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Relative dispersion in the Liguro-Provençal basin (a subregion of the Mediterranean Sea) is investigated using clusters of surface drifters deployed during two Marine Rapid Environment Assessment (MREA) experiments covering different months in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The clusters have initial radii of less than 1 km, or an order of magnitude below a typical deformation radius (approximately 10-20 km). The data set consists of 45 original pairs and more than 50 total pairs (including chance ones) in the spatial range between 1 and 200 km. Relative dispersion is estimated using the mean square separation of particle pairs and the Finite Scale Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs). The two metrics show broadly consistent results, indicating in particular a clear exponential behaviour with an e-folding time scale between 0.5 and 1 days, or Lyapunov exponent ?? in the range of 0.7-1 days−1. The exponential phase extends for 4-7 days in time and between 1 and 10-20 km in separation space. To our knowledge, this is only the third time that an exponential regime is observed in the world ocean from drifter data. This result suggests that relative dispersion in the Liguro-Provençal basin is nonlocal, namely controlled mainly by mesoscale dynamics, and that the effects of the sub-mesoscale motions are negligible in comparison. NCOM model results are used to complement the data and to quantify errors arising from the sparse sampling in the observations.  相似文献   
In order to determine the effect of Eulerian spatial resolution on the two particle statistics of synthetic drifter trajectories, we examine a hierarchy of ocean models, starting from 2D turbulence simulations, progressing to idealized simulations of a buoyant coastal jet with ROMS, and finally to realistic HYCOM simulations of the Gulf Stream. In each case, particle dispersion at large time and space scales is found to be controlled by energetic meso-scale features of the flow that are relatively insensitive to the resolution of finer scale motions. In all cases, time-distance graphs given in terms of computed Finite Scale Lyapunov Exponents show an expected increase in the extent of exponential scaling with increasing spatial smoothing of the velocity field. The limiting value of the FSLE at small separation distances is found to scale remarkably well with the resolution of Eulerian velocity gradients as given by the average of positive Okubo–Weiss parameter values.  相似文献   
Design method for local load on a geosynthetic reinforced soil structure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents a method for the design of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures, adapted for the case of a local surcharge load. The load has an important influence on the mechanical behaviour of the reinforcement. The basic calculation method is described and a design calculation method is proposed for the case of a locally loaded structure. This new approach is validated on the basis of experimental results obtained on several full-scale embankments, locally loaded to failure. These experimental results are compared to the results of calculation with partial safety factors from Eurocode 7.  相似文献   
The end of continental growth by TTG magmatism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation to improve trajectory prediction using Lagrangian data is presented. The velocity field of a data assimilating model, EAS-16, is corrected using drifter observations taken during an experiment off Taiwan. The results are tested using another independent Lagrangian data set provided by sonobuoys launched in the same area. The latter have instrument chains that extend well into the water column. Consequently the corrected model velocities were projected into the water column in order to calculate sonobuoy trajectories. The drifter and sonobuoy trajectories both show two distinct regimes in the considered area of approximately 1/2° square. One regime is dominated by shelf dynamics, the other by meandering of the Kuroshio, with a sharp boundary dividing the two. These two regimes are not reproduced by the trajectories of the EAS-16 model. When the drifter data are blended with the model velocities, synthetic sonobuoy trajectories track the observed ones much better, and the two regimes are clearly depicted. Two different methods for the velocity reconstruction are tested. One is based on a variational approach and the other on a normal mode decomposition. Both methods show qualitatively similar improvements in the prediction of sonobuoys trajectories, with a quantitative improvement in the total rms error of approximately 50% and 25%, respectively.  相似文献   
In late summer 2005 a mass coral bleaching event occurred in the Caribbean. Here we quantify coral bleaching in Barbados at six sites on the island’s sheltered west and exposed southwest coasts, including nearshore fringing and patch reefs and offshore bank reef habitats. Onset of coral bleaching occurred in late August 2005 and persisted for many months after temperatures cooled. All reef habitats and virtually all coral taxa were affected, with an average of 70.6% of all colonies bleaching. Nearshore reefs (<10 m depth) were affected more severely than offshore deeper reefs (>15 m) with an average of 80.6% of all coral colonies bleaching compared with 60.5% on the latter. Inter-species variation in susceptibility to bleaching was marked with >90% of colonies bleaching in some species whilst <10% bleached in others. Follow-up surveys revealed low coral mortality, with an overall mean of 3.8% partial colony death across all species and reefs by February 2006. However, bleached condition has persisted with a mean of 37.7% of all coral colonies still bleached after 5 1/2 months, indicating that loss of live coral is likely to continue for some time. This event represents the most severe bleaching episode ever witnessed on Barbados’ reefs and emphasises the vulnerability of small island states, with a high reliance on healthy coral reef ecosystem services, to elevated sea water temperatures associated with climate variability and global climate change.  相似文献   
