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古特提斯造山带在华南两广交界地区的新证据   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
作者等在两广交界罗定一带新发现了中晚克生代的枕状熔岩和二叠-三叠纪的构造混杂岩,结合区域构造,分析并提出了钦州-岑溪-罗定-云浮构造混杂带的存在。它与全球古特提斯构造域的发育演化联系,故提出了两广交界地区存在古特提斯构造的分支带。  相似文献   
粤西深层次推覆构造带的成岩成矿规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵法锁  张伯友  庄宁  戚炜  宋飞 《工程地质学报》2002,10(S1):255-257,266
斜坡坡体空间运动的方向、形式、各不相同,有自上而下的平动,绕水平轴的立面旋转运动,也有绕铅直轴的平面旋转运动.笔者综合讨论坡体平面旋转运动特点,力学模式及稳定性分析评价方法等.  相似文献   
本文较为详细地研究了粤西深层次推覆构造带中岩石的垂向分带性,一是从外来系统—滑动系统—原地系统的垂向分带性;二是滑动系统内部从糜棱岩带—混合岩带—花岗岩带的垂向分带性;三是糜棱岩带、混合岩带内部的岩石垂向分带性。通过对矿物变形构造、剪切带摩擦生热及熔体强化变形的综合研究,讨论了滑动系统的复杂性与深层次推覆过程的动力变质作用和部分熔融的关系,强调了带中混合岩是由糜棱岩改造而成,花岗岩则可能是混合岩化的最终产物。  相似文献   
Southern Hunan Province is famous for its intensive rare, radioactive and other metal elements’ mineralizations. There is a relation between the basaltic rocks and mineralizations in space, time and ore-forming elements. The Jurassic-Cretaceous (204–81 Ma) basaltic rocks consists mainly of alkali-basalt and tholeiitic basalt formed in plate environment. Trace elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic compositions show that the regional mantle source was metasomatized shortly before the partial melting. The alkali basalt and tholeiitic basalt might be 3%–5% and 10%–15% of the partial melting of the enriched mantle source respectively. Obviously the enrichment of the regional mantle played an important role in formation of the large and super-large deposits in southern Hunan Province.  相似文献   
Haixiang  Zhang  Hecai  Niu  Hiroaki  Sato  Xueyuan  Yu  Qiang  Shan  Boyou  Zhang  Jun'ichi  Ito  Takashi  Nagao 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):55-68
Abstract   Volcanic rocks consisting of adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are found in the early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Group in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, northwest China. The geochemical characteristics of the andesitic and dacitic rocks in this area resemble that of adakites. The relatively high Al2O3, Na2O and MgO content and Mg values indicate that the adakites were generated in relation to oceanic slab subduction rather than the partial melting of basaltic crust. A slightly higher SrI and a lower ɛ Nd( t  = 375 Ma) compared to adakites of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) imply that slab sediments were incorporated into these adakites during slab melting. The Nb-enriched basalt lavas, which are intercalated in adakite lava suite, are silica saturated and are distinguished from the typical arc basalts by their higher Nb and Ti content (high field strength element enrichment). They are derived from the partial melting of the slab melt-metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite. Apparently, positive Sr anomalies and a slightly higher heavy rare earth element content in these adakites compared to their Cenozoic counterparts indicate that the geothermal gradient in the Paleo-Asian Oceanic subduction zone and the depth of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic slab melting are between those of their Archean and Cenozoic counterparts. The distribution of the adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, indicates that the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate subducted southward beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in the early Devonian period.  相似文献   
通过综合分析南沙海域地质地球物理资料,依照板块理论的层块思想,对南沙板内新生代沉积基底构造特征进行了剖析。在南沙板内划分出了南薇-安渡和礼乐-半月两套倾滑-层滑-走滑基底断裂系统及其所围限的相应的基底层块。从多元动力成因观出发,分析了南沙板内盆地的成因机制,提出中壳塑流作用是南沙板内盆地的主要成因动力。根据动力作用方式的不同,划分了南薇-安渡、费信-南华、礼乐-北巴拉望3个主要的板内盆地群。分别就南薇-安渡、礼乐-北巴拉望板内盆地群的成盆机制提出了“基底层块对向倾滑-拆离”和“基底层块单向倾滑-拆离”模式。本研究对全球构造分析和南沙海域油气资源勘查具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Qianlishan granite, which is closely related to the Shizhuyuan tungsten polymetallic mineralization, is aluminous alkali-type granite. The intimate temporal and spatial association among the basaltic, syenite and granitic rocks in the mining area, and their major and trace elements, and Nd, Pb, Sr, O isotopic compositions indicate that the crustal-mantle interaction probably was an important constraint on, and participated in, the formation of the superlarge ore deposit.  相似文献   
变质核杂岩是岩石圈伸展减薄的典型构造形式,也是研究岩石圈减薄机制的"窗口"。在大量前人研究的基础上,对华南中生代岩石圈减薄的时间与机制和华南变质核杂岩的研究现状进行了综述。变质核杂岩是华南中生代岩石圈伸展与减薄的重要产物,它在华南地区的广泛出现为讨论岩石圈伸展与减薄作用提供了重要约束。同位素地质年代统计表明,华南地区变质核杂岩主体形成与剥露的峰期介于140~120Ma的早白垩世,它们的出现与华南大规模岩石圈减薄、岩浆活动及大规模成矿作用的时间非常吻合。本文还介绍了一些关于变质核杂岩和岩石圈减薄机制研究的最新进展,这些研究进展表明,加强对变质核杂岩等伸展构造的研究,对研究岩石圈板块演化的时间、机制、运动学,进而建立更加完善的岩石圈演化模型具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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