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Résumé Une série de profils de sismique réflexion effectués au large de la Tunisie et dans le détroit sardano-tunisien aboutissent à l'élaboration d'un schéma géologique interprétatif dans lequel nous replaçons le socle paléozoïque et sa couverture autochtone (Eocène et plio-quaternaire) et allochtone (nappe numidienne). Nous discutons ensuite des manifestations néotectoniques (bassins d'effondrements plio-quaternaires-mouvement de flexure-surrections locales-venues intrusives). Enfin la nature du substratum du détroit sardano-tunisien est discutée en liaison avec les hypothèses dynamiques et statiques relatives à la formation de la Méditerranée occidentale.
Serial seismic reflection profiles off Tunisia and between Sardinia and Tunisia are presented. Interpretation is given which includes paleozoïc basement and its autochtonous (Eocene and plioquaternary) and allochtonous (Numidian nappe) cover. Recent tectonic activity is discussed, (Plioquaternary foundered basins, flexure, local uplifts, intrusions). Then the nature of the basement of the Sardinia-Tunisia zone is discussed with respect to the various hypotheses on the region of the Western Mediterranean.
The physical properties of the hydrous phyllosilicate lizardite have been investigated by atomistic simulation using the GULP code based on transferable semi-empirical interatomic potentials. Lizardite behavior was first investigated during structure relaxation at room temperature. The Helmholtz free energy is minimum for an equilibrium structure that is in agreement with experiment. The bulk, shear, and Young modulii for lizardite were calculated along with the Poisson ratio. From the shear and bulk modulii, we also calculated translational and longitudinal acoustic wave velocities that are important quantities for tectonophysics models. As expected, lizardite is stiffer in the a direction parallel to the layers than in the c perpendicular direction; the variation of the unit cell parameters with pressure is in good agreement with experiment. The cohesive energy between two successive layers along c direction was calculated at 0.33 eV (i.e., 0.11 eV per OH bond) in good agreement with recent ab initio calculations. Upon pressure and temperature variations, we evidenced that structural changes are mainly pressure induced; pressure being accommodated by a decrease of the c parameter up to 10 GPa. We also found that the change of slope in the derivative of the c cell parameter with respect to pressure occurring around 2 GPa originates from the bending of the interlayer hydroxyl groups with respect to the layer normal direction.  相似文献   
The aim of the Japanese-French Kaiyo 87 cruise was the study of the spreading axis in the North Fiji Basin (SW Pacific). A Seabeam and geophysical survey allowed us to define the detailed structure of the active NS spreading axis between 16° and 22° S and its relationships with the left lateral motion of the North Fiji Fracture Zone. Between 21° S and 18°10′ S, the spreading axis trends NS. From 18°10 S to 16°40 S the orientation of the spreading axis changes from NS to 015°. North of 16°40′ S the spreading axis trends 160°. These two 015° and 160° branches converge with the left lateral North Fiji fracture zone around 16°40′ S to define an RRFZ triple junction. Water sampling, dredging and photo TV deep towing give new information concerning the hydrothermal activity along the spreading axis. The discovery of hydrothermal deposits associated with living communities confirms this activity.  相似文献   
During the SOPACMAPS 2 crusie carried out by IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer) and ORSTOM (Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le dévelopement en Coopération) on theR/V L'Atalante, in the Central Solomon Arc area, multibeam bathymetric and imagery data and single-channel seismic reflection profiles were collected from an area of about 3500 km2, to evaluate regional tectonics. Structural data geophysical profiles interpretation provide evidence for left-lateral transtensional tectonics on the southern edge of the Central Solomon Trough. This transtensional deformation is represented by faulting, block tilting, and rhombohedral deformation. The regional geology and the analysis of the sedimentary cover allow us to demonstrate that this tectonic occurred in two different phases during Oligocene to Miocene and Pliocene to Pleistocene times.  相似文献   
One of the two objectives of the Vemanaute cruise of the French deep submersible Nautile, was the geological study of the eastern intersection area between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the Vema Fracture Zone in the equatorial Atlantic. Fourteen dives were conducted that allowed detailed geological survey and sampling of the main morphostructural units of this area: the northern and southern walls of the fracture zone, the median ridge, the northern and southern troughs and the nodal basin. In situ observations of recent tectonic features such as furrows, ridges and circular depressions, concentrated within the southern trough, allowed us to establish the location and the size of the present-day displacement zone. Geological investigations have shown that the nodal basin is entirely floored by basalts thus contrasting with other equivalent areas such as the Kane and Oceanographer fracture zone-MAR eastern intersections. Finally, this study stresses the great opposition between the relatively old and tectonically inactive northern part of the fracture, and the southern part which shows active tectonics and recent volcanic activity.  相似文献   
