocene (Marine Isotope Stage 5e to Marine Isotope Stage 1) alluvial, deltaic and coastal depositional systems across the southern Po Plain, down to 150 m depth, provides an unambiguous documentation on the deformation of previously flat‐lying strata that goes back in time beyond the limits of morphological, historical and palaeoseismic records. Five prominent key horizons, accurately selected on the basis of their sedimentological characteristics and typified for their fossil content, were used as highly effective stratigraphic markers (M1 to M5) that can be tracked for tens of kilometres across the basin. A facies‐controlled approach tied to a robust chronology (102 radiocarbon dates) reveals considerable deformation of laterally extensive nearshore (M1), continental (M2 and M3) and lagoon (M4 and M5) marker beds originally deposited in a horizontal position (M1, M4 and M5). The areas where antiformal geometries are best observed are remarkably coincident with the axes of buried ramp anticlines, across which new seismic images reveal substantially warped stratal geometries of Lower Pleistocene strata. The striking spatial coincidence of fold crests with the epicentres of historic and instrumental seismicity suggests that deformation of marker beds M1 to M5 might reflect, in part at least, syntectonically generated relief and, thus, active tectonism. Precise identification and lateral tracing of chronologically constrained stratigraphic markers in the 14C time window through combined sedimentological and palaeoecological data may delineate late Quaternary subsurface stratigraphic architecture at an unprecedented level of detail, outlining cryptic stratal geometries at the sub‐seismic scale. This approach is highly reproducible in tectonically active Quaternary depositional systems and can help to assess patterns of active deformation in the subsurface of modern alluvial and coastal plains worldwide.  相似文献   
We propose a novel pragmatic approach of in situ 15N and 13C isotope labelling of trees for subsequent litter decomposition and turnover studies under field conditions. Using this method the labelling of even large trees under natural conditions is possible and compared to tree labelling under artificial conditions in greenhouses the in situ approach is less expensive. 13C and 15N labelling were carried out simultaneously via photosynthesis by tree gassing with 13CO2 and by stem injection of 15NH415NO3. The aims of this study were: (i) to produce a sufficient quantity of labelled plant material for subsequent field incubation studies and (ii) to investigate the effectiveness and distribution of in situ 15N (15NH415NO3) and 13C (13CO2) labelling of Podocarpus falcatus, Croton macrostachys, Prunus africana and Cupressus lusitanica. The following targets need to be achieved: (i) Assuming almost natural litter fall conditions, enough labelled plant material must be produced in situ for the turnover experiment; (ii) intra-plant tracer enrichment shall be homogeneous; (iii) tracer enrichment should be comparable for different tree species; and (iv) tracer enrichment must be sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies using the stable isotope approach. Our results clearly demonstrated that several kilograms of labelled plant material can be produced in situ. For many ecosystems, this amount is sufficient for a long term litter turnover experiment on a field scale under almost natural litter fall conditions. However, intra-plant label uptake of 13C and 15N was heterogeneous so that only leaves (litter) should be used for the turnover study. It could be shown that only a part of the labile C and N fraction in the leaves was labelled. Nevertheless, label uptake was sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies.  相似文献   
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