The Seram Trough is located in the northern part of the Banda Arc-Australian collision zone in eastern Indonesia and is currently the site of contraction between the Bird's Head of New Guinea and Seram Island. It has been interpreted as a subduction trench, an intra-continental thrust zone and foredeep, and a zone of strike-slip faulting. Recently acquired 2D seismic lines clarify its tectonic evolution and relationship to the Bird's Head. Folding in the Early Pliocene formed an anticlinorium running from Misool to the Onin Peninsula of Irian Jaya and produced a newly recognised angular unconformity. The unconformity truncates sediments as old as Middle Jurassic and is an ancient topographic surface with significant relief. It was later folded and now dips south towards the trough where it is covered by up to 3 km of sediments. Initial tilting of the unconformity surface was accompanied by deposition of a transgressive sequence which can be traced into the trough. This is overlain by two sequences which prograde towards the trough. These sequences show progressive rotation of the unconformity surface, gravitational displacement of sediments into the trough, and thrusting which continues to the present day. Contraction occurred in the trough after the Early Pliocene and is younger than the previously suggested Late Miocene age. Thrust faults in the trough deform sediments deposited above the unconformity and detach at the unconformity surface. On Seram thrust faults repeat Mesozoic–Miocene sequences and probably detach at their contact with metamorphic basement. The detachment surface must cut through the Mesozoic-Miocene sequence between Seram and the trough. This work suggests the Seram Trough is not a subduction trench but a foredeep produced in response to loading by the developing fold and thrust belt of Seram, with an associated peripheral bulge to the north. The Seram Trough is interpreted to be a very young zone of thrusting within the Australian continental margin.  相似文献   
We examine the issue of sustained measurements of sea level in the coastal zone, first by summarizing the long-term observations from tide gauges, then showing how those are now complemented by improved satellite altimetry products in the coastal ocean. We present some of the progresses in coastal altimetry, both from dedicated reprocessing of the radar waveforms and from the development of improved corrections for the atmospheric effects. This trend towards better altimetric data at the coast comes also from technological innovations such as Ka-band altimetry and SAR altimetry, and we discuss the advantages deriving from the AltiKa Ka-band altimeter and the SIRAL altimeter on CryoSat-2 that can be operated in SAR mode. A case study along the UK coast demonstrates the good agreement between coastal altimetry and tide gauge observations, with root mean square differences as low as 4 cm at many stations, allowing the characterization of the annual cycle of sea level along the UK coasts. Finally, we examine the evolution of the sea level trend from the open to the coastal ocean along the western coast of Africa, comparing standard and coastally improved products. Different products give different sea level trend profiles, so the recommendation is that additional efforts are needed to study sea level trends in the coastal zone from past and present satellite altimeters. Further improvements are expected from more refined processing and screening of data, but in particular from the constant improvements in the geophysical corrections.  相似文献   
Seasonality of the submesoscale dynamics in the Gulf Stream region   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Frontogenesis and frontal instabilities in the mixed layer are known to be important processes in the formation of submesoscale features. We study the seasonality of such processes in the Gulf Stream (GS) region. To approach this problem, a realistic simulation with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model is integrated for 18 months at two horizontal resolutions: a high-resolution (1/48°) simulation able to resolve part of the submesoscale regime and the full range of mesoscale dynamics, and a coarser resolution (1/12°) case, in which submesoscales are not resolved. Results provide an insight into submesoscale dynamics in the complex GS region. A clear seasonal cycle is observed, with submesoscale features mostly present during winter. The submesoscale field is quantitatively characterized in terms of deviation from geostrophy and 2D dynamics. The limiting and controlling factor in the occurrence of submesoscales appears to be the depth of the mixed layer, which controls the reservoir of available potential energy available at the mesoscale fronts that are present most of the year. Atmospheric forcings are the main energy source behind submesoscale formation, but mostly indirectly through mixed layer deepening. The mixed layer instability scaling suggested in the (Fox-Kemper et al., J Phys Oceanogr 38:1145–1165, 2008) parametrization appears to hold, indicating that the parametrization is appropriate even in this complex and mesoscale dominated area.  相似文献   
During the past decade the work of ISO/REMCO, the International Organization for Standardization’s Technical Committee on Reference Materials, was dedicated to achieving global harmonisation, and true involvement of the member countries. The first major accomplishment was the clarification of the terminology in the definitions for reference material and certified reference material, which were published as an amendment to ISO Guide 30 in 2008. The next milestone was the recognition that ISO Guide 34 (‘General requirements for the competence of reference material producers’) be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17025 for the accreditation of reference material producers. The third edition of ISO Guide 34 published in November 2009, clarifies the acceptable procedures for the certification of reference materials. This paper will discuss the role of ISO/REMCO in formalising the procedures for the accreditation of reference material producers and the evolution of the terms reference material and certified reference material. The paper will conclude with a case study, where a primary method in a single laboratory – one of the recognised acceptable metrologically valid procedures according to ISO Guide 34 – was used for the certification of reference materials. The reference materials are South African Reference Material SARM 2 (Syenite), SARM 3 (Lujavrite) and SARM 4 (Norite) from the suite of six NIMROCs that were originally certified by the Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) in South Africa in the 1970s.  相似文献   
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