The results of 26 dives with the diving saucer Cyana in the Gulf of Tadjoura and Ghoubbet al Kharab (Republic of Djibouti) are presented. One can demonstrate that the sites of recent volcanism, tectonics and hydrothermal activity within the axial part of the Gulf of Tadjoura coincide with topographic highs trending at a high angle (azimuth 135°) with respect to the average trend of the axial trough of the Gulf (azimuth 080°). The highs owe their relief to both volcanism and normal faulting along a trend of 130–140°. Recent faulting on the bounding walls of the axial trough is also found along a trend of 130–140° where the faults interfere with another set of apparently older faults trending 070° parallel to the axial trough. Spacing between the active zones of the Gulf is regular and about 30 km. No evidence for transform faulting has been found, in contradiction to all previous kinematic models of the Gulf of Tadjoura. There is evidence that the presently active phase of opening associated with 130–140° faults is less than 0.7 my old and that there was an older phase associated with 070°–080° faults creating the main trough of the Gulf. The basaltic lavas created during the two phases have evolved from transitional to tholeiitic.  相似文献   
A recent swath-bathymetry and geophysical survey of the R/V L'Atalante in the Fairway Basin between Australia and New Caledonia allowed to confirm the Cretaceous age of the creation of the basin by continental stretching. This first stage of opening of the Fairway Basin is associated with the deposition of a continuous salt/mud layer feeding today numerous diapirs, some of them piercing the 3 to 4 km thick sedimentary cover and reaching the seafloor. In close link with this salt/mud layer a Bottom Simulating Reflector indicator of gas hydrates level occupies a 70000 km2 surface at about 500 to 600 m-depth beneath the sea floor. The coexistence of both BSR and diapirs suggests a thermogenic better than biogenic origin for the gas hydrates horizon.  相似文献   
The Central Spreading Ridge (CSR) is located in the central part of the North Fiji Basin, a complex back-arc basin created 12 Ma ago between the Pacific and Indo-Australian plates. The 3.5 Ma old CSR is the best developed, for both structure and magmatism, of all the spreading centers identified in the basin, and may be one of the largest spreading systems of the west Pacific back-arc basins. It is more than 800 km long and 50–60 km wide, and has been intensively explored during the French-Japanese STARMER project (1987–1991).The CSR is segmented into three first order segments named, from north to south, N160°, N15° and N-S according to their orientation. This segmentation pattern is similar to that found at mid-ocean ridges. The calculated spreading rate is intermediate and ranges from 83 mm/yr at 20°30 S to 50 mm/yr at 17°S. In addition, there is a change in the axial ridge morphology and gravity structure between the northern and southern sections of the CSR. The axial morphology changes from a deep rift valley (N160° segment), to a dome split by an axial graben (N15° segment) and to a rectangular flat top high (N-S segment). The Mantle Bouguer Anomalies obtained on the northern part of the CSR (N160°/N15° segments) show bull's eye structures associated with mantle upwelling at the 16°50S triple junction and also in the middle of the segments. The Mantle Bouguer Anomalies of the southern part of the ridge (N-S segment) are more homogeneous and consistent with the observed smooth topography associated with axial isostatic compensation.At these intermediate spreading rates the contrast in bathymetry and gravity structure between the segments may reflect differences in heat supply. We suggest that the N160° and N15° segments are cold with respect to the hot N-S segment. We use a non-steady-state thermal model to test this hypothesis. In this model, the accretion is simulated as a nearly steady-state seafloor spreading upon which are superimposed periodic thermal inputs. With the measured spreading rate of 50 mm/yr, a cooling cycle of 200,000 yr develops a thermal state that permits to explain the axial morphology and gravity structure observed on the N160° segment. A spreading rate of 83 mm/yr and a cooling cycle of 120,000 yr would generate the optimal thermal structure to explain the characteristics of the N-S segment. The boundaries between the hot N-S segment and its cold bounding segments are the 18°10 S and 20°30 S propagating rifts. A heat propagation event along the N-S segment at the expense of the adjacent colder failing segments, can explain the sharp changes in the observed morphology and structure between the segments.  相似文献   